• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is BTS' most vulnerable and mature album so far.. it starts with a nostalgic, bittersweet note with Life goes on and ends on a happy energetic note with Dynamite.. The first half of the album is melancholic given the concept and nature of the album and the second half is hopeful and bright.. This was a source of comfort for me and I am sure for BTS as well in this time of crisis. Loved it. Expand
  2. Nov 21, 2020
    Very comforting and soothing music. Every songs are well produced with high quality massages and lyrics
  3. Nov 21, 2020
    The message behind it is so comforting, the lyrics are pretty deep even when the beat is fun. It's different side that we don't see often at all from artists. And every single member participated in the making of this album from lyrics, melodies, concepts, album cover, styling.... even directing the music video. It's a very, very good album I really love it.
  4. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the album, besides containing wonderful songs, discusses what it is like to stay at home during this difficult time. Extremely talented. perfect album. Expand
  5. Nov 21, 2020
    I's amazing, new and... like take nirvana.

    Eles se superaram, como sempre, algo novo e não esperado.
  6. Nov 21, 2020
    An album fully depicting the emotions of quarantine; from the feeling of hopelessness, to the celebration of achieving something during quarantine (small or big) and finally to the feeling of having hope for a better future where everything gets better. Truly setting the bar higher for any musicians in the scene.
  7. Nov 21, 2020
    'BE' bize hayatın devam ettiğini en güzel şekilde anlatıyor. Bu zor günlerde iyileştirici ve sakinleştirici şarkılara ihtiyacımız vardı ve 'BE' bu ihtiyacımızı çok iyi karşıladı.
  8. Nov 21, 2020
    O album em poucas faixas te da conforto e segurança e no decorrer vai mudando para uma faixas mais animadas, isso te anima, e te deixa com vontade de viver, de ter momentos felizes, são 6 faixas que possuem mais diversidade e conceito que muitos full álbuns. Skit uma comemoração em meio a tanta coisa ruim e Dynamite um hit que é incrível. Um album perfeito.
  9. Nov 21, 2020
    Album, muito bem feito, letras expressivas, so tenho a elogiar. Otimo para escutar nos dias chuvosos e quando queremos apreciar a vida.
  10. Nov 21, 2020
    Pura coesão aclamação e conceito Como sempre as lendas entregando tudo o que prometem
  11. Nov 21, 2020
    Es un álbum muy hermoso con mucho significado, me encanta como quieren transmitir por medio de ellos siendo ya tan famosos, para ayudar a otras personas, son algo de lo que en pocos artistas se encuentra.
  12. Nov 21, 2020
    This album is like a warm hug, it's like "okay, everything is messed up right now, but keep believing everything is going to be alright"
  13. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum cheio de amor, feito para cada ser humano entender que por mas difícil que esteja sendo viver com essa PANDEMIA temos que entender que a vida ela continua e que devemos vivê-la da melhor forma possível porém com cuidado e atenção a nossa saúde e a do nosso próximo. O BTS literalmente pôs sua alma neste álbum BE e espero que todos dêem muito carinho e bastante amor ♥️ Expand
  14. Nov 21, 2020
    Amazing album :) Beautifully written and produced album. Life Goes On, Blue&Grey and Dis-ease are my favorite
  15. Nov 21, 2020
    É o melhor álbum que já ouvi, as músicas trazem uma energia incrível! O grupo se uniu para escrever letras que nos conforta. Eles mostram que se identificam conosco, que sabem que estamos cansados da quarentena e que tem sido difícil para todos. Mas a ideia principal é que a vida continua e temos que continuar também.
  16. Nov 21, 2020
    Maravilhoso! Tudo o que as pessoas precisavam nesse tempo difícil. E possui faixas de vários gêneros que agradará a todos.
  17. Nov 21, 2020
    This is an amazing album, they are doing a great job and spreading their word of comfort during these difficult times.
  18. Nov 21, 2020
    O álbum é como se fosse por um, uma música puxa a outra e sempre nos mantém com uma sensação reconfortante e nostálgica.
  19. Nov 20, 2020
    2020 está sendo um ano atípico para todo o planeta. De repente fomos alertados para ficarmos em casa e nos protegermos de uma doença desconhecida. Abruptamente fomos retirados da nossa vida cotidiana. Nesse caos nasce o BE.
       'Life goes on' deixa explícito já no título a principal mensagem do álbum: a vida continua. A faixa é uma mensagem de esperança para aqueles que se sentem
    2020 está sendo um ano atípico para todo o planeta. De repente fomos alertados para ficarmos em casa e nos protegermos de uma doença desconhecida. Abruptamente fomos retirados da nossa vida cotidiana. Nesse caos nasce o BE.
       'Life goes on' deixa explícito já no título a principal mensagem do álbum: a vida continua. A faixa é uma mensagem de esperança para aqueles que se sentem angustiados pela nova realidade com os versos "Como um eco na floresta/Outro dia virá/Como se nada tivesse acontecido/Sim, a vida continua".
       'Fly to my room' é uma música um pouco mais alegre, mas ainda angustiante. A unit de Jimin, V, Suga e J-Hope é perfeitamente colocada em sequência da faixa principal. Um momento para enxugar as lágrimas e se preparar para a mais pesada do álbum, 'Blue & Grey'.
       Com versos como "Eu só quero ser mais feliz/Derreter o frio em mim", o grupo faz um desabafo sobre os sentimentos na quarentena. "Não diga que está tudo bem/Porque não está/Por favor não me deixe sozinho, dói demais" é devastador.    Finalmente 'Skit' chega. Nessa esquete, os 7 membros conversam sobre o recente alcançado primeiro lugar na principal parada dos Estados Unidos, a Billboard Hot 100. Mesmo com tudo de ruim que esteja acontecendo nas nossas vidas, saber aproveitar esses momentos de felicidade é essencial, e é esse o rumo que o BE segue.
      'Telepathy' é a próxima faixa e ela carrega uma mensagem otimista. A faixa retro pop celebra a conexão mesmo que a distância com versos como "Mesmo que eu não esteja ao seu lado, sim/Sabemos que estamos juntos".
      'Dis-ease', de nome curioso, tem uma das minhas pontes favoritas do BTS. Os vocais do Jungkook se destacam de maneira impecável. A música numa batida alegre é um desabafo sobre a exaustão com o trabalho. "O fato de existirem mais de 400 tipos de doença mental/Então não existem muitas pessoas que não tenham uma".   'Stay' é uma faixa calorosa e embalada em uma batida de Future House. É alegre para deixar nossos corpos aquecidos para a próxima faixa: o smash hit global Dynamite. Não há muito a se falar, pois a canção alegre é um fim justo ao álbum super intimista da banda global. Eles encerram o BE dançando e cantando, ressoando a esperança por dias melhores.
      Assim, BE é uma mensagem de conforto. No álbum o BTS diz - talvez para eles mesmos - que não há problemas em se sentir triste e que dias melhores, em que tudo o que estamos vivenciando não passará de uma memória distante. Tomara que os fãs se sintam tão acolhidos quanto eu.  PERDÃO QUALQUER ERRO DE PORTUGUÊS, É QUE EU TÔ COM SONO.
  20. Nov 21, 2020
    This BTS’ self-produced album proves magnificent potential and talent they have.
    Even though there are a lot of Korean lyrics in tracks, i would overcome the language barrier with just a few translations to read these beautiful lyrics.
    Great job, BTS.
  21. Nov 21, 2020
    A beautifully arranged album that, despite the varying genres, is exceptionally cohesive from start to finish. The stories told through the songs will likely ring familiar to the listener as the world faces the pandemic. Understanding the songs may bring an ache very alike to longing but there is also assurance that one may find solace in.
  22. Nov 21, 2020
    Another masterpiece by BTS. It’s perfect for this year, perfect for this weather and perfect after Dynamite. Brought me so much joy and comfort. Best tracks in my opinion: Life Goes On and Blue & Grey.
  23. Nov 21, 2020
    BE feels raw, there is this wonderful contrast within the album, melancholy and upbeat; laid back and hype. BTS have managed to make this Album diverse and detailed without making it jarring, every song complements the next and the inclusion of the skit breaks up the ruminating more traditional pop/ballads to the more exploitive upbeat second half. This Album does what Map of the Soul 7BE feels raw, there is this wonderful contrast within the album, melancholy and upbeat; laid back and hype. BTS have managed to make this Album diverse and detailed without making it jarring, every song complements the next and the inclusion of the skit breaks up the ruminating more traditional pop/ballads to the more exploitive upbeat second half. This Album does what Map of the Soul 7 failed to, it was concise and collected , there is absolutely no fat so every song is their best of the best. The real stand outs are Blue and Grey and Dis-ease, well produced, expertly written and in complete contrast to one another.
    The Album is short and sweet, beautifully crafted and expertly delivered. There is nothing that in my eyes could improve it and on top of all of this it is unexpected in the best ways, I cant in good conscience give it anything but a 10.
  24. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse álbum contém tudo que uma pessoa precisa nessa quarentena. Conforto, ombro amigo pra chorar e forças pra continuar. Eles foram tão puros com os sentimentos nas letras que parece que somos amigos próximos se aconselhando a não desistir e pensar sempre que 'a vida continua' . Todo mundo deveria ouvir e ler independente de ser fã ou não.
  25. Nov 21, 2020
    Honest. Minimal. Well-crafted. The tracks progress so well with each listen. This album is undoubtedly a gift of well chosen genre of music. One of their best albums.
  26. Nov 21, 2020
    It really is a love letter to us. It's incredibly beautiful and so BTS. It goes from alternative hip hop to some retro 80's vibes. This is album is their way to give us comfort through this year
  27. Nov 21, 2020
    As músicas são bem diversificadas, tem uma ótima sonoridade e passa uma mensagem incrível.
  28. Nov 21, 2020
    A calm beautiful album for comfort, one of their best works in my opinion. There is beauty in simplicity and bts has given us that with this genre bending album. i love it
  29. Nov 21, 2020
    The album has a healing vibe and some songs have an upbeat sound which also gives an energy boost to the whole album. Checking out the lyrics added a whole other layer and depth to the meaning of the songs.

    Personal fave : Telepathy for the uplifting beat
  30. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album talks a lot about what happened, it is something that identifies me not to mention the songs are tremendous art, it is a very good ambum, I love it very much Expand
  31. Nov 21, 2020
    this is my favourite album from BTS so far. Every song sounds fresh, and I don't think they've ever put out songs that sound the same. The diversity, lyrics, production on this album are perfect. It somehow made me love BTS more.
    I hope the western music industry and radio take them more seriously as musicians and not just a popular "phenomenon" because BTS work on their music and the
    this is my favourite album from BTS so far. Every song sounds fresh, and I don't think they've ever put out songs that sound the same. The diversity, lyrics, production on this album are perfect. It somehow made me love BTS more.
    I hope the western music industry and radio take them more seriously as musicians and not just a popular "phenomenon" because BTS work on their music and the members are some of the best producers/lyricists out there.
  32. Nov 21, 2020
    Incrível! Eu amei esse álbum! É maravilhoso!
  33. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. BE really a significant album, in each song we can be surprised with a unique feeling, it conveys peace and comfort, every time I listen I get more emotional, BTS has its differential because everything is done with true love for fans and passion for music Expand
  34. Nov 21, 2020
    The BTS members poured their heart and souls into this album, each song is filled with a wave of emotion and true struggles. This whole album is different from what BTS usually does, lyric wise they've always written about true experiences and have always added comfort songs for their fans, but this one album they truly displayed their emotions with no restraint, they displayed everyThe BTS members poured their heart and souls into this album, each song is filled with a wave of emotion and true struggles. This whole album is different from what BTS usually does, lyric wise they've always written about true experiences and have always added comfort songs for their fans, but this one album they truly displayed their emotions with no restraint, they displayed every single one of their hardships in such a simple and understandable way, that makes it seem like I can feel what they're feeling. This album isn't only good lyric wise but the instrumental and vocal arrangements are splendid. Safe to say this is my comfort album! Expand
  35. Nov 21, 2020
    Simple but effective. i love it the lyrics are amazing and it's really comforting, they always bring a story in their albums. this is why i love music.
  36. Nov 21, 2020
    Even if its a short release, 6 new songs, 1 skit and our already kown Dynamite, BE is great. My faves are Blue & Gray and Dis-ease. Congrats to the boys for this work!
  37. Nov 21, 2020
    BE é um álbum “ acolhedor” as músicas possui uma vive incrível é difícil de se descrever, mais uma vez BTS trazendo músicas apaixonantes é um tanto viciante, nunca decepciona.
  38. Nov 21, 2020
    They really outdid themselves with this album, so cohesive and beautifully put together. An album meant to comfort ARMY. You won't be able to get the message if you don't know BTS enough, tracks like Bue & Grey and Dis-ease stand out a lot to me. Every song is so enjoyable and beautiful, this is BE, this is BTS.
  39. Nov 21, 2020
    BE by BTS It is a masterpiece in every way, the songs on this album were created by the guys from BTS to console whoever enters this album due to all that as humanity we have had to face this year, the loneliness, the uncertainty, the fact that in fact we all had or have a mental illness that haunts us, basically it is an album that combines lyric and artistic composition together withBE by BTS It is a masterpiece in every way, the songs on this album were created by the guys from BTS to console whoever enters this album due to all that as humanity we have had to face this year, the loneliness, the uncertainty, the fact that in fact we all had or have a mental illness that haunts us, basically it is an album that combines lyric and artistic composition together with rhythms both catchy and a bit of alternative hip hop, funk, jazz, pop, edm, a true masterpiece. Expand
  40. Nov 21, 2020
    Extremamente perspicaz! Um álbum feito num tempo difícil pra suprir um momento difícil passado pela fãs, Obrigada BTS novamente pela profundidade das palavras!
  41. Nov 21, 2020
    Every song is so perfect. Definitely listen to it!! One of their best albums while listening to it i get emotional but also hopeful (:
  42. Nov 21, 2020
    As always, bts delivering impeccable work, an excellent discography to touch the heart and bring comfort to those who listen to their songs, addressing topics that we do not see often. I'm grateful to live at the same time as BTS and you can listen to your songs
  43. Nov 21, 2020
    artistas demais mana pisa menos pisa menos mana pea pisa menos parabens ai bts
  44. Nov 21, 2020
    the album starts with LIFE GOES ON, the title track. it's a beautifully portrayed song about feeling of being lost and anxious because of the current situations. the song captures all the emotions. album slowly progresses from sad and ballads to edm and happy music.
  45. Nov 21, 2020
    From the beautiful melodies to the complex lyrics filled with their genius wordplay, BTS never stop suprising us with high quality masterpieces that not everyone is ready to comprehend. sadly, the music industry and its inherent xenophobia is not ready to give space to the diversity of rhythms coming from a group that is proud to sing in korean since once they'd open the doors, the world'sFrom the beautiful melodies to the complex lyrics filled with their genius wordplay, BTS never stop suprising us with high quality masterpieces that not everyone is ready to comprehend. sadly, the music industry and its inherent xenophobia is not ready to give space to the diversity of rhythms coming from a group that is proud to sing in korean since once they'd open the doors, the world's eyes would only lay down on bangtan and the unique kind of art expression they are doing. Expand
  46. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. o álbum foi perfeitamente produzido com o máximo de carinho possível, cada faixa te trás uma sensação diferente, porém todas elas são ótimas, exatamente o que o mundo precisa agora Expand
  47. Nov 21, 2020
    A masterpiece, perfect for calming mood. BTS have outdone themselves. The title track is apt for the times
  48. Nov 21, 2020
    A healing, comforting album full of bops & soulful tracks that touches your heart during this trying times. The lyrics are heartfelt & the worplays are genius. The vocals & raps meld together perfectly. Like BagelBites tweet said, "BE feels like a love letter to the sadness and quiet triumphs of life in lockdown. Everything is different but they have bridged the entire world with aA healing, comforting album full of bops & soulful tracks that touches your heart during this trying times. The lyrics are heartfelt & the worplays are genius. The vocals & raps meld together perfectly. Like BagelBites tweet said, "BE feels like a love letter to the sadness and quiet triumphs of life in lockdown. Everything is different but they have bridged the entire world with a reminder that this is not forever and that there is always joy to be found in our little corners of it." Expand
  49. Nov 21, 2020
    Un álbum que da un abrazo cálido. La producción está increíble. Te recomiendo Life Goes On y Blue & Gray.
  50. Nov 21, 2020
    with light, sincere and lively melodies, BTS presented us with one of his best works last friday! the main differential of the album is the group’s power to fit into any genre without losing its essence, and songs like ‘telepathy’ and ‘dynamite’ managed to prove it. other tracks like “life goes on” and “blue and grey” further demonstrate their vulnerability and closeness of the group, towith light, sincere and lively melodies, BTS presented us with one of his best works last friday! the main differential of the album is the group’s power to fit into any genre without losing its essence, and songs like ‘telepathy’ and ‘dynamite’ managed to prove it. other tracks like “life goes on” and “blue and grey” further demonstrate their vulnerability and closeness of the group, to understand why they have won so many fans. BTS is a breath in pop music and you can see his talent. Expand
  51. Nov 21, 2020
    This album really had nothing going for it. I don't understand the hype at all, it was just generic and painfully bad.
  52. Nov 21, 2020
    “BE” is a healing album at such a terrible year, in which the world has stopped and time has lost its meaning. It includes every possible emotions we could have in the past year while exploring very different genre of music. I love how the album is just like a friend, who understands your worries and frustration, but at the same time cheer you up and tell you to stay hopeful. I especially“BE” is a healing album at such a terrible year, in which the world has stopped and time has lost its meaning. It includes every possible emotions we could have in the past year while exploring very different genre of music. I love how the album is just like a friend, who understands your worries and frustration, but at the same time cheer you up and tell you to stay hopeful. I especially love the title track “Life Goes On”, which also perfectly summarizes the feelings we all felt in the past year due to Covid, while at the same time reminds us that we must live on with the new normal. The whole album is raw and genuine, with very sincere messages told via amazingly produced music and lyrics. No skips at all. Love it and I could not think of a better way to end 2020 with this album. Expand
  53. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Unique. Out of all latest releases. Life Goes On is just what the world needs right now. Fly To My Room is a calm sound with incredible lyrics. Blue & Grey hits right home. It's emotional, relatable, yet comforting. Telepathy is where the album becomes brighter. Dis-ease is an old school hip-hop track with an impressive bridge. Skit is them celebrating their first #1 on the billboard hot100. Stay is an edm tack with incredibly emotional yet relatable lyrics. And Dynamite is of course our favorite global hit.

    Totally recommend this album. BTS outdid themselves in their first self-directed work.
  54. Nov 21, 2020
    BE is wonderful, very relaxing emotional and cleanses us from our worries. I recommend everyone to listen
  55. Nov 21, 2020
    Beautiful. The lyrics and melody are wonderful,and it makes people happy. Good music that can be heard at any time.
  56. Nov 21, 2020
    Be is an album that i didn't know that i needed before a listened. it is comforting. It is a simple album but very well done and of deep meaning
  57. Nov 21, 2020
    um dos melhores álbuns que o BTS já produziu, com músicas simbólicas e que representam tanto o fandon quando suas mensagens, eu simplesmente amei demais e estou apaixonado
  58. Nov 21, 2020
    This is the best album of their career. It is so personal and profound, you feel that your own reality (because of the pandemic) has been transformed into art. Their fame is understandable, they are the best at what they do
  59. Nov 21, 2020
    Músicas muitas das vezes um pouco parecidas, eles praticamente fizeram o álbum pra quererem hitar, mas faltou conceito
  60. Nov 21, 2020
    BE is an album full of comfort, with meaningful lyrics and such beautiful songs. album of the year for sure
  61. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's such a beautiful album, full of meanings and peace. the comfort I felt listening to the album is so great! Expand
  62. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the álbum it's perfect, the songs are extremely good and calm, makes you find the heart of your soul, for sure it was the biggest release this friday Expand
  63. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfeito esse álbum, os meninos colocaram toda sua alma e cada música traz um conforto lindo, simplismente amei. Expand
  64. Nov 21, 2020
    Um dos melhores álbuns do grupo, se percebe o quando ele é importante e bastante significativo. Cheio de emoções e mensagens reconfortantes nesse momento difícil em que o mundo está passando, lindas melodias. Esses meninos são grandes artistas!
  65. Nov 21, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
  66. Nov 21, 2020
    It's a good album with beautiful meaningful lyrics and soft melodies I love it so much I'm looking forward to their next album
  67. Nov 21, 2020
    Mais um album com a identidade do bts, mas fora da mesmice. Um album que eu não consigo parar de ouvir, o melhor.
  68. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse álbum têm uma sensibilidade inigualável. É verdadeiro, sentimental e reconfortante. Um álbum sobre você, sobre eu, sobre todos nós.
  69. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse álbum me transmitiu uma mensagem de conforto e paz. Todas as músicas são tão genuínas e cheias de esperança. As faixas do álbum tem melodias e ritmos tão variados e únicos, acho que isso é o que o torna tão aconchegante.
  70. Nov 21, 2020
    The album is wonderful. On this album, BTS brought wonderful styles, vocal, rap as well as impeccable production. It is impossible not to feel all the feelings they wanted to express with each track. The best thing is to know that all the production went through the hands of each one of them. Anyway, completely wonderful.
  71. Nov 21, 2020
    Okay i've been waiting for this album for a long time! and now i'm so glad that it's finally out and in the right time. in the middle of my hectic life schedule between work and the stress of the pandemic this album felt like a warm hug! i cried with life goes on and danced with telepathy and sobbed again with blue and grey! i'm just in love! thank you BTS
  72. Nov 21, 2020
    A completely innovative album from BTS, as always demonstrating and experimenting with different styles of art. The album 'BE' was made with the aim of bringing comfort to the fans who suffered during this pandemic and to show the members' intimacy (and this is revealed when we see that all the boys participated in the production of the album. Everyone participates in the songwriting , andA completely innovative album from BTS, as always demonstrating and experimenting with different styles of art. The album 'BE' was made with the aim of bringing comfort to the fans who suffered during this pandemic and to show the members' intimacy (and this is revealed when we see that all the boys participated in the production of the album. Everyone participates in the songwriting , and besides the music, they worked producing the MV, the costumes, among others ... which is something incredible, because BTS always excels, because they are their own parameter. The artistic view that bangtan has with music and with her preparation, it’s something incredible whether you like it or not, people have to recognize the dedication and talent. As an army, I couldn't help saying how much they and this album was important to me. The relationship between BTS and their fandom, is unique. Expand
  73. Nov 21, 2020
    This is just a great album my favourite track is blue and grey. This whole album is a masterpiece
  74. Nov 21, 2020
    It is comforting, I listen and I think that the bad times will soon pass and I am not alone. It's incredible.
  75. Nov 21, 2020
    Best Album of the year! The songs, the vibe, the aura of the album is soo fresh and meaningful. Every song has it's own style and meaning to it. As expected 10/10 by me. When it comes to bts they never disappoint.
  76. Nov 21, 2020
    I am so much in love with this album, it’s just not an album but my motivation to move on as it clearly says “Life Goes On”
  77. Nov 21, 2020
    The album is just amazing, the first 3 songs are very calming and after the skit the rest are really upbeat and it’s an amazing journey and caters to many tastes. i strongly recommend it, their best album yet.
  78. Nov 21, 2020
    Bts bring their deep fellings to this album and i am so proud of tem! This is a really good álbum!
  79. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing album with impeccable lyrics and beats as expected from them, I love how the first part of the album is kind of emotional and then you have the skit celebrating their #1 on hot100, and then you move to a brighter part of the album, it's almost as if "life goes on".
    They managed to express themselves, convey the messages they wanted to and comfort and cheer listeners up in the span of half an hour.
    The members also directed the albums by themselves so that was even more impressive (visual directing, video directing, project managing)
    Great job!!
  80. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album change my life, everytime that I click on the play. Thank you so much, BTS. You save my life. Expand
  81. Nov 21, 2020
    Their song never dissappointed me. The lyrics is so meaningfull and also soo relatable to my life.
  82. Nov 21, 2020
    Exactly what the world needed during a time that’s hard for all of us. A representation of emotions many of us experienced with this pandemic. Favorites? Life goes on, Telepathy, and Dis-ease.
  83. Nov 21, 2020
    This album calms my soul. I didn’t know how much I needed this right now until I listened to it for the first time. Hoping that spring will come once again
  84. Nov 21, 2020
    BE é um álbum revolucionário. Sem dúvidas o BTS e toda sua equipe fizeram um ótimo trabalho. Esse álbum não é voltado para o comercial e sim para confortar o coração de seus fãs nessa quarentena, por isso é tão especial.
    Espero que BE continue a quebrar records, então amis, continuem a dar suporte ao BTS. Fighting!
  85. Nov 21, 2020
    O álbum do ano. BTS se supera na musicalidade mais uma vez, mostrando novas batidas diferente de todas as outras, além de muito sentimento em cada letra, chega a ser difícil até mesmo para um fã expressar o quanto foi importante esse álbum, ele foi feito para os charts e para curar onde dói armys
  86. Nov 21, 2020
    This is for sure the best album I have ever heard in my entire life!!! My favorite songs are Life Goes On and Stay!
  87. Nov 21, 2020
    I love you so much BTS.I hope we are win.
    From ARMY
  88. Nov 21, 2020
    this album is the best. it's a real masterpiece. the art they do as always is awesome. 'life goes on' is a great track.
  89. Nov 21, 2020
    “Yeni normal” günlerinde cidden en ihtiyaç duyduğum şeydi. Tıpkı bir sarılmanın verdiği hissi veriyor
  90. Nov 21, 2020
    This is a pandemic special album with their most honest feelings they have experienced this pandemic poured into the album.The lyricism and wordplay in this album is absolutely beautiful as in always BTS album. The first part of the album is mellow and sad and second part of the album is sad but progresses to a brighter sound exploring different genres like old school hip-hop, retro pop,This is a pandemic special album with their most honest feelings they have experienced this pandemic poured into the album.The lyricism and wordplay in this album is absolutely beautiful as in always BTS album. The first part of the album is mellow and sad and second part of the album is sad but progresses to a brighter sound exploring different genres like old school hip-hop, retro pop, disco pop and future house. As always the album is genre blending. BTS making each genre their own. Personally my favourites are Blue and Grey, Dis-ease and Stay. Blue and grey is about anxiety and depression and Dis-ease is about the anxiety we feel from not being productive enough in this quarantine. Almighty knew I needed these songs in my life because I am not in a very good position mentally. Stay is about what they feel after not seeing their fans for so long. It's an album not about music experimentation and taking risks but about just simply giving comfort. Each verse in Dis-ease is so good and the lyrics and wordplay is top quality. The strongest point of a BTS album is the story they tell through their album and the lyrics of their music. I love the progression in this album and the lyrics of course. Expand
  91. Nov 21, 2020
    You don't have to love BTS to love and understand their music. I'm 26, 27 in next year and I feel like I have a friend when I listen their music, I feel calm, I feel like there's light and even if I'm sad or I'm losing hope, it will be fine. Just like Mono by Namjoon aka RM, BE makes you feel like you are not alone and you will be fine. One day. Just keep going... Life goes on
  92. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse álbum é um conforto pras esses tempos que estamos vivendo. Um trabalho realizado boa parte pelos membros, temos aí a essência deles, e não poderia ser mais perfeito. BE cura onde dói.
  93. Nov 21, 2020
    Album estremamente bem pensado, com musicas que conseguem que você sinta os sentimentos a que elas se propõem a te proporcionar.
  94. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is like a big ol hug that we all need in these times, a must listen album. With a great msg, Life Goes On Expand
  95. Nov 21, 2020
    One of their best albums yet! The whole album spells comfort and feels like a big warm hug from a friend which, we need but can't do because of the social distancing rules during this pandemic :((.
  96. Nov 21, 2020
    This iş a great album sjbsbsbdbdhdbdd dbdbdbdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdbdhhfbfbbfbfbfbfbdhdbdb
  97. Nov 21, 2020
    Eu sinceramente fui engolida por esse álbum, a profundidade de cada faixa te leva numa viagem completa, com altos e baixos assim como a vida é. Ao final eu me senti consolada e ao mesmo tempo como se tivesse colocado todos meus sentimentos pra fora. Nunca chorei tanto com um álbum. E não me arrependo, vai ser uma companhia eterna pra minha vida.
  98. Nov 21, 2020
    In these trying times, “BE” is what we exactly needed. The showcase of mellow, chill & laidback approach of the album highlighted the weight of the album in a way that it will comfort majority of the people listening to it. Life goes on, BTS said. It’s a cliche word but them—reminding it to us that we’re not alone in this journey we currently face, and that they too—having the means on theIn these trying times, “BE” is what we exactly needed. The showcase of mellow, chill & laidback approach of the album highlighted the weight of the album in a way that it will comfort majority of the people listening to it. Life goes on, BTS said. It’s a cliche word but them—reminding it to us that we’re not alone in this journey we currently face, and that they too—having the means on the things they want couldn’t carry the loneliness and uncertainties the pandemic caused speaks a lot for their artistry. The lead track may not be GP friendly since it’s not upbeat, bubblegum pop or people aren’t used to this kind of approach (LGO) but that is what you gotta appreciate in how they make music, the message is always important. It is evident that BTS has produced lyrically outstanding piece of music or album hence, “BE” has captivated hearts with their rawness, warmth and different approach in music especially in the KPOp scene where it’s always catchy/repetitive, dependent on bass and beats. Expand
  99. Nov 21, 2020
    All songs from the BE album is warm and soothing...It gives me a comfort feeling, of the fact that whatever happens in our lives...we must carry on with our life nd look for a better future
  100. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best album ever BTS is again going beyond the best. This is another dimension. almost gave me a heart attack. no one else could have done so well. A full album from Bts Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.