• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Nov 21, 2020
    I expected a lot from this album, and as always they exceded my expectations. It´s not just the lyrics, but the honest perspective on every song that makes you feel welcome.
    It feel short whereas you come to the end and wanna keep listening to more and more and at the same time this album feels like coming home after a long hard day and being recived with the best of hugs along a warm cup
    I expected a lot from this album, and as always they exceded my expectations. It´s not just the lyrics, but the honest perspective on every song that makes you feel welcome.
    It feel short whereas you come to the end and wanna keep listening to more and more and at the same time this album feels like coming home after a long hard day and being recived with the best of hugs along a warm cup of chocolate.
  2. Nov 21, 2020
    El álbum es tan único, no hay algún otro que se compare. Las canciones te transmiten sentimientos y emociones, son tan reconfortantes. Cada una con distinto ritmo, melodía y letra. Desde hip hop de la vieja escuela hasta una balada pop. BE es una montaña rusa de emociones...escúchala no te arrepentirás
  3. Nov 21, 2020
    I feel this album like a beautiful letter. All the songs have a message of comfort and hope in these times of isolation. Some tracks are slow, and others have hype. Are a mix of feelings, and I can't stop listening.
  4. Nov 21, 2020
  5. Nov 21, 2020
    Un álbum increíble, donde podemos pasar por distintos estados de ánimo pero siempre con letras tan significativas que nos reconfortan de una manera impresionante. Una pieza de arte que vale la pena escuchar sin duda alguna.
  6. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El álbum es realmente tranquilizador para el alma, incluso a mi familia le encanto, porque transmite esa paz y confort que en este momento es necesario. BTS hace arte de eso no hay duda y nunca nos decepciona! Expand
  7. Nov 21, 2020
    Este album es solo para las personas con buen gusto en la musica , lo mejor de lo mejor.
  8. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incluso si 'BE' es un álbum casual, puedo asegurar que tuvo un meticuloso proceso de elaboración. desde su estampado hasta las pistas que contiene el disco.
    Así tan rápido como el sol se aparece entre las montañas al amanecer; este trabajo se ha llevado todo mi cariño y me ha dejado más satisfecha que una buena cena de Navidad o Año Nuevo.

    'Life Goes On', la canción que comienza el álbum transmitiendo un atisbo de esperanza hacia el mundo, mientras expresa muchos de los sentimientos que muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado durante este inusual año, por lo que es sencillo identificarse y sentirse apegado a la canción. Las notas de guitarra acústica acompañada de ese ritmo alternativo de hiphop, transmiten a su vez sentimiento nostálgico lo cual termina por crear un ensamblaje perfecto.

    'Fly To My Room'; hablando de cómo quisieran dejar aquella reducida habitación, debido a que siente que está perdiendo la cabeza y que este año ha sido arrebatado de sus manos. La canción continúa, yendo de el pesimismo, hastío y resignación hasta el visto bueno de las cosas, soñar despierto y el comfort que desprende la habitación... Creando así una canción agridulce, que expresa con claridad las diferentes etapas y pensamientos presentes durante el confinamiento.

    'Blue & Grey', una balada que transmite un sentimiento nostálgico y quizás hasta doloroso. La canción narra el sentimiento de inconformidad y la búsqueda de mayor felicidad, que consiste en la compañía y la fuerte necesidad de sentirse acompañado (dejar de sentirse solitario y aburrido), utilizando la psicología del color para describirlo de manera metafórica.

    La siguiente pista en el listado –posterior a aquella pista eufórica de las primeras conversaciones compartidas tras el haber alcanzado el número uno en el Billboard Hot 100 por primera vez, en donde Yoongi afirma que se dedicará a la música por el resto de su vida– es 'Telepathy', una canción con elementos funky que sostiene una vibra divertida.

    Su letra habla de cómo, a pesar de la distancia, dos o más personas pueden mantenerse conectarse con sus corazones a través del inmenso y recíproco cariño que reside en estos. Es una canción divertida que definitivamente podría quedarse grabada en tu cabeza con facilidad, debido a lo pegadiza que puede llegar a ser.

    Durante la pista número seis, 'Dis-ease', BTS regresa a sus raíces con un poco de hiphop de la old school para hablar sobre pensamientos acerca de necesitar unas vacaciones y la constante y contraproducente necesidad de darlo todo sin tener fallo, incertidumbre y de deshacerse de la misma. 'Stay', una canción EDM, supuesta a formar parte del próximo proyecto en solitario de Jungkook. La canción tiene una vibra alegre, una canción que posiblemente podría escucharse durante una buena fiesta. La canción emite palabras acerca de estar consciente de que existe ese alguien que siempre se mantiene allí, en cualquier lugar y a pesar de todo, incluso si es a través de una pantalla y un tipo de red en específico. Una canción, que a pesar de ser breve logra transmitir más de un sentimiento.

    El álbum termina con 'Dynamite', una canción que fue el liberada en agosto, con un mensaje de trasfondo que buscaba traer consuelo y esperanza durante estos tiempos difíciles con una letra sencilla de entender, lo suficientemente sencilla como para tocar más de un corazón.
    Así suena y se siente 'BE', como un sube y baja de emociones, una mezcla interesante y difícil de lograr.

    Y la versatilidad no sólo se limita a los géneros, si no también como los tonos de sus voces van adaptándose a estos, logrando así una comunicación efectiva y sólida. No es la primera vez que el grupo experimenta implementando diversos géneros en un álbum, sin embargo; esta vez es innegable que las canciones quedan como anillo al dedo en el álbum.
    Es imposible imaginar que una de ellas no esté allí, pues todas parecen ser piezas esenciales de una misteriosa carta escrita por alguien cercano.

    Más que un trabajo, 'BE' es una dedicatoria, un regalo y el consuelo que probablemente muchos de nosotros necesitábamos durante este largo año. También podría considerarse una cápsula que te transporta de sentimiento en sentimiento, dejándote interpretar las canciones como tú más desees, haciéndote sentir comprendido y abrazado, expresando todo aquello que quizás a ti te costó expresar.

    Esperemos lo mejor para 'BE', así como también para nosotros y la situación actual. Y sin importar cuántos premios se lleve o cuántos no, es certero reconocer que 'BE', igualmente trascenderá, por su honestidad y por todo aquella toda calidad y tranquilidad que le ha traído consigo a tanta gente. Porque, ahora más que nunca hemos sido recordados de que efectivamente la vida sigue y las huellas por las calles vuelven a ser marcadas, sin importar qué.
  9. Nov 21, 2020
    this is comfort in shape of music. i hope people start to recognize the amazing work that bts do at every release.
  10. Nov 21, 2020
    Amazing! Just what is needed, range and diversity of songs are amazing. Bts have done it again
  11. Nov 21, 2020
    La ame, era lo que necesitaba, un mensaje de tranquilidad.. Un abrazo que necesitaba en esta dura pandemia.. Realmente son mi apoyo emocional
  12. Nov 21, 2020
    This album express how much BTS love do music.All the 8 songs shows how much BTS work doing in this album BE.
  13. Nov 21, 2020
    Excelente álbum, la elaboración de lo visual, melódico y producción están combinadas de una forma maravillosa.
  14. Nov 21, 2020
    Este album es no de los mejores, bts es un grupo que se preocupa tanto por sus fans
  15. Nov 21, 2020
    This album is art, the lyrics, the voices and the MV Are so beautiful, I really love it all
  16. Nov 21, 2020
    This is ART, todas las canciones son increíbles de principio a fin.
    Enamorada mil del arte que hacen mis angelitos.
  17. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's adorable, the portrayal of each letter meticulously composed in the BANGTAN (BTS) style. I must emphasize that I am really picky when it comes to an album, and BE has the perfect listing of criteria that stuck. The vocabulary of the songs is honest and comforting, and a crude form of expression, like the example of Blue & Gray, are individual feelings in which you will be able to identify yourself, it is a poetry for the intimate, Vincentian and casual. The BTS Album BE is like an escape valve from limitation, they do not describe the good part in a utopically superficial way, it is honest and realistic, it is more comforting, adverse beyond imagination. This room is too small To fit my dream (yes) Landing on the bed Here is the safest place Happiness, sadness, whatever emotion is This place simply accepts them Sometimes this room becomes an emotional dump He hugs me Fly to my room - BTS Expand
  18. Nov 21, 2020
    Me encanto Bangtan no puedo haber hecho un mejor trabajo , tan único, preciso y hermoso. Los invito a escuchar esta obra maestra. Stream BE y Life goes on.
  19. Nov 21, 2020
    Perfeito, BTS não tem um álbum ruim, todos os álbum são impecáveis, não tenho palavras pra expressar o quanto as músicas desse álbum estão sendo importantes pra mim nesse momento.
  20. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es muy relajante, te ayuda a querer seguir adelante en todo esto de la pandemia, te reconforta. Life goes on es una canción que te genera nostalgia te hace recordar cómo se paró todo y como poco poco va pasando, te lleva al principio de todo pero sabes que ya llegara el final. Expand
  21. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beautiful, best album, they did so good, i love it so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Expand
  22. Nov 21, 2020
    Just the perfect album need for the year that is 2020: starts out as sad and lonely as can be but eventually transforms into a tale of hopefulness and showcase that no matter how dark life get, life WILL go on and there WILL be light at end of the tunnel!!!
  23. Nov 21, 2020
    A experiência de escutar esse álbum foi simplesmente incrível, eu me senti abraçada e confortada por cada música, o BTS com toda certeza conseguiu transmitir a mensagem do álbum BE para muitas pessoas.
  24. Nov 21, 2020
    BE es un álbum sumamente íntimo, capaz de reconfortar al oyente y tan solo con unos versos demostrarle que pese a todas las nuevas circunstancia a las que nos expuso el Covid-19, aún podemos sonreír.
  25. Nov 21, 2020
    the album is so good! a lyrically and sonically pleasing body of work! the members were heavily involved in the creative process of this album and it shows. loved it! ❤️
  26. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse álbum é perfeito em todos os aspectos, seja na letra, nas melodias ou na diversidade de gêneros musicais abordados. Tem uma vibe retro presente em muitas músicas - o que é tudo que eu queria depois da maravilha que foi Dynamite. Além disso, todas as músicas são extremamente reconfortantes, parece até que é uma narração dos meus sentimos e vivências nesse ano terrível que estamosEsse álbum é perfeito em todos os aspectos, seja na letra, nas melodias ou na diversidade de gêneros musicais abordados. Tem uma vibe retro presente em muitas músicas - o que é tudo que eu queria depois da maravilha que foi Dynamite. Além disso, todas as músicas são extremamente reconfortantes, parece até que é uma narração dos meus sentimos e vivências nesse ano terrível que estamos passando. Em resumo, "BE" foi além das minhas expectativas e acredito que vai me marcar por muito tempo. Expand
  27. Nov 21, 2020
    Eu fui conhecer esse grupo alguns dias atrás, e fui ver a sua historia e realmente fiquei impressionado por tudo que passaram e hoje estão ai no topo dos charts, eu gostei bastante do album..
    Eu não sei o qual é a intenção do álbum, mas senti que tem uma vibe de conforto e aconchego, uma forma de abraçar seus fans através da musica..
    Letras fortes que claramente fala do momento que o
    Eu fui conhecer esse grupo alguns dias atrás, e fui ver a sua historia e realmente fiquei impressionado por tudo que passaram e hoje estão ai no topo dos charts, eu gostei bastante do album..
    Eu não sei o qual é a intenção do álbum, mas senti que tem uma vibe de conforto e aconchego, uma forma de abraçar seus fans através da musica..
    Letras fortes que claramente fala do momento que o mundo esta vivendo hoje..
    Parabéns meninos, continuem assim..
    Vocês são incríveis..

    O álbum esta muito otimos...

    Ainda vou ouvir os outros álbuns de vocês..
  28. Nov 21, 2020
    Um álbum cheio de sentimentos complexos tratados de uma maneira consciente e cheia de sensibilidade, letras que facilmente você encontraria em seu diário, cheias de sinceridade, verdade e sem mascaras, sentimentos explicitados de uma maneira que você só revela a si mesmo.
  29. Nov 21, 2020
    their greatest take so far the album is just a trip down the past year and they delivered thag without overwhelming the listener, the album is cohesive and just all around SUPER GOOD
  30. Nov 21, 2020
    English is my third language so i can't express my thoughts that well, But this album is really wonderful, The album as a whole has such a deep meaning, Like a letter of hope, It contains a message that even during those dark times, Life goes on, So let's live on.
    "BE" has a total of 7 tracks and a skit (which is their conversations when they achieved the number one on the billboard hot
    English is my third language so i can't express my thoughts that well, But this album is really wonderful, The album as a whole has such a deep meaning, Like a letter of hope, It contains a message that even during those dark times, Life goes on, So let's live on.
    "BE" has a total of 7 tracks and a skit (which is their conversations when they achieved the number one on the billboard hot 100 chart with dynamite), the songs are quite diverse, about different emotions, expressing different feelings, one of my favorites is called "BLUE & GREY" which is an acoustic ballad song&has a darker message, Like the member V said, "Blue and grey are the colors that represent the feelings of depression and anxiousness", "i just wanna be happier, melt me cold, my numerous hands, colorless echo, oh this ground feels so heavier, i am singing by myself, i just wanna be happier, is this a big greed?"
    While on the other hand, The tittle track "life goes on" is about healing and providing consolation during this pandemic.
    -"Fly to my room" is the second track on the album, I believe Its about how staying indoors due to the current situation made them think of travelling in a different way, and How the idea of travelling will change.
    -Telepathy, the 5th track. Is a disco pop song, which is really fun but the lyrics has a deep meaning, Its about the moments with their fans ARMYS and how their happiest moment is when they're with us just how the lyrics says "out of the days that are the same every time, I'm happiest when i meet you"
    -The 6th track, "Dis-ease" same as telepathy its has a hiphop vibe but the lyrics are so touching, "everybody's got a lot of bottles (which is a korean wordplay, it can also mean illness) human beings are inherently ugly, 400 more cases of heart disease, it's not a lot of people who can, but it doesn't. Yoo, is it the world or me that's sick? Is it just a difference in interpretation?" "Sick and tired, but i dont wanna mess up 'cause life goes on".
    -The 7th song on the album "Stay", explained by Jungkook : "unit by JK RM and JIN. Its a house genre and a song i participated in composing. The meaning of the song is even when we are apart, we always stay together"
    -The last track is their latest record-breaking disco pop single, Which got included in the album "Dynamite".
    "BE" might be my favorite BTS's album! It's a rollercoaster of different emotions. A masterpiece.
  31. Nov 21, 2020
    So inspirational and delicate, in times like that BTS had the mindset of bring us a beautiful present, just the fact that they produced, directed, written all the songs and the MV is so special, they took time to bring a message and peace through a light and calm album, thanks for make my end of year BTS.
  32. Nov 21, 2020
    uno de sus mejores álbums sin lugar a dudas, cada canción es única, súper recomendable
  33. Nov 21, 2020
    Very calming and soothing. The album shows how everyone is so talented. You cant just help but dance to their tracks.
  34. Nov 21, 2020
    An album of short length feels just enough to convey powerful mid-quarantine messages from this group of genuine artists. Every song has an underlying piece of them: contemplating, longing, hoping, reminiscing, reaching for happiness and enjoying life by appreciating simplicity, as hard as it is during a global pandemic. Definitely a comforting album, perfect for the present time.
  35. Nov 21, 2020
    One of the most versatile and full of truth and comfort album I’ve ever heard! BTS once again proved that the space they’re occupying on the music industry is more than deserved. They, with no doubts, are doing what no one else is.
  36. Nov 21, 2020
    one of the best albums of 2020 this record feels like a warm hug alongside a fun party with friends
  37. Nov 21, 2020
    it captures the bivalent feelings of this situation we are in right very well, with the longing to normal times, modern times obsession with productivity causing guilt, them missing their fans and the fear that the distance leading to the bond getting weaker as its something everyone can relate to when it comes to our loved ones far away from us. you can find songs where they tried newit captures the bivalent feelings of this situation we are in right very well, with the longing to normal times, modern times obsession with productivity causing guilt, them missing their fans and the fear that the distance leading to the bond getting weaker as its something everyone can relate to when it comes to our loved ones far away from us. you can find songs where they tried new genres they havent before but also throwbacks to their older sounds at debut. Lyrics are very gentle and poetic as expected from BTS after seven years of consistent immaculate penmanship. Lovely album and worth checking whether all song are your taste or not. Expand
  38. Nov 21, 2020
    the whole album is very well done! they put effort into each track and it's so calming i love it
  39. Nov 21, 2020
    This album makes me feel comfort and creates a connection with myself and my feelings during the current world crisis, from today it becomes a safe place for me and I hope that people don’t limit themselves to not hearing it because of the language and investigate the meaning of the letters of each song, a fairly complete work and a so good production.
  40. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album was truly amazing as someone who isn’t a fan, this has truly helped in ways I cannot imagine. The lyrics despite the language barrier are extremely heartwarming and I do believe this is one of the best releases this year Expand
  41. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. They keep impressing me with every new album they give us it's so amazing everytime i love them with all my heart i can't wait for tae and jungkook mixtapes they're going to serve us Expand
  42. Nov 21, 2020
    I loved it. Best Album 2020. Good production. Nice vocals and pretty lyrics. Please give it a listen.
  43. Nov 21, 2020
    Its the perfect album for this time. Overall, a very nuanced and comforting album. It shows more than anything what BTS and ARMY were built on-- authenticity and lyricism.
  44. Nov 21, 2020
    Beautiful and well done. I felt the comfort and emotions in all the songs. The production and vocals were astounding. BTS never disappoints.
  45. Nov 21, 2020
    Literally what the world needs right now in terms of music. The lyrics resonate deep with what's going on right now, the pandemic and quarantine, and also has a blend of genre/music styles that are pleasing to the ear. Starts off with a slow, nostalgic sound that expands into a more funky disco upbeat bop. It's amazing, album of the year along with map of the soul7. :)
  46. Nov 21, 2020
    Me encantó, Bangtan no pudo haber hecho un trabajo tan único y precioso. Los invito a escuchar esa obra maestra. Stream BE y Life Goes On.
  47. Nov 21, 2020
    A album tem uma pegada tão aconchegante e a cada próxima música o ritmo vai aumento, pra no final você está pulando e dançando. Trás uma nostalgia, um aconchego de abraço e toda sua euforia.
  48. Nov 21, 2020
    Amei o álbum inteiro, até skit que é um áudio deles conversando ...........................
  49. Nov 21, 2020
    This is their best work, you can hear their personal emotions in every song that they wrote. It’s a cohesive album, it starts off with the blues of life under a pandemic with life goes on and then “skit” is a moment of time where they discuss getting a number one Billboard song, and then suddenly the tune switches to up beat songs and ends with fireworks with “dynamite”. Love it, such aThis is their best work, you can hear their personal emotions in every song that they wrote. It’s a cohesive album, it starts off with the blues of life under a pandemic with life goes on and then “skit” is a moment of time where they discuss getting a number one Billboard song, and then suddenly the tune switches to up beat songs and ends with fireworks with “dynamite”. Love it, such a pleasure to hear, the vocals and production and the lyrics were outstanding. Expand
  50. Nov 20, 2020
    El álbum está divino, las canciones son preciosas al igual que el mensaje que transmiten. Life Goes On es tremenda joyita. Me encantó. BE es todo lo que le faltaba al 2020. Stream BE y Life Goes On. Bangtan, gracias por este álbum.
  51. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum creado con mucho amor y refleja por todo lo que la sociedad está pasando y da un enorme mensaje de que la vida continúa aún estando entre 4 paredes. Me encantaaaa Expand
  52. Nov 21, 2020
    Álbum pessoal e coeso, que transborda sentimentos. Começa calmo com Life Goes On, passa pela melancolia de Blue & Grey fazendo uma virada perfeita para atingir o ápice com dynamite. Fora a sonoridade maravilhosa de Telepathy e Dis-aese, que lembra os anos 70 e 90.
  53. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very cohesive, felt like a story of how our pandemic lives went. Wondering when it will end, spending time in our rooms, feeling gloomy and trying to find happiness, missing our loved ones, having conflicted feelings about work, remembering the lessons we learnt and feeling reassured about the people still with us. The gloomy songs and upbeat songs divided by the skit where they themselves were happy. A great collection of what this year showed us. People like them went through the same things as we did. Expand
  54. Nov 21, 2020
    I'm not much knowledgeable about the technicalities of music but even if I was I believe no flaw could deter the absolute comfort this album brought to me. It spelled out each of my emotions during this pandemic and offered me release. This is what music is supposed to be.
  55. Nov 21, 2020
    All tracks keeps getting better every listen. Not only auditory but also the lyricism solidifies how superior BE album is.
  56. Nov 21, 2020
    This album is so amazing. I feel so relax and comfort when I listen to this album. When I listen to this album I feel like I just got home after a long trip and someone there to comfort me
  57. Nov 21, 2020
    The album beautifully puts the feelings and emotions of life during a pandemic into an upbeat mode giving you the feeling of making the best of what you have even when times are dark
  58. Nov 21, 2020
    BE brings the hope, comfort & joy which the world needs badly right now. A ray of light peaks in our mind while listening to this album.
  59. Nov 21, 2020
    Gran álbum, canciones que dan consuelo en estos momentos . Mi favorita Telepathy
  60. Nov 21, 2020
    This album took me on a journey, from feeling melancholy, acknowledging the fact about the pandemic and a consolation that your emotions are valid and then saying **** it imma slay this pandemic! BEauty!
  61. Nov 21, 2020
    this album express very well what we have been feeling this pandemic period . The first half is soothing and sad while the second half is very much hopeful and joyful . my favorite are life goes on and disease . Telepathy is also a great song
  62. Nov 21, 2020
    Each song in BE is unique , perfect this album is full of hope just what Is needed in these tough moments
  63. Nov 21, 2020
    the whole album is a big hug. we´re going through tough times and we can all relate to it, we had to change the way we do things overnight and get use to it, one day we were laughing with family and friends, making plans for the weekend and suddenly everything crashed, we were locked up in our homes. bts managed to put those feeling in lyrics accompanied some by a beautiful melody and somethe whole album is a big hug. we´re going through tough times and we can all relate to it, we had to change the way we do things overnight and get use to it, one day we were laughing with family and friends, making plans for the weekend and suddenly everything crashed, we were locked up in our homes. bts managed to put those feeling in lyrics accompanied some by a beautiful melody and some others with a cheerful beat that boost your mood Expand
  64. Nov 21, 2020
    The is simple but at the same time so complex with profund lyrics,good beats and very reflexive in this sad moment we live. Also cannot forget how the each songs matchs.
    BE was and is necessary no. Congrats to BTS.
  65. Nov 21, 2020
    A cohesive album that while starts a bit melancholy smoothly transitions into some pretty funky vibes. I would say 9.5/10, but will round up for this. Only song I didn't vibe with is Stay, but that has to do with my aversion to EDM and not the production.
  66. Nov 21, 2020
    10/10. Relaxing, calm, it makes me feel happy. Like taking a deep breathe and feeling lighter.
  67. Nov 21, 2020
    É com certeza um dos melhores álbuns deles, as músicas são versáteis e têm uma expressividade incrível, as letras são tocantes e excepcionais.
  68. Nov 21, 2020
    Gorgeous album, BTS’ best work yet. Their growth and musical evolution is represented extremely well by the seamless genre hopping in the album.
  69. Nov 21, 2020
    The way this album flows from the first track to the last is the typical storytelling bangtan method that amazes me. The first half is like a reality check with very deep and insightful lyrics and beats that are more melancholy while the other half still includes deep and insightful lyrics, however with beats that are twerkable. Ending the album with their hit song song dynamite was anThe way this album flows from the first track to the last is the typical storytelling bangtan method that amazes me. The first half is like a reality check with very deep and insightful lyrics and beats that are more melancholy while the other half still includes deep and insightful lyrics, however with beats that are twerkable. Ending the album with their hit song song dynamite was an interesting choice that turned to be great as it was the much needed anthem that put an end to a groovy rhythm that was the album "BE". Expand
  70. Nov 21, 2020
    BE is artistically, the most BTS-esque album of BTS discography. The diversity in sound has been executed flawlessly, with genre like EDM (which many deter from) being done perfectly to ears of all listeners. The overall message of the album is secure, especially in the title track "Life Goes On"; rich vocals, along with the comforting foundation of rap verses makes it such a hit.BE is artistically, the most BTS-esque album of BTS discography. The diversity in sound has been executed flawlessly, with genre like EDM (which many deter from) being done perfectly to ears of all listeners. The overall message of the album is secure, especially in the title track "Life Goes On"; rich vocals, along with the comforting foundation of rap verses makes it such a hit.
    Listening to BE never gets boring, there's always an adlib catching your attention or powerful layering of voices that makes the experience heavenly. This self-directed masterpiece deserves all praise, BTS are authentic in their artistry and BE is the fruit to 7 years+ of labour. Songs that were supposed to be in individual musical projects even made it into this album, truth to the amazing talent buried in the septet and their collaborative magic. The best release this year, with 7 enriching songs and one innocent, comical skit about the group's Billboard Hot100 feat. Definitely worth the listen
  71. Nov 21, 2020
    really great, an album that gives you a hug to the heart telling you that you are not alone and that all the bad things will pass, "although we have bad times life goes on", the rhythms and the musical mix really give you a very pleasant feeling when listening to it, it's a very complete album
  72. Nov 21, 2020
    it´s such a personal album, you could clearly see the emotions they poured into the album, i love the album so much, i cannot chose a favourite song, because it changes the whole time
  73. Nov 21, 2020
    Dosen't metter if u understand the language or not, every single song in this album will make you feel in a warm hug.
  74. Nov 21, 2020
    'BE' is on of the best albums from BTS to date. The album offers tracks from a skit, EDM, ballads, to old-school hip-hop. The album is good from a lyrical and music standpoint, and offers much more for ARMY; comfort in the times of a worldwide pandemic, It gets a score of 10 from me.
  75. Nov 21, 2020
    Me encantó, el álbum es una explosión de sentimientos y mas si estos estan en orden, esto es porque empieza con canciones que se podría decir tristes, para reflexionar un poco, y las que le siguen empiezan a ser alegres. LA VIDA SIGUE A PESAR DE TODO.
  76. Nov 21, 2020
    This is probably BTS’ most authentic album yet. They definitely took creative risks when writing the tracks on this one, but it still speaks clearly to their original, signature sound. Life Goes On is my absolute favorite. It’s such an easygoing song, about moving forward. Definitely comforting considering the state of the world right now. I’m looking forward to listening to them more inThis is probably BTS’ most authentic album yet. They definitely took creative risks when writing the tracks on this one, but it still speaks clearly to their original, signature sound. Life Goes On is my absolute favorite. It’s such an easygoing song, about moving forward. Definitely comforting considering the state of the world right now. I’m looking forward to listening to them more in the future. Expand
  77. Nov 21, 2020
    Easily one of their top 3 best albums released so far. Every track so different from each other yet flowing so well as a whole. You'll want to listen to it over and over again! also to point out the very relatable and beautifuly written stories that BTS tells in every song. Recommended 100%!!!!!!!!
  78. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i really like this album a lot!! the lyrics, beats, instruments.. everything is so good. life goes on too is a perfect title song for our recent situation Expand
  79. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album showcased various genres, ranging from old school hip hop to light acoustic guitar and alternative hip hop. The lyrics touched many hearts. It gave comforts and healing. This is so far one of the band's best album following their Map of the Soul:7, that was released early this year. Expand
  80. Nov 21, 2020
    The album perfectly encapsulates every feeling of this lockdown, the sad melancholy vibes balanced with positive beats at the end. Truly a very complete work by the group.
  81. Nov 21, 2020
    amazing album! each track feels so raw, candid, and close to the heart. their messages come across really well throughout the whole album. very comprehensive from the beginning all the way to the end. overall a fantastic album! I love it very much
  82. Nov 21, 2020
    Feels like a hug during the pandemic THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE
  83. Nov 21, 2020
    BE is the product of artists finding comfort in their creative process. Where in Black Swan from their 2020 album Map of the Soul 7 they talk about the fear of ever losing their passion in Life Goes On and the songs from BE shows them needing music and finding joy in their creative endeavors. This album is them taking their broken heart and making it into art, and it's incredible
  84. Nov 21, 2020
    A heartfelt piece, a comforting letter to their fans and a remarkable growth of both the members individually and as a group. Maturity in their sound and their skills, connectivity to their emotions, their pen more polished than ever, BTS returns to give a warm hug to the world yet again. Being vulnerable it's never easy but BTS unknowingly makes it easier for everyone who listens to theirA heartfelt piece, a comforting letter to their fans and a remarkable growth of both the members individually and as a group. Maturity in their sound and their skills, connectivity to their emotions, their pen more polished than ever, BTS returns to give a warm hug to the world yet again. Being vulnerable it's never easy but BTS unknowingly makes it easier for everyone who listens to their music without a prejudice and accepts their hug. Expand
  85. Nov 21, 2020
    This hole album is just perfect, it's like you're being comforted by the songs, they're so melodic and pretty, I really love it!
  86. Nov 21, 2020
    Un álbum reconfortante para la época en la que vivimos. Siendo el primer álbum auto dirigido del grupo, cuenta con una personalidad y dedicación dignas. Si eres fan de BTS puedes notar qué miembro ha compuesto y participado en cada track. Comienza con un mensaje de esperanza de que la vida continúa, y que pese a todo debemos seguir avanzando
  87. Nov 21, 2020
    BE is a beautiful work of art. It is yet the most intimate album BTS ever had. The emotions conveyed in every song really touches your heart.
  88. Nov 21, 2020
    A sincere and hopeful piece of music that is most needed during these chaotic times.
  89. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Todas las canciones sotys, en realidad no se como describir cada canción pero les recomiendo muchísimo Expand
  90. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow when I first heard this album, I was sure I was going for a really good ride!! There’s no way better to describe it than a tight warm big hug in these cold times. They start with Life Goes On, the main single, and finish with Dynamite which was a huge success everywhere and as you listen to it you can definitely feel how it goes from such a melancholic vibe to a cheerful one, making sure that Life indeed Goes On. 10/10! Expand
  91. Nov 21, 2020
    Conseguiram o feito de falar sobre a situação atual sem parecer forçado ou pretensioso. Sensacional.
  92. Nov 21, 2020
    Genius lyrics. Holds so much meaning and emotion, even the songs that sound fun have deeper meaning.
  93. Nov 21, 2020
    BE The album 'BE' in addition to being self-produced, contains songs with very comforting lyrics. 'Life goes on' is a very warm song, perfect for these difficult times. 'Telepathy' and 'Dis ease' have a happy beat to complement the album's concept.
  94. Nov 21, 2020
    El álbum es realmente bueno, te da melodías que transmiten mucha tranquilidad y la letra de las canciones te conmueven
  95. Nov 21, 2020
    A sigh of relief amid the chaos. There are the words that I describe this album directly, but real.

    Personally, each song was built a story with a narrative that we all experienced this year. That is why listening to them is a comfort because you transformed something that was inside me into art and I didn't even know it. The first three songs, Life Goes ON, Fly To My Room and Blue &
    A sigh of relief amid the chaos. There are the words that I describe this album directly, but real.

    Personally, each song was built a story with a narrative that we all experienced this year. That is why listening to them is a comfort because you transformed something that was inside me into art and I didn't even know it.

    The first three songs, Life Goes ON, Fly To My Room and Blue & Gray are true, real, direct, but in such a welcoming way that I felt embraced by the lyrics and melodies.

    Skit, even if I don't understand Korean, was incredible right away. Everything gets even better when we know that there was something so celebrated because it was in the fight that they got the first # 1 of the hot 100. With the fandom it was no different and Yoongi, do what you said: music all your life.

    Then comes what I consider the other side of the album, with Telepathy, Dis-ease, Stay and Dynamite, and I confess that I love this quartet. Both Telepathy and Dis-ease are apparently lively songs, but without leaving a message behind. There is a beauty in saying intense things without losing delicacy. BTS does it like no one else.

    Stay and Dynamite were made to close this album in a magnificent way. Both are great for healing hearts that may be hurt, with love, joy and hope. Jungkook said he wanted us to give love to Stay, but it was the other way around: Stay gave us love. BE has given us a home for our hearts.

    Life goes on, turbulence will always be present, but you need to stop and understand that everything will be fine. Even after all, we will remain as we always have and will continue to shine.

    A heartfelt and painfully beautiful album. BTS, once again, went beyond music and touched our soul.
  96. Nov 21, 2020
    This is an album with a healing vibe. It's calm and has many important messages, specially in the moment everybody is going through.
  97. Nov 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maravilhoso o álbum, sem defeitos nenhum. Perfeito demaissssssssss

    BTS nunca decepciona
  98. Nov 21, 2020
    Esse é um dos melhores trabalhos dos meninos, eles estão 100% envolvidos em todo desenvolvimento desse comeback e não deixaram a desejar em nada! Esse álbum foi como um abraço caloroso. Eles são absolutamente cuidadosos com cada palavra e com a ordem das músicas. Espero com todo coração que o Grammy não feche os olhos pra isso!
  99. Nov 21, 2020
    É um álbum com tema relevante, muito emocionante e músicas calmas e cativantes, 10/10
  100. Nov 21, 2020
    An album made to deliver a little ray of happiness during this pandemic lockdown. Easy listening songs yet with impactful relatable message of hope and courage to endure life one day at a time

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.