• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Nov 30, 2020
    BE is the best album by BTS so far. still astonishing how they managed to put so much diversity in 8 tracks. the way the album is curated with transition from sad but comforting tracks in the beginning to fun upbeat hopeful tracks towards the end with skit marking the middle. Absolutely loved it
  2. Nov 30, 2020
    I've been listening to this album since it first released, a week ago. Every day I find something new to fall in love with. The title track, "Life Goes On" is beautifully soothing, a floaty flow-y guitar ballad that gets more and more heart-wrenching the more you listen. The opening lyrics of the song and full album, "One day, the world stopped / Without any warning / Spring didn't know toI've been listening to this album since it first released, a week ago. Every day I find something new to fall in love with. The title track, "Life Goes On" is beautifully soothing, a floaty flow-y guitar ballad that gets more and more heart-wrenching the more you listen. The opening lyrics of the song and full album, "One day, the world stopped / Without any warning / Spring didn't know to wait / Showed up not even a minute late," describe the feelings we all have so perfectly. Though the seasons are changing, we all feel stuck in place. The opening verse is followed by RM's, with lyrics, "Running faster than that cloud of rain / Thought that would be enough / Guess I'm only human after all," that resonate so deeply within that I had to take a very very deep breath after reading. BTS's lyrics have always been almost pure poetry, the way they've been able to quantify the human experience. Now, I could go on and on about these lyrics-- throughout this track and the 6 that follow after, but there is, of course so many characters I have. In short, the lyrics on this record, BE, are absolutely gorgeous, and tell a story of something so human and raw and lovely. It's my hope that as many people as possible could have the pleasure of listening and enjoying this album, and could find solace and peace through it as I have. Expand
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    One of their best albums to date, a pleasant surprise after the happy go lucky feel of dynamite.
    Sad but hopeful, an appropriate project for 2020.
  4. Nov 29, 2020
    there are no bad songs and i really like the flow of the whole songs in this album.
  5. Nov 25, 2020
    A document of the most unexpected year. 100 years from now, when humans are curious about how regular people were living during the great 2020 pandemic, they might only need to read through the lyrics of the 7 songs in this album. It takes a tad bit of patience to look up lyric translations of course. But I am sure future humans will not be as small minded as the ones living in today’sA document of the most unexpected year. 100 years from now, when humans are curious about how regular people were living during the great 2020 pandemic, they might only need to read through the lyrics of the 7 songs in this album. It takes a tad bit of patience to look up lyric translations of course. But I am sure future humans will not be as small minded as the ones living in today’s world. With that barrier crossed, you are introduced to this document of 2020 with a message of realistic hope (things may be bad now but it will get better. Life Goes On); confinement, frustration and comfort that comes with traveling inside your home (Fly to my room), depression and helplessness and a desire to simply let it consume you (Blue and Grey); a cheerful interruption (I did not see translations for Skit and was sure I would skip it on the first try, but ended up not because it’s infectious to hear cheer after the first three songs that hit a bit too close to home). There is acknowledgement that even though physically apart we are emotionally connected (Telepathy) that brought back memories of the many video calls with family. The most innovative track on this album though is Dis-ease. As a working adult and type A person, probably my most prevalent experience in this pandemic has been the disorientation that comes with running the rat race in full speed as the world around me is literally buckling under the weight of an illness... a dis-ease. I don’t think I have ever heard western musicians (the popular ones at least) tackle this occupational illness, choosing instead to preen about their romance or obsesses in their lineage and history. Yet, this plagues so many of us everywhere and was what made me finally break down in tears. A grown person; I can say I did not expect to cry over music made by seven young men from South Korea, in 2020. But then, what about 2020 was ever within my expectations? The penultimate track, “Stay” is dedicated by BTS to their fans and is about their connection surviving the rest of physical distance through technology. While this might be more relatable for a BTS fan, for me it served as both an interesting thesis on the connection between a celebrity and a fan and a reminder that even though I haven’t seen my beloved friends, I hope our connection will stay the same when we meet again in person. Friendships, lacking the surety of familial bonds, are of course not so different from how BTS talk about their ARMY. Dynamite starts at the high note on which Stay ends. I will be honest, while the beat of this song and the voices of these boys are infectious, as someone who expects lyricism and gravity in music, Dynamite is the weakest of all songs lyrically. Heard by itself, it’s scarcely more than American gibberish, the kind of lyrics that lead to me developing a permanent distaste for chart topping American artists. However, Dynamite’s beauty in this album lies much more in its placement and ordering than its lyricism. An unapologetic and joyous celebration of life, the song evokes pure hedonia. What a bright hopeful note to end an album that through both somber and upbeat songs prior, hits too close to home, leaving us in tears. Some might feel it’s too soon to start acknowledging the scars 2020 has given all of us. That might explain the rather blasé if not completely unintelligent “music critic” reviews I read of this masterpiece. However, I can assure you this. The seven men of BTS are resolutely hopeful and decisive about standing next to you, holding your hand, as you slowly make sense of what happened to you in the lost year of our century. BE, therefore, is catharsis itself. Expand
  6. Nov 29, 2020
    BE is a BTS album but like all their works, it sounds very different from previous works. All 7 songs (excluding Skit) sound very different, yet the whole album listened in order feels perfect and well organised. I won’t be exaggerating if I say it is perfect because it really is a mind-blowingly beautiful. In this pandemic, it’s like a comfort for a broken person, it’s medicine forBE is a BTS album but like all their works, it sounds very different from previous works. All 7 songs (excluding Skit) sound very different, yet the whole album listened in order feels perfect and well organised. I won’t be exaggerating if I say it is perfect because it really is a mind-blowingly beautiful. In this pandemic, it’s like a comfort for a broken person, it’s medicine for someone who feels alone, because all the emotions hit close to home. BTS have captured the emotions of a person going through a hard time perfectly while also providing consolation that they will be there for us. It’s like a friend who knows the right things to say. It is pure comfort. It deserves 100 rating but some biased critics as always like to play dirty gave poor reviews. Well their loss because BTS is always going to soar higher while you all can wave them from the ground and cry over not treating the right when you had the opportunity. BTS Expand
  7. Nov 29, 2020
    This album really helps a lot of people deals with their struggle. Lyrically, this was so good, all of the tracks have its own meaning. What makes its more special that the members write their own lyrics and produce it. The only thing that i don't really like from this album is the cover..... It's too basic since their latest album have a really good design. But that doesnt really matterThis album really helps a lot of people deals with their struggle. Lyrically, this was so good, all of the tracks have its own meaning. What makes its more special that the members write their own lyrics and produce it. The only thing that i don't really like from this album is the cover..... It's too basic since their latest album have a really good design. But that doesnt really matter cause the cover really fits the vibes and the meaning from the album. So far, this is one of my favourite album from the band. Expand
  8. Nov 29, 2020
    desde la letra significativa, los sonidos de fondo, y las voces, puedo decir que es un álbum completo. BE es el álbum que necesitaba en estos tiempos de pandemia, donde los sentimientos explotaron y no sabia como afrontarlos, hasta que llego el 20 de noviembre. (lanzamiento de BE)
  9. Nov 29, 2020
    This is a very different and equally amazing album. Every single song in this album is a bop.
  10. Nov 29, 2020
    This album has a song for every mood. Amazing songs, amazing production, amazing lyrics.
  11. Nov 29, 2020
    The album is one of their best albums yet. Being a self-directed one including the members having partaken in not only the music but also aspects of direction, visual creation and project management makes it a very personal album for both them and their fans. The tracks really ring the colors of each members contribution be it the melodic 'blue and Grey's by V or 'dis-ease' by J-Hope.The album is one of their best albums yet. Being a self-directed one including the members having partaken in not only the music but also aspects of direction, visual creation and project management makes it a very personal album for both them and their fans. The tracks really ring the colors of each members contribution be it the melodic 'blue and Grey's by V or 'dis-ease' by J-Hope. 'Stay's explored an EDM side that the BTS hasn't shown before while 'Telepathy' is so Suga. But the title track 'Life Goes On' feels like this combined output of all their feelings which they wanted to express and it's a beautiful icing on the cake. Much thanks for the album. BTS have a long way to go and with the looks of it they're only going strong with every album. Expand
  12. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing teared up listening to Life Goes On and Blue ad Grey. Find translations of these guys songs and just read the lyrics. Music doesn't have to be in English to be loved and appreciated they just keep getting better. Expand
  13. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is definitely the bts worst album not a good one despite the message it has and meaning but it's not a good one Expand
  14. Nov 29, 2020
    is just the best album i've seen in my entire life, is amazing, is wonderfool, perfect
  15. Nov 29, 2020
    BTS nos acaba de mostrar una cara diferente de su música con este álbum compuesto por ellos mismos en cada aspecto. En este álbum podemos ver como abrieron sus corazones y sentimientos a su fandom ARMY, resaltando sus vidas durante la pandemia y como pese a todo siguieron adelante.
  16. Nov 29, 2020
    This albums gave me hope when I didn't see any in this situation. Every single song has an important message so we don't feel alone on this.
    And the fact that they participate more than ever in this album makes it even more special
  17. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A sweet compilation of songs that remind us that the hard moments aren't forever. Expand
  18. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is incredible, all the lyrics and the songs bring even more comfort in this moment that we are living, it exceeded my expectations that were already super high, thank you and congratulations bts and everyone who was part of this album. Expand
  19. Nov 29, 2020
    A comfort album, their lyrics are also very beautiful and meaningful. the songs really hit hard. I love the way they played with words on their songs. its starts off with melancholy and longing and finishes with a boom with their hit single Dynamite. Because Life goes on!
  20. Nov 28, 2020
    It's amazing! the music, the concept, all!! I love it.
    In the situation that we are going through now we have to continue with our lives, I think many of us identify with the title song and with the album
  21. Nov 28, 2020
    Es un álbum increíble me gusta la música y el mensaje que mandan en este álbum
  22. Nov 28, 2020
    An album where members are fully involucrated.
    Either you can chill with the tracks or you can dance.
  23. Nov 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album I've heard this year. With songs that reflect our life in quarantine like the main title Life Goes On and songs to lift the spirits like dis-ease.
    It is worth highlighting Blue and Grey produced by V with a great message about moments in life where we are not well.
  24. Nov 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really loved the lyrics and the sounds. It felt very personal and I was able to connect with the songs. Amazing. Expand
  25. Nov 28, 2020
    The worst BTS album. I can't see anything new in this album. I heard this 100 times in previous BTS albums
  26. Nov 28, 2020
    Es un álbum espectacular, fácilmente las personas se pueden sentir identificadas con las canciones, BTS muestra perfectamente la versatilidad que tienen al abarcar distintos géneros musicales, son músicos innatos. Personalmente DIS-EASE, Blue & Grey, Fly To My Room, Dynamite, Telepathy y Stay son canciones que todos deben escuchar porque son increíbles.
  27. Nov 28, 2020
    I'm very conflicted on this album. While I do love the songs, there's nothing new that we haven't heard from the septet before. The sounds of 'Life Goes On' and 'Blue & Grey' are very reminiscent of the early stages of the band's discography, such as the sounds in 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life' and in 'You Never Walk Alone.' The songs 'Fly To My Room' and 'Telepathy' could easily beI'm very conflicted on this album. While I do love the songs, there's nothing new that we haven't heard from the septet before. The sounds of 'Life Goes On' and 'Blue & Grey' are very reminiscent of the early stages of the band's discography, such as the sounds in 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life' and in 'You Never Walk Alone.' The songs 'Fly To My Room' and 'Telepathy' could easily be on the tracklist of 'Love Yourself: Her' and I wouldn't notice. 'Dis-ease' is very similar to the bouncy 'HOME' in 'MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA' and 'Stay' is basically the second part of 'So What' in the mellow but contradictory 'Love Yourself: Tear.' And yet, I still love this album. I still love the septet's sound. I can't help but sing to the final distorted notes on 'Life Goes On' and I can't help but dance in my chair to 'Dis-ease' and 'Telepathy.' But in the end, I was just very underwhelmed after hearing this for the first time. I was waiting for more. Sure, this is an EP with barely thirty minutes of music but honestly, I've seen MANY other EP's just as short as this one be more exploratory and miles ahead in lyricism and production (for example, 'RINA' by Rina Sawayama and 'M3LL155X' by FKA twigs, just to name a few). I know BTS can do better and I know the boys are amazing producers and songwriters. They have produced and wrote heartfelt and heartBREAKING songs, such as 4 O'Clock (a duet between RM and V) and House of Cards (a quartet featuring the vocalists of the group). The lyrics on this EP are honestly just lackluster. Sure, they have that message of hope for the future and dealing with situations of the present (especially on 'Life Goes On') but we've heard this too many times this year.

    However, at the end of the day, this is still a decent EP. This is still a melancholy, yet bouncy, EP. This is still a nice, but lackluster, EP. I'm just hoping the septet explores more and reaches further heights on their next EP or studio album because I know they can do better than this.
  28. Nov 28, 2020
    Este álbum me encanto siento tranquilidad y no solo eso si no que en esta cuarentena tuvimos momentos donde ya no podíamos más y ellos sintieron lo mismo eso nos conecta las con ellos tiene canciones tan hermosas que en realidad transmiten sus sentimientos
  29. Nov 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The difference between BTS and all artists is evident in their creativity. They write music based on their feelings, experiences and fears .. The main difference between the album from all previous cases is this album of everything that is happening in the world now. That is, through BTS wanted to convey their feelings and instill hope in others, isn't this a sign that they (BTS) care? They literally write music about the problems of people and the world, and not what is popular and hype. Expand
  30. Nov 28, 2020
    Album is truly a beautiful experience
    Blended with the emotions every human being is going through due to this pandemic.
    All the tracks are unique with different genres.
    The main title track life goes On perfectly defines the present situation and gives a picture of hope that even in the new normality life goes On!!
  31. Nov 28, 2020
    A cohesive album that brings hope to those in need. The album grows with each song, it’s personal and intimate in a way that everyone can relate. Brilliant lyrics and amazing production I hope whoever listens to this piece can find the comfort I did.
  32. Nov 28, 2020
    I can't put enough words how to describe this album, the tracks are all amazing with such diversity of genre in just 30 minutes. The album is 10/10!
  33. Nov 28, 2020
    BE SOTY, hagan stream a life goes on y todo el álbum joyita
    Háganlo por Bangtan y el director Jeon Jungkook
  34. Nov 28, 2020
    This. This album feels like home. when i listened it i felt warm immediately. Just plug your earphones and listen their voices finding their way to your heart!
  35. Nov 28, 2020
    not gonna lie, it’s one of their best album EVER! my favourite tracks are dis-ease, very well produced song by J-hope! And of course Life goes on, i really loved the pre course, so smooth song.
  36. Nov 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La melodía de cada canción es única, muy relajante, divertida, también la letra es muy especial para recordar buenos momentos cuando estés triste o con muchas angustias, también a ayudado a muchas personas para ver tiempos mejores, espero que esté álbum también sea apreciado por más personas :'3 Expand
  37. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum está impecável, cada música tem um toque especial. Da primeira música até a última, você pode sentir milheres de sentimentos diferentes.
    As letras são um aspeto que não pode ser ignorado, ainda mais um trabalho que foi feito pelos próprios membros do grupo.
    A cada álbum eu vejo o quanto eles melhoram e entregam um trabalho maravilhoso. Amei todas as músicas.
  38. Nov 27, 2020
    Vimos cada proceso del álbum, sabemos lo importante que es para BTS, realmente es un gran álbum
  39. Nov 27, 2020
    Es un álbum espectacular el significado de cada una de las canciones es especial sobre todo porque soy army me encanta e igual lo compre es el álbum producido por mis 7 chicos maravillosos
  40. Nov 27, 2020
    an incredible album the variety of genres is too good you can see the versatility of the artist.
  41. Nov 27, 2020
    Estava em um momento difícil, esse foi o álbum que me deu esperança no tempo difícil em que estamos.Eu pude desabafar com lágrimas no início e quando acabei estava aliviada e feliz. As letras são incríveis, é o destaque para mim, além de que a melodia foi a mais diversificada.
  42. Nov 27, 2020
    Fantastic album!!
    I love your lyrics and your messages ♡
    BTS are the true musicians.
  43. Nov 27, 2020
    All tracks have their time of day. All members of BTS are laudable in this album.
  44. Nov 26, 2020
    the way these guys are always outdoing themselves blows my mind. they never cease to amaze me.
  45. Nov 26, 2020
    I really enjoyed the album and i liked how they put the tracks in a specific order. First they tell us at that despite what is going on life goes on and then we have Blue and grey i feel like with this song they tells is ok to feel depressed in these difficult times . I loved the more upbeat tracks they really put you in a good mood. Overall i think is a great listen . And also iI really enjoyed the album and i liked how they put the tracks in a specific order. First they tell us at that despite what is going on life goes on and then we have Blue and grey i feel like with this song they tells is ok to feel depressed in these difficult times . I loved the more upbeat tracks they really put you in a good mood. Overall i think is a great listen . And also i appreciate the fact that they made this album to comfort people Expand
  46. Nov 26, 2020
    Esse álbum pra mim entrou pra o top 3 de melhores obras deles, é intimista mas com certeza pode ser apreciada por qualquer pessoa, tem estilos pra todos os gostos e isso é uma das coisas que mais gosto na obra deles, parabéns BTS por mais um trabalho impecável!
  47. Nov 26, 2020
    BE was a different experience for me. It starts with sad songs and with each song it will lead you towards a feeling of optimism. It is an album born from the essence of each member of BTS and that makes it unique. Highly recommended!
  48. Nov 26, 2020
    I’m not a BTS fan however someone sent me the album and it really surprised me! The album by far one if the best albums that have been released this year! The lyrics are gorgeous, I definitely recommend checking BE out if you’re open for it! I took a liking to their work so I might check their discography out.
  49. Nov 26, 2020
    Such a wonderful, confirting album, especially for this taugh times. 'Life goes on' and 'Blue&Grey' are my favourite tracks.
  50. Nov 26, 2020
    An album to cure our broken souls from this Year. In every track you listen the boys heart, it makes this album special.
  51. Nov 20, 2020
    I would define this album as the best gift anyone could ever receive. It has stories, moments, memories, longing. It involves feelings
  52. Nov 26, 2020
    the album is INCREDIBLY perfect, the order of the songs is impressive because it starts in a light vibe with life goes on, as if we were in a field and just getting the wind in our hair, until a positive vibe, more cheerful with dynamite, it was a good BTS move, I admire them too much for the quality of their albums, it's no wonder I'm an army.
  53. Nov 26, 2020
    Amazing. Comforting, relaxing, mind-blowing. The lyrics for this album of them isn't as complicated as the previous ones and I love it. They didn't want to prove themselves or impress everyone, they just wanted to heal the world. I loved it.
  54. Nov 26, 2020
    This is an album with songs that comfort you and that cheer you up at the same time, in days like we're living now is all we need.

    The songs are all in Korean but a quick search for translations allows you to appreciate the genius and beauty of the lyrics in each song. BE has different styles on their tracklist showing how versatile BTS are as artists, they deliver quality no matter what
    This is an album with songs that comfort you and that cheer you up at the same time, in days like we're living now is all we need.

    The songs are all in Korean but a quick search for translations allows you to appreciate the genius and beauty of the lyrics in each song. BE has different styles on their tracklist showing how versatile BTS are as artists, they deliver quality no matter what the genre. I give 10 for all these things and also because it's an album made by all members, I admire artists who create their own music. BTS has a lot of talent Congratulations!
  55. Nov 26, 2020
    Amazing album, on repeat. Life goes on, Telepathy, Blue & Grey and ofc Dynamite
  56. Nov 26, 2020
    An amazing album who makes you go through a roller coaster of emotion. This is the most personal album by the group. The lyrics are relatable
  57. Nov 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. from the concept to the design it is wonderful, those colors and the warmth you feel when listening to them is enchanting. Expand
  58. Nov 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album to listen to during quarantine. Not sure if the music is speaking to me or I'm speaking in the form of it. Beautiful songs which are for every type of mood and the lyrics are on an other level completely relating to my feelings. A must recommendation for anyone. Expand
  59. Nov 26, 2020
    The songs tell about our hardships due to Covid, our restricted social live combined with the pressure at work giving the hearer space to reflection. Musically I find the album beautiful and well balanced, every song being and artpiece. It ends with the joyful and optimistic "Dynamite".
    What do I get als message? It's time to make a pause and rethink about ourselves, our goals, short: to
    The songs tell about our hardships due to Covid, our restricted social live combined with the pressure at work giving the hearer space to reflection. Musically I find the album beautiful and well balanced, every song being and artpiece. It ends with the joyful and optimistic "Dynamite".
    What do I get als message? It's time to make a pause and rethink about ourselves, our goals, short: to connect with ourselves und enjoy life.
  60. Nov 26, 2020
    I have listened to the entire Album and all the tracks are so comforting. My personal favorite is Life Goes On and Fly To My Room. It is so timely considering that the entire world is on a sortnof lockdown due to the pandemic.
  61. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is magnificent, the songs are verry good
    it's a great job, i'm impressed
  62. Nov 25, 2020
    i had high expectations for this album since it is produced and written by themselves, and as always, they met those expectations. each member took part in creating this album and i couldn’t be more prouder of them. this album is a masterpiece and i love it so much !
  63. Nov 25, 2020
    In this new release, the Grammy nominated group BTS delivers a letter of hope and healing to the world through their songs, sharing what they are living and feeling in the situation we are facing right now. 'Life Goes On' is a track that reflects the ideia of healing, which is also in the slogan of their company ("Music & Artist for Healing"), that BTS always follow really well, while theIn this new release, the Grammy nominated group BTS delivers a letter of hope and healing to the world through their songs, sharing what they are living and feeling in the situation we are facing right now. 'Life Goes On' is a track that reflects the ideia of healing, which is also in the slogan of their company ("Music & Artist for Healing"), that BTS always follow really well, while the other tracks relate a lot to the listener even when the seven boys sing about their own struggles during the pandemic, making them feel closer to the artist. Expand
  64. Nov 25, 2020
    The album is perfect I don't give a fan but I was delighted. Loved Life Goes On
  65. Nov 25, 2020
    Their best album for me! I love it, so healing and hopeful! Thank you for this masterpiece BTS!
  66. Nov 25, 2020
    BE is their most versatile and introspective album yet. It's a shame that any dissenting views from critics are from white men who clearly did not take the time to study their artistry, analyze the lyrics, or give their songs any critical thought. Also, responding to the slight that SLANT wrote—BTS already have a stable footing in United States, and they gained that footing by beingBE is their most versatile and introspective album yet. It's a shame that any dissenting views from critics are from white men who clearly did not take the time to study their artistry, analyze the lyrics, or give their songs any critical thought. Also, responding to the slight that SLANT wrote—BTS already have a stable footing in United States, and they gained that footing by being themselves and singing in Korean. To suggest otherwise is plain ignorant. Expand
  67. Nov 25, 2020
    3 words, beautiful healthy music, amazing sounds and vibes. the lyrics are so good.
  68. Nov 25, 2020
    Contrary to the very biased and corrupt reviews on the other side, the way this album offers a perspective on the way most people have lived their lives in the pandemic, including BTS deserves such high respect and courtesy when being reviewed because no one else would dare to truly put these uncertain times to let others overcome their hopelessness through songs. Their emotions ofContrary to the very biased and corrupt reviews on the other side, the way this album offers a perspective on the way most people have lived their lives in the pandemic, including BTS deserves such high respect and courtesy when being reviewed because no one else would dare to truly put these uncertain times to let others overcome their hopelessness through songs. Their emotions of helplessness, fear, uncertainty of not knowing if everyone they love will be alright, whether if they can take back the time they lost, whether they can see ARMY again, all these feelings are embedded preciously in each track. If one cannot take the time to read the lyrics, they should not even review this beautiful album. I hope everyone who listens to this album can hear and feel these emotions, because most importantly, life goes on, which is what BTS focused on. Bring the negativity, because it means BTS will be even more successful. Expand
  69. Nov 25, 2020
    Um dos albums mais reconfortantes, (se não o álbum) traz uma energia tão boa, sem falar que é um álbum que teve o total envolvimento de todos os membros, realmente maravilhoso.
  70. Nov 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum está perfeito. O BTS mais uma vez nos surpreende com um trabalho excepcional. Expand
  71. Nov 25, 2020
    In my opinion, one of BTS's best albums to date. It's compact, but contains a wide diversity of genres ranging from acoustic pop ballads to EDM. The progression of the album from melancholy to hopeful perfectly exemplifies the message of the album, and of course- the lyrics are pure poetry.
  72. Nov 20, 2020
    esse álbum é perfeito, eu queria colocar todas as palavras que sentir ao decorrer de todas as músicas mas simplismente não consigo. parabéns aos meninos, eles fizeram um ótimo trabalho
  73. Nov 25, 2020
    It definitely surprised me, the first songs on the album are comforting and give you strength and hope in the face of our new reality. The other half of the songs surprised me, they have more energy, they give you that joy and that illusion for life that you need right now. No song on this album is the same as another, they have different styles, they can go from old school hip hop toIt definitely surprised me, the first songs on the album are comforting and give you strength and hope in the face of our new reality. The other half of the songs surprised me, they have more energy, they give you that joy and that illusion for life that you need right now. No song on this album is the same as another, they have different styles, they can go from old school hip hop to ballad without a problem, I was amazed at the variety these guys can do. My respects to these guys, they did well. Expand
  74. Nov 25, 2020
    The EP opens with possibly BTS’ loveliest and most emotional song to date - “Life Goes On” - the perfect musical uplift for the year of COVID; it closes with their infectious (and now GRAMMY-nominated and history-making) anthem “Dynamite.” Between these two highlights are songs (and even a skit) that fit well within what we expect from this insanely talented group: charisma, charm,The EP opens with possibly BTS’ loveliest and most emotional song to date - “Life Goes On” - the perfect musical uplift for the year of COVID; it closes with their infectious (and now GRAMMY-nominated and history-making) anthem “Dynamite.” Between these two highlights are songs (and even a skit) that fit well within what we expect from this insanely talented group: charisma, charm, intelligence, honesty, and a fearlessness to face both life’s turbulence and joy. BTS continues to be an absolute pleasure to listen to and cheer for. Expand
  75. Nov 25, 2020
    An incredible and sensitive album! Full of feelings and truths about personal feelings that connect the artist with those who listen to it, both fans and anyone. It has a beautiful balance between dark, hopeful and joyful feelings. One of the best of the year, undoubtedly full of passion and delicacy in every detail!
  76. Nov 25, 2020
    O álbum em si é como uma verdadeira terapia, letras que fazem você refletir sobre a vida e sobre o momento que estamos vivendo.
    Amo a diversidade que o BTS sempre trás em seus trabalhos, a faixa tittle é como um verdadeiro abraço reconfortante para quem escuta
  77. Nov 25, 2020
    Honestly their most beautiful album yet, lyrically and sonically. BTS lyricism is alway top notch, but they really outdid themselves with these songs.

    Dis-ease is a masterpiece.
  78. Nov 25, 2020
    It's been 6 years since I've listened to BTS for the first time, the music was called Danger, from their 2014 album Dark & Wild. I didn't considered myself an army, because I just listened to them casually. At the time I was so disappointed with Kpop in general, cause they all were bringing quite exactly the same. Same beats, same unnecessary sexy concepts, same general music. Danger gotIt's been 6 years since I've listened to BTS for the first time, the music was called Danger, from their 2014 album Dark & Wild. I didn't considered myself an army, because I just listened to them casually. At the time I was so disappointed with Kpop in general, cause they all were bringing quite exactly the same. Same beats, same unnecessary sexy concepts, same general music. Danger got me in a different way, great music, amazing rap skills and strong choreography. I thought to myself I should keep an eye on that group. Time went by and I lost interest in Kpop for a while, until I heard of BTS again in 2019, when I got to my old school Kpop playlist. So I checked their music again.

    I was so shocked to see how much they've grown musically and as individuals, their achievements and more important, how much they've contributed to the society in so many levels. I've listened to their whole discography and demo tracks on Soundcloud, solo mixtapes and everything you can imagine and got to see their evolution in real time since Map of the Soul: Persona, Map of the Soul:7 and more recently, BE. Oh my god, it's difficult to put in words how much work was put into this record, but its not difficult to see it once you're familiar with their work. Everything, from the concept to their lyrics that tells us about their deepest feelings since the start of COVID-19 pandemic. Life goes on gives you the sensation of comfort and it feels almost like you can see and touch the feelings that they want to transmit. Telepathy and Dis-ease are probably one of the biggest surprises, specially the last one. If you read the lyrics you will probably relate to at least one of them. I'm so happy to live in the same era as BTS and I will cherish this album for many years to come!
  79. Nov 25, 2020
    Provaram novamente que são artistas completos através de um álbum com gêneros não explorados por eles anteriormente, letras tocantes as quais muitos podem relatar nesse período difícil e vocais impecáveis!
  80. Nov 25, 2020
    me gusta mucha la simpleza de la estática que tiene el álbum, me gusta que los chicos nos transmitan este mensaje de “es duro, pero estamos aquí para ti, gracias por estar con nosotros”, en mi opinión creo que tienen mejores trabajos, no es el mejor álbum pero tampoco es malo, orgullosa de todo lo que están logrando los chicos
  81. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum é maravilhoso! Eles merecem o mundo e tudo de bom. Esse álbum está incrível. Expand
  82. Nov 25, 2020
    Perfeita todas música do álbum trás uma mensagem tão linda, minha preferidas são dis-ease e Blue & Grey
  83. Nov 25, 2020
    is just one of the best albuns they ever made, the way they express in "blue & grey" it's just so beautiful and listening the music you can feel what Taehyung was feeling at the time he wrote. Another good point is that they could mix different genres in just one album but not in a weird way, that you feel you are listening to two differents albuns and that's amazing! Congratulations foris just one of the best albuns they ever made, the way they express in "blue & grey" it's just so beautiful and listening the music you can feel what Taehyung was feeling at the time he wrote. Another good point is that they could mix different genres in just one album but not in a weird way, that you feel you are listening to two differents albuns and that's amazing! Congratulations for BTS and listen to BE, now! ♥️ Expand
  84. Nov 25, 2020
    shares so many thoughts and feelings! So important to have an album like this in such hard times!
  85. Nov 25, 2020
    Levando em consideração a situação atual mundial, esse álbum resumiu em palavras os sentimentos que todos nós estamos enfrentando. Diferente do que geralmente é feito nas músicas, com esse álbum, sinto que posso me relacionar com cada palavra escrita, e apesar da barreira da linguagem, tive a sensação de compreender os sentimentos que os membros do grupo estavam experenciando mesmo semLevando em consideração a situação atual mundial, esse álbum resumiu em palavras os sentimentos que todos nós estamos enfrentando. Diferente do que geralmente é feito nas músicas, com esse álbum, sinto que posso me relacionar com cada palavra escrita, e apesar da barreira da linguagem, tive a sensação de compreender os sentimentos que os membros do grupo estavam experenciando mesmo sem saber os significados das letras.
    Como a música transpassa barreiras culturais, acredito que esse álbum conseguiu curar e representar com as palavras certas o que eu chamaria de "conforto". Espero que realmente o trabalho deles seja de fato valorizado, e que antes de pensamentos vazios de desprezo ou até mesmo xenofobia, as pessoas enxerguem talento. Composto por apenas 8 músicas, cada uma com sua individualidade, pude compreender a tristeza e a visão de esperança que estavam guardadas no fundo do meu coração, por conta disso, posso dizer com certeza, que ouvir esse álbum é uma experiência de autoconhecimento e aceitação da situação em que estamos.
    Em resumo, nesse momento não falo como fã e grande apreciadora do trabalho desses 7 homens incríveis, mas como ouvinte assídua de música. Esse álbum tem a alma e todos os profundos sentimentos expostos, muito bem representado pelas letras, mas também transmitido por cada som e batida que compõe cada música. Grande respeito por essa produção inteiramente criada pelos membros do grupo.
  86. Nov 25, 2020
    BE é um álbum pro coração não pra chart, vai hitar por quê é do BTS mas esse álbum é feito pra acalmar coração e alma
  87. Nov 25, 2020
    BE is everything one needed to hear in this pandemic. Listening to BE warms my heart. It addresses all of the feeling one can have during the pandemic and instead of giving just “stay positive” message it gives hope that this temporary and it’ll all be okay again. It tells us that life maybe sh*t sometimes but it will change.
  88. Nov 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The melodies and the lyricism es incredible. A beautiful album that you can listen while you're resting or drinking a mug. Definitely one of the best. Expand
  89. Nov 25, 2020
    O álbum contém as músicas mais lindas que já ouvi, a emoção e carinho dos cantores estão em cada detalhe.
  90. Nov 25, 2020
    Awesome! They put 100% os themselves in this album, they literally made this with their hands.
  91. Nov 25, 2020
    The lyricism and storytelling in this album is mind-blowing, yet at the same time something that is fairly normal throughout the group's discography, aside from the English single of Dynamite which the group did not write. BE is like a warm hug on a cold winter day, but it doesn't gloss over the pain and hardships people have gone through over the past months. It discusses stress, mentalThe lyricism and storytelling in this album is mind-blowing, yet at the same time something that is fairly normal throughout the group's discography, aside from the English single of Dynamite which the group did not write. BE is like a warm hug on a cold winter day, but it doesn't gloss over the pain and hardships people have gone through over the past months. It discusses stress, mental illness, loneliness, but does end on a more positive note each time. They went back to their older sound with the track Dis-ease, which is more hiphop-based but also has some other musucal elements that keep building up throughout the song. Telepathy is probably one of those songs that you keep playing multiple times a day, just to understand it more. A lot of people have discussed how the album makes you want to re-listen to understand it more. I experience the same thing because the order of songs feels so /right/ yet keeps your attention (e.g. the skit section that is brought back, serving as an intermezzo in the album, or Stay ending on a distorted noise that keeps getting louder and creates tension, which is then taken away and turned into relief once Dynamite starts playing). Another reason for the album being so fit for repeated listening (please do not loop though; algorithms and all) is that various songs do not or do not appear to have a clear-cut chorus. That can be messy but in this case it creares a very nice flow in the songs. BE is like a hug where you're allowed to cry, and heal through that cry. Expand
  92. Nov 24, 2020
    BTS does again as they have plus one great album to there list and mind you it's calming one at that.
  93. Nov 24, 2020
    Al principio las canciones me parecieron regularmente buenas, fue cuando mire la letra que cambio todo para mi y por eso le doy 10, me sentí muy identificada y creo que todos los que hemos pasado por cuarentena podemos sentir la sinceridad de las letras en estas canciones y la esperanza que trasmiten. En un conjunto es un álbum muy bueno, si no hubiera visto las letras tendría un 8 paraAl principio las canciones me parecieron regularmente buenas, fue cuando mire la letra que cambio todo para mi y por eso le doy 10, me sentí muy identificada y creo que todos los que hemos pasado por cuarentena podemos sentir la sinceridad de las letras en estas canciones y la esperanza que trasmiten. En un conjunto es un álbum muy bueno, si no hubiera visto las letras tendría un 8 para mi, pero entendiendo el mensaje y sintiendo la música fue una experiencia magnifica. Expand
  94. Nov 24, 2020
    The album is wonderful.
    The songs are perfect, there calm and lively ones, so you can have fun, dance and keep calm with the same album!
    The accessories are SO CREATIVE, I really loved them.
    The cover is minimalist, and I'm falling for this
    Anyway, just buy it.
  95. Nov 24, 2020
    It's an confortable album to let our heart and soul in peace, it's like a hug, bts really made 'be' to confort us in this pandemic moment.
  96. Nov 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. BE é um excelente álbum, suas músicas e melodias me trazem o conforto e a calmaria que eu não consigo encontrar por causa da correria do dia a dia, suas letras trazem consigo vários significados que me fazem refletir de uma maneira saudável. BE será um dos álbuns que levarei comigo para sempre Expand
  97. Nov 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um dos melhores álbuns de 2020. BE é totalmente clean, um álbum que relata como está a vida dos membros do BTS em meio às coisas que vem acontecendo. Trás esperança e mostra uma positividade que pra mim estava perdida em 2020. Sou grata por esse álbum. Expand
  98. Nov 24, 2020
    As letras são incríveis! Todas tem uma mensagem por trás. Nos tempos de hoje, com a pandemia, é bom ter uma palavra de consolo.
  99. Nov 24, 2020
    No soy fan del grupo, pero mi amiga me convenció de escuchar este album, y la verdad me gustó

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.