• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Nov 20, 2020
    The new album of BTS is a warm breeze in a cold day. I can't stop listening. The lyrics, the melody, the boys, their voices, every little detail of BE is perfect, full of emotion and good feelings. We needed that. Thank you Bangtan for your dedication, love and perseverance. Fighting!
  2. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum maravilhoso entregaram tudo e muito mais, sem falar q tudo foi feito pelos 7, ESTÁ SIMPLESMENTE INCRÍVEL ÁLBUM DO ANO! Expand
  3. Nov 20, 2020
    Ouvir o álbum é tão relaxante, me dá uma sensação de paz e conforto enorme.
  4. Nov 20, 2020
    Esse álbum reflete diversos sentimentos que muitos de nós estão passando agora com a pandemia. Um álbum maduro! Muito bom!!
  5. Nov 20, 2020
    um dos melhores álbuns da carreira do BTS, carrega a verdadeira essência não só dos 7 homens que produziram esse álbum mas também da esperança que é necessária nesse ano que esta sendo lançado, BE vem cheio de questionamentos, reflexões, mensagens, e muito conforto para todos os fãs e aqueles que escutam sem preconfeito, a faixa titulo é uma fonte de amor e com toda certeza oferece aum dos melhores álbuns da carreira do BTS, carrega a verdadeira essência não só dos 7 homens que produziram esse álbum mas também da esperança que é necessária nesse ano que esta sendo lançado, BE vem cheio de questionamentos, reflexões, mensagens, e muito conforto para todos os fãs e aqueles que escutam sem preconfeito, a faixa titulo é uma fonte de amor e com toda certeza oferece a possibilidade de um mundo melhor, a musica salva as pessoas e o BTS é um dos poucos artistas que usam seu trabalho para isso. Expand
  6. Nov 20, 2020
    Álbum cheio de emoção e que trás a simplicidade de uma forma muito especial. Te dando a sensação de aconchego e conforto.
  7. Nov 20, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, etc. ((ps: telepathy, stay and dis-ease are the best ones BTS DID AGAIN!
  8. Nov 20, 2020
    Um álbum coeso que me passa uma sensação desde a de angustia do início da pandemia até perceber que a vida continua mesmo assim.
  9. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O Bts mais uma vez mostra do que é capaz , caminhar entre generos diferentes sem medo. Be é simplesmente uns dos melhores trabalhos da banda : vozes encantadoras, letras magníficas e melodia agradável. Expand
  10. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É um álbum especial para o bts, com tudo que eu já vi deles esse com certeza é o melhor. Tem três faixas essências para mim: Dis-ease, telepathy e Fly tô my Room. Expand
  11. Nov 20, 2020
    I think it's amazing how they make their songs with such affection

    Cura aonde dói
  12. Nov 20, 2020
    I didn't knew that their songs could be even better after mots:7, but they overcame themselves on this album. This album heals all my pain :)
  13. Nov 20, 2020
    it's Amazing. I cried a lot but this album makes me feel warm.
    I really loved him and it'll be my favorite,
  14. Nov 20, 2020
    It's a beautiful album. It feels so cozy to listen to! Each music has it own style whitch i think that is the mots prettiest thing in an album
  15. Nov 20, 2020
    Another incredible album in the magnificent BTS discography. It is an intimate, comforting, sincere album that warms the heart. It's like a warm hug from someone saying that everything will be fine again. It is a breath of hope in dark times.
  16. Nov 20, 2020
    O álbum trás uma paz e um consolo sem precedentes. Ao mesmo tempo que mostra uma verdade que pode ser difícil pros fãs de assimilar, é sincero e tem uma ótima transição entre as músicas mais lentas e melancólicas para as mais animadas que com certeza te fazem se remexer.
  17. Nov 20, 2020
    This album bring a complete experience, betwen sadness memories and happy moments all about the new life than the world have today. This album willl chance the last months of this year
  18. Nov 20, 2020
    O album passa uma otima mensagem de esperança, apesar da melancolia de tracks como 'blue & gray"... Condiz exatamente com o momento que estamos vivenciando
  19. Nov 20, 2020
    all the tracks are perfect and I cried a lot with the title (life goes on). thank you, bts!!!
  20. Nov 20, 2020
    BE is a wonderful album that cheers your heart and makes your day lighter, all the songs are a warm hug on these sad days.
  21. Nov 20, 2020
    BE is not just an album, it is a cultural redefinition, a lifestyle. It is the oxygen you breathe, an escape from this cruel world full of thieves. It's art, the first gift you open for Christmas, everything you ever needed, everything you ever wanted.
  22. Nov 20, 2020
    is a wonderful album, great to listen to when you are looking for comfort and renewal of energy
  23. Nov 20, 2020
    BE is like a warm hug, it's suddenly feeling home after being lost for a year.
  24. Nov 20, 2020
    BTS brought a new way of making music! They are so original and always improving the style of their songs but yet still with old elements they already used in their past works! So amazing and touching!
  25. Nov 20, 2020
    I’m fascinated by how BTS can convey so much peace to me. this is the album of the year.
  26. Nov 20, 2020
    I just loved it! He's quiet, it's like a warm hug. You feel accompanied and happy, while you cry with sincerity and emotion, you also feel happy and loved. They put all of them on this album and that's what they needed in that quarantine!
  27. Nov 20, 2020
    i Just can say that is the album of the year. The songs are so materpiece and comfortable. I loved each song so much. thank you bts for work a lot in this album
  28. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La letra de Life Goes On es sincera, es un álbum muy distinto a los anteriores, sus letras son mas suaves pero sin quitar la esencia del grupo. Expand
  29. Nov 20, 2020
    I loved this album, it's perfect!! It makes us feel good energy, like a friendly hug
  30. Nov 20, 2020
    Todas las canciones tienen un diferente estilo y se adecua a diferentes gustos. Este álbum fue hecho por BTS para Army. Se puede apreciar en éstos años, que tan apasionados por la música están los 7 integrantes de la banda más famosa y exitosa de estos últimos tiempos. A diferencia de otros artistas, BTS ha demostrado el talento que tiene y que el éxito solo se construye a base deTodas las canciones tienen un diferente estilo y se adecua a diferentes gustos. Este álbum fue hecho por BTS para Army. Se puede apreciar en éstos años, que tan apasionados por la música están los 7 integrantes de la banda más famosa y exitosa de estos últimos tiempos. A diferencia de otros artistas, BTS ha demostrado el talento que tiene y que el éxito solo se construye a base de esfuerzo. Expand
  31. Nov 20, 2020
    Um ótimo álbum, o bts conseguiu passar conforto através das suas músicas que são ótimas.
  32. Nov 20, 2020
    Esse álbum, é simplesmente perfeito. Saiu no momento certo, com as músicas certas.
  33. Nov 20, 2020
    I enjoyed the flow and structure to this short but heartfelt album that was self directed by the BTS members themselves. Each track was different yet fit the overarching story of BTS' thoughts and experiences during the pandemic. As usual their lyrical storytelling is great and always worth a read. The translation site I tend to use is the site, doolsetbangtan, they are known for reliableI enjoyed the flow and structure to this short but heartfelt album that was self directed by the BTS members themselves. Each track was different yet fit the overarching story of BTS' thoughts and experiences during the pandemic. As usual their lyrical storytelling is great and always worth a read. The translation site I tend to use is the site, doolsetbangtan, they are known for reliable translations and even going further to explain context and clever wordplay that BTS are renowned for using but are hard to grasp for non Korean speakers Expand
  34. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing. Listening from start to end, its a story that quite literally, like the title track states, displays that "Life Goes On". The first track, Life Goes On, coveys the story of boys in their 20s and them overcoming their troubles. Fly To My Room, a unit song, still holds the soft and sad theme while describing the new reality of spending time at home and how hard that can be. Moving on, Blue & Gray deals with a more serious topic of depression, and Kim Taehyung, stage name V, starts the song with his amazing, deep and soulful voice. The album is divided by the skit, where the members of BTS talk about achieving their first number one in the Hot 100 charts with "Dynamite". This skit serves as a bridge onto the second part of the album, and it quite literally is a bridge in real life. From having their concerts and events cancelled due to COVID-19 and therefore facing a lot of troubles, this achievement shows that life, indeed, goes on. After this introduction to the second part of the album, we are greeted by Telepathy. This nostalgic track is simply a great song that shows the connection between BTS and their fans while being positive about the whole situation. Dis-ease is an amazing, upbeat, old school hip hop song. The bridge is especially intriguing and captivating. Next, Stay is a new EDM song, without the aspect of "noise-music", this song turns the awful situation into a reason to stay, with BTS, with the music, and in the world. Finally, a classic, Dynamite. This song is the perfect song to the album for ending with a positive note. The rollercoaster ride of the album BE is an amazing reflection of the vulnerable and raw feelings of Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook. Seven of the eight tracks were composed and produced in some way by the members themselves, and their soulful and expressive voices definitely display their true feelings. Overall, this is a life-changing album which simply feels like a warm hug despite the situations of the world in 2020. Expand
  35. Nov 20, 2020
    "BE" tem uma estrutura incrível, as faixas tem melodias e letras únicas. Recomendo muito que ouçam!
  36. Nov 20, 2020
    The entire album have a felling that goes beyond a simple thought of getting stuck, it allows the listener to look beyond the walls and stop thinking that that was it. The album motivates its fans to continue life despite adversity. Congratulations to the 7 guys.
  37. Nov 20, 2020
    Provavelmente um dos melhores álbuns de 2020, é um álbum curto e muito coeso, todas as faixas são perfeitas e se encaixam totalmente no clima
  38. Nov 20, 2020
    this album has so many messages and feelings that the BTS wants to pass on in their songs. the current times i name a pandemic this album brings a comfort produced by people who have gone through the same things as us and had to change their routine. this album is perfect to feel comfortable. and it is perfect the difference from one song to another
  39. Nov 20, 2020
    It’s an amazing album, with such good songs that really pass the feelings through them
  40. Nov 20, 2020
    Everything is perfect, it's an incredible, sentimental and minimalist album, in Blue & Gray there is a heartbeat sound in the chorus and with the music you feel melancholy, but alive, because the heart that beats in the music seems to align with the your . All very well thought out, a true masterpiece
  41. Nov 20, 2020
    This album is so beautiful and sentimental. I'm feeling so happy to meet BTS, they change my life and your songs are like an comfort for me. Please, appreciate this art without prejudice, you will not regret.
  42. Nov 20, 2020
    Esse álbum é tão íntimo e eles compartilharam isso com a gente, ele é um aconchego desse tempo que estamos vivendo. Simplesmente incrível em cada música.
  43. Nov 20, 2020
    The album is so good, you feel good things listening to the songs, everybody should listen to it. It's one of the best albums i've ever listened to.
  44. Nov 20, 2020
    An incredible album that is able to direct your emotions in a progressive way through the melody and the message that brings hope and comfort, fitting perfectly with the goal that BTS had in relation to the new album!
  45. Nov 20, 2020
    É um álbum com uma extensão lírica incrível e é muito reconfortante, ele é otimista mas sem deixar de ser realista. É sem duvida o melhor álbum de 2020.
  46. Nov 20, 2020
    Best album so comforting and healing songs
    I loved it give a try So.. meaningful and comforting
    At times like this it hit u hard
  47. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love the album, especially life goes on and Telepathy.
    All his songs are so comforting to the situation we're living through the pandemic
  48. Nov 20, 2020
    An album that came to heal every wound in our hearts.
    Thank you BTS for healing our hearts in this moment of so much sadness
  49. Nov 20, 2020
    I genuinely feel that BE has taken the title of my favourite BTS album - and therefore also the title of my favourite album of all time - yet. It's such a wonderful collection of music! It has a sound for everyone, with songs ranging from ballads to funky upbeat tunes that'll have you bopping your head or moving in your seat. And the lyrics are - as per BTS' usual fashion - clever,I genuinely feel that BE has taken the title of my favourite BTS album - and therefore also the title of my favourite album of all time - yet. It's such a wonderful collection of music! It has a sound for everyone, with songs ranging from ballads to funky upbeat tunes that'll have you bopping your head or moving in your seat. And the lyrics are - as per BTS' usual fashion - clever, beautiful, emotional, relatable and current. An album created from the circumstances of the world after the pandemic turned it entirely on its head, BE was BTS taking control of their situation of uncertainty and creating something good out of it, something they hoped might offer comfort, support and encouragement to anyone who could use it. I, for one, certainly appreciate it, and I know so many others do as well. As a fan, I am completely satisfied once again by the work of these seven talented and dedicated artists. Expand
  50. Nov 20, 2020
    Realmente me encantó este álbum, las canciones son increíbles, especialmente LGO y B&G
  51. Nov 20, 2020
    A healing album, every song can comfort you in differents way, I really hope everyone can enjoy this album
  52. Nov 20, 2020
    Esse álbum é simplesmente minha vida. Tudo que envolve esse álbum foi feito com extremo carinho e amor, e eu não poderia deixar de descrever esse álbum, como o melhor de todos.
  53. Nov 20, 2020
    De longe o trabalho mais profundo deles. Consegui sentir, vibrar e emocionar com cada melodia e verso. Ler a tradução foi o estopim. Magnífico.
  54. Nov 20, 2020
    I loved. The album is like a hug, to confort and give hope. All the tracks have their own colors and create perfect nuances throughout the album. The title track is perfect for loading the main message. The Skit is like a bridge separating the two moods. The album delivers the feeling of anguish and frustration, while delivering a message of hope in tomorrow. BTS once again showed hisI loved. The album is like a hug, to confort and give hope. All the tracks have their own colors and create perfect nuances throughout the album. The title track is perfect for loading the main message. The Skit is like a bridge separating the two moods. The album delivers the feeling of anguish and frustration, while delivering a message of hope in tomorrow. BTS once again showed his versatility and courage in delivering this work of art. Expand
  55. Nov 20, 2020
    its their best mini album to date, really fresh, sentimental and also fun to listen to
  56. Nov 20, 2020
    Sublimes piezas que abrazan el alma en estos tiempos de dificultad, la vida continúa aún con todos los obstáculos.
  57. Nov 20, 2020
    I really love this album. It is such a fresh and nice album. The a bit more sad sounding ballads, the skit that is a lot of fun to listen to even tho it is just the boys talking and the super hyper hiphop/retro/house songs are so refreshing! I really recommended! I just ordered a copy of the album, very excited to get it.
    If you don’t know with which song to start to I recommend dis-ease
    I really love this album. It is such a fresh and nice album. The a bit more sad sounding ballads, the skit that is a lot of fun to listen to even tho it is just the boys talking and the super hyper hiphop/retro/house songs are so refreshing! I really recommended! I just ordered a copy of the album, very excited to get it.
    If you don’t know with which song to start to I recommend dis-ease or telepathy both of them are my favorites. The contrast between the sound and the lyrics of these two songs made me love these two songs even more!
    I also want to add that I am very proud of how they created this album. They did everything from scratch, the filming, the styling, the producing and writing. One of the members was even the project manager. Really proud!
  58. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfeito, aclamadoooooo, álbum do ano os donos do mundo, poetas no topo Expand
  59. Nov 20, 2020
    Amazing album that will bring so much comfort for everyone who would to listen. BTS being such great artists like aways.
  60. Nov 20, 2020
    BTS is always innovating and showing that they are not afraid to try different things, BE is a true masterpiece, a journey of different emotions from beginning to end.
  61. Nov 20, 2020
    Another excellent job: Intimate, sincere, emotional, they delivered everything they promised.BTS as always reinventing themselves, delivering quality and musical diversity, Kings of Kpop
  62. Nov 20, 2020
    Bangtan se propuso darnos un album para consolarnos en estos tiempos difíciles y lo logró con creces. Mis favoritas Blue&Grey y Stay.
  63. Nov 20, 2020
  64. Nov 20, 2020
    PERFEITO!!!! O BTS FAZ TUDO. O MUNDO É DELES. BTS WORLD DOMINATION. o conforto que esse albúm passa é surreal, me sinto abraçada por eles toda vez que ouço as músicas
  65. Nov 20, 2020
    This album feels cohesive in its message and tone, but still provides enough variety with only 8 tracks. The title track is comforting and catchy, and the b-sides are funky and interesting. Dis-ease is a standout. Diving into the lyrics reveals poetic and sincere feelings of the singers. Perfect healing music for the state of the world, highly recommend
  66. Nov 20, 2020
    This album is one of the best things I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. It's simple, raw, transparent. It is sentimental, without great luxuries, focused on expressing purely feelings and sharing emotions. I find it representative, comforting album, as if it were a warm hug. Each song conveys a feeling so unique, so real and so pure ... I felt represented in each line, in each beat,This album is one of the best things I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. It's simple, raw, transparent. It is sentimental, without great luxuries, focused on expressing purely feelings and sharing emotions. I find it representative, comforting album, as if it were a warm hug. Each song conveys a feeling so unique, so real and so pure ... I felt represented in each line, in each beat, from beginning to end. BE is the comfort I needed to survive this pandemic. Thank you, BTS, for doing such an amazing job. My congratulations for being such talented and hardworking artists, capable of making a work of art as pure and beautiful as BE. Expand
  67. Nov 20, 2020
    This album came as a healing moment, deep and soft lyrics, as well as starting in a melancholy mood like the beginning of the quarantine and ending at a happy rhythm to remind us that '' life goes on ''
  68. Nov 20, 2020
    Is crazy how even though the album has just 8 tracks, it can be bring all types of emotions and diversity. I think they are arriving in a moment of more of a maturity in their music, and even though the album is very diverse, it stills be very cohesive and original. is a kind of comfort album!
  69. Nov 20, 2020
    Excellent album. I loved all the songs from start to finish, meaningful lyrics, refreshing variety of genres (vocals and raps on point) and outstanding production, no doubt, one of the best albums of the year so far.
  70. Nov 20, 2020
    This album is refresh perfect to hear on any occasion. The group achieved its goal by transmitting all kinds of emotions that people can feel or experience in this time of pandemic, highlighting that they are also human and we are all in the same way
  71. Nov 20, 2020
    Soulful and diverse, with wonderfully raw lyrics, BTS come once again to to show why they're the biggest artists of this generation.
    Written like a love letter, this album is a message to all the souls who lost themselves in these hard times. BTS open up in a diary like project, baring their struggles to the world to see, hoping someone can find comfort in their humanity. And, once again,
    Soulful and diverse, with wonderfully raw lyrics, BTS come once again to to show why they're the biggest artists of this generation.
    Written like a love letter, this album is a message to all the souls who lost themselves in these hard times. BTS open up in a diary like project, baring their struggles to the world to see, hoping someone can find comfort in their humanity. And, once again, they have accomplished just that.
    This will be an album to be treasured for years to come.
  72. Nov 20, 2020
    One of their finest projects. Beautiful lyrics and flawless production as usual
  73. Nov 20, 2020
    melhor album q ja ouvi na minha vida parabens bts por fazer musicas tao perfeitas !! minhas favs sao b&g e life goes on mas recomendo tds pra quem n eh fã bjs
  74. Nov 20, 2020
    All i see is good music, and talent, this álbum makes me wanna be a good person, thank you so much BTS.
  75. Nov 20, 2020
    Simply the perfect way to renew the air so charged 2020. For all tastes and styles and with deep and reflective lyrics, as always they just excel.
  76. Nov 20, 2020
    An incredible, introspective album that captures the phrase 'life goes on' in its entirety. Beautiful.
  77. Nov 20, 2020
    touching, you can feel identified with each of the songs. Definitely recommendable
  78. Nov 20, 2020
    it's just perfect, the calm songs at the beginning, and the sound changing to something happier at the end, it comforts, the lyrics are what i feel these days, i just love it
  79. Nov 20, 2020
    Beautifully written and produced album. Very raw and understanding of the situation going on in the world right now. It ultimately left me speechless.
  80. Nov 20, 2020
    BTS are the only artists who have all the human emotions on an album. Emphasis for Life Goes On, which if it could be described would be like a strange but painful sensation in the chest for wanting the unknown as if it were somehow familiar to your soul. It is as if on hearing, the stranger seemed familiar to you and you can only wish to have him back, something you have never had before.
  81. Nov 20, 2020
    The album perfectly encapsulates the feelings of 2020. Life Goes On has gentle but catchy melody, punctuated with rhymes that sound like breaths, and deliberate inhales, exhales, and sighs that work to express the emotions this year has engendered in so many of us. The lyrics strike at the heart but contain hope despite lamenting not seeing an exit from the situation. Blue & Grey is aThe album perfectly encapsulates the feelings of 2020. Life Goes On has gentle but catchy melody, punctuated with rhymes that sound like breaths, and deliberate inhales, exhales, and sighs that work to express the emotions this year has engendered in so many of us. The lyrics strike at the heart but contain hope despite lamenting not seeing an exit from the situation. Blue & Grey is a stunning ballad, it echoes the gloom and sadness, the burnout, we all feel in these times. But BTS, being BTS, send a message of hope, finding joy and comfort in little things (in your room (Fly to My Room), or even when ruminating on the conflicted feelings of these times (Dis-ease). The album builds emotionally and ends on the perfect combination of fun and emotional relief of Stay and Dynamite. A masterpiece. Expand
  82. Nov 20, 2020
    Iconic, brilliant, incredible, totally unique, fantastic, ground breaking, never ever been done before, astonishing, revolutionary, magnificent, beautiful, phenomenal, mind blowing, inspiring, spectacular, legendary
  83. Nov 20, 2020
    Still don’t know how they managed to put so much diversity in a 30 minute album. Each track makes me feel close to the artist. “Life goes one” is so relatable and comforting giving the circumstances we all live In the past few months, I cried the first time I listened to It. Congrats to BTS and thank you for this amazing piece
  84. Nov 20, 2020
    There’s no enough words to describe how beautiful this album is. As usual the lyrics are very relatable and heartfelt. Listen to the album from top to bottom without any prejudice and you’ll definitely love it.
  85. Nov 20, 2020
    I love the fact that we got to see how this album was made and how much impact each member had on the track. Definitely their most laidback album with songs anyone can enjoy. They started this album on a sad note and ended it perfectly on a hopeful and fun one.
  86. Nov 20, 2020
    Uma das melhores obras deles, sempre conseguem se superar e é incrível ver a evolução desde o primeiro álbum até agora com BE
  87. Nov 20, 2020
    this album is amazing and brings comfort to anyone that listen to it. One of their bests

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.