• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 21, 2021
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  1. Jul 17, 2022
    7/10 - Sour is a bit overhyped, but full of bops nonetheless. It is full of strong songs but, like Ariana Grande’s Sweetener, also had a couple of unmemorable songs that ruined the flow (hope ur okay has never stuck after listening to it multiple times). Thankfully, the album’s worst track is at the end, so it doesn’t kill the momentum built up. Still though, this means its conclusion7/10 - Sour is a bit overhyped, but full of bops nonetheless. It is full of strong songs but, like Ariana Grande’s Sweetener, also had a couple of unmemorable songs that ruined the flow (hope ur okay has never stuck after listening to it multiple times). Thankfully, the album’s worst track is at the end, so it doesn’t kill the momentum built up. Still though, this means its conclusion failed to properly end the album on a memorable note. The album was poorly organized with the rock songs being hidden amongst the sad songs. I also think there were too many sad songs, as I struggle to find one happy song either. All of the songs take on a negative outlook, which is her storytelling, but it would have been interesting to see another side of the story that she narrates. Sour still has very catchy songs that deserve hype, but I personally feel like the hype the album got was overbearing and set it up for failure when I decided I needed more. While I can compliment the album and how it produced so many hits, half of the songs got old quickly (the radio overplaying them, TikTok impact, etc.). When it all comes down to it, Sour is a hard-hitting, big body of work with even bigger shoes that it failed to fill. Expand
  2. Aug 23, 2022
    While Olivia's vocal performance leaves you knowing she's got a long and successful career ahead of her that's well deserved, for me, SOUR just doesn't hit the mark. The entire project feels short, created specifically for virality (which it did achieve) but in a way that cheapens the album listening experience.

    While many people watched as Driver's License was taking off, it was hard
    While Olivia's vocal performance leaves you knowing she's got a long and successful career ahead of her that's well deserved, for me, SOUR just doesn't hit the mark. The entire project feels short, created specifically for virality (which it did achieve) but in a way that cheapens the album listening experience.

    While many people watched as Driver's License was taking off, it was hard to move past the smell of "industry plant" that I was getting.

    Nonetheless, "Driver's License" and "Hope You're Okay" manage to showcase Olivia's vulnerability and vocals well. Other tracks like "Good For You" and "Deja vu" fail to hit the mark, feeling rushed and targeted specifically and only for career trajectory.

    I look forward to seeing what Olivia does with her future projects.
  3. Sep 18, 2022
    Olivia Rodrigo trouxe músicas muito boas se você for uma adolescente com problemas emocionais não muito profundos, como brutal e jealousy e jealousy, mas trouxe umas enjoativas e batidas como hope ur ok e good 4 u, os vocais são bonitos e a produção até que esperada vindo dela, mas é um bom debut para uma artista com bom potencial de melhora
  4. Oct 26, 2022
    Un disco muy sincero a nivel lírico. Si bien no es nada del otro mundo ya que las canciones suenan muy parecido unas con las otras, tiene detalles que lo hacen destacar.
  5. May 21, 2021
    Achei um pouco decepcionante, achei que ia ser melhor por conta de Drivers Lincense mas é meio fraquinho
  6. May 21, 2021
    gostei muito do album, porem achei as musicas um pouco parecidas umas com as outros, mas é um ótimo álbum debut ;)
  7. Jul 21, 2021
    it's not a bad album but the theme of the girl who got dumped is kinda boring and repetitive. the production is ok and the lyrics are very cringe. for a debut album, I expected to see the type of artist olivia is but the only thing i can see is she sounding as her favourite artists, like taylor, lorde.
  8. Jun 14, 2021
    Not bad but not crazy about it. Lots of bangers plus great lyricism, album is kind of blend of teenage angst and sorrow. I can see that she got inspired by several artists (Tay), but I think she should built her own persona (if she wants to succeed later with her second album).
  9. May 23, 2021
    It's a good album. But there is so much repetitive. There is some good tracks.
  10. May 21, 2021
    In Olivia Rodrigo's debut album, she presents some promising songs and good vocals. When separated from the artist the album is great. With that being said where the album falls flat for me is the failure to establish her own sound. Olivia Rodrigo's sound seems to be a combination of Conan Gray, Taylor Swift, and even Lorde. She takes too much inspiration from other artists and it dragsIn Olivia Rodrigo's debut album, she presents some promising songs and good vocals. When separated from the artist the album is great. With that being said where the album falls flat for me is the failure to establish her own sound. Olivia Rodrigo's sound seems to be a combination of Conan Gray, Taylor Swift, and even Lorde. She takes too much inspiration from other artists and it drags down the quality and value of her album for me. The bottom line being her debut album fails to do what a debut album is meant to do. Expand
  11. Jun 2, 2021
    Almost all of the songs on this album are about a boy or is about a breakup. Though they are extremely catchy like Deja Vu, Brutal, and Traitor, I just like songs that are not about the same thing.
  12. Jun 18, 2021
    Álbum ok, um pouco superestimado por fãs e a mídia. Letras um pouco ralas, mas que pra um álbum de estreia são decentes. O hype exagerado encima das músicas e do álbum estragam um pouco o que era pra ser um dos álbuns do ano. É digno de ser escutado, por ter músicas muito boas e com instrumentação divertida.
  13. Dec 15, 2021
    Overall, it's an adequate album, but Olivia Rodrigo remains one of the most promising musicians in mainstream music today. I adored the hits "Deja vu" and "good 4 u" when they first came out, and I think they hold up particularly well now that I'm revisiting the album near the end of 2021. "drivers license," the album's huge smash, was never one of my favorites, but I still like it.Overall, it's an adequate album, but Olivia Rodrigo remains one of the most promising musicians in mainstream music today. I adored the hits "Deja vu" and "good 4 u" when they first came out, and I think they hold up particularly well now that I'm revisiting the album near the end of 2021. "drivers license," the album's huge smash, was never one of my favorites, but I still like it.

    This album was planned to be an EP at first, but following the huge success of "drivers license," Rodrigo decided to add a few more tracks and call it an album (makes sense because a good amount of this LP feels like filler ballads). I also agree with the usual critique that all of these songs are about the same relationship, which is unquestionably one of Sour's major weaknesses.
  14. Feb 11, 2022
    The first note of the Disney starlets breakthrough album barrels onto the scene with an angelic violin cut with Olivia saying"i want to be *inaudible sound * messy" and her wish is granted as an energy so **** visceral u might have to pause to breathe descends. It's instantly obvious that despite her chart toping success and multiple top ten singles:she is not going to conform into urThe first note of the Disney starlets breakthrough album barrels onto the scene with an angelic violin cut with Olivia saying"i want to be *inaudible sound * messy" and her wish is granted as an energy so **** visceral u might have to pause to breathe descends. It's instantly obvious that despite her chart toping success and multiple top ten singles:she is not going to conform into ur little pop star. The guitar rifts in the vein of her most recent single "good4u" marches on taking no prisoners as she casually (&callously) contemplates death,drinking,freedom,insecurity and claustrophobia at break neck pace. Providing a promising opener and a great **** omen to wats to come. At 2:19 it attempts to return to the serene (but now creepy)sweet low notes accompanied with violin. Track02:traitor
    This seems greatly underwhelming after the angst of the opener as it returns to form&her usual topics. Scolding an ex who did her wrong and supposedly cheated due to how fast they moved. The track stagnants at the d minor drawing from the muses that gave Duncan Lawrence "arcade" and Taylor swift "happiness"
    None of these mean the song is bad. Especially considering it precedes the career making and melancholic "drivers license "(which hilariously she makes a nod tp when she say "i barely know how to parallel park.")
    Based on the first two i think i can safely assume these will be the only themes explored here:love lost and bitterness
    Which never gets boring thanks to her writing prowess. 6/10(I'll do the singles last.i skipped no.3 drivers license)
    Track04:1 step forward,3 steos back
    this should come with a warning. it's so emotional. she describes an abusive relationship so precisely it's nearly traumatic. It vaguely swiftian beginning with "new years days" cords but nvr does it sound derivative. She has masterd the art of writing a song. Painting pictures with paintbrushes dipped in the blood of ur heart.she sounds so mature
    "I hope ur ok "is very bland tho.
  15. May 24, 2021
    Olivia Rodrigo has massive potential, but imagine if she didn't sing about the exact same thing in every song!
  16. Aug 31, 2021
    overhyped album. the songs are good but not that great. poor lyric writing. she just combined (and sampled) billie eilish, taylor swift, lorde, paramore, etc. her voice is great but the album is not.
  17. May 21, 2021
    I could say that it is nothing to write home about, but that Miss Rodrigo is not just a fad
  18. May 21, 2021
    sour is average, some songs make it look like a new copy of Taylor Swift, but as well as innovative, driver's license and deja vu are incredible, moreover it sounds raw
  19. May 23, 2021
    good 4 u and deja vu were great and had me excited for the release but the only track i would find myself listening to after this (besides the two aforementioned tracks) is brutal and that’s it
  20. May 24, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I actually have a picky taste when it comes to music, but this album blew my mind. First, let's talk about the vocals. It's such a breath of fresh air hearing a new singer being able to control her voice (esp. live). Second, the songs in the album made me feel a lot of emotions. From angst to being an emotional wreck, everything in thr album is perfect. I'm looking foreard to more of your music Olivia! Keep writing and producing, I will be waiting! Expand
  21. Jun 1, 2021
    I think that the album was very hyped before the release and listening to all the tracks was very … delusional. “driver license” was good only for a tiktok trend and so “deja vu”. “good 4 u” instead is a very cute song maybe the only one that’s very good from the album.
  22. Nov 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's good. Not much inventive. Vocals are are good with little to zero auto tuning. Album has variety and punch throughout Expand
  23. Aug 5, 2021
    Olivia Rodrigo is a good songwriter and singer and although this album is good I just wish she would have changed things up a little. I think the only thing memorable about this album is the records it broke, its unoriginal and in a couple months it will be forgotten.
  24. Jan 6, 2022
    What happens if you blend an edgeless version of Billie Eilish and a hardcore Swiftie? Here's Sour, a debut that seems to be a bit too overhyped for what it really is. Sure, Olivia Rodrigo is a new talent to be recognized with her likability and soft angelic voice, but most, if not all of the songs on Sour leave us on our appetite, hungry for more. She's on the right track, that's certainWhat happens if you blend an edgeless version of Billie Eilish and a hardcore Swiftie? Here's Sour, a debut that seems to be a bit too overhyped for what it really is. Sure, Olivia Rodrigo is a new talent to be recognized with her likability and soft angelic voice, but most, if not all of the songs on Sour leave us on our appetite, hungry for more. She's on the right track, that's certain ... but we can only hope for a more mature and diverse sound. Expand
  25. Aug 9, 2021
    It's a great to see a Gen Z artist experiment on something other than just sad lofi songs, Nonetheless, the lyrics are descriptive of a teenage girl going through a BPD-attachment issue moment.
  26. May 22, 2021
    It’s boring (lyrics and sound) and so monotonous. People say she is introducing rock/punk to the younger generation on this album but it isn’t close. The only songs I think are ok: good 4 u, brutal, jj and traitor.
  27. Jun 5, 2021
    Sour, just like its name, feels sour. One thing that bugs me off is that out of the 11 songs on this album, 9 of them feel like they were made to be viral on TikTok, the app that made Olivia's drivers license a great hit. I would personally describe Sour as eleven different poetic ways of talking about heartbreak, which... kinda gets repetitive at some point. Targeted at a young femaleSour, just like its name, feels sour. One thing that bugs me off is that out of the 11 songs on this album, 9 of them feel like they were made to be viral on TikTok, the app that made Olivia's drivers license a great hit. I would personally describe Sour as eleven different poetic ways of talking about heartbreak, which... kinda gets repetitive at some point. Targeted at a young female audience, I wouldn't personally blame Olivia for talking about heartbreak all the time, because let's be honest, a white teenage girl doesn't need to adress serious issues like racism or homophobia in her songs. Apart from that, the album serves its purpose: the songs are catchy, trendy and made to be viral on TikTok, something that actually is very positive for artists, as the viral songs on TikTok end up going viral on Spotify/Apple Music too (taking Castaways from The Backyardigans, for example). Having that said, I don't think there's much more to it. I don't think this is a great album, considering how easily we can fit Olivia into the "industry plant" category. Catchy, emotional, trendy, and that's it. Definetly a contender for Pop AOTY, but nothing more to it, it's just a normal teenage pop album. Expand
  28. Jul 16, 2021
    A half emotionally lacking metal part and guitar-guitar acoustic with lots of emotional parts are what make this album what it is. Personally too totally different types of music should not be mixed in a singular album. Probably an album made nit to be listened to at once is already considered not a good effort . But what saves this piece is the beautiful music as well some of the lyricsA half emotionally lacking metal part and guitar-guitar acoustic with lots of emotional parts are what make this album what it is. Personally too totally different types of music should not be mixed in a singular album. Probably an album made nit to be listened to at once is already considered not a good effort . But what saves this piece is the beautiful music as well some of the lyrics that mostly are a little bit too oversimplified. Expand
  29. Jul 27, 2021
    I'm totally in love with each and every song from this Album. From Songwriting to Vocals, Production everything is just perfect.
    You can feel the heartbreak just by Listening to Olivia's voice. Songs like Deja Vu, Driver's licence and Traitor are good to listen when you miss your ex. While Good For You give the vibes of angry and sad.
  30. Jul 30, 2021
    The album is really basic and all the songs are really similar, I can’t tell which song I’m listening to. But in general, I liked 2 songs, being favorite crime and good 4 u.
  31. Jul 31, 2021
    This album is middle of the road, the risks Olivia takes are risks that have been done by Avril Lavigne, Billie Eilish, Paramore, Conan Gray, Lorre and Taylor Swift in the past. Every song sounds like a rendition of something you’ve already heard with the exception of a few tracks. The writing is decent but feels like it’s trying too hard. I listened to this album right after listening toThis album is middle of the road, the risks Olivia takes are risks that have been done by Avril Lavigne, Billie Eilish, Paramore, Conan Gray, Lorre and Taylor Swift in the past. Every song sounds like a rendition of something you’ve already heard with the exception of a few tracks. The writing is decent but feels like it’s trying too hard. I listened to this album right after listening to Conan Gray’s Kid Krow, not knowing they were friends. It felt like a blatant rip off of his really decent debut album. ‘Hope your ok’ mimics the same sentiment of ‘the story.’ Other songs don’t just match theme but also sonically such as traitor and Heather. Overall not a bad effort for a debut but nothing ground breaking. Expand
  32. Jan 4, 2022
    Sour can best be described as a bland fever dream. An album that took mainstream critics by storm yet leaves a ton to be desired for anyone who doesn't listen to radio. It's not a terrible project and has some definite potential. However Olivia wears her influences on her sleeves and it really bleeds into this album.

    The album starts off with "brutal" which is probably one of the best
    Sour can best be described as a bland fever dream. An album that took mainstream critics by storm yet leaves a ton to be desired for anyone who doesn't listen to radio. It's not a terrible project and has some definite potential. However Olivia wears her influences on her sleeves and it really bleeds into this album.

    The album starts off with "brutal" which is probably one of the best tracks on the album, a killer guitar rift which portrays Olivia's frustration with being a teenager in a very hardcore and convincing way. The references to Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and profanity really sell this track for me. However after that the record goes downhill from there.

    "traitor" is a obnoxious breakup ballad that just seems like a Taylor Swift reject. Decent vocals with awful reverb that puts me to sleep, "drivers license" is the most **** and boring hits to come out of the mainstream in awhile. Probably one of the worst hit songs of 2021, a boring, simple piano ballad with some cringeworthy lyrics that will make you roll your eyes. And tracks like "favorite crime" with no emotion behind them whatsoever with extremely lackluster production.

    However tracks like 'deju vu" and "jealousy, jealousy" pick up the pace with decent song writing an impressive guitar work. "good 4 u" can also fit into this category and has definitely grown on me the more I've heard it.

    Overall SOUR had a lot good ideas and well intentions behind it with mediocre results. Although with more song writing practice and better producers Olivia Rodrigo has a promising future ahead of her.
  33. May 16, 2022
    o projeto debut é no melhor medíocre, não é cativante e parece uma cópia barata dos projetos dos artistas grandes de hoje em dia. é extremamente superestimado, não é um álbum que merecia pop vocal of the year ao competir com projetos de extrema qualidade vocal e produção inovativa.

    melhores músicas: deja vu, drivers license, favorite crime
  34. Jul 5, 2022
    Basic production, basic lyrics, nothing new or exciting. You can count thee or four songs for listening without getting bored. Sour only shares Olivia's heartbreak and insecurities, she's still unrevealed as an artist, who's she without her last relationship? We don't know yet. There's a large lack of her own herself personality and identity, anyone can sound like her.
  35. May 21, 2021
    So so... she is awesome but I don't like much except a few songs in the album.
  36. Jun 3, 2021
    I don't remember the last time I went to listen an album and not ended listening the entire song.
  37. Jul 15, 2021
    The songs are good more I found the theme repetitive It's not a negative review the album is very good
  38. Sep 18, 2022
    This is the most shameless album, a large number of songs are sampled without adding any decoration, and it is also particularly obvious. The melody of the song is good just because the original sample is good. Olivia is clearly unable to create music independently and have no innovation.
  39. May 21, 2021
    We can literally say that it has good songs like driver's license, deja vu, but the songs do not have a logical order and much less an order that is pleasing to the ear, he tried to combine too many genres, but in no song he explodes it as if he was waiting for the moment, but you end up boring yourself waiting for a song to pass that you may either like, or bore much more than the previous one
  40. May 22, 2021
    Álbum muy básico, sonidos y letras básicas donde la mayoría habla de lo mismo, aburrido
  41. May 21, 2021
    Al principio es un buen álbum gracias a sus leadsingles,no obstante después de eso se vuelve aburrido y repetitivo
  42. Jul 8, 2021
    Feels extremely done to death. Very overhyped and overrated. Brings nothing new to the table. Whether the sound or the concept or the execution. We have seen all of this before, she's just the new kid on the block , that the general public is hyping up before they move on tl their new obsession 2 yrs down the line. Feels like Taylor Swift 2.0
  43. May 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is basic, childish, immature and boring. The only good song in it is “deja vu”, even with the jealousy lyrics. Expand
  44. May 22, 2021
    She talks about misogyny in the industry all while being a misogynist. Talks inferiorly about pop acts and diminishes them while making the blandest , mediocre pop album. Poor song writing, Overproduced Music and overall a whacky album.
  45. May 21, 2021
    Basic pop album, it’s words and background are very simple. Boring album and not innovative.
  46. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum horrível não tem uma música ponta pé que não se destaca a branquela que só sabe falar do ex ngm merece. Músicas superficiais chatas melancólicas tendenciosas mas creio eu que ela mude no próximo álbum Expand
  47. May 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nossa que álbum mais podre é esse! Não gostei nenhum pouco e não sei como ganhou fama! Podre esse álbum! Expand
  48. May 26, 2021
    For me The songwriting is not as great as it seemed , some lyrics don't make sense for me. Royal flush
  49. Jul 1, 2021
    I am definitely don’t for new artist but with this one it felt like I have heard every song from somewhere else.
    Some songs are having one that one little catchy moment and that’s it. I don’t find that kind of music any interesting :(
  50. Oct 22, 2021
    bad bad and once again bad, very toxic album i don’t recommend to listen to it
  51. Dec 18, 2021
    The driving license was good but the rest of the album is just tit-bits from other popular songs and crafted as "inspired"......
    Adding label pushed to radio and Spotify playlisting...and controversies throughout the year.....nothing artistic about the whole album as claimed... it's just a teenager crying for the broken heart and copy-pasting words from others
  52. May 9, 2022
    This album is incredibly overrated + overhyped. "driver's license", "hope ur ok", and "traitor" are the only good songs on the album. The rest are just blatant garbage. She has also ripped off other artists, from Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish to Paramore and Radiohead. This honestly feels like a cash grab with an ugly cover. No idea why she skyrocketed to fame all across the globe inThis album is incredibly overrated + overhyped. "driver's license", "hope ur ok", and "traitor" are the only good songs on the album. The rest are just blatant garbage. She has also ripped off other artists, from Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish to Paramore and Radiohead. This honestly feels like a cash grab with an ugly cover. No idea why she skyrocketed to fame all across the globe in January of last year. Expand
  53. Oct 25, 2022
    Very childish. I get it, she recorded this when she was 18, but does this album REALLY deserves to be critically acclaimed? For what? For her frustration in 12 songs over her ex-boyfriend that dumped her? For Pete's sake.
  54. May 29, 2021
    The definition of overrated. Boring "bananes and avocades" industry plant. Support talented, underrated artists instead.
  55. May 22, 2021
    Not so good production and lyrics that says the same thing the entire album. Just average
  56. Nov 13, 2021
    I think she has a nice voice but the songs sound too heavily influenced by other artists. I get the whole being inspired by others but in her case it feels like a bit much. Also, the way sp*tify pushed her music felt so unnatural that it made her look like an industry plant.
  57. May 25, 2021
    A very predictable, kinda boring album. it’s giving miley cyrus wannabe. another industry plant as if we didn’t already had one like that. hope she’ll serve something better soon.
  58. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrible álbum, no tiene ideas, una copia más.. intento de Taylor Swift..... Expand
  59. Sep 7, 2023
    Weird and offensive singing. To put it exaggeratedly, "good 4 u" is contemporary Alanis Morissette, "brutal" is L7 collision Sky Ferreira, "drivers license" is blocked by PJ Harvey, "deja vu" assembles Laurie Anderson robot sound effects and Annie Clark traces Cruel in the darkroom Summer, "happier" is billie eillish singing La Vie en Rose, and "jealousy, jealousy" pays homage to the greatWeird and offensive singing. To put it exaggeratedly, "good 4 u" is contemporary Alanis Morissette, "brutal" is L7 collision Sky Ferreira, "drivers license" is blocked by PJ Harvey, "deja vu" assembles Laurie Anderson robot sound effects and Annie Clark traces Cruel in the darkroom Summer, "happier" is billie eillish singing La Vie en Rose, and "jealousy, jealousy" pays homage to the great toilet song ME! While calling back Nirvana, "1 step forward, 3 steps back" pays homage to Joni Mitchell via Taylor Swift's playground piano, and hope ur ok is an Adrianne Lenker indie-folk classic. On the surface, the pop music texture that huge resources are poured into can span from 60s folk to 70s punk to 90s grunge to 10s electronic pop and 20s emo, but at its core, it is like a family soap opera that lasts for hundreds of episodes and is full of youthful reversal and bloodshed. , filtering out all the nutrients of independent music. It doesn't matter whether she looks like Lorde, Taylor, or Avril, because the first step in creating a new star is to replicate past success under the standard of "I hate every song I write." Katy Perry copied Avril, Lady Gaga copied Bowie, and copying is not a fault. The fault is in endlessly replicating immediate success because of it. The result is that the entire album is devoted to discussing the love triangle and all its derivatives - whether it's anger, sadness, jealousy, curses, letting go, blessings. Its deepest point is "I hope you're happy but don't be happier". This beautiful retelling of the self-deceptive Someone Like You completely sinks the youth ballad into the stratum of scar literature. How popular she is represents how precise the manufacturing process of the star-making factory is. From the current point of view, mismatched fire is not a hidden danger, but lack of talent continuity and difficulty in highlighting personal characteristics are. Expand
  60. Nov 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. PlmnmlplmnmloknbjiuhvbjioonnmllpoknbjiuhhvbnmppoihhvcggytfxzdttygfcxzsreawefxxfghhcfghhbbbbPlmnkoijbchiytfdsfghhhhhhhhhhhfffggggghhhhgggggfdcc Expand
  61. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Péssimo !! As músicas parecem a mesma... Não tem diversidade de conteúdo. Álbum genérico. Expand
  62. Jul 14, 2021
    SOUR is too sour for me. Her debut as an artist/singer is very big and ambitious. But SOUR represents broken morals and centuries-old stereotypes (the guy dumps the girl and she is mad). All of this is way too much oversaturated on the psycho-girl theme and the pointing fingers game doesn't suit the angel she actually is in real life.
  63. May 22, 2021
    No es para tanto este álbum. Hay mejores debuts. Creo que le están dando mucha importancia...
    Y luego por qué sólo 11 canciones?
  64. May 23, 2021
    Mediocre and bland with that annoying indie girl voice. Lyrical content is the worst to come in a while. There is nothing more annoying than a pretty girl singing about feeling jealous of girls with good looks. Taylor swift had that similar cute dorky girl in her early years. Lame.
  65. May 27, 2021
    I dont like it, its so bad, really is very bad vocal n lyrics. Idk but over party
  66. Jun 15, 2021
    It shouldn't even be considered an album because it has few songs. This girl sings terrible, never mind, she will never be successful again unless she continues to copy Taylor. And the song lyrics are so basic, she's a lousy writer.
  67. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. We can literally say that it has good songs like driver's license, deja vu, but the songs do not have a logical order and much less an order that is pleasing to the ear, he tried to combine too many genres, but in no song he explodes it as if he was waiting for the moment, but you end up boring yourself waiting for a song to pass that you may either like, or bore much more than the previous one Expand
  68. May 21, 2021
    the singles were cute but that was about it. idk the new albums this year have been underwhelming and this was one of them
  69. May 21, 2021
    Super disappointed with this album. The singles were good but the other songs are
  70. May 23, 2021
    re aburrido:( era que le copie mas a taylor swift o a lorde! no tiene un estilo propio
  71. Jul 24, 2021
    Mediocre and old-fashioned plus badly written and produced. There is no versatality, just an ordinary mainstream pop album. Bad
  72. Aug 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Meu Deus... Muito OVERRATED, Driver's license carrega esse álbum nas costas .. E Déjà Vu é boazinha mas não gostei desse álbum no geral.. Dá vontade de dormir sério Expand
  73. May 22, 2021
    El disco no tiene ningún tipo de calidad, es más de lo mismo. Es la suplente de taylor swift.
  74. May 21, 2021
    Sólo es una moda y su álbum está de la Sour. Nada innovador. Urge **** y que deje sus cuelgues
  75. May 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. imo the album is terrible. each song sounds the same and it bores me. i only like the song written by taylor Expand
  76. May 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es de los peores álbumes que he escuchado, es una niña que no sabe distanciar lo profesional de lo personal, es demasiado infantil Expand
  77. Jun 7, 2021
    I can't understand her success, her voice is just awful and the album is a mess
  78. May 23, 2021
    I really think it is an overrated album, if it has good songs but it is not so bad. I think they idolize her others. Also, I think he's hanging onto Taylor a lot, but hey. I also think there have really been better albums than this one.
  79. May 21, 2021
    A teenage girl talking about teenage girl “struggles”. The production makes these songs sound like they were recorded underwater and makes them close to unlistenable.
  80. May 21, 2021
    So many of these songs are relatable and yet dry, lame. Brutal begins the album on a high note, being drastically different than most every song on the album. It's a pop punk song at its core, showcasing Rodrigo's voice in a way that is far more pleasing than the rest of the album. Brutal is my pick for this album's best song. Traitor brings my first issue with this album to light -So many of these songs are relatable and yet dry, lame. Brutal begins the album on a high note, being drastically different than most every song on the album. It's a pop punk song at its core, showcasing Rodrigo's voice in a way that is far more pleasing than the rest of the album. Brutal is my pick for this album's best song. Traitor brings my first issue with this album to light - relatable but lame songs. Every person I have asked thinks this song is relatable and that it stands as one of the best of the album - I think it starts a long spiral which doesn't stop until jealousy, jealousy. The second through eighth songs of the album are all lacking substantial character. Rodrigo's unique articulation is the only plus of her singing. I strongly believe Rodrigo missed an opportunity by not structuring this album around Brutal. I truly think she would be a very successful pop-punk artist if her discography focused on the style found in the album's first song. About half of the songs (6) are beautifully written, while the other half (5) are just not. Overall, I know she can do better in the future and she has a bright path ahead of her. Her following, which eats up whatever music she throws up out of her mouth, is solid proof of this. She has the foundation, now she just needs to build a house. Expand
  81. May 22, 2021
    Not a good album. It's totally overhyped .Except a few songs rest are total garbage crying for a guy the whole album absolutely nonsense
  82. May 21, 2021
    very bad, each song sounds exactly the same at 15 sec I already want to remove its song
  83. May 21, 2021
    She screams too much and her lyrics sound the same. Save your ears people. Too basic.
  84. May 22, 2021
    this is not going to age well. its good the first two times you listen to it, but it gets annoying.
  85. May 22, 2021
    Basics sounds, a clichéd story about 2 girls and 1 boy, All the songs are about the same thing, a basic fad and that's why it's "washed" by critics. Boring album
  86. May 22, 2021
    it's not good at all just overhyped. Songwriting is just at par but listening to the is just not fun at all its boring
  87. May 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Such an amazing debut album! She has a beautiful voice and a wonderful writing music skill!!! Expand
  88. May 25, 2021
    Incredibly overrated music. It's nothing special. I don't know why anyone would think it is.
  89. May 27, 2021
    A very bland and plain album nothing special about this. Just overhyped in my opinion
  90. May 27, 2021
    #1 in kids choice awards. This album sucks. I don’t even like the singles...
  91. May 27, 2021
    Not a good album in my opinion very straightforward songs with boring lyrics
  92. May 31, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THIS IS CHERNOBYL IN SONG'S OMG **** yooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuqiuwi2j2i2ieoekenenenwjkwjjsjekekeksolwlwwmwkkwkwlwlw Expand
  93. Jun 5, 2021
    so utterly boring. “hope ur ok” is probably the worst song I’ve ever heard.
  94. Jun 8, 2021
    A very drab attempt of reviving the Taylor Swift-esque era of depressing music that doesn't function well compared to the likes of other artists with the same music quota. Soulful, but boring, we've heard and seen this before, time for something new
  95. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolutely terrible she’s so **** generic all the songs sounds the same absolutely boring Expand
  96. Jul 23, 2021
    All the songs sound similar. A whole album to cry over her ex and his gf, wow. Is this the only thing teenagers care about nowadays?
  97. Jul 30, 2021
    I really did not have a great time listening to this. The writing is juvenile and can be best described as a Reddit thread of cringe
  98. Jul 30, 2021
    Boring lyrics and it’s all about breakups, when will she talk about something else. The rock type does not suit her and there’s nothing impressive in the vocals. 90% of the songs are copied from past songs.
  99. Jul 30, 2021
    It’s not that good I expected more because the people was talk a lot but it’s
  100. Aug 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. all songs sound the same. same whispering. same production. too many key changes. and pretentious lyrics.

    Lorde wannabe and Melodrama wannabe.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. May 28, 2021
    Her combination of sweet melodies and bitter moods, her conversational flow, and her self-awareness are all skills many songwriters twice her age would love to call their own, and they make Sour a well-rounded emotional journey and strong debut album.
  2. May 25, 2021
    Sour, for the most part, is a pop album that dips its toes into the alt-pop and bedroom pop subgenres, specifically spending most of its time in the latter. ... Rodrigo's lo-fi deep cuts that were made in the shadow of "Drivers License" can sound a bit repetitive. Her craft as a songwriter is especially evident on tracks like "Enough For You", "Happier", or "Hope Ur Ok", but the acoustic complexion these songs were going for could have benefitted from a bit more background noise.
  3. May 25, 2021
    By the end of the album, Rodrigo has established her voice and showed listeners that she's not afraid to be vulnerable. SOUR is a strong debut that vividly illustrates the beautiful chaos of being inside a teenage girl's brain.