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Mixed or average reviews- based on 303 Ratings

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  1. JohnnysmugF*ck
    Dec 10, 2006
    Umm, For all you fanboyz/fangrrlz. Listen to "Fuck the pain away" off The Teaches of Peaches from Peaches (2000). Fergilicious is a straight ripoff of that track. Hey I'll give her 5 for being hot.
  2. AhmedS
    Oct 9, 2006
    It has some fun songs, put the overall in not that good
  3. MrK
    Dec 21, 2006
    Well what you have heard on the radio is all you really need to here off this album. Most songs have a pop reggae sound, a couple jazz tunes and a cover of Here I come. which was kind of refreshing to here. I most likely will not listen to it ever again.
  4. ChrisW
    Sep 23, 2006
    ...not all is bad here. There is some great studio work by the production teams. But the main problem is that Fergie doe not have enough talent to carry a solo project. And please Fergie... stop rapping! The only real white female rapper is, and always will be... Tarrie B.
  5. GeertH.
    Oct 2, 2006
    I like....her pussy.
  6. AlfredoM
    Dec 8, 2006
    I has some strong tracks but the end result is very strange. It's very superficial. i don't like the lyrics.
  7. MattD.
    Sep 19, 2006
    Not as embarrassing as the song "My Humps," but she's just gone Christina Aguilera-lite.
  8. Dec 19, 2016
    Very much on par with Gwen Stefani's equally confused 'Love. Angel. Music. Baby'. A mash of too many ideas and sounds. Jumping and hoping with little grace or warning.
  9. Sep 3, 2015
    i gotta be honest: i've never loved Fergie beacuse i've always thought that she doesn't have her own place in the industry when it comes to be a solo artist, she is a mixture between Gwen Stefani and Pink sometimes...
    but we have to admit that this album has a crazy beat generally speaking. of course not all the songs are good, but we have to think that Fergie will ever be just a singer
    i gotta be honest: i've never loved Fergie beacuse i've always thought that she doesn't have her own place in the industry when it comes to be a solo artist, she is a mixture between Gwen Stefani and Pink sometimes...
    but we have to admit that this album has a crazy beat generally speaking. of course not all the songs are good, but we have to think that Fergie will ever be just a singer made by beat and sound, her own voice like I said before is nothing special.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Mildly entertaining but tremendously taxing.
  2. Though not every track is a gem, The Dutchess reaches further than most albums by contemporary divas.
  3. Los Angeles Times
    The problem is the Duchess herself. Fergie exudes earthy charm, but can't keep up with the breakneck music. She forces emotion on the slower show-stoppers, and she's all cartoon kitten on the come-ons. [17 Sep 2006]