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Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 51
  2. Negative: 10 out of 51

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  1. MattC
    Nov 13, 2003
    The worst collection of songs to bear his name thus far. Let's hope he doesn't sink further. This is a rushed contractual obligation, a bag of reheated referential rock riffs repackaged for a bored generation. A few more records in this path and he'll be doing double bills with Bryan, as they're peddling increasingly similar brands of MOR crowd-pleasing 80's arena The worst collection of songs to bear his name thus far. Let's hope he doesn't sink further. This is a rushed contractual obligation, a bag of reheated referential rock riffs repackaged for a bored generation. A few more records in this path and he'll be doing double bills with Bryan, as they're peddling increasingly similar brands of MOR crowd-pleasing 80's arena rock. Buy only if you've never heard the Replacement, U2, the Stooges or the Smiths. An offense to the legacy of his previous work. Expand
  2. marcvanderhamm
    Nov 2, 2003
    it's just great! so fresh and really rock 'n roll, if you like the 'piano, sad' ryan adams, check out the EP's he putting out: Love is Hell, the 'real next album' he sort of cancelled, but now released as two EP's
  3. nickW
    Nov 3, 2003
    Amped and rocking, Ryans on a rampage-check out the Love is Hell eps for the lost quiet album. Ryan proves he can play any style of music-jazz album up next?
  4. DanielG
    Nov 7, 2003
    I really people would do their research before writing reviews. That's all I have to say. While everyone's busy bashing Rock N Roll, they fail to even realize that one of the best "albums" of 2003 came out on the same day--Love is Hell. I guess the fan in me shows, because I just think Rock N Roll and Love is Hell just prove even more that Ryan's the greatest songwriter of I really people would do their research before writing reviews. That's all I have to say. While everyone's busy bashing Rock N Roll, they fail to even realize that one of the best "albums" of 2003 came out on the same day--Love is Hell. I guess the fan in me shows, because I just think Rock N Roll and Love is Hell just prove even more that Ryan's the greatest songwriter of this generation. For God's sake Mr. Music Media, the guy's a music fan. Let him make music that he likes. It's a good thing no one's reviewing the Finger. Some people just don't get it... music critics. Expand
  5. KevinH
    Dec 7, 2003
    I love Ryan Adams. I love the Replacements, the Smiths, and 80's rock in general. That people on this board compare this piece of rubbish to the gods of the 80's makes me want to throw up on their keyboards. I'm pretty sure Ryan took tips from Avril Lavigne's writers on this album. 1974 makes me embarassed for music in general. Further, the guitar work is annoying, not I love Ryan Adams. I love the Replacements, the Smiths, and 80's rock in general. That people on this board compare this piece of rubbish to the gods of the 80's makes me want to throw up on their keyboards. I'm pretty sure Ryan took tips from Avril Lavigne's writers on this album. 1974 makes me embarassed for music in general. Further, the guitar work is annoying, not "rocking." People knock Gold, but they forget that Gold in its true form had "Side 4" with it, which is musical genius. This album is disgusting. I just saw him play it in concert and it made it even worse. This is about as refreshing as cow terds that have been sitting out for a week after being sprayed by a skunk. Expand
  6. BrianM
    Oct 30, 2003
    Rock n Roll is much better than Gold, but fans of Heartbreaker will again be disappointed. This record sounds more like U2, the Smiths and The Replacements and nothing like the alt-country that made him popular.
  7. BenjaminBunny
    Jun 20, 2004
    Tons of fun. You may or may not like Ryan's shtick this time around but "Rock N Roll" is nothing if not an exceptionally listenable (ocasionally brilliant) full-length album.
  8. ZachL.
    Jun 30, 2005
    This is the perfect record if you're looking for just straight up rock and roll (hince the name). Adams work in the past was deeper and more emotional, but why are we comparing this album to his old material? This is a solid, fun record. Enough said.
  9. chris
    Nov 10, 2003
    I have been a fan for some time. This album demonstrates what you get when you write an record an album in two weeks. I've taken prettier dumps than this.
  10. JeremyS
    Nov 12, 2003
    The reason that most reviews are negative, isn't because it's different than his alt-country sound. It's because most of the songs are poorly written, lack any emotion, and are soulless. I'd love to hear an album in this style if it were worth a damn.
  11. SteveG
    Nov 15, 2003
    Continuing a frightening decline from the brilliance of Heartbreaker
  12. BenJ
    Nov 19, 2003
    Why on earth Lost Highway chose this horrible record over the magnificent "Love Is Hell" is completely beyond me. This is probably Ryan's worse release! The songs just aren't strong enough (with one or two exceptions), the production is terribly one dimensional and (amazingly) even the vocals are pretty poor! Avoid this and buy "Love Is Hell" instead - that's the record Why on earth Lost Highway chose this horrible record over the magnificent "Love Is Hell" is completely beyond me. This is probably Ryan's worse release! The songs just aren't strong enough (with one or two exceptions), the production is terribly one dimensional and (amazingly) even the vocals are pretty poor! Avoid this and buy "Love Is Hell" instead - that's the record Ryan wanted to release, and it?s obvious why! Expand
  13. BenJ
    Nov 19, 2003
    Why on earth Lost Highway chose this horrible record over the magnificent "Love Is Hell" is completely beyond me. This is probably Ryan's worse release! The songs just aren't strong enough (with one or two exceptions), the production is terribly one dimensional and (amazingly) even the vocals are pretty poor! Avoid this and buy "Love Is Hell" instead - that's the record Why on earth Lost Highway chose this horrible record over the magnificent "Love Is Hell" is completely beyond me. This is probably Ryan's worse release! The songs just aren't strong enough (with one or two exceptions), the production is terribly one dimensional and (amazingly) even the vocals are pretty poor! Avoid this and buy "Love Is Hell" instead - that's the record Ryan wanted to release, and it?s obvious why! Expand
  14. AaronH
    Nov 1, 2003
    Plain and simple this album rocks , and it is a lot of fun to listen to. It seems that Ryan crafts a good tune as easy as me and you put on a pair of socks. For the critics who fault Ryan Adams for making use of his predecessors, they are obviosly forgetting that his predecessors did the same with their influences. People fault him for doing something that is amazing to me, he can pick a Plain and simple this album rocks , and it is a lot of fun to listen to. It seems that Ryan crafts a good tune as easy as me and you put on a pair of socks. For the critics who fault Ryan Adams for making use of his predecessors, they are obviosly forgetting that his predecessors did the same with their influences. People fault him for doing something that is amazing to me, he can pick a style and genre and produce songs that are just as great as the stuff put out by the artist who thrived in that genre. He is a genre bending machine and has actually produced a neo-80s rock album, just as gold was a neo 60s/70s rock album. The key word being neo, or new he is breaking ground its just doesnt seem that way at first. Retro is in and it appears that many artist have been reaching back in order to move ahead, and in my opinion Ryan Adams is paving the way. Expand
  15. OlafK.
    Nov 4, 2003
    I consider myself a real adams fan, as I followed him since faithless street came out. As with REM, you lose an artist at some point, which is not necessarily a bad thing. With this album, I let go of Adams. It's too derivative for me. I miss what is his biggest talent: writing superb melodies. There were still a few on Gold, I can't find one here. I suspect that Love is Hell I consider myself a real adams fan, as I followed him since faithless street came out. As with REM, you lose an artist at some point, which is not necessarily a bad thing. With this album, I let go of Adams. It's too derivative for me. I miss what is his biggest talent: writing superb melodies. There were still a few on Gold, I can't find one here. I suspect that Love is Hell will indeed please me more. I was really impressed by "The Shadowlands" live. Expand
  16. EricR
    Nov 5, 2003
    This is better Westerberg than either of Westerberg's new records. Critics hate this guy because he's talented, prolific, and gets laid alot. His toss-offs are better than a lot of other people's "A" material. If you like Whiskeytown or the Replacements, you will like this album.
  17. nickd
    Dec 8, 2003
    This record does not exist. It's cheesy, piss-poor, lame, and just awful. Go and buy Love is Hell parts 1 and 2 instead - despite being brilliant records, it's the equivalent of giving Lost Highway the middle finger.
  18. ErnieS
    Oct 31, 2003
    This is probably Adams' strongest work since Heartbreaker -- sure, it may not be the most emotional piece of work ever, but it's enjoyable because it doesn't try so fucking hard to be something deep. You know what came out of him being too deep, at least after Heartbreaker? Crap. So, this is at least a change.
  19. C.D.
    Oct 31, 2003
    It's interesting that another review of Adams' album available at Guardian Online gave this album 5 out of 5 stars (Gordon Thompson, Oct 19th). It's also a more perceptive review. Anyway, this album is almost entirely distorted rockers filled with amp feedback & throaty vocals - either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you want. Thankfully, Adams shows that he It's interesting that another review of Adams' album available at Guardian Online gave this album 5 out of 5 stars (Gordon Thompson, Oct 19th). It's also a more perceptive review. Anyway, this album is almost entirely distorted rockers filled with amp feedback & throaty vocals - either a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you want. Thankfully, Adams shows that he can write more engaging & entertaining material than the rockers showcased on "Demolition." A solid rock album by anyone's standards. Expand
  20. [Anonymous]
    Feb 22, 2004
    Its says something about simplicity
  21. berkb
    Feb 22, 2004
    great album! nothing else to say!
  22. ElmokeysSmith
    May 27, 2004
    Well, I am floored by the negative responses that this hook-filled rocker gets by some. If you like rock that has great melodies then this is it. Is it deep? No..and since when does rock have to be...critics view this as part of Adams catalogue. View it as a separate entity, ignore the personla drama of Adams and realize this is a man with talent who produces a winner here. The songs Well, I am floored by the negative responses that this hook-filled rocker gets by some. If you like rock that has great melodies then this is it. Is it deep? No..and since when does rock have to be...critics view this as part of Adams catalogue. View it as a separate entity, ignore the personla drama of Adams and realize this is a man with talent who produces a winner here. The songs won't leave my head. Derivative? WHO CARES!!! Expand
  23. BurntSienna
    Apr 28, 2005
    This is a fun, rockin album. Is he just goofing around? Probably. But, who the hell cares? While I love earlier and gloomier Adams/Whiskeytown work, this has, to my own surprise, become my favorite Adams album. I just don't understand the damning reviews.
  24. PaulH
    Jul 11, 2005
    Ryan Adams worst album, this is worst then even Bryan Adams could do, and that's saying alot.
  25. mecca
    Jan 17, 2006
    why all the bad comments...the album is brilliant...his voice is amazing and fits the songs perfectlly...the name says it all about this album!
  26. ah
    Oct 28, 2006
    This is (the sh)it (R)yan has hinted he has had in him all along. Note to self: head up (own) arse.
  27. bouzyrouge
    Oct 28, 2006
    Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or that it's derivative of his 80s idols, or that it's not gloomy enough. Reviewers giving this 8,9,10 - you're all daft - it is the worst disposable drivel. I suppose if you are bent on self-deception bad enough, you can learn to love Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or that it's derivative of his 80s idols, or that it's not gloomy enough. Reviewers giving this 8,9,10 - you're all daft - it is the worst disposable drivel. I suppose if you are bent on self-deception bad enough, you can learn to love anything. Ryan: 1 star for illustrating that. Expand
  28. JojoS.
    Mar 17, 2006
    "So Alive" or the title song are such emotional (and great!) songs! I really wonder what some of the critics / users consider "emotional" if not those songs. Every Ryan Adams album is different and that's a great thing. If you like good music, here's another Ryan Adams album full of it, although it's not the album of the millenium by any means.
  29. JustanOpinion
    Nov 11, 2003
    As the album title indicates...Rock-n-Roll (reversed). This release is pure, unfiltered rock, lacking the variety of his previous efforts. Reminds me a bit of The Replacements. I like that fact that Ryan doesn't stick to one thing, although personally I like the more mellow/county-ish Adams. You won't be disappointed if you a fan of raw, but well written rock songs. When's As the album title indicates...Rock-n-Roll (reversed). This release is pure, unfiltered rock, lacking the variety of his previous efforts. Reminds me a bit of The Replacements. I like that fact that Ryan doesn't stick to one thing, although personally I like the more mellow/county-ish Adams. You won't be disappointed if you a fan of raw, but well written rock songs. When's the tour? Expand
  30. MatthewM
    Nov 14, 2003
    Like many of my favorite songs and cd's, I had to listen to this one several times before i fully enjoyed it. Yes it is different from his previous work but what is wrong with change?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 23
  2. Negative: 5 out of 23
  1. An uproarious set of rock songs that audaciously ape the styles of several of his current iPod icons.
  2. It's not so much that Rock N Roll is incorrigibly written as that the record is unforgivably careless, unwilling to commit to anything including itself.
  3. Uncut
    Perhaps the most inappropriately-titled album since The Best Of Sting. [Dec 2003, p.116]