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Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 51
  2. Negative: 10 out of 51

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  1. MattC
    Nov 13, 2003
    The worst collection of songs to bear his name thus far. Let's hope he doesn't sink further. This is a rushed contractual obligation, a bag of reheated referential rock riffs repackaged for a bored generation. A few more records in this path and he'll be doing double bills with Bryan, as they're peddling increasingly similar brands of MOR crowd-pleasing 80's arena The worst collection of songs to bear his name thus far. Let's hope he doesn't sink further. This is a rushed contractual obligation, a bag of reheated referential rock riffs repackaged for a bored generation. A few more records in this path and he'll be doing double bills with Bryan, as they're peddling increasingly similar brands of MOR crowd-pleasing 80's arena rock. Buy only if you've never heard the Replacement, U2, the Stooges or the Smiths. An offense to the legacy of his previous work. Expand
  2. KevinH
    Dec 7, 2003
    I love Ryan Adams. I love the Replacements, the Smiths, and 80's rock in general. That people on this board compare this piece of rubbish to the gods of the 80's makes me want to throw up on their keyboards. I'm pretty sure Ryan took tips from Avril Lavigne's writers on this album. 1974 makes me embarassed for music in general. Further, the guitar work is annoying, not I love Ryan Adams. I love the Replacements, the Smiths, and 80's rock in general. That people on this board compare this piece of rubbish to the gods of the 80's makes me want to throw up on their keyboards. I'm pretty sure Ryan took tips from Avril Lavigne's writers on this album. 1974 makes me embarassed for music in general. Further, the guitar work is annoying, not "rocking." People knock Gold, but they forget that Gold in its true form had "Side 4" with it, which is musical genius. This album is disgusting. I just saw him play it in concert and it made it even worse. This is about as refreshing as cow terds that have been sitting out for a week after being sprayed by a skunk. Expand
  3. chris
    Nov 10, 2003
    I have been a fan for some time. This album demonstrates what you get when you write an record an album in two weeks. I've taken prettier dumps than this.
  4. SteveG
    Nov 15, 2003
    Continuing a frightening decline from the brilliance of Heartbreaker
  5. nickd
    Dec 8, 2003
    This record does not exist. It's cheesy, piss-poor, lame, and just awful. Go and buy Love is Hell parts 1 and 2 instead - despite being brilliant records, it's the equivalent of giving Lost Highway the middle finger.
  6. PaulH
    Jul 11, 2005
    Ryan Adams worst album, this is worst then even Bryan Adams could do, and that's saying alot.
  7. ah
    Oct 28, 2006
    This is (the sh)it (R)yan has hinted he has had in him all along. Note to self: head up (own) arse.
  8. bouzyrouge
    Oct 28, 2006
    Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or that it's derivative of his 80s idols, or that it's not gloomy enough. Reviewers giving this 8,9,10 - you're all daft - it is the worst disposable drivel. I suppose if you are bent on self-deception bad enough, you can learn to love Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or that it's derivative of his 80s idols, or that it's not gloomy enough. Reviewers giving this 8,9,10 - you're all daft - it is the worst disposable drivel. I suppose if you are bent on self-deception bad enough, you can learn to love anything. Ryan: 1 star for illustrating that. Expand
  9. zacks
    Dec 7, 2003
    complete and utterly souless and derivative

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 23
  2. Negative: 5 out of 23
  1. An uproarious set of rock songs that audaciously ape the styles of several of his current iPod icons.
  2. It's not so much that Rock N Roll is incorrigibly written as that the record is unforgivably careless, unwilling to commit to anything including itself.
  3. Uncut
    Perhaps the most inappropriately-titled album since The Best Of Sting. [Dec 2003, p.116]