
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 23
  2. Negative: 5 out of 23
  1. Blender
    With Rock N Roll, Ryan Adams has thrown off the trappings of underachievement and grabbed for the crown. [Dec 2003, p.132]
  2. The Love Is Hell discs are far more dense and dark, making the songs a fun challenge to crack open, though it isn't difficult to determine what a no-brainer it must have been for Lost Highway to favor the brilliant Roll over the more spotty Hell discs. [Review applies to both EPs and 'Rock N Roll']
  3. Spin
    Everywhere the guitars are cranked, the sneakers set on stun. [Dec 2003, p.124]
  4. The best bullets here are like excerpts from a fantasy mix tape of classic glam and garage rock.
  5. Mojo
    Mostly, a terrific piece of work. [Nov 2003, p.120]
  6. Rock N Roll contains 14 Adams originals, it’s essentially a stylistic covers record, and a damn fine one at that.
  7. Filter
    It's a bit all over the map, but you have to admit there's some good music there. [#8, p.102]
  8. Entertainment Weekly
    There is a primitive urgency to many of these tracks... but it doesn't all add up to a CD that's as good as Gold. [7 Nov 2003, p.69]
  9. While he lags a bit in the emotional department, he nails the spirit with songs like "She's Lost Total Control" and "So Alive."
  10. An uproarious set of rock songs that audaciously ape the styles of several of his current iPod icons.
  11. Alternative Press
    The jarring stylistic shifts sometimes make listening to RNR feel more like scanning the radio dial than listening to a CD. [Jan 2004, p.106]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 51
  2. Negative: 10 out of 51
  1. bouzyrouge
    Oct 28, 2006
    Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or Ryan has recorded some other brilliant stuff. No one is complaining that "Rcok nr oll" doesn't sound like whiskytown or heartbreaker, or that it's derivative of his 80s idols, or that it's not gloomy enough. Reviewers giving this 8,9,10 - you're all daft - it is the worst disposable drivel. I suppose if you are bent on self-deception bad enough, you can learn to love anything. Ryan: 1 star for illustrating that. Full Review »
  2. ah
    Oct 28, 2006
    This is (the sh)it (R)yan has hinted he has had in him all along. Note to self: head up (own) arse.
  3. JojoS.
    Mar 17, 2006
    "So Alive" or the title song are such emotional (and great!) songs! I really wonder what some of the critics / users consider "emotional" if "So Alive" or the title song are such emotional (and great!) songs! I really wonder what some of the critics / users consider "emotional" if not those songs. Every Ryan Adams album is different and that's a great thing. If you like good music, here's another Ryan Adams album full of it, although it's not the album of the millenium by any means. Full Review »