• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 90 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 90
  2. Negative: 8 out of 90

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  1. GaryW
    Jan 3, 2007
    Although a fine record, which still contains great songs, the updated version of "let it be" has missed the entire point of the original albums concept and focus. A clean, straigt-foward album was not what the Beatles originally intended, but i suppose now that the 60's have faded away along with the psychodelic drugs, they decided to clean up the album, just as they cleaned up all Although a fine record, which still contains great songs, the updated version of "let it be" has missed the entire point of the original albums concept and focus. A clean, straigt-foward album was not what the Beatles originally intended, but i suppose now that the 60's have faded away along with the psychodelic drugs, they decided to clean up the album, just as they cleaned up all the drugs they were on (or perhaps not enough drugs led to the creative downfall..hmmm...no one will ever know...). Expand
    Oct 21, 2004
    Bring back SPECTOR... C'mon people, he was brought in cause this sounded dull and needed the SPECTOR kick... And its true,this just needs more oomph!! Its like the sex without the foreplay!! Its just good, not great!
  3. S.C.M
    Dec 12, 2003
    It is my personal opinion that the Spector produced "Long & Winding Road" is way more intense & emotional than the version on 'Naked'. I think Paul should spend his time in other useful ways beside jeopardizing the legacy & the catalog of the Beatles.
  4. LasseF.S
    Dec 26, 2003
    They can't beat Phil Spector's version. Sorry. He did a great job with Let It Be. Nobody can make Dont Let Me Down sound better than he did - nobody! Producers are'nt there just for fun; and producing ain't easy. That's "Let It Be ... Naked" a livin' proof of. Should it'd been made? I'm not sure. I give it 4 - one for each beatle. And none for the They can't beat Phil Spector's version. Sorry. He did a great job with Let It Be. Nobody can make Dont Let Me Down sound better than he did - nobody! Producers are'nt there just for fun; and producing ain't easy. That's "Let It Be ... Naked" a livin' proof of. Should it'd been made? I'm not sure. I give it 4 - one for each beatle. And none for the "Naked producers". Expand
  5. j30
    Nov 27, 2011
    This is just all wrong. It feels like a big scam. I would give this a zero if it wasn't The Beatles

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Though it is still faithful to much of the feel of Let It Be, the presentation of Naked, including the slight bits of modern-day editing, reveals that it is revisionist history, not the final word. Which doesn't hurt it as a record -- these are great songs, after all -- but it is a bit disappointing that this long-awaited project wasn't executed with a little more care and respect for the historical record.
  2. Hearing the bare-bones "Across the Universe" or a de-orchestrated "The Long and Winding Road" is revelatory.
  3. Casual fans, however, will wonder what all the fuss was about; novices should still get the original.