• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2003
Let It Be... Naked Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 90 Ratings

Summary: Originally intended as a loose, spontaneous recording called 'Get Back,' 'Let It Be' was eventually released (after the band's breakup) after being shelved and then reproduced/enhanced by Phil Spector, leaving many fans (and an angry Paul McCartney) wondering, "what if?" This new release answers that question to a certain extent, with an altered track listing (which adds "Don't Let Me Down") containing some de-Spectorized versions as well as some originals that have been remixed and remastered.
Record Label: Capitol
Genre(s): Rock
Name: The Beatles
Credit: Primary Artist

Track Listings

01 Let It Be 06 Two Of Us
02 Get Back 07 Dig a Pony
03 I Me Mine 08 Don't Let Me Down
04 I've Got A Feeling 09 For You Blue
05 The Long And Winding Road