• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
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  1. Aug 28, 2023
    This was probably my favourite album of 2021. Seeing them for the 1st time this year brought it even more life. A beautifully conscious album of the age that resonates all the right notes while recognising the afflictions of the era.
    'Back To The Middle' finishes a belter of an album in great style.
    R.I.P. Jeremiah Green.
  2. Jan 9, 2022
    I wasn’t a fan of Strangers to Ourselves, so I was worried this would be more of the same. I was pleasantly surprised that Golden Casket is totally different. It’s a very polished album with a fun and creative sound and addictive beats. I am listening to the entire album over and over, and I don’t think it has a bad song. It’s just so freaking fun to listen to! I just want to smile andI wasn’t a fan of Strangers to Ourselves, so I was worried this would be more of the same. I was pleasantly surprised that Golden Casket is totally different. It’s a very polished album with a fun and creative sound and addictive beats. I am listening to the entire album over and over, and I don’t think it has a bad song. It’s just so freaking fun to listen to! I just want to smile and dance around! Okay, I have to admit it’s not as good as the old stuff, or at least it’ll never speak to me like the songs from my youth. So I guess comparing it to those albums is why I give it a 9/10. But probably those comparisons aren’t fair. I mean is it realistically possible for any new album to cut through all that nostalgia? No, of course it isn’t. Expand
  3. Dec 4, 2021
    My goodness this is terrible. From front to back the vocals, instrumentation and production managed to impress me by how horrendous they were. Especially on tracks like "The Sun Hasn't Left" and "Never **** A Spider On The Fly". How did the band that made the masterpiece that is "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" come out with an album that I might even call one of the worst albumsMy goodness this is terrible. From front to back the vocals, instrumentation and production managed to impress me by how horrendous they were. Especially on tracks like "The Sun Hasn't Left" and "Never **** A Spider On The Fly". How did the band that made the masterpiece that is "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" come out with an album that I might even call one of the worst albums of all time? This album was insanely dissapointing and it saddens me to see that this is what Modest Mouse has become. Expand
  4. Sep 19, 2021
    When an album has a song called "Never **** a Spider on the Fly" on it, there's only so good it can be... somehow this album managed to be stranger and more bland than their previous one at the same time. I'd definitely take their past two albums over this one, or better yet, The Moon & Antarctica and Good News for People who Love Bad News. I don't think the boys from Issaquah are gonnaWhen an album has a song called "Never **** a Spider on the Fly" on it, there's only so good it can be... somehow this album managed to be stranger and more bland than their previous one at the same time. I'd definitely take their past two albums over this one, or better yet, The Moon & Antarctica and Good News for People who Love Bad News. I don't think the boys from Issaquah are gonna top those albums at this point in their career. Expand
  5. Aug 21, 2021
    It took a good few listen but I have to say I really enjoyed this album. Just their 2nd album in the 14 years since 2007's "We Were Dead….", "The Golden Casket" is unmistakably Modest Mouse - bizarre, obscure, melodic and constantly treading the lines between genius and insanity. While it lacks the punch and pacing of 2004's "Good News For People Who Love Bad News", for me, "The GoldenIt took a good few listen but I have to say I really enjoyed this album. Just their 2nd album in the 14 years since 2007's "We Were Dead….", "The Golden Casket" is unmistakably Modest Mouse - bizarre, obscure, melodic and constantly treading the lines between genius and insanity. While it lacks the punch and pacing of 2004's "Good News For People Who Love Bad News", for me, "The Golden Casket" is closest to this album of all their back catalog. The band nail the opening 3 tracks and at this stage I thought I might have been listening to a masterpiece. Unfortunately, the record doesnt quite manage to maintain this standard and lots of what follows could probably do with a bit of editing down. I reckon the 50 minutes of music could easily have bee delivered in 40 minutes without losing anything. Still, this has to be considered a triumphant return and stands up well with their excellent back catalog. Expand
  6. Aug 18, 2021
    Relating to their works from Ugly Casanova, Modest Mouse breaks through with what should be one of their best work Post-2010. After a couple of listens, I'm feeling The Golden Casket is putting us in a different direction for the better.
  7. Jul 16, 2021
    The long-awaited release from Modest Mouse lived up to my expectations. It is a great album with some fantastic tracks. It shows off Modest Mouse's classic alternative style with some new styles mixed in between.
  8. Jul 5, 2021
    Awesome album, probably my favorite of theirs in the last 20 years. Very consistent, no tracks to skip, great production, really upbeat vibes and layered songs that continue to reveal details on further listens. The track order is perfect, they really nailed it on all fronts here in my opinion, and I feel like somehow they injected it with sounds and vibes that recall the entire span ofAwesome album, probably my favorite of theirs in the last 20 years. Very consistent, no tracks to skip, great production, really upbeat vibes and layered songs that continue to reveal details on further listens. The track order is perfect, they really nailed it on all fronts here in my opinion, and I feel like somehow they injected it with sounds and vibes that recall the entire span of their career up til now while adding new elements. It sounds fresh and exciting compared to their last few albums, which as good as they are, didn't really push their sound forward. Expand
  9. Jul 1, 2021
    At long last, Modest Mouse is back with another terrific album. Each song has a lot of different sonic elements, and Isaac's wordplay is as clever, poignant and funny as ever. These songs are quirky and unique, as ever, but always have great hooks to tie everything together. This isn't their best album of all-time, but it is a return to form after the somewhat disappointing StO. IAt long last, Modest Mouse is back with another terrific album. Each song has a lot of different sonic elements, and Isaac's wordplay is as clever, poignant and funny as ever. These songs are quirky and unique, as ever, but always have great hooks to tie everything together. This isn't their best album of all-time, but it is a return to form after the somewhat disappointing StO. I would rank it just below their very best, which makes it head and shoulders above 99% of the music released these days. Collapse
  10. Jul 1, 2021
    The latest album from indie rock outfit Modest Mouse is a bit long winded and not all too entertaining. Lead single, "We Are Between", is perhaps the most enjoyable song on the album, but the rest sound ordinary and not unique.
  11. Jun 27, 2021
    I have 6 MM posters in my apartment and have seen them 20+ times. While this album is far better than the previous one, MM has become "The Isaac Brock Band". His voice is no longer an instrument, the instruments are no longer unique. Its sanatized. Listen to Building Nothing Out of Something instead
  12. Jun 27, 2021
    Melodic. Subdued. Surprisingly, no oddly placed obnoxious tracks like previous albums. Seems like modest mouse is maturing with the times lyrically and musically. It builds slow, with each track more interesting than the previous. It may be missing a hook or two to catch your attention while listening. Solid 8.5.
  13. Jun 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Just an incredible shift in direction that actually works! It’s far more cohesive than STO that precedes it. Tracks such as Wooden Soldiers, Transmitting Receiving, Back to the Middle are some of their best since the Moon and Antarctica! Expand
  14. Jun 25, 2021
    I feel like this is the record I've been waiting for from MM. Finally! It's got heart, it's got depth, the sounds are pleasing,the vocals are genious- leaving you wanting to give it another spin. I'm lovin' it!
  15. Jun 25, 2021
    For a band to be making a record so vital, inventive, diverse and still cohesive on their 7th album, really reinforces why Modest Mouse are legends of Indie music. Instead of regurgitating sounds of their past but without abandoning their core identity, Isaac and the band have pushed into new territory I think many thought they weren't capable of. Highlights for me were **** Your AcidFor a band to be making a record so vital, inventive, diverse and still cohesive on their 7th album, really reinforces why Modest Mouse are legends of Indie music. Instead of regurgitating sounds of their past but without abandoning their core identity, Isaac and the band have pushed into new territory I think many thought they weren't capable of. Highlights for me were **** Your Acid Trip', 'Wooden Soldiers', 'Leave A Light On' and 'Transmitting Receiving'. Expand
  16. Jun 25, 2021
    MM has taken another turn toward the unpredictable, and the psychedelic results are rewarding. Isaac's lyrics are thought provoking and the music, though highly structured, somehow comes off as easy-breezy at times.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 6, 2021
    For a genre replete with posturing, it’s beyond refreshing to receive an album that so readily wears its heart on its sleeve, especially from a band so esteemed: with so much to potentially lose. Modest Mouse have made gains simply by being themselves. This is comfort food for the well-worn soul.
  2. Jun 29, 2021
    Though The Golden Casket shows Modest Mouse at their most accessible and tuneful, a creative shift that started with 2004's Good News For People Who Love Bad News, they return to some of the experimental aspects that defined so much of their early work.
  3. Jun 28, 2021
    What The Golden Casket is missing is the kind of contagious earworm that made Modest Mouse radio mainstays. There’s no “Float On” here. There’s not even a “Dashboard.” But the album rewards the time and patience it demands in a way the last couple haven’t.