• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
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  1. Jun 27, 2021
    I have 6 MM posters in my apartment and have seen them 20+ times. While this album is far better than the previous one, MM has become "The Isaac Brock Band". His voice is no longer an instrument, the instruments are no longer unique. Its sanatized. Listen to Building Nothing Out of Something instead
  2. Jul 1, 2021
    The latest album from indie rock outfit Modest Mouse is a bit long winded and not all too entertaining. Lead single, "We Are Between", is perhaps the most enjoyable song on the album, but the rest sound ordinary and not unique.
  3. Sep 19, 2021
    When an album has a song called "Never **** a Spider on the Fly" on it, there's only so good it can be... somehow this album managed to be stranger and more bland than their previous one at the same time. I'd definitely take their past two albums over this one, or better yet, The Moon & Antarctica and Good News for People who Love Bad News. I don't think the boys from Issaquah are gonnaWhen an album has a song called "Never **** a Spider on the Fly" on it, there's only so good it can be... somehow this album managed to be stranger and more bland than their previous one at the same time. I'd definitely take their past two albums over this one, or better yet, The Moon & Antarctica and Good News for People who Love Bad News. I don't think the boys from Issaquah are gonna top those albums at this point in their career. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Jul 6, 2021
    For a genre replete with posturing, it’s beyond refreshing to receive an album that so readily wears its heart on its sleeve, especially from a band so esteemed: with so much to potentially lose. Modest Mouse have made gains simply by being themselves. This is comfort food for the well-worn soul.
  2. Jun 29, 2021
    Though The Golden Casket shows Modest Mouse at their most accessible and tuneful, a creative shift that started with 2004's Good News For People Who Love Bad News, they return to some of the experimental aspects that defined so much of their early work.
  3. Jun 28, 2021
    What The Golden Casket is missing is the kind of contagious earworm that made Modest Mouse radio mainstays. There’s no “Float On” here. There’s not even a “Dashboard.” But the album rewards the time and patience it demands in a way the last couple haven’t.