• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jun 25, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jun 24, 2021
    Like many Modest Mouse records, The Golden Casket sounds cluttered and that’s likely how they want it. They never define what “the golden casket” is on the album, but too often, it seems like the phrase might be a metaphor for their own hermetically sealed instincts.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Jun 27, 2021
    Melodic. Subdued. Surprisingly, no oddly placed obnoxious tracks like previous albums. Seems like modest mouse is maturing with the timesMelodic. Subdued. Surprisingly, no oddly placed obnoxious tracks like previous albums. Seems like modest mouse is maturing with the times lyrically and musically. It builds slow, with each track more interesting than the previous. It may be missing a hook or two to catch your attention while listening. Solid 8.5. Full Review »
  2. Jul 1, 2021
    At long last, Modest Mouse is back with another terrific album. Each song has a lot of different sonic elements, and Isaac's wordplay is asAt long last, Modest Mouse is back with another terrific album. Each song has a lot of different sonic elements, and Isaac's wordplay is as clever, poignant and funny as ever. These songs are quirky and unique, as ever, but always have great hooks to tie everything together. This isn't their best album of all-time, but it is a return to form after the somewhat disappointing StO. I would rank it just below their very best, which makes it head and shoulders above 99% of the music released these days. Full Review »
  3. Jun 27, 2021
    I have 6 MM posters in my apartment and have seen them 20+ times. While this album is far better than the previous one, MM has become "TheI have 6 MM posters in my apartment and have seen them 20+ times. While this album is far better than the previous one, MM has become "The Isaac Brock Band". His voice is no longer an instrument, the instruments are no longer unique. Its sanatized. Listen to Building Nothing Out of Something instead Full Review »