• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Dec 11, 2019
    Sweetener shows a sonically new side from Ariana muchly supported by Pharrell's production but still showcases her vocal ability. Standout tracks include God Is A Woman, Successful, Get Well Soon, among others. The skips are Blazed, Borderline, Better Off, & Goodnight N Go.
  2. Sep 6, 2019
    Sweetener is bold, proud and unique. Featuring singles such as “no tears left to cry” and “God is a woman”, Sweetener proves to be Ariana’s most daring album yet. In the end, Grande has created a beautifully cohesive and well-performed album.
  3. Jan 7, 2019
    Truly the most artistic project by the artist. It feels like a post-traumatic portrait of Ariana's life, with her lifting herself up like a soft yet heavenly breeze. Sustained by an experimental R&B sound, the most calm tracks reveal either a genuine and sincere vision of the singer's relationships, or her struggles and meditation about life. On the other hand, the Pop side of the albumTruly the most artistic project by the artist. It feels like a post-traumatic portrait of Ariana's life, with her lifting herself up like a soft yet heavenly breeze. Sustained by an experimental R&B sound, the most calm tracks reveal either a genuine and sincere vision of the singer's relationships, or her struggles and meditation about life. On the other hand, the Pop side of the album shows a mature and vivid figure confessing out with her own powerful voice. The entire piece is like a pastel drawing of a gaseous landscape, with stronger or weaker strokes in peacefully rhythms composing a bright state of mind glowing in a dark space. Expand
  4. May 23, 2019
    This album really cured my depression, a really chill and cute album with some amazing big empowering tracks throughout it like ntltc, giaw, breathin and gws..... And yeah tlic is an amazing track don't even try
  5. Feb 9, 2019
    Ariana releasing her fourth album with experimental sounds was quite unexpected. But still, it was excellent. The way she wanted to feel us the mood of the album (which is cloudy, bubbly, and fun) was extraordinary. And also, the track "the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj)" is arguably the worst song off the album, according to some fans. But for me, the track is the best off the album.Ariana releasing her fourth album with experimental sounds was quite unexpected. But still, it was excellent. The way she wanted to feel us the mood of the album (which is cloudy, bubbly, and fun) was extraordinary. And also, the track "the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj)" is arguably the worst song off the album, according to some fans. But for me, the track is the best off the album. Beats produced like that would make me dance every time! Expand
  6. Jun 26, 2019
    Maturity is the key word to describe this spectacular album, which gave us a very positive perspective of Grande sound evolution in the industry and that is shown in a fantastic way in this album
  7. May 5, 2019
    This album is a masterpiece, most fans didn't understood how good this is as they're used to the 'My Everything' pop style, but this shows how Ariana matured. Now, she's one of the top artists alive.
  8. Feb 8, 2019
    Ariana changes completely the style of her songs in this album, but we know she really likes it. This era can sure be called Successful, because AG shows that she is not here to play. We know that her life was really hard during the end of DW and all of Sweetener eras, so the songs are really transparent and all of them pass some kind of positive message, in other words, the album isAriana changes completely the style of her songs in this album, but we know she really likes it. This era can sure be called Successful, because AG shows that she is not here to play. We know that her life was really hard during the end of DW and all of Sweetener eras, so the songs are really transparent and all of them pass some kind of positive message, in other words, the album is cohesive and super personal. Expand
  9. Feb 10, 2019
    Um álbum totalmente diferente de todos que Ariana já fez, é com certeza um álbum merecedor de grandes prêmios! Nessa nova era Ariana consegue fazer aquilo que exatamente gosta e se sente bem ao estar fazendo, além de estar fora da sua zona de conforto!
  10. Aug 31, 2019
    Sweetener is arguably Ariana’s best album. Sweetener proved Ariana won’t just be releasing pop bangers anymore, she’s grown and matured and tapped into a different sound
  11. Feb 17, 2019
    Apesar de não ser o melhor álbum da Ariana na minha opinião, eu vejo que o Sweetener é o álbum mais sincero dela e o mais conceitual, aborda temas de feminismo, ansiedade, superação... Acho que as pessoas deveriam pesquisar um pouco mais sobre o Sweetener e ver o quanto ele é um álbum sincero e cheio de significados..
  12. May 22, 2019
    amazing just as all of her albums to be completely honest, love her work!!!
  13. Feb 20, 2019
    4st Album: Sweetener: 74

    1. raindrops (an angel cried): 100/100 2. blazed: 20/100 3. the light is coming: 45/100 4. R.E.M: 50/100 5. God is a woman: 100/100 6. sweetener: 70/100 7. successful: 60/100 8. everytime: 85/100 9. breathin: 100/100 10. no tears left to cry: 100/100 11. borderline: 40/100 12. better off: 85/100 13. goodnight n go: 85/100 14. pete davidson: 80/100
    4st Album: Sweetener: 74

    1. raindrops (an angel cried): 100/100
    2. blazed: 20/100
    3. the light is coming: 45/100
    4. R.E.M: 50/100
    5. God is a woman: 100/100
    6. sweetener: 70/100
    7. successful: 60/100
    8. everytime: 85/100
    9. breathin: 100/100
    10. no tears left to cry: 100/100
    11. borderline: 40/100
    12. better off: 85/100
    13. goodnight n go: 85/100
    14. pete davidson: 80/100
    15. get well soon: 90/100
  14. Aug 19, 2019
    Ariana definitivamente saiu da zona de conforto do pop genérico do Max Martin e fez um álbum totalmente diferente do habitual e do que estamos acostumados. Desde do início da carreira fazendo um som que se destacasse dentre as outras cantoras, Grande apenas se consolidou mais com o Sweetener, onde de fato está tudo doce.
  15. Aug 6, 2019
    Uma sonoridade diferente para a Ari, com músicas mais imponderadas e pessoais. A maldição do quarto álbum passou longe
  16. Apr 16, 2019
    At first listening, I didn't really like the album. But it grows on you as you listen to every song. Not catchy, and it didn't left a mark on me, but it's the kind of album you listen once and again because you actually enjoyed, not because it is a mix of bubblegum pop songs.
  17. May 8, 2019
    É um ótimo album, coeso e interessante, Ariana sempre lançando trabalhos de qualidade

    Melhores do album

    The Light Is Coming♥️
    God Is A Woman♥️
    No Tears Left To Cry♥️
    Get Well Soon♥️
  18. May 29, 2019
    De sonoridade doce e agradável, Sweetener é um palco para Ariana mostrar seu talento vocal e compor canções sobre amor, ansiedade, bem-estar e superação.
  19. Aug 16, 2019
    the best album of the year, for me she released everytime and goodnight n go as a single, but she didn't want to do what right
  20. Sep 1, 2019
    This album is a beautiful experimental album, one of her top albums for sure
  21. Jun 8, 2019
    Esto tiene demasiado arte en cada parte de sus canciones su primer single NTLTC es súper artistico y fue una forma impresionante forma de darle inicio a su nueva era, la amo.
  22. Jun 3, 2019
    Um álbum bem construído, foge do pop que estávamos acostumados, o que causa certa estranheza, apesar de ter os hinos No Tears Left To Cry e God Is A Woman
  23. Jun 4, 2019
    no skips what so ever such an amazing album, she’s amazing!! stop sleeping on this album!
  24. Jun 5, 2019
    Sweetener is one of her best body of work. Sweetener has amazing deep lyrics and its sounds are literally dreamy, this is an amazing album and deserves everything.
  25. Jun 8, 2019
    Você quer um álbum com conceito, então toma sweetener, não é atoa que é o meu álbum preferido dela
  26. Jun 15, 2019
    The highlight for this extended play is, yet again, Ariana's natural powerful voice. The tracks aren't as appealing as her last record, "Dangerous Woman". But she delivers a good work despite the lack of creativity used on this record.
  27. Dec 23, 2019
    Álbum perfeito, todas as musicas são maravilhosas, principalmente as mais “tristes”. Ariana Grande com esse álbum mostrou todo seu talento.
  28. Dec 6, 2019
    It's one of most original and diversified Ariana's album. A great and cohesive work.
  29. Aug 23, 2019
    O melhor álbum da carreira dela. Ariana seguiu um som arriscado que não é muito mainstream e diferente de tudo que ela já fez na carreira dela. O álbum é coeso, tem ótimos visuais, ótimos videoclipes, as músicas são espetaculares e trazem assuntos importantes para os jovens da realidade atual, como relacionamentos tóxicos, ansiedade e etc. Grande é uma excelente artista e merece maisO melhor álbum da carreira dela. Ariana seguiu um som arriscado que não é muito mainstream e diferente de tudo que ela já fez na carreira dela. O álbum é coeso, tem ótimos visuais, ótimos videoclipes, as músicas são espetaculares e trazem assuntos importantes para os jovens da realidade atual, como relacionamentos tóxicos, ansiedade e etc. Grande é uma excelente artista e merece mais reconhecimento! Expand
  30. Aug 30, 2019
    Excellent vocals and addictive songs. She decided to venture further in pop compared to dangerous woman. She keeps getting better everytime omg
  31. Aug 23, 2019
    best album of 2018, nothing left to say, this album is a masterpiece and ariana the best singer in the industry
  32. Aug 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana nesse álbum ousa na sua criatividade. Uma mescla de pop e r&b, Sweetener foi realmente o melhor álbum pop de 2018. The light is coming e goodnight n go são exemplos no contraste em que o álbum possui em certos momentos. Mesmo assim, ambas são diferenciadas e combinam com a temática do álbum. A cantora, que antes tinha feito trabalhos bem inferiores mesmo, mostra neste álbum sua verdadeira potência vocal. Sweetener é a verdadeira evolução de Ariana Grande. Expand
  33. Aug 25, 2019
    On this album, Ariana came up with a new sound, unlike anything she had ever done. Without a doubt, it is the most cohesive album of her career. She made no mistake for giving us this album and I am proud of her for doing this amazing job.
  34. Aug 24, 2019
    I love this album, is the most different of her, the vibe "sweet" is everything. NTLTC, GIAW and Everytime are perfects.
  35. Aug 30, 2019
    OH MY GOD. This album is a mastserpiece and i can’t stop listening since its release. so much love for all the tracks
  36. Aug 24, 2019
    well it’s such a bop I can’t even relate. This is a masterpiece and a must listen for everyone
  37. Aug 25, 2019
    Maravilhosooo, claramente o melhor trabalho de Ariana Grande. Totalmente conceitual, God is a woman, R.E.M, NTLC, totalmente hinos igual todas as faixas.
  38. Aug 30, 2019
    this is total perfection. a perfect production, lyrics and instrumentals. Goodnight n go is a must listen, such a perfect track
  39. Aug 30, 2019
    underrated. deserves 100 goodnight and go, everytime and the light is coming ❤️
  40. Feb 3, 2020
    First listen , it ok for but I can't stand some song in it .After a few times listening it became grower but it still not my meal .If you guys think that swt is her best album. Ok It everyone opinion .Don't @ me .My fav is tun and dw.
  41. Aug 31, 2019
    The single in this album (Breatin ,NTLTC, GIAW) is the best song from her but for me the songs in the album is lack of replay value such as Sweetener,TLIC, Successful and Blazed. I think this is not her best album because she produce the album with Pharrell Williams.
  42. Aug 31, 2019
    amazing, show stopping, never been done before, truly snapped on a piece of work that is one of her most personal pieces of work yet.
  43. Aug 31, 2019
    This album did what it was meant to do, steer Grande in a new direction. Her best album
  44. Aug 31, 2019
    Her best album in my opinion, she did that. The album was definitely too ahead for people...
  45. Aug 31, 2019
    The album is great, it doesn't disappoint, its a different turn from her previous, heavy pop, album (Dangerous Woman) the album is r&bish with some pop infused songs. The album has mixed lyrics, some of them are very good and some of them are just fun songs with meaningless lyrics, on terms of production, Pharrell did an amazing job yet you can see the difference from the songsThe album is great, it doesn't disappoint, its a different turn from her previous, heavy pop, album (Dangerous Woman) the album is r&bish with some pop infused songs. The album has mixed lyrics, some of them are very good and some of them are just fun songs with meaningless lyrics, on terms of production, Pharrell did an amazing job yet you can see the difference from the songs non-produced by Pharrell. On this album Ari showed a sweet side. Healing from past circumstances. T

    he album starts good yet it goes downhill from there, the light is coming is a good song, a song for the club, it had potential but it wasn't used, the album closes with get well soon, probably her best written and best song yet.
  46. Sep 1, 2019
    best tracks: god is a woman, goodnight n go, better off, everytime, sweetener
  47. Sep 2, 2019
    Great songs (Breathin, God is a Woman, everytime...). Pure masterpiece. Uplifting bops and healing soulful anthems. Great job, Ari!!!
  48. Dec 13, 2020
    this is what taylor was desperately trying to do with repootation. ariana showed her how to make an album and won her grammy
  49. Sep 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Vocais impressionantes, misturando o pop ao gênero R&B de um modo incrível!! Faixas como Breathin, God is a Woman, No tears left to cry e Sweetener com uma ótima sonografia! Expand
  50. Sep 4, 2019
    Sweetener is I Ariana's best album, she really knew what she wanted to and did it perfectly. I see why this is her favorite album too so far.
  51. Sep 11, 2019
    New type of sound, she reinvents herself again! Really deserved best pop vocal album at the Grammy. Really great abum!
  52. Sep 17, 2019
    It's a great job, "Grande" strives to bring a "sweetening" yet impactful album. Maybe too much, in an attempt to cause a way to make some songs perish. "The Light is Coming" is one of the negative highlights of the album. Not a bad track, but a much better percussion. Overall, it's an amazing album, it has great songs and it's just for lack of essence in some.
  53. Sep 16, 2020
    this is one of my favorites albums of all TIME. i love this cd SO SO MUCH! THANK YOU ARIANA
  54. Oct 13, 2019
    Incredible, Ariana's creativity at its best, is a musical hug, too sweet in her lyrics; I consider that the tracks produced by Ilya and Max Martin are better than those of Phraell, they show more professionalism.
    Sweetener tries to be very happy, in a world of colors and happiness, and he succeeds, the songs are of love and dreams.
    I think the grammy truly deserves.
  55. Oct 28, 2019
    Lindo e perfeito eu amei , o melhor álbum da carreira dela , escutem esse álbum todo
  56. Nov 1, 2019
    Sweetener is Ariana's biggest album, and I'm sure the Grammy agrees with me. Angelically performed vocals and the whole heaven theme make you feel in paradise, Ariana and her team didn't miss the chance of the career album.
  57. Nov 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has: concept, acclaim, feminism. This album is perfect! congratulations ariana Expand
  58. Nov 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sweetener é um álbum maravilhoso, q realmente ele te deixa doce desde Raindrops até get well soon Expand
  59. May 23, 2020
    Ariana Grande has found the light on her fourth studio album, 'Sweetener'. During times of heartbreak, tragedy, and anxiety, Grande is able to provide one of the happiest records the world has ever heard. With her sweet vocals meshed with the quirky, cute production Grande is able to make you smile, dance, cry, and smile some more. This record is powerful and shows much growth from theAriana Grande has found the light on her fourth studio album, 'Sweetener'. During times of heartbreak, tragedy, and anxiety, Grande is able to provide one of the happiest records the world has ever heard. With her sweet vocals meshed with the quirky, cute production Grande is able to make you smile, dance, cry, and smile some more. This record is powerful and shows much growth from the legend herself.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. God is a woman
    2. no tears left to cry
    3. everytime
    4. breathin
    5. goodnight n go
    6. better off
    7. get well soon
    8. raindrops (an angel cried)
    9. successful
    10. pete davidson
    11. sweetener
    12. R.E.M.
    13. borderline (feat. Missy Elliott)
    14. the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj)
    15. blazed (feat. Pharrell Williams)
  60. Nov 2, 2020
    I'm writing this after the Positions album release and Sweetener continues her best work to date, the complexity behind this album is amazing, maybe it is not a favourite for a lot of mainstream pop fans but it is her most unique, singular work ever.
  61. Aug 31, 2021
  62. Nov 29, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. My Favority Album for Ariana Grande, talenty and perfect! Expand
  63. Oct 28, 2020
    It’s incredible. Ariana’s talent is huge. The lyrics are fantastic! I can’t believe it, i love u Ariana
  64. Oct 31, 2020
    Let's address this. This album has had amazing singles, and an amazing intro. I was so disappointed at first, but it turned out to be my favorite Ariana Grande album. I would give it a personal 8.5, but as I can only give exact numbers, I'm giving it an 8. Why? Because there are still songs that I don't connect with: Borderline, The Light Is Coming (sometimes) or Pete Davidson are those songs.
  65. Dec 7, 2019
    A MASTERPIECE! Great vocals, lyrics and the story behind making this album so phenomenal. I love this album. Her best! Peri@!
  66. Dec 7, 2019
    Uma era totalmente necessária na discografia da Ariana, mostrando sua evolução nós vocais e letras, pop não genérico
  67. Aug 28, 2020
    her best album! an experimental body of work. it was extremely good and has god is a woman. do i need to say anything else?
  68. Dec 7, 2019
    An excellent album full of so much emotion, every song has its own special touch. Tracks such as “better off”, “get well soon” & “breathin” all share a beautiful story that no doubt leaves the listener wanting more.
  69. Jan 27, 2020
    Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to refferace or not refferace, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  70. Dec 9, 2019
    Ariana is a pop star in another level, great album. Sweetener Best Pop Vocal Album
  71. Dec 9, 2019
    her best album. period. this album is so deep. we can feel everything she been through and we can learn from the pain
  72. Mar 20, 2021
    O que Ariana fez aqui foi incrível, um álbum onde ela abre o coração sobre um triste acontecimento de sua vida. A mistura do pop e R&B foi perfeita. As músicas são bem compostas. Ariana nos entregou uma maravilhoso álbum
  73. Dec 13, 2019
    sweetener is her best album. and that, my darlings, is on periodt! honorable mentions: god is a woman, everytime, goodnight n go
  74. Dec 14, 2019
    Amazing album! Really is amazing! Shows progress and amazing lyrics!! Definitely recommend!
  75. Dec 14, 2019
  76. Jan 10, 2020
    it’s a 10 for me. such a healing album with healing songs. it’s just so different and out of her comfort zone and that just make it all better. special heart for blazed, breathin and better off.
  77. Dec 25, 2020
    amazing! Ariana sounds amazing! her music is always good and just because you stan another female pop star, doesn't make Ariana a bad person/bad singer. y'all just wish your faves was just as talented as her
  78. Jan 10, 2020
    Is a beautiful and amazing
  79. Jan 10, 2020
    Sweetener has many incredible song, such as “breathin” or “get well soon”, but some of them are disappointing (for example borderline). Nonetheless, it’s a very good album.
  80. Jan 10, 2020
    she snapped! this album is incredibly healing and personal and i commend ariana for sharing it. it's also very different from her past work, but in a good way. overall a very good album! my favorites are BETTER OFF, god is a woman, everytime, and get well soon :)
  81. Jan 10, 2020
    IMAGINE NOT LOVING THIS AMAZING ALBUM? COULDNT BE ME. Ariana outdid herself, everytime should’ve been a single and better off is amazing.
  82. Jan 10, 2020
    Definately her best album. So personal that it feels that Ariana is telling us stories of her life like we’re her best friends. It’s deep, and soft at the same time. Such an amazing work
  83. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. personally this album is good, in a vocal matter it is amazing very well for ari Expand
  84. Jan 10, 2020
    Ariana served vocals, vulnerability, dealing with life's ups and downs and love. Love the kind of experimental quirky production and vocal layering
  85. Jan 10, 2020
    Its a good Pop/RnB Album with a diffrent Style as her usual album's. We stan
  86. Jan 10, 2020
    With glitters, diamonds and strenght Ariana Grande created a somptuous album.
  87. Jan 10, 2020
    Este álbum llegó en un momento duro de mi vida, con él llore y me desahogue, canciones como Breathin me animaban mucho, tiene muchas de las Korea canciones de Ariana en su carrera, explota su voz, las letras y los ritmos me encantan, aunque es diferente a lo que nos había dado Ariana hasta el momento.
  88. Jan 10, 2020
    i first thought pharrell ruined the album but lord i was soo wrong. sweetener is one of the best album ever. i would never get bored from listening to every song on this album. truly a masterpiece.
  89. Jan 11, 2020
    Her most healing album to listen to. Such an inspiration to listen to this album. It’s a different sound it’s unusual in a good way.
  90. Jan 11, 2020
    um álbum espetacular em que ela mostra todo o talento dela, porém algumas músicas deixam a desejar talvez por ser um álbum muito conceitual
  91. Jan 15, 2020
    Sweetener is one of those albums that grow overtime, this is definitely not Ariana's best album. Sweetener had 16 co-writers excluding nicki minaj and missy elliott. Pharrell was the main producer of sweetener, let's say, I am disappointed. His production within this album isn't great. I didnt enjoy a few songs, borderline, blazed, successful and Pete davidson. God is a woman, everytime,Sweetener is one of those albums that grow overtime, this is definitely not Ariana's best album. Sweetener had 16 co-writers excluding nicki minaj and missy elliott. Pharrell was the main producer of sweetener, let's say, I am disappointed. His production within this album isn't great. I didnt enjoy a few songs, borderline, blazed, successful and Pete davidson. God is a woman, everytime, r.e.m, breathin and goodnight n go being my favorites.

    I can see there are at least 2 filler songs, blazed and borderline. Sweetener shows her funky side whilst also being emotional, that isn't easy to do. Overall I think this album could've done better without pharrell, maybe with more max martin or even poo bear.
  92. Jan 11, 2020
    El mejor álbum de Ariana, hay canciones muy buenas, todas son muy buenas, donde escuchamos madurez vocal y en ritmo una producción a cargo de Pharrell, sonidos expectaculares, el mejor
  93. Jan 11, 2020
    princesa do pop e choca a terceira fan base obcecada kkkkk sweetener é um álbum diverso, diferente do atual e muito bom. o meu favorito
  94. Jan 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana has a great vowel and here in this album she lets him feel it perfectly. This girl has talent and is going to go far. This album is full of emotions, it is very good. Expand
  95. Jan 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i like everything about this album it's one of my favorites i like everything on it and i love ari so much Expand
  96. Jan 14, 2020
    i love this album, thank you ariana, im proud of u 4ever bae
  97. Jan 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum que pudo sacar Ariana, simplemente es arte de principio a fin, colaborando con nuevos artistas y dando a conocer su otro lado más artístico. Expand
  98. Jan 16, 2020
    damn this album it's soooo god. I love all the songs and the way Ariana make them. the angelic voice, the power that god is a woman n the masterpiece called no tears left to cry. perfect!
  99. Jan 17, 2020
  100. Jan 19, 2020
    The best Ariana's album for sure, the songs are so magical, and this album deserved so much more

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.