• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 22, 2018
    Grande hubiera podido lanzar un álbum repleto de hits comerciales al igual que DW, por el tipo de productores con los que trabaja. Sin embargo Sweetener es un reflejo de que la artista está interesada en mostrar al mundo una nueva faceta de ella, en donde plasma sus intereses y vivencias. Es un álbum bien cuidado, donde la voz de la cantante toma el mayor protagonismo, en canciones que enGrande hubiera podido lanzar un álbum repleto de hits comerciales al igual que DW, por el tipo de productores con los que trabaja. Sin embargo Sweetener es un reflejo de que la artista está interesada en mostrar al mundo una nueva faceta de ella, en donde plasma sus intereses y vivencias. Es un álbum bien cuidado, donde la voz de la cantante toma el mayor protagonismo, en canciones que en principio pueden sonar raras y distintas a lo lanzado, pero que si se escuchan de forma objetiva, son perfectas. Expand
  2. Aug 22, 2018
    Na primeira vez que se ouve soa um pouco estranho. Mas se você prestar bem atenção vai ver que é um tesouro incomum. Isso porque realmente é diferente de tudo que Ariana havia feito antes, mas isso não é ruim, ao contrário, é revigorante ver artistas que se arriscam, que ousam. Ariana tem a melhor voz da geração. E em Sweetener ela mostra outras facetas de sua voz. Mais doce e suave. ComoNa primeira vez que se ouve soa um pouco estranho. Mas se você prestar bem atenção vai ver que é um tesouro incomum. Isso porque realmente é diferente de tudo que Ariana havia feito antes, mas isso não é ruim, ao contrário, é revigorante ver artistas que se arriscam, que ousam. Ariana tem a melhor voz da geração. E em Sweetener ela mostra outras facetas de sua voz. Mais doce e suave. Como um carinho, um abraço. Seu timbre é único e muito prazeroso de ouvir. As músicas, 8/15 com composição da própria Ariana, transmitem diferentes mensagens e sensações. Destaques para Raindrops, você é levado diretamente ao céu já na intro. R.E.M. , pra quem teve um sonho lindo e tenta voltar pra ele depois que acorda. God is a Woman, um hino para todas as garotas que lutam todos os dias para sobreviver e realizar sonhos num mundo machista. Sweetener, doce e amarga, triste e alegre, como aquela vontade de chorar e sorrir ao mesmo tempo mesmo sem motivo algum. Successful, um sopro de amor próprio. Everytime, porque todo álbum precisa daquela música que nos faz lembrar que insistimos nos amores errados. Breathin, apenas respire! No Tears Left To Cry, essa é pra cantar como se não houvesse amanhã e se libertar de todos os fantasmas. Godnight n Go, bem, no minuto final você vai ter a chance de ouvir o melhor vocal do álbum inteiro, você vai colocar o volume no máximo, fechar os olhos e sonhar (recomendável ouvir depois de R.E.M. , quem sabe você volta para aquele sonho lindo). E, por fim, Get Well Soon é uma luzinha de esperança para confortar sua alma ferida e te dizer que vai ficar tudo bem, você não está sozinho(a). Obrigada, Ariana Grande, Sweetener é lindo! Expand
  3. Aug 18, 2018
    On this fourth album, Ariana captured every layer of your voice, managed to enjoy every melody and explore a new world and fit effortlessly, a sweet world, where everything was upside down and turned to one side, which has brought peace and comfort. Grande got the evolution and surprise more and more in their songs, an album directed to their fans that was always with her support. Congratulations!
  4. Dec 7, 2020
    Sweetener is a good record, but definetely not the best in Ariana's career, it has a lot of well-written and well-produced songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God is a woman", but there are some songs that doesn't sound like something that Ariana would've done, because they have messy productions or arrangements, like its title track "sweetener" and "the light is coming", besides ofSweetener is a good record, but definetely not the best in Ariana's career, it has a lot of well-written and well-produced songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God is a woman", but there are some songs that doesn't sound like something that Ariana would've done, because they have messy productions or arrangements, like its title track "sweetener" and "the light is coming", besides of that, there are great vocal moments that demostrate the impressive voice and range that Ariana has, like "raindrops" and "goodnight and go", as well as the emotional closing track "get well soon" where she adresses what happened in Manchester. To sum up, a good album, but it could've been better. Expand
  5. Sep 4, 2018
    Um dos melhores álbuns da carreira da Ariana! Ela conseguiu pegar elementos dos seus álbuns anteriores e colocar no Sweetener sem perder a originalidade. Sweetener tem a doçura do Yours Truly, a força do My Everything e a sensualidade do Dangerous Woman. A true masterpierce!
  6. Oct 9, 2018
    When the triple threat "No Tears Left To Cry" - "The Light is Coming" - "God is a Woman" came out, I was really excited for this album to be released. However, I was disappointed. The songs on the album are just great, but the production has been ruined by Pharrell Williams, except those tracks that were produced by Max Martin and Ilya. You can see that Ariana Grande's team is very smartWhen the triple threat "No Tears Left To Cry" - "The Light is Coming" - "God is a Woman" came out, I was really excited for this album to be released. However, I was disappointed. The songs on the album are just great, but the production has been ruined by Pharrell Williams, except those tracks that were produced by Max Martin and Ilya. You can see that Ariana Grande's team is very smart as they have released almost all the songs that weren't made by Pharrell as singles. The only 2 songs that were produced by him that I can enjoy on this album is TLIC (as I mentioned) and R.E.M. Expand
  7. Aug 19, 2018
    I LOVE THIS ALBUM SO MUCH. I'm glad she made such a strong body of work,it's so mature and her voice sounds amazing,it reminds me of the Yours Truly era. I'm so happy she released such a flawless album. I loved it from the first listen but maybe it needs more than a listen for some people to get into it. Give it a try. Fave tracks: R.E.M,Blazed,Goodnight N Go,Breathin,God is a woman..I LOVE THIS ALBUM SO MUCH. I'm glad she made such a strong body of work,it's so mature and her voice sounds amazing,it reminds me of the Yours Truly era. I'm so happy she released such a flawless album. I loved it from the first listen but maybe it needs more than a listen for some people to get into it. Give it a try. Fave tracks: R.E.M,Blazed,Goodnight N Go,Breathin,God is a woman.. basically the whole album haha Expand
  8. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of her best records so far! Sweetener has good taste, it's so experimental, good lyrics a different vibe and it contains many bops (as breathin, everytime, god is a woman and everytime) Ilya and Max Martin did an amazing job with the production. that's the tea Expand
  9. Aug 24, 2018
    When this record starts with blazed, i thought to myself this was gonna be a different kind of album, it's different style of production, the groovy flow, and pharell's presence make it stand out in the song, but as the album goes on, the becomes a true pop album.

    This is still a quality pop album, pharell influence is really a welcomed one, Ariana Grande's voice is simply amazing, the
    When this record starts with blazed, i thought to myself this was gonna be a different kind of album, it's different style of production, the groovy flow, and pharell's presence make it stand out in the song, but as the album goes on, the becomes a true pop album.

    This is still a quality pop album, pharell influence is really a welcomed one, Ariana Grande's voice is simply amazing, the way she makes it look effortless makes me love it even more.

    although some songs fall flat like R.E.M or Sweetener most songs go from good to great in quality, the great production, Ariana Grande's amazing and passionate voice make this a good listen for sure

    Favorite songs: God is a woman, no tears, left to cry, blazed, goodnight and go, better off
    Least Favorite songs: R.E.M, Sweetener
  10. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40 conventions, but such moments are few and far between; when the album hits, it sticks, and this fourth release proves that Grande is an artist only interested in moving forward - personally and musically.

    Highlights include 'God is a woman,' 'sweetener,' 'no tears left to cry,' and 'better off'.
  11. Aug 18, 2018
    Álbum mais maduro de sua carreira, mas também o mais diversificado. Ouvi-lo é como estar numa manhã de primavera ao som dos melhores passaros ao fundo.Sem duvidas Sweetener vai marcar a historia do POP mundial!
  12. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana's weakest album but love her so I'm gonna give her a 10/10 anyway. Stunning vocals (head voice especially) tho!
  13. Aug 17, 2018
    Now when I say everyone was waiting to see the return of Ariana, after what happened in May last year, I don’t think anyone expected her to comeback with such grace, and as much confidence, as soon as she did. This is what makes her such an incredible human. Not only did she go back to Manchester and hold a real **** you hate” concert, and to celebrate the lives of the 22 angels thatNow when I say everyone was waiting to see the return of Ariana, after what happened in May last year, I don’t think anyone expected her to comeback with such grace, and as much confidence, as soon as she did. This is what makes her such an incredible human. Not only did she go back to Manchester and hold a real **** you hate” concert, and to celebrate the lives of the 22 angels that heaven gained, she continued with her bravery and carried on making music. Even though what happened put her in a really bad place, she took that and turnt what could have lead to her silence for years, and bounced back with some beautiful music, and she came back more mature and more brave and daring that she probably has ever been in her life.This album, really marks a huge milestone. Not only in Ariana’s career, but for her fans, and generally in music too. Not many artists would have thought back the way that Ariana did and I think she has gained a new level of respect from the music industry, other artists, her fans, people who aren’t her fans, those from the UK, and everyone else from around the world. I do feel this album will be remembered as a symbol of bravery because of that, and Ariana, and her fans should be so proud.The album as a whole actually is incredible. Not only because of the triumphant return, and the story behind it, but because Ariana took risks musically and it payed off. There was a few songs on the album that after a few listens could get better, and there are a few songs that may not, but generally, the album is great. There are some great songs. I’m excited to see more from Ariana in the future.I feel proud of Ariana, and I feel everyone else should too. Congratulations Ariana for making such a bomb ass album, and reminding us that we can all say **** you to hatred. Expand
  14. Aug 17, 2018
    iconic fairy, pop princess, tasting by a + b who is the pop commander of her generation. dá vontade né @?
  15. Aug 17, 2018
    An actual masterpiece , I can’t belive she did that , the first listen was a big meh for me but when I listened to it for the second time I was surprised it’s pretty good but it need time
  16. Aug 18, 2018
    Sweetener is one of those albums that grows on you with each listen. Having listened to full thing through a few times, I can confidently say that this is easily the best pop album of the year, and one of the best period. It is well-written, sharply produced, and displays Ariana's vocals in ways we've never heard before. Most importantly, you can feel that Ariana is happier than she's everSweetener is one of those albums that grows on you with each listen. Having listened to full thing through a few times, I can confidently say that this is easily the best pop album of the year, and one of the best period. It is well-written, sharply produced, and displays Ariana's vocals in ways we've never heard before. Most importantly, you can feel that Ariana is happier than she's ever been in life. After the horrific events last year, this album almost feels like a therapy session to help deal with Ariana's grief. I have a feeling Ariana's core fan base, young white teenagers, may feel divided over Pharrell's non traditional production, but he still did a fantastic job. i was getting major mid-2000's pop vibes from some of the songs, which was really cool because that's the music I grew up on. People who don't appreciate that simply don't have the range. All in all, this is Ariana's happiest and most mature body of work to date. I hope she gets some recognition at the Grammys next year. Expand
  17. Aug 17, 2018
    She really give us a piece of art. Sweetener is really different than her others albums and she did it!
  18. Aug 18, 2018
    Não tão bom como seu ultimo Dangerous Woman, porém tão homogêneo quanto. Ganha pontos pela evolução artística e um experimental que não soa tão inexperiente, mas sim que Grande se comprometeu a um estilo de Pop Music e o seguiu com maestria, conjunto com seu Produtor Pharrel Williams que conseguiu trazer o estilo dele para o álbum mas, mesmo assim, deixa-lo com a cara de Ariana Grande,Não tão bom como seu ultimo Dangerous Woman, porém tão homogêneo quanto. Ganha pontos pela evolução artística e um experimental que não soa tão inexperiente, mas sim que Grande se comprometeu a um estilo de Pop Music e o seguiu com maestria, conjunto com seu Produtor Pharrel Williams que conseguiu trazer o estilo dele para o álbum mas, mesmo assim, deixa-lo com a cara de Ariana Grande, doce e, até, rude. Vocais ainda mais contidos que o Dangerous Woman, parece que o álbum é um filho do seu primeiro trabalho com o ultimo citado, onde o R&B marca certa presença, principalmente nos vocais falados e os agudos nos momentos certos. O álbum deixa algumas fillers, como Borderline e até a faixa que nomeia o álbum, que parecem uma bagunça, mas, ao se analisar o conjunto da obra, até que fazem sentido. É o melhor trabalho da artista, mas não são suas melhores musicas. O álbum se destaca pela surpresa e o inesperado trabalho, onde até faixas assustadoras como "The Light Is Coming" se tornam gostosas de ouvir. Faixas como "Everytime" "Breathin" "R.E.M" e "God Is A Woman" são os destaques do álbum, e a sequencia postas pelas musicas também deixam o trabalho ainda mais prazeroso de se ouvir, um outro ponto positivo da obra. Um trabalho mais artístico do que nunca, para Grande. Expand
  19. Aug 17, 2018
    This is way better than you are all saying it is. Songs like ‘breathin’, ‘better off’, ‘everytime’, ‘goodnight n go’ and ‘r.e.m.’ are career highlights and ariana takes a more different approach than her big poppy choruses on songs like ‘sweetener’, ‘successful’ and ‘get well soon’.
  20. Aug 17, 2018
    Like Katy, Madonna, Britney, Grande was not afraid to put a lid on it and released one of the most perfect albums in pop. Highlight for the tracks R.E.M, Sweetener, Breathin and Get Well Soon. She has been showing herself to be increasingly the new pop princess and queen of the new generation.
  21. Aug 17, 2018
    Love this album, of course yes Ariana is experimenting with yourself. Okay. I love the singles NTLTC, TLIC, GIAW, raindrops (an angel cried)
  22. Aug 17, 2018
    A M A Z I N G, sem dúvidas um dos melhores trabalhos dela, ela simplismente saiu da zona de conforto e tentou algo totalmente novo, Ariana princesinha do pop e dona do mundo!
  23. Aug 25, 2018
    El álbum tiene un tono muy característico y hace adentrarte a las canciones, la voz de Ariana esta muy bien nivelada y las letras de las canciones son increíbles. Las mejores del álbum son sin duda No tears left to cry y Breathin.
  24. Aug 21, 2018
    Ariana didn't disappoint us. We're so proud of this album! She served us bop after bop.
  25. Aug 17, 2018
    a masterpiece. her voice is so soft and cute, the high notes are so strongs and this album y so ariana. i really love it.
  26. Sep 3, 2018
    This new album sweetener is a completely HIT for Miss Grande and it's perfect .God is a woman , no tears left to cry sweetener , R.E.M , Everytime and Successful are all great.
  27. Aug 22, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana Grande always proving she can over and never leaving a craving with a classic and personal album Expand
  28. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana gives us a new experience in her music with totally new sounds, good lyrics, some people saw bad lyrics and repetitive to The Light Is Coming but she has a great teaching and meaning and it is one of her best recordings
  29. Aug 27, 2018
    Melhor álbum da Ariana e melhor álbum de 2018. Parabéns, menina mulher. Ter álbum mais discutido do ano é essencial.
  30. Nov 29, 2020
    Sweetener is a mix of the new Ariana Grande. She explored a new interesting sound, her vocals improved as always nobody can deny how great a vocalist she is, Pharell was unnecessary in Sweetener in my opinion but Ariana can save her fourth album with an amazingly pure voice and I am so proud of it." Breathin", "God is a woman" and "No Tears Left To cry" are a good representation of new Ari.
  31. Nov 28, 2018
    Soft and powerful, delightful and empowered this is what we can call ''sweetener'' her most mature album, sounded differently of her latest works, the R&B calls out so differently and beautiful, the lyrics are so personal and more meaningful than ever.
  32. Aug 31, 2018
    wish there were more songs like R.E.M, God is a woman and no tears left to cry. Trying to reignite the 90s chill diva vibe, sweetener is a good album to clean the house and do the homework. Ariana found the perfect style for her music tho Dangerous Woman still sounds like her pinnackle.
  33. Aug 17, 2018
    Lo llamaria como un trabajo muy bueno... Esté album es parecido a Yours Truly muy bueno intimo y sentimental.
    Es lo mejor que tus oidos pueden escuchar.
  34. Aug 17, 2018
    It is incredibly that every song that Pharrell isn't involved in the production or composition are the bests from the album. It's not her best work but it surely has some amazing songs, like breathin, oh, the vibes and lyrics of this song are just on point.
  35. Aug 20, 2018
    Even if the song The Light is coming wasn't one of the best the other songs shows a different version of Ariana showing that she can make very commercial music to the most personal sounds in her discography, one song that really disappointed me was the featuring whit Missy Elliot
  36. Aug 17, 2018
    Um dos melhores álbuns de Ariana Grande. Para os fans, eles vão "estranhar" pela ousadia em que ela se propôs a fazer, explorando outras sonoridades. Sweetener se considera com um dos trabalho mais coeso de sua carreira.
  37. Aug 17, 2018
    Mesmo sem hits obvios, o album cumpre uma proposta linear e mostra uma grande evolução das maior artista da geração dela
  38. Aug 17, 2018

  39. Aug 17, 2018
    This record vibes are so aesthetic. This is Yours Truly son. This is Iconic. This is Ariana Grande.
  40. Dec 7, 2018
    Ariana mudou completamente o foco, apesar da mega produção, sweetener não agradou os fãs de pop mais enérgicos, um álbum que reflete muito a vida da cantora, com certeza uma autobiografia que vale a pena ouvir até o final.
  41. Aug 30, 2018
    A very left of center body of work. This album to me is the best pop album of the year. Her emotion in this record is something that I have not seen in her past records. There was something lacking in her past records; and her writing most of these tracks and going through adversity, advanced her artistic sensibilities and made her work more innovative and cohesive. The songs produced byA very left of center body of work. This album to me is the best pop album of the year. Her emotion in this record is something that I have not seen in her past records. There was something lacking in her past records; and her writing most of these tracks and going through adversity, advanced her artistic sensibilities and made her work more innovative and cohesive. The songs produced by Pharrell are some of the best because they make you work to understand their true intent or meaning. Just like the age of streaming-pop right now, everything is given to the listener on a silver platter and they do not have to work to uncover the true meaning of the song. With Pharrell's tracks, it takes time to digest the true meaning and that is what great pop music does. Her artistic advances, voice, and writing is absolutely brilliant on this album because it all comes from a place of honest vulnerability following the terrorist attacks. Her most brilliant tracks on this album are first breathin, which is literally a song about clinical anxiety, but is disguised as a brilliant pop song thanks to the production. The way she says "My, My Air" at the end is pretty remarkable, and although that is only a small detail, it really adds to the experience someone goes through when they have a legitimate anxiety attack. God is a Woman is another brilliant track because she manages to merge art and female empowerment with a catchy melody and forward thinking production. Definitely her most innovative work, and she seems to be the only female pop star leading the charts right now in an increasingly hip hop dominated streaming world. If she continues to be this honest in her music, and write her own music, she will be one of the greatest pop stars the world has ever seen. Oh and not to mention her angelic soprano voice, which imbues the record with effortless vocals and a showcase for true vocal technicality that only a singer of immense musicality can accomplish. Expand
  42. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener é sem dúvidas o álbum do ano, salvação de 2018. Ariana conseguiu se expressar com maneira certa: a voz. A composição e a produção é excelente e contemporânea.
  43. Aug 17, 2018
    Perfect i have no words, she is always doing her best i love her so much, she is the best person in the world
  44. c29
    Aug 19, 2018
    Ariana explora outro lado de si mesma que até então era desconhecido, inovando em comparação aos seus trabalhos anteriores
  45. Aug 23, 2018
    The album is good. It's demonstrates why Ariana can be distinguished from most pop artists in special moments when her voice sounds at its peak. Also, It has some songs that his voice is used to the maximum potential, but in other songs the typical Ariana sounds that his voice is devalued with generic pop rhythms and songs. In addition, it is full of collaborations that did not addThe album is good. It's demonstrates why Ariana can be distinguished from most pop artists in special moments when her voice sounds at its peak. Also, It has some songs that his voice is used to the maximum potential, but in other songs the typical Ariana sounds that his voice is devalued with generic pop rhythms and songs. In addition, it is full of collaborations that did not add anything new to the album. Expand
  46. Sep 5, 2018
    Okay, let's get this out of the way. Borderline sucks and is a waste of Missy Elliot. However, everything else on this album ranges from good to great. The production is a change for Ari, but still bops, as do her vocals
  47. Mar 19, 2019
    "Sweetener" is a grower. With the drastic change of sound it has, it definitely shocks the audience and keeps you wondering which direction she's trying to go. Although it is a very cohesive album, there are some songs that are amazing and others that are just not it; some of the production lacks that "Ariana" feel. The lyrics are very basic, considering it is an album that was supposed to"Sweetener" is a grower. With the drastic change of sound it has, it definitely shocks the audience and keeps you wondering which direction she's trying to go. Although it is a very cohesive album, there are some songs that are amazing and others that are just not it; some of the production lacks that "Ariana" feel. The lyrics are very basic, considering it is an album that was supposed to tell her story after all the pain she had been through previous her release. This was definitely a promising transition from full pop to pop-R&B, leaving her audience with high hopes and wanting more. Expand
  48. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is amazing Ariana finally played with different sounds and you can really see and hear her artistic growth. I recommend listening to God Is A Woman, Breathin, R.E.M, Everytime, Better Off, and Get Well Soon. Ignore the bad reviews posted by biased twitter stans and give the album a listen
  49. Aug 20, 2018
    flawless! UGH her mind... work of art PERFECT AMAZING UGH LOVE U ARIANAAAAA
  50. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener is something different in her, we all expected her sensuality and glamor. but come on, it's time to reinvent yourself
  51. Aug 17, 2018
    Me encantó el album, al principio me extraño los distintos sonidos que ofrecía pero finalmente me terminaron gustando. Puedo decir que Sweetener es uno de sus trabajos mas arriesgados pero también es uno de los que mas le puso más corazón. Hay que hacerle mención especial a piezas como "no tears left to cry", "breathin" o "everytime" que son las mejores del álbum a mi parecer. Y no hay queMe encantó el album, al principio me extraño los distintos sonidos que ofrecía pero finalmente me terminaron gustando. Puedo decir que Sweetener es uno de sus trabajos mas arriesgados pero también es uno de los que mas le puso más corazón. Hay que hacerle mención especial a piezas como "no tears left to cry", "breathin" o "everytime" que son las mejores del álbum a mi parecer. Y no hay que dejar de lado la canción final "get well soon" con su tributo a la ciudad de Manchester. Expand
  52. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Even I prefer a full-pop job, sweetener really caught me; the intro with only-vocal is so amazing, and God is a woman is my favorite of course! breathing' need to be a single Expand
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    is not Ariana's best album, but it shows that it is much more than the sameness and this is incredible
  54. Aug 20, 2018
    This project may be sound strange to her following but the fact that she experimented with unique production that ended up great is a big plus factor. The cohesiveness of the tracks lived up to the album title, evoking pop sweetness in every sense.
  55. Dec 21, 2018
    I appreciate Grande's experimental take on this new project, and personally, I think this album is one of her best. The experimental take would go too far in some of the songs, making them either horrid or boring to the ear.
    Best tracks: the light is coming, God is a woman, everytime, breathin, no tears left to cry, goodnight n go, pete davidson, get well soon
    Worst tracks: REM, better off
  56. Sep 25, 2018
    A real good, creative and personal album. Congratulations! Breathin, God is a woman, Get well soon and REM are probably my favourite tracks!
  57. Oct 23, 2018
  58. Aug 20, 2018
    Dizer que superou 'Dangerous Woman' seria um crime, por se tratar de um álbum pessoal muitos esperavam o pop chiclete e dançante, Sweetener soa como diferente/bizarro, estranho mas convidativo, Ariana Grande nos mostrou um trabalho com tamanhas peculiaridades e diferenciações, não diria que é um álbum ruim, mas também não é o melhor, os destaques que colocam este recente trabalho à cimaDizer que superou 'Dangerous Woman' seria um crime, por se tratar de um álbum pessoal muitos esperavam o pop chiclete e dançante, Sweetener soa como diferente/bizarro, estranho mas convidativo, Ariana Grande nos mostrou um trabalho com tamanhas peculiaridades e diferenciações, não diria que é um álbum ruim, mas também não é o melhor, os destaques que colocam este recente trabalho à cima são vocais bem explorados, batidas, inovação artística, Ariana se permitiu, ela arriscou e o tiro foi certeiro. Sweetener é como um bom aperitivo. Expand
  59. Aug 19, 2018
    good album, but the duo that is pharrell williams & ariana feels very "hit or miss". with less gymnastic vocals the album is left with all the attention on lyrics and production, the production was great on most tracks but there's no lyrical growth coming from ariana. hoping she'll do better.
  60. Aug 17, 2018
    Que arte este álbum uno de los mejores del 2018 sin duda lo mejor de Ariana el trabajo más personal con sonidos increíbles ah excepción de blazed que es una de las no muy buenas del álbum pero igual es muy buena para mí breathin es la mejor de Sweetener
  61. Aug 17, 2018
    Congratulations Ariana! AmeI muito garota! Se jogou num RnB e deu super certo!! Não é um album perfeito, mas to torcendo muito pelos grammys!!
  62. Aug 17, 2018
    wonderful album, with more catchy rhythms and wonderful songs that reflect the beautiful voice of Grande, one of the best album this year, so sweet and it's like a dream, my favorites are breathin, goodnight n go, sweetener and the whole album tbh
  63. Aug 17, 2018
    Love Ariana. There's so much haters, but it's still an excellent album.
    This album is well blended with softness and strength.
  64. Aug 17, 2018
    Album so amazing... Ariana Grande takes us to the beginning of the years 2000 ... leaving the zone of comfort and the industrial music of the present time ...
  65. Feb 14, 2020
    Aged like fine wine. The superior album in a flawless discography rivaling thank u, next
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener is interesting... all the songs really do sound the same and the singles by far outdo the other tracks. I don't know how to feel after listening to this project.

    1. raindrops (an angel cried), a beautiful 37 sec track of Ari's voice and nothing else 8/10 2. blazed ft. Pharrell Williams, this track is so good and Pharrell gives it soul 10/10 3. the light is coming ft. Nicki
    Sweetener is interesting... all the songs really do sound the same and the singles by far outdo the other tracks. I don't know how to feel after listening to this project.

    1. raindrops (an angel cried), a beautiful 37 sec track of Ari's voice and nothing else 8/10
    2. blazed ft. Pharrell Williams, this track is so good and Pharrell gives it soul 10/10
    3. the light is coming ft. Nicki Minaj, why tf would you put Nicki on this boring song... 6/10
    4. R.E.M, a very dreamy song that is a little longer than it needed to be but it is good 9/10
    5. God is a woman, the best track from the album its amazing i couldn't believe it 10/10
    6. sweetener, oh my god this track is so disappointing.... we have heard this so many times 2/10
    7. successful, ok this is fine but I'm not a fan of this track by any means 5/10
    8. everytime, I feel this one, its pretty fire tbh. Her vocals are on point 8/10
    9. breathin, ok this sound good but a bit familiar... Break Free clone? 6/10
    10. no tears left to cry, well its amazing and we all have to admit it wasn't a flop 10/10
    11. borderline ft. Missy Elliott, I'm not a fan of this track, its so bad why did she agree? 3/10
    12. better off, boring intro to a boring song. its just ok 5/10
    13. goodnight and go, its a different sound but im feeling it a little 7/10
    14. pete davidson, its a good interlude for sure this should have been a song 8/10
    15. get well soon, 5:22 of good christmas music lol. it really gives christmas vibes 8/10

    Standouts are blazed, God is a woman & no tears left to cry

    Overall: 7 (no rounding needed) even though it was a 7, I felt a bit disappointed listening to this record, Ariana Grande could have made some better songs than that for sure... its frustrating to see all that songwriting talent from Dangerous Woman go to waist to a degree....
  67. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana NUNCA decepciona! Esse álbum é um hinário! Amei, felizmente um álbum de verdade e diferente de tudo que ela já fez
  68. Aug 25, 2018
    sweetener is an adventurous joyful album, it's the first time for the singer to work with Pharrell Williams, the first listen might be extremely underwhelming due to how different this record is from Grande's previous work, but trust me once it gets to you it will become an obsession. definitely her magnus opus.
  69. Aug 17, 2018
    I loved !!! Another great work from Ariana Grande !!! We can hear your impeccable vocals in a new musical proposal !!!
  70. Sep 29, 2018
    A very solid work of art that was compounded by the commercial and musical success of every single on the album. Featured notable contributions from established artists and the artist tracks delivered well. The album, however, lacked consistency and, despite being a shift in Ariana's nature, was somewhat messy. A great album overall.
  71. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un disco dulce en sonidos y en los vocals. Un cambio de pop a R&B muy bueno para mi gusto. La mejor es breathin y everytime. Expand
  72. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande une o útil eo agradável no Sweetener, com músicas agradáveis e que fazem uma junção excelente ao tema do álbum, um Pop calmo e doce, visando destacar a sua voz, que por fim ficou maravilhosa com as canções, Ariana não nos trouxe oque queríamos, e sim nos deu oque precisávamos.
  73. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is perfect!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  74. Aug 17, 2018
    nossa senhora top q q isso top demais ariana sei q tu ta lendo isso topster to enrolando pq tem que ter no minimo 75caracteres mas se pudesse falava só top pq esse album eh >>> TOP
  75. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her best album so far. I love texts, sounds and ariana is way more mature. Love this Expand
  76. Aug 17, 2018
    MELHOR ALBUM DA ARIANAA, se Dangerous Woman nao existisse é claro! E nada mais importa do que nao for minha opniao. ARIANA PRINCESA DO POP!!!! SWEETENER AOTY!!!!
  77. Aug 17, 2018
    Artística, diosa, obra maestra, próxima ganadora del grammy a AOTY, como siempre Arileyenda demostrando que todo lo que hace es arte.
  78. Aug 17, 2018
    This is highkey the best album of 2018 so far and Ariana really managed to explore new genres and it's really good! I'm so happy she's back. She could even go and run for The Grammys and even snatch more than one, Pharrell production was good but hopefully she won't collaborate with him again, I prefer her to stick with Max Martin and Savan. But it's still THE Album of the year.! 10/10
  79. Aug 17, 2018
    Определённо работа высого уровня. Альбом магически завораживающий, чувственный и по-настоящему сладкий в своём оптимизме. Это то, чего так не хватает в тёмные времена и серые будни. Светлый взгляд в будущее, проблеск надежды и умиротворение. Ариана в очередной раз доказала, что умеет делать качественную музыку. Мне нравится, как она совместила экспериментальный шаг вперёд сОпределённо работа высого уровня. Альбом магически завораживающий, чувственный и по-настоящему сладкий в своём оптимизме. Это то, чего так не хватает в тёмные времена и серые будни. Светлый взгляд в будущее, проблеск надежды и умиротворение. Ариана в очередной раз доказала, что умеет делать качественную музыку. Мне нравится, как она совместила экспериментальный шаг вперёд с ностальгическими нотками "Yours Truly", как играла со своим голосом, делая его и страстным, и убаюкивающим. Альбом выдержан в одном стиле, песни гармонируют между собой, везде можно найти что-то общее, но в то же время и индивидуальное. Исполняя этот альбом, Ариана возносится на вершины и приглашает нас разделить с ней путь через тернии к звёздам. Такую музыку надо не просто послушать, а искренне прочувствовать душой. Ариана - многогранный артист, и я вижу в ней ещё много нераскрытого потенциала. Не сомневаюсь, что она продолжит открывать в себе новые грани, и с интересом буду следить за её путешествием по музыкальному миру. Expand
  80. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana showed her growth in this album. Only the tasteless stans hate it. The best tracks are Breathin, Everytime, Better Off, and Goodnight n go.
  81. Aug 17, 2018
    your truly ,my everything,dangerous woman are the best album!and sweetener just so-so...
  82. Aug 18, 2018
    it's a grower, at first listen you think it's her worst album but the more you listen to it the better it gets, give it a chance, it's an amazing album
  83. Aug 20, 2018
    I love u Ari and this is really good..................I don't care about what others say. in my opinion it's completely perfect Well done
  84. Aug 17, 2018
    it's so beautiful, no words left to describe, don't care about what haters say. This album deserves more!
  85. Aug 17, 2018
    this album is a bop. It's different than 3 other album of Ariana that we have listened to. Breathin, R.E.M, Get Well Soon, goodnight n go are my jam.
  86. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener is her best album so far, she's exploring differents ways and this work on this masterpiece
  87. Aug 17, 2018
    so if you just listen to Sweetener one time, you won't realize how beautiful is this album. Please listen two times or more, and use your headphone, you will know how good is this album. The music style of this album is strange, yes, but that strange is VERY GOOD. It doesn't like all of her songs that she did before. The vocal, the production, the lyrics,... ugh this album is REALLYso if you just listen to Sweetener one time, you won't realize how beautiful is this album. Please listen two times or more, and use your headphone, you will know how good is this album. The music style of this album is strange, yes, but that strange is VERY GOOD. It doesn't like all of her songs that she did before. The vocal, the production, the lyrics,... ugh this album is REALLY AMAZING. Once again, you should listen to this album TWO times or MORE and feel it. Thank you. Expand
  88. Aug 17, 2018
    for real, anyone who rates this anything lower than a 9 is delusional. miss grande really snapped
  89. Aug 17, 2018
    ARIANA GRANDE THIS IS YOUR BEST ALBUM. Ariana Grande made a experimental album and nailed it.
  90. Aug 17, 2018
    this is brilliant. absolutely genius. i cant wait to see the positive acclaim on this.
  91. Aug 17, 2018
    Arianas most experimental album paid off! R&B really suits her and I’m glad she worked with Pharrell
  92. Aug 17, 2018
    its a great album, she never disappoints!! like stepped out of her comfort zone and explore r&b moree ugh I live for it.
  93. Aug 17, 2018
    This is something so fresh. It definitely is a grower and will age like a fine wine. The beats and the vibe is so uplifting refreshing peculiar it is everything
  94. Aug 17, 2018
    I think it's embarrassing and desperate that people are purposely rating this badly when this album is actually incredible !
  95. Aug 17, 2018
    Exactly what we needed from her.
    It’s innovative, sonically different but still has that typical Ariana sound.
    The production is great.
  96. Aug 18, 2018
    sweetener is an incredible work, Ariana explores the other side of her voice, showing that even singing something totally different, can make it totally unreachable, every year that passes Ariana is overcome more and more, sweetener is really the album of the year.
  97. Aug 17, 2018
    This is by far her best album! A true work of art. This is so fresh, dreamy, and heavenly.
  98. Aug 17, 2018
    Honestly her best album yet. The message behind the album is so powerful and meaningful!! It’s such a new sound for ariana and i don’t think that’s a reason for other people to hate on it saying it’s ‘boring’ and made with ‘horrible production’. Her voice has matured and so has the style of music and that shows through with each and every song. buy and stream sweetener
  99. Aug 17, 2018
    this is Ariana’s BEST ALBUM. In her voice you can hear all the emotion and vibes she’s trying to put across . It’s something new and fresh and easily her best work to date. She has explored with different types of music and made it personal yet individual. Definitely the album of the year. BUY AND STREAM SWEETENER YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
  100. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana just did THAT, I don't have words to describe how much I like this album and this came just hours ago, I think this will be her most successful era, she worked with a new producer (Pharrell Williams) and I think the result is such a blessing. Congratulations Ariana.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.