
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. 90
    Her trademark confidence is now tinged with a newfound self-awareness, as if evolving through her experience of the joys and pitfalls of celebrity. ... Surprisingly, the standout track from the record, “Crying in the Car”, is a diorama of nostalgia, melancholy and faith, counterbalancing Megan’s overall ethos of optimistic self-empowerment. ... For listeners, it makes a strong case for the rapper’s longevity within the increasingly fickle world of music.
  2. Mar 6, 2020
    On “Suga,” Megan Thee Stallion is mixing the cold hard steel of hip-hop power, with the teasing romanticism of mod R&B — and it looks great on her.
  3. May 27, 2020
    All in all Suga is a very promising work, an enjoyable snapshot of a rapper becoming a bona fide star.
  4. Mar 9, 2020
    Suga might sound like a moodier big sister to Tina Snow or Hot Girl Meg. But as the new songs show, Megan at her most vulnerable is still tough as a tank.
  5. Mar 10, 2020
    Suga is a solid and cohesive EP that showcases Megan Thee Stallion’s unfettered appetite for destruction; she obliterates any beat she comes into contact with without batting an eyelash. Although the majority of the project is an exhilarating listen, its own ambitions prove to be its biggest challenge.
  6. Apr 2, 2020
    Just as Fever captured a snapshot of a young artist breaking through to worldwide fame in real time, Suga finds Megan Thee Stallion experiencing the growing pains of success. The songs reflect this in their lyrical content, overall shift in tonality, and even in the small steps they take towards more commercial sounds.
  7. Mar 11, 2020
    Suga may not be remembered as a keystone in Megan Thee Stallion’s catalog, but it’s a fine portrait of an artist embracing her full self as her world changes drastically.
  8. Mar 9, 2020
    This project is the high energy expected by a mare balancing sugar and spice just in time for the hotties — Megan's fan club — to warm up to for the summer.
  9. Mar 24, 2020
    A frustrating project that falls short of its composer’s talent.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 47
  2. Negative: 7 out of 47
  1. Dec 18, 2020
    i love this EP, captain hook and crying in the car are masterpieces, savage is iconic and rich is a bop
  2. Dec 3, 2020
    Half of this album is unlistenable and sounds the same as everything she has done.
  3. Nov 12, 2020
    hmm idk what to say. it’s a cohesive album i give her that but lyrics & sonics r not unique. fave: **** least fave: Crying in the Car