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Mixed or average reviews- based on 151 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 151
  2. Negative: 82 out of 151

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  1. EanB
    Mar 20, 2009
    I definitely like the direction Cornell is going here but also would not like to hear another one of these. That aside this album is deep. i love how the songs flow together and the music is melodic and soothing and Cornell voice is so resonant. Admittedly, the first listen i didnt like it, but i gave it another listen and wow this is a great album!
  2. JoeJ
    May 2, 2009
    Better then expected, but people can't get over Cornell not singing Temple of the Dog, Soundgarden or Audioslave type songs,
  3. JillH
    Mar 13, 2009
    This cd exceeds my expectations. It attempts to bridge the gap between rock and hip hop/club and almost succeeds. There are places that soar and some that just miss the mark. The concept was brilliant and deserves high marks for that reason alone. The flaws here, being overproduced in some spots and not heeding to Cornell's instincts in others, do not outweigh the creativity, lyrics This cd exceeds my expectations. It attempts to bridge the gap between rock and hip hop/club and almost succeeds. There are places that soar and some that just miss the mark. The concept was brilliant and deserves high marks for that reason alone. The flaws here, being overproduced in some spots and not heeding to Cornell's instincts in others, do not outweigh the creativity, lyrics and overall theme of the cd for me. I can listen to it over and over. Expand
  4. ArtisC
    Mar 27, 2009
    I was afraid to try the album and thought to myself, What is Cornell thinking of this tome?! Ive been a fan of Cornell for 15 years now and said to my self i owe to him just to listen to it... Now I think its really a great album... If your really a fan of music, you should have no boundaries... Now I have a new dimension in my listening... Thanks for the courage in trying out new things I was afraid to try the album and thought to myself, What is Cornell thinking of this tome?! Ive been a fan of Cornell for 15 years now and said to my self i owe to him just to listen to it... Now I think its really a great album... If your really a fan of music, you should have no boundaries... Now I have a new dimension in my listening... Thanks for the courage in trying out new things Chris!!! Your music always took me out of the hole called depression... Expand
  5. ChrisH
    Apr 9, 2009
    On the surface this album may not be appealing to diehard fans. Cornell's classics are amazing, but after listening to this album all the way through I was blown away. I haven't seen another musician blend together songs so well recently. For some, "Scream" may be one of those albums that takes a few listens to get. For others, who are open to new sounds, they will appreciate On the surface this album may not be appealing to diehard fans. Cornell's classics are amazing, but after listening to this album all the way through I was blown away. I haven't seen another musician blend together songs so well recently. For some, "Scream" may be one of those albums that takes a few listens to get. For others, who are open to new sounds, they will appreciate this album in that Chris Cornell is taking music in a whole new direction. Expand
  6. StuF
    Jun 3, 2009
    This is a great album with catchy beats, varied lyrics and a good range of songs. Highlights include Ground Zero, Scream and Part of Me. This isn't Soundgarden or whatever so don't expect it to be, it's something different and definitely worth repeated listens. Cornell is a great singer and Timberland definitely makes him display that talent here.
  7. SteveM
    Mar 10, 2009
    This is a truly interesting album and probably should go down as on eof the great innovations of the year. I definitely enjoy it more for its originality and overall quality than Shiny Toy Guns or the new U2 that are getting a ton of radio play.
  8. warriorwoman
    Mar 11, 2009
    First listen, I was in shock. But, as with any new CD, I have to listen several times before things catch on. With Scream, it caught on and hooked me but good! This album pulls me in and doesn't let me go. Each song has given me something in it to love and want to listen to on its own merit. But Scream is best heard in the continuum. (WITH headphones!) Those who won't allow First listen, I was in shock. But, as with any new CD, I have to listen several times before things catch on. With Scream, it caught on and hooked me but good! This album pulls me in and doesn't let me go. Each song has given me something in it to love and want to listen to on its own merit. But Scream is best heard in the continuum. (WITH headphones!) Those who won't allow themselves to get past the Timbaland flavor are missing out on some pure Cornell, albeit different Cornell. Expand
  9. RodrigoC
    Mar 13, 2009
    I think the album is good bizarre. It does sound shallower than Chris' previous works, but I kinda like Timbaland deep-mecha-funky bases. An interesting mix
  10. MattP
    Mar 13, 2009
    This is not an album for Chris Cornell fans, but fans of Timbaland will love it.
  11. RickS.
    Mar 13, 2009
    This kicked my ass. While this is not usually my type of music, Chris Cornell made it happen.
  12. carleyd
    Mar 13, 2009
    Non-fans probably aren't aware of this - it shocked me when I saw it - but there's a small but busy bunch of haters out there who are doing everything in their power to rubbish this album on the internet. Kind of like a street team, but in reverse. They're all over his forum 24/7, trying to intimidate fans, blogging where they can & leaving bitchy reviews on every site they Non-fans probably aren't aware of this - it shocked me when I saw it - but there's a small but busy bunch of haters out there who are doing everything in their power to rubbish this album on the internet. Kind of like a street team, but in reverse. They're all over his forum 24/7, trying to intimidate fans, blogging where they can & leaving bitchy reviews on every site they can find. Now, this album def. ain't perfect - what music is. But it's a decent effort - in places, very good indeed - and it doesn't deserve this vicious bullshit from people who can't hear past the fact that it's not all guitar, bass, drums and screaming. I used to love my rock, but these people give the whole genre a bad name. Hey, that's not a bad idea for a song *sings* "You give rock a bad name..."....and I sure as hell don't mean Cornell by that. Still it'll be a laugh if their efforts boost publicity for the album so much that it gets extra sales!!!! Expand
  13. MichelleM
    Mar 13, 2009
    It's new! It's definitely different for C.C. past music, and maybe shocking for old school fans..but it's always his unique voice! The better!
  14. EndiQ
    Mar 13, 2009
    This album is incredibly diverse and original. I've always been a cornell fan and somewhat connect with the ones that are disappointed, but at the same time, i can't help but be appalled by their close-mindedness. These songs are great!
  15. TamaraR
    Mar 14, 2009
    I dig the album. I like that he's not recreating the same sound over and over just to please people. Even if you're not into the hip hop side of the album, Chris still breaks out the acoustic for everyone to enjoy. Scream on acoustic is fantastic! But back to the album, kudos to him for changing it up.
  16. KeithF.
    Mar 14, 2009
    I hate the grooves, but that's just a production thing. The songs are Cornell, the voice is Cornell and the lyrics are Cornell. It's already sounding better played live.
  17. NanciF
    Mar 14, 2009
    Cornell has unveiled a fresh new sound and approach to his music throughout this album. While Scream may put off those who prefer his Soundgarden or Audioslave rock sound; those who love his vocals and creativity, and have an open mind, should be intrigued at the new approach. The Timbaland beats combined with Chris' amazing vocals result in something truly unique and completely Cornell has unveiled a fresh new sound and approach to his music throughout this album. While Scream may put off those who prefer his Soundgarden or Audioslave rock sound; those who love his vocals and creativity, and have an open mind, should be intrigued at the new approach. The Timbaland beats combined with Chris' amazing vocals result in something truly unique and completely refreshing -- not quite rock, not quite hip hop, just something purely it's own. Expand
  18. MoO
    Mar 14, 2009
    I applaud CC for trying something new. Most of the tracks are catchy, and his voice still has that bluesy undertone. The hidden track is great, just heartfelt, stripped down blues.
  19. StanP
    Mar 15, 2009
    This CD is a pretty good album from start to finish. It is not the usual stuff Chris Cornell would compose. However, the bonus tracks on this album are great. Do yourself a favor go see Chris Cornell live. You'll be surprised to see that those songs off this album actually sounds better live in a deconstructed way.
  20. jessiesgirl
    Mar 16, 2009
    I really like this album. I have to say, I'm a fan of rock, a fan of hip hop, and mostly a huga fan of Chris this is the perfect album for me. I think it's cool that he tried something new and put himself out there for a new crowd to enjoy him. I think the album still has his great vocals and lyrics, it's just a different style. Hopefully more people will give I really like this album. I have to say, I'm a fan of rock, a fan of hip hop, and mostly a huga fan of Chris this is the perfect album for me. I think it's cool that he tried something new and put himself out there for a new crowd to enjoy him. I think the album still has his great vocals and lyrics, it's just a different style. Hopefully more people will give it a chance. Expand
  21. MF
    Mar 17, 2009
    The phrase "beautiful trainwreck" comes to mind. After reading some of the mixed and negative reviews I was almost afraid to listen to this, but it's a fine pop album in it's way. It probably won't be a the big crossover hit, but I found the album enjoyable all the way through.
  22. Dr.Ghettoblaster
    Mar 31, 2009
    Let me start by saying I am a HUGE Soundgarden fan, and a pretty decent Audioslave fan as well. I love Chris Cornell's voice. This album blew my mind all over the fu$#ing room! It was so unexpected and it's so non-traditional, his voice is still incredible to me. The amount of harmonies and layers I can't stop listening to it. Mark my words, this is a Let me start by saying I am a HUGE Soundgarden fan, and a pretty decent Audioslave fan as well. I love Chris Cornell's voice. This album blew my mind all over the fu$#ing room! It was so unexpected and it's so non-traditional, his voice is still incredible to me. The amount of harmonies and layers I can't stop listening to it. Mark my words, this is a breakthrough in music genre's as we know them. Outstanding. Expand
  23. ChristopherB
    Apr 6, 2009
    This is one of the best CD's i've heard. The problem is you can't expect it to be Soundgarden or Audioslave. You can't even expect it to be Chris Cornell. It's something totally different. People really should understand different doesn't have be BAD. I can listen to this entire CD without hitting a (filler) crap song.
  24. JamW
    May 29, 2009
    I have to admit this made me want to puke on 1st listen, i was expecting the familiar cornell sound, quite heavy with some decent melodies and a folky singer/songwriter element... this aint that...but....but.... give it a few listens with an open mind and you realise this is pretty daring and actually really good with some outstanding catchy tunes... its pop music but that doesn't I have to admit this made me want to puke on 1st listen, i was expecting the familiar cornell sound, quite heavy with some decent melodies and a folky singer/songwriter element... this aint that...but....but.... give it a few listens with an open mind and you realise this is pretty daring and actually really good with some outstanding catchy tunes... its pop music but that doesn't mean it automatically sucks, some of the freshest ideas seem to be happening in commercial music, while indie music is pushing a tired template these days. Expand
  25. DennyC
    May 9, 2009
    Honestly, to all chris cornell fans, there is nothing wrong with this album. I know that many of you are simply angry that Chris isnt in soundgarden anymore and you'll refuse to like anything else he does, but in the real world this is a perfectly fine album with some addictive and catchy hooks that are hard to deny. Its a fun, entertaining record, and just because it isnt Honestly, to all chris cornell fans, there is nothing wrong with this album. I know that many of you are simply angry that Chris isnt in soundgarden anymore and you'll refuse to like anything else he does, but in the real world this is a perfectly fine album with some addictive and catchy hooks that are hard to deny. Its a fun, entertaining record, and just because it isnt Soundgarden doesnt mean you cant like it. And by the way, I am a huge Chris Cornell fan and enjoyed his older work in soundgarden and audioslave as well as his new stuff. Expand
  26. KevH
    Jul 11, 2009
    Like everyone else, I agree that this album is quite a departure from his previous offerings, but you have to admire his boldness in trying something THIS different. Personally, i love the way each song leads into the other, it gives the album a flow that im surprised nobody else has commented on. This is novel in a time where so many albums just seem like a bunch of songs slapped Like everyone else, I agree that this album is quite a departure from his previous offerings, but you have to admire his boldness in trying something THIS different. Personally, i love the way each song leads into the other, it gives the album a flow that im surprised nobody else has commented on. This is novel in a time where so many albums just seem like a bunch of songs slapped together. When i first listened to it, I was disappointed to not find a sound i was used to, but it has slowly grown on me, with killer tracks like Climbing Up The Walls and Enemy.Give it time and it may grow on you too. Expand
  27. MartyM
    Aug 3, 2009
    This is a enjoyable album worth listening to. Chris Cornell is showing off his ability to diversify and his tremendous vocal ability. No wonder many people consider him to stand amongst the greatest vocalists of all time. This album also could be used as a case against the process of modern critics to determine the merits of music against modern consumers insatiable desire for a This is a enjoyable album worth listening to. Chris Cornell is showing off his ability to diversify and his tremendous vocal ability. No wonder many people consider him to stand amongst the greatest vocalists of all time. This album also could be used as a case against the process of modern critics to determine the merits of music against modern consumers insatiable desire for a consistent flow of predictable instantly enjoyable music. No longer do we have the brave critics we had 10 or 20 years ago pushing consumers boundaries. What a shameful thing modern music journalism has become. Expand
  28. JamesB
    Mar 12, 2009
    Sure its different, but when he plays live these songs are "rocked" up to some degree. Its very different, but not bad for all that. He said he wanted to make this album, so he did. That freedom is so refreshing for an artist. Repetitive ?? That is the nature of this R+B genre.
  29. CharlieX123
    Mar 13, 2009
    Why are you people talking trash about Chris Cornell? Just because he wants to do something different doesn't mean he's a sell out! A true Chris Cornell fan would support him all the way and not call him a sell out!
  30. GinnyD.
    Mar 13, 2009
    NorthernM is probably one of the people carley d is talking about who goes around rubbishing the album and CC's fans. He hates street team people but they are just fans who love the music, not some sinister attack force paid by the record company. they vote and comment according to what they feel, so what's wrong with that, it's not artifically inflating anything. I am a NorthernM is probably one of the people carley d is talking about who goes around rubbishing the album and CC's fans. He hates street team people but they are just fans who love the music, not some sinister attack force paid by the record company. they vote and comment according to what they feel, so what's wrong with that, it's not artifically inflating anything. I am a member but i don't get time to do much. But I'm really loving the album, it's fresh & modern and there is only 1 track I skip - a lot of people who dont like it just want plain old rock music, which this isn't. Expand
  31. AndrewS
    Mar 17, 2009
    I started listening to it thinking I would hate it. Not a hip hop fan at all, but I like Chris Cornell so much, I thought I would give it a chance. I'm glad I did. This dude's vocals are insane. I think this is a fresh new sound that music needs. I'm surprised how much I like it and it grabs me more with each listen.
  32. EmilyW
    Mar 17, 2009
    The album "Scream" by Chris Cornell is extraordinary! As a person who has grown up with diverse musical interests, this album HIT HOME HARD!!!!! I have been a fan of Chris Cornell for 10+ years and I haven't been disappointed yet! The songs on this album are pure GENIUS -- the whole thing rocks HARDCORE! But don't listen to me . . . go listen to it for yourself. I PROMISE you The album "Scream" by Chris Cornell is extraordinary! As a person who has grown up with diverse musical interests, this album HIT HOME HARD!!!!! I have been a fan of Chris Cornell for 10+ years and I haven't been disappointed yet! The songs on this album are pure GENIUS -- the whole thing rocks HARDCORE! But don't listen to me . . . go listen to it for yourself. I PROMISE you won't be disappointed! Sincerely, "E-Dogg" Expand
  33. BrianH
    Mar 19, 2009
    Chris' latest album is truly refreshing and different. While I'll admit it did catch me off guard a few times the vocal power he has in expressing various forms of emotion in his songs was too much for me not to succumb to. The tracks that make up this album are quite good and worthy of listening to all in one sitting. Songs such as Long Gone and Enemy expresses the wide vocal Chris' latest album is truly refreshing and different. While I'll admit it did catch me off guard a few times the vocal power he has in expressing various forms of emotion in his songs was too much for me not to succumb to. The tracks that make up this album are quite good and worthy of listening to all in one sitting. Songs such as Long Gone and Enemy expresses the wide vocal range Chris can take on his songs. One can easily find themselves lost in a plethora of memories, thoughts, and emotions while listening to his lastest album. While some may say Chris took a musical 180 with the overall sound of this album, no one can deny that greatness is always just that, great. Regardless of the rhythms used as a medium to carry his vocals Chris Cornell will always come out on top. This album is only his latest effort to once again prove to the masses that like his previous solo efforts (Euphoria Morning and Carry On) that sometimes what's least expected or totally different is just what we want and just what we need. Expand
  34. Dec 5, 2010
    Yes it is not Audioslave or Soundgarden, why? because it was not the idea!!! the grungee voice with hip hop and even latin beats are strange in a very interesting way. Songs as Part of Me and Time are more than great. Timb. is just doing his thing, but I am glad Chris Cornell still has enough balls to take risks, surprise and even shock some people, not just going through the safe line.Yes it is not Audioslave or Soundgarden, why? because it was not the idea!!! the grungee voice with hip hop and even latin beats are strange in a very interesting way. Songs as Part of Me and Time are more than great. Timb. is just doing his thing, but I am glad Chris Cornell still has enough balls to take risks, surprise and even shock some people, not just going through the safe line. Love the album!!! Expand
  35. Dec 9, 2014
    Nothing like his great first album, or his excellent Soundgarden or Temple of the Dog work, but this is soo much better than Carry On. After hearing that this was a Timbaland album, and what with Carry On being rather uninspiring, I avoided buying Scream until last month - a good first impression and it continues to grow on me. Well worth it
  36. Dec 30, 2013
    Scream, though a bit deceptive in title due to the tame nature of this album, is a shockingly good album considering the background information. For one thing, the idea of dance-pop producer, Timbaland, and grunge legend, Chris Cornell, teaming up for a whole album of songs just seems like a terrible idea. In addition, the album takes after Timbaland much more than it does Chris Cornell,Scream, though a bit deceptive in title due to the tame nature of this album, is a shockingly good album considering the background information. For one thing, the idea of dance-pop producer, Timbaland, and grunge legend, Chris Cornell, teaming up for a whole album of songs just seems like a terrible idea. In addition, the album takes after Timbaland much more than it does Chris Cornell, and when the opening of "Part of Me" started, I will admit I cringed a little. However, as a fan of Chris Cornell, I was just too interested in what would happen with the pairing, and I am glad I gave this album a chance. Despite the heavy electronic/dance melodies, the natural emotion of Cornell's voice is able to shine through (in fact, Cornell makes a very convincing soul singer on several of the tracks) and make this a pleasant listen throughout. Of course, there are plenty weak moments like "Get Up", "Other Side of Town", and "Take Me Alive" and the rest of the album is truly not album of the year quality, songs like "Scream", "Part of Me", "Time", and "Ground Zero" more than make up for it. If you like Cornell enough, or if you are a fan of electronic R&B/Pop, you might find this album well worth you time and money. Expand
  37. Aug 25, 2019
    If you can just analyze this album outside the perspective of a rock fan, you will love it. It's 2019 and sounds good even now, and I could say sounds better than when it was released.
  38. Oct 17, 2020
    Chris Cornell's voice does work well with Timbaland's production. This album has aged well.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 6 out of 19
  1. Sometimes it's good bizarre. Other times it's bad bizarre.
  2. What's more surprising than Scream's R&B bells and whistles (provided by überproducer Timbaland) is that Cornell almost succeeds at that goal without tarnishing his hard-rawkin' legacy.
  3. Though this hook-up frequently pushes at the boundaries of plausibility, there's lots about Scream that makes perfect sense.