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Mixed or average reviews- based on 151 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 151
  2. Negative: 82 out of 151

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  1. NorthernM
    Mar 12, 2009
    Warriorwoman is a member of the Chris Cornell steet-team, a group with orders to visit sites such as this and artificially increase scores / post positive reviews. As a former street-teamer, you can take my word for this. You should take her comments and score with a pinch of salt. The album is a complete disappointment. It's a generic, bland pop album, and a very poor one at that. I Warriorwoman is a member of the Chris Cornell steet-team, a group with orders to visit sites such as this and artificially increase scores / post positive reviews. As a former street-teamer, you can take my word for this. You should take her comments and score with a pinch of salt. The album is a complete disappointment. It's a generic, bland pop album, and a very poor one at that. I hate to think how many fans Cornell has lost over this ill-advised experiment. Expand
  2. NathanS
    Apr 7, 2009
    Terrible..... This is the man that samg Jesus Christ Pose for gods sake. I have a very open mind and was interested in hearing the collaboration between Cornell and Timbaland but i should of known better that the disaster that was Carry On. Please Chris make a choice either go back to Soundgarden or just stop already. You are better than this rubbish.
  3. TimM.
    Mar 10, 2009
    Awful. Its a terrible thing to witness Chris Cornell's continuing descent into the trash can. As his career continues it becomes increasingly clear where the real talent was in Soundgarden. Sure he has a great voice but his judgement in all things musical is clearly non-existant. I take no pleasure in giving my opinion that Chris Cornell has ruined what could have been a great Awful. Its a terrible thing to witness Chris Cornell's continuing descent into the trash can. As his career continues it becomes increasingly clear where the real talent was in Soundgarden. Sure he has a great voice but his judgement in all things musical is clearly non-existant. I take no pleasure in giving my opinion that Chris Cornell has ruined what could have been a great musical legacy. This album is repetitive, grating and ultimately unpleasant to listen to. Any ounce of integrity this man had, he has flushed down the toilet. Expand
  4. JoeBlow
    Mar 12, 2009
  5. KaneL
    Mar 12, 2009
    This album is so annoying that you'd find yourself humming the title track while having a bath and then slip and fall in shock and say "Damn You to hell Cornell!!!" However if you like the stuff One Republic came up with you'd like this.... He must be in his mid-life crisis or something...I dunno...go figure!
  6. TrinaG.
    Mar 13, 2009
    As much as I love Cornell, this album is just unfortunate. It's not really even a Cornell album: it's a Timbaland album with Cornell on vocals. The Metacritic rating of 47 is generous and the only reason that I gave this album a generous 2 is because of "Two Drink Minumum".
  7. FabioO.
    Mar 14, 2009
    disastrous step. an example of what musicians should never do. Experimenting and innovating is fine, but destroying your own legacy is forgetful of what Cornell represented for many people until last year.
  8. ConnerP.
    Mar 14, 2009
    I laughed at Carly D's review. She is the leader of the Chris Cornell street team. Her review of the album is alright since this is what it is all about - everyone stating there own opinion. But it is funny that she points out that there is an organization of haters out to rubbish the album, when she in fact is in Chris Cornell's employment and leads an organization to promote I laughed at Carly D's review. She is the leader of the Chris Cornell street team. Her review of the album is alright since this is what it is all about - everyone stating there own opinion. But it is funny that she points out that there is an organization of haters out to rubbish the album, when she in fact is in Chris Cornell's employment and leads an organization to promote Cornell all over the internet. Just seems a little hypocritical. But whatever. I give it a 0 because this is the worst album I have heard in recent memory. I'm not any member of a "rubbish" Cornell group. That is my honest opinion. I think this album is an over produced and quite embarrassing for someone with Chris's talent. I can only guess that this is a money-grab or a midlife crisis aiming for relevance. I listened or tried to, but it hurt all my senses. Expand
  9. TedW
    Mar 15, 2009
    This is just horrible. Everything just makes me laugh! Zero is too much, trust me.
  10. MatthewE
    Mar 27, 2009
    The most uncomfortable peice of toilet paper I've ever used. He truely belongs in the sell-out, money-grubbing hall-o-fame.
  11. RpkF
    Apr 19, 2009
    Its the biggest pice of sh@#t Ive ever hear
  12. JimR
    Mar 11, 2009
    Your column states that this CD is by New Found Glory...oops! It's Chris Cornell.
  13. ChrisT
    Mar 11, 2009
    So disappointing. Made worse because we are aware of the potential. Chris actually sounds ridiculous. I think Timbaland is playing some kind of cruel joke on him. Don't waste your money on this.
  14. SeattleW
    Mar 10, 2009
    I shouldn't even give this a 2! This is the worst thing either one of them has done. Chris Cornell has always been one of my favorite singers. If this is how he wants to waste his career, I think its time to hang it up. Yes, this is a new direction, but its a sad attempt at something that didn't have to be this bad.
  15. HerrH
    Mar 10, 2009
    An utterly repugnant record. If you ever wanted to go clubbing to the sweet strains of a mid-life crisis, this is your album. For everyone else, it's the musical equivalent of a car crash - except the cars are being driven by those awful people who blare ridiculously loud r'n'b music.
  16. MikeH
    Mar 10, 2009
    This man has lost all credibility with this album. This is the very definition of a sell out. People will praise it as experimentation - don't delude yourselves - this one is all about $$. I've loved this man for a very long time, up until last year when this monstrocity broke out. This is how hard the mighty can fall.
  17. MikeS.
    Mar 10, 2009
    Scream keeps reminding me why pirating music is ok, they keep producing rubbish like this, Im going to keep my money... from superunknown to this? what a waste.
  18. LeeJ
    Mar 12, 2009
    Gets a star for guts. Looses all other stars for having no merit beyond the originality of the concept itself. You'll ooh and ah at the fancy audio bells and whistles, then wake up realizing that they're just garnish on a thoroughly average album. If you really love Cornell, buy Euphoria Morning instead.
  19. WilC.
    Mar 12, 2009
    I really cannot believe how horrible this album is. I was hoping that maybe Timbaland wouldn't screw it up (like the 2 songs he produced for Bjork that were pretty good) but ultimately it sounds like Timbaland took Chris by his balls and did his best to fit his vocals to Justin Timberlake instrumentation. I hope Mr. Cornell gets his act together-- another one like this, and I'm I really cannot believe how horrible this album is. I was hoping that maybe Timbaland wouldn't screw it up (like the 2 songs he produced for Bjork that were pretty good) but ultimately it sounds like Timbaland took Chris by his balls and did his best to fit his vocals to Justin Timberlake instrumentation. I hope Mr. Cornell gets his act together-- another one like this, and I'm just giving up. Expand
  20. StanleyS.
    Mar 13, 2009
    Wow I'm shocked and disappointed. Chris Cornell making an R&B groove/dance orientated album is a great idea in concept. I can think of nothing better than dancing to his voice. But in execution this failed in ways I can not comprehend. How could two seasoned musicians deliver this, I'm thinking they must be tripping over their overblown egos. Timbaland went way overboard and Wow I'm shocked and disappointed. Chris Cornell making an R&B groove/dance orientated album is a great idea in concept. I can think of nothing better than dancing to his voice. But in execution this failed in ways I can not comprehend. How could two seasoned musicians deliver this, I'm thinking they must be tripping over their overblown egos. Timbaland went way overboard and drowned out Cornell. Cornell reverted to cliche R&B lyrics and concepts. Do we really want to hear Cornell singing about rubbing up against girls ala Nelly? Blech! There was all the potential in the world to do something great here - but wow what a misstep. I'm pissed I spent my hard earned money on this. I give it a 1 for balls but that's as much as I can muster. Expand
  21. jw
    Mar 17, 2009
    Chris Cornell is a great artist, but really missed the mark with this one. I can't get 'Long Gone' out of my head, which is the only reason I gave this album a 2 instead of a 0.
  22. JeffL
    Mar 18, 2009
    Very funny to see people on this sight giving it 8's, 9's, and 10's. The WORST cd I have ever purchased by far. The 1st cd I have ever bought that I threw away the same day. What a waste!! At least the girls like it. I guess if you really hate songs that include a electric guitar's real drums etc. you will love this piece of crap! Maybe he can team up with Lady GaGa Very funny to see people on this sight giving it 8's, 9's, and 10's. The WORST cd I have ever purchased by far. The 1st cd I have ever bought that I threw away the same day. What a waste!! At least the girls like it. I guess if you really hate songs that include a electric guitar's real drums etc. you will love this piece of crap! Maybe he can team up with Lady GaGa for his tour. Expand
  23. RickW
    Mar 25, 2009
    Cornell comes from one of the most innovative bands of the 90's, and his lyrics, music and voice were unique and meaningful. What remains now? Almost nothing. No more ispiration. It's a common problem, but i think an artist should stop in time. Cornell doesn't think so. He only left me the sad conclusion that the music is really dead.
  24. Michael
    Mar 31, 2009
    The worst CD i have unfortunately ever heard, he quit Audioslave to make music this bad? Audioslave weren't exactly putting out masterpieces but they were listenable.
  25. FuManchu
    Apr 1, 2009
    Absolutely the WORST album I've heard in my entire life. Wouldn't waste a single penny on it. It's just frustrating to see how age (and perhaps record companies) has affected the talented artist that Cornell once was... What a shame.
  26. JimM
    May 17, 2009
    Might not have been as bad if he have of called Trent Reznor, but this is just weird. What you imagine a dickish Hollywood friend of Paris Hilton would come up with if they made a record.
  27. joeboj
    Mar 11, 2009
    I think I'm being generous. Watch out for high reviews from the females, they're on the payroll. Well, they would be if they were actually getting paid.
  28. TimW
    Mar 13, 2009
    Too much over production on too many songs. He is better than that.
  29. ApeD
    Mar 13, 2009
    This album is atrocious at best. If your dog was this far gone, the humane thing to do would be to put him down. Musically, it is god awful and about 25 years behind the times. Chris Cornell's vocals do not even fit. Sorry Chris, but liking this album is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. Impossible.
  30. EdL
    Mar 17, 2009
    What happened? He has steadily gone downhill since after the first Audioslave, but I never thought he would go this far down the hill.
  31. sergem.
    Mar 18, 2009
    I have all Cornell music has done since 1984. He's said some times he felt frustated because he never had the recognisement of the public. He's been after "success" since he stopped drinking and married with a model. Now he has what he was aiming for. He's happy, has recognisement from the music industry, but he's lost his loyal fan base and has changed them for a I have all Cornell music has done since 1984. He's said some times he felt frustated because he never had the recognisement of the public. He's been after "success" since he stopped drinking and married with a model. Now he has what he was aiming for. He's happy, has recognisement from the music industry, but he's lost his loyal fan base and has changed them for a bunch of people that never listened to Badmotorfinger when it came out. That said, I still admire him and I'll always love him for the music he's made. I wouldn't be the same without those Soundgarden songs. Chris, take care. And please, stay away from Timbaland. You are not and never wil be Justin Timbarlake. Expand
  32. DeeC
    Mar 18, 2009
    This album has a very appropriate title - Scream: that's exactly what I did when I listened to it. After the shock wore off I kept asking myself "why? why? why?" Can this really be the same man who gave us Audioslave, Soundgarden and Temple of the Dog? Not to mention his exceptional solo effort Euphoria Morning? I don't have a problem with Chris trying to move more into pop but This album has a very appropriate title - Scream: that's exactly what I did when I listened to it. After the shock wore off I kept asking myself "why? why? why?" Can this really be the same man who gave us Audioslave, Soundgarden and Temple of the Dog? Not to mention his exceptional solo effort Euphoria Morning? I don't have a problem with Chris trying to move more into pop but this just sounds like he recorded his usual rock album then stripped out all the instrumentals and let Timbaland (of all people! Why, Chris why??) put dance music where it used to be! I don't think I have ever been so disappointed with an album in my life. I really don't know if I have the strength to give it a second listen. Expand
  33. daveh
    Mar 19, 2009
    Whoever thought of putting timberland and cornell together should be fired. this just did not work at all....there are times that cornell is made to sound like Cher. very disappointing.
  34. ChuckW
    Apr 18, 2009
    I thought I bought a CC album, but somehow I ended up with a male Britney. I want my money back.
  35. May 4, 2014
    Chris Cornell has gone 0 for 2 as a solo artist, and he had just been ditched by Audioslave, or should I say, Rage Against The Machine. In his last ditch effort, he recruited Timbaland to make him over as a hip-hop/rock artist. He knew it was either that or a Soundgarden reunion. Unfortunately, it's safe to say that he does not know how to do a proper solo album. The album seems decent,Chris Cornell has gone 0 for 2 as a solo artist, and he had just been ditched by Audioslave, or should I say, Rage Against The Machine. In his last ditch effort, he recruited Timbaland to make him over as a hip-hop/rock artist. He knew it was either that or a Soundgarden reunion. Unfortunately, it's safe to say that he does not know how to do a proper solo album. The album seems decent, but there's nothing you want to listen to over and over again. At least he went back to Soundgarden after this. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 6 out of 19
  1. Sometimes it's good bizarre. Other times it's bad bizarre.
  2. What's more surprising than Scream's R&B bells and whistles (provided by überproducer Timbaland) is that Cornell almost succeeds at that goal without tarnishing his hard-rawkin' legacy.
  3. Though this hook-up frequently pushes at the boundaries of plausibility, there's lots about Scream that makes perfect sense.