• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2020
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 5940 Ratings

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  1. Mar 21, 2021
    Had a very boring vibe , after Thank You,Next , this is a huge stepdown for Ariana , hope girly makes better music next time , Sweetener will always be the best
  2. Nov 13, 2020
    It was OK
  3. Nov 21, 2020
    Probally her worst albun, Ariana Grande is taking advantage of her name and big fan base and makes no effort to improve the quality of her work, they are the same short songs with well-known melodies.
  4. Nov 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Awful! Her lyrics are all about sex and cliche sex talk. love language is poor and the music is overrated. The production is pretty good but it’s such a boring album. It’s a fall from her thank u next era. Except for the catchy melodies of the lead single, the whole album is disappointing!! Expand
  5. Mar 20, 2021
    ariana fez de tudo pra sair dessa imagem de criança fofa fazendo um álbum inteiro sobre bater uma pro namorado esquizo dela....essa review era p ser feita no xvideos ariana não é artista e seus fãs não sao gente traps datados serviu vocais e o conteudo lirico parece que foi feito por uma adolescente cheia de tesao acumulado o que esperar da tidinha do trap não é meus amores
  6. Nov 27, 2020
    the worst thing I have ever heard... totally awful. I want my money back...
  7. Dec 1, 2020
    always the same sound, its getting boring everytime she drops something, please take a moment to make a good album
  8. Nov 27, 2020
    Little Ariana has let me down. I'm sorry, this thing, I won't listen to it again.....
  9. Nov 28, 2020
    Ja era de esperar um álbum PÉSSIMO, e ainda de brinde o mesmo do mesmo, ariana nao sabe se reinventar como artista, gosta quem quer e quem tem mal gosto
  10. Nov 30, 2020
    One of her most boring works. Sorry, didn't like it. She should evolve on her music. Always giving the same.
  11. Nov 27, 2020
    Kinda boring and repetitive, it feels like one big eternal song, her music is more basic every time.
  12. Nov 27, 2020
    Horriveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel demais
  13. Nov 27, 2020
    This is a pandemic tbh. Her worst work of art[?], well I wouldn't consider it as an art in the first place. The production is terrible, the lyricism are hideous. Two Scooter's client release a pandemic this year, it's Changes and this album. Looking at the bright side, I luv the MV of positions and 34+35 and pov are well, tolerable.

    Go girl, give us nothing!!!!
  14. Nov 28, 2020
    Con todo el respeto del mundo le pongo un 1 porque solo me gusta Positions, no digo que el álbum sea malo, simplemente a mi no me gusta.
  15. Nov 28, 2020
    all the songs sound the same, they are basic and the lyrics are meh, if this it's what she's gonna do better retire
  16. Nov 29, 2020
    i dont like it. can she make different songs cause her every songs sounds same. boring.
  17. Nov 30, 2020
    terrible and boring album. ariana has not shown any artistic growth. the lyrics are tacky and doesnt have any meaning! she is just making music for money at this point!
  18. Nov 30, 2020
    This album is SO BORING! Every song sounds the same! Nothing new! Ariana has to change her genre every era cause IT'S NOT GOOD! And She is just OVERRATED!
  19. Nov 30, 2020
    Ariana Grande is known for her repetitive songs and Positions failed to impress her previous iconic album Thank U Next. I hope in the future she decides to take risks and change her sounds.
  20. Nov 30, 2020
    BORING album it’s literally just like her other childish 5 previous albums nothing new about it the only thing that changes is her skin-tone
  21. Nov 30, 2020
    Don’t like it
    It’s the same sound over and over again. The same rhythm as her previous albums. Nothing new. Nothing’s changed.
  22. Nov 30, 2020
    Ariana's positions is about as fresh as a two month old banana, it lacks originality and screams tryhard. Her "r&b influenced" album is nothing more than a desperate attempt to not be seen as Victoria Justices sidekick. Her "whistle notes" are irritating and her enunciation leaves me confused as to what she is actually singing
  23. Nov 30, 2020
    As much as I love Ariana, I must admit that this is her worst album (and I would even take the audacity to say that this is one of the worst albums of the year). Each song sounds exactly the same as the previous one, it feels like you’re not listening to an album, but a 41-minute song.
    I’m sorry Ariana, but I don’t have anything good to say about this album. Hope your next piece of art is
    As much as I love Ariana, I must admit that this is her worst album (and I would even take the audacity to say that this is one of the worst albums of the year). Each song sounds exactly the same as the previous one, it feels like you’re not listening to an album, but a 41-minute song.
    I’m sorry Ariana, but I don’t have anything good to say about this album. Hope your next piece of art is better, because I know you can releaese better things.
  24. Nov 30, 2020
    Nothing new from Ariana, this album is very basic. Every song is literally the same...
  25. Nov 30, 2020
    Girl idk what you were thinking when you made this album but you should've thought twice....you snapped vocally tho.
  26. Nov 30, 2020
    Arianas worst album to date. The fact that she can’t take a break and reevaluate herself really shows in this album. It’s boring!! What else can I say. She has just released another version of her two previous albums. Why the need for 3 albums in less then 3 years?! I really hope she’s takes a few years to find her sound because the repetitiveness is just getting boring. If it wasn’t forArianas worst album to date. The fact that she can’t take a break and reevaluate herself really shows in this album. It’s boring!! What else can I say. She has just released another version of her two previous albums. Why the need for 3 albums in less then 3 years?! I really hope she’s takes a few years to find her sound because the repetitiveness is just getting boring. If it wasn’t for Scooter paying her way to the top she would not of reached #1, which she didn’t deserve with the album. Expand
  27. Nov 30, 2020
    sounds exactly like her previous work, will she ever try a new sound? such a boring artist.
  28. Nov 30, 2020
    It's bad. Nothing New. Its boring. Sounds repetitive. Its just not good.
  29. Dec 7, 2020
    And once again, Ariana delivers nothing but the same she has done before...
  30. Dec 9, 2020
    Nothing new nor different from her previous sound. Maybe she should take more time with her music instead of releasing 3 albums in a row just to make profit
  31. Dec 9, 2020
    Commercial music, very, very, very bad, I really don't recommend it, worst of the worst along with sweetener, thank u, next, Ariana should retire at once
  32. Dec 11, 2020
    hey flop girl you have done it again constantly lowering the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly i'd say i am surprised but i know who you are i’ve seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so ashamed.
  33. Dec 13, 2020
    I liked TUN a lot so I started listening to this album with great expectations and dont get me wrong I like R&B but this was a disrespect to R&B. Yeah her vocals are good as always but she exaggerated her vocals so much that it became annoying and irritating. The lyrics are childish and basic. Pick up a 16 year old and he/she can write better than this. Production is nothing spectacular.I liked TUN a lot so I started listening to this album with great expectations and dont get me wrong I like R&B but this was a disrespect to R&B. Yeah her vocals are good as always but she exaggerated her vocals so much that it became annoying and irritating. The lyrics are childish and basic. Pick up a 16 year old and he/she can write better than this. Production is nothing spectacular. Most boring thing I’ve listened to this year for sure. Expand
  34. Dec 11, 2020
    Bem meia boca, favoritismo que fala né kkkkkkkkkkk 72 nesse álbum uma chacota
  35. Dec 11, 2020
    Very boring album, Ariana's voice deserves better ... most of the songs are so forgettable. Disappointing
  36. Dec 11, 2020
    It's annoying for me. Its torturing. And i regret listen to it. Wish I didn't.
  37. Dec 11, 2020
    If I could rate any below 0, it would go to Positions. Like this album feels like the leftovers from Sweetner and Ty, N. Wackkkkkkkkkk
  38. Dec 11, 2020
    ariana....this is trash girl...TRASH
    the way she did swt than tun and now she drops this **** its just-
    the same old trap & rnb...this time the rnb was LIT but the trap literally trash...
  39. Apr 11, 2021
    Esperaba mas del album, pero a excepcion de la cancion de POV no me gusta ninguna, las letras son repetitivas, lo que no tendria nada de malo si la produccion fuera buena pero no. Su peor album hasta la fecha
  40. Dec 16, 2020
    Worst album of 2020 without a doubt, terrible and generic . Made for kids and teenagers
  41. Dec 14, 2020
    This is a joke of an album. The female version of changes. Hoping for more versatility in the next Record
  42. Dec 11, 2020
    The same as always, it's as if all the discarded songs from his previous albums had been put together in this
  43. Dec 12, 2020
    Si je devais donner à quelqu'un le titre "Queen of one color", je le donnerais à Ariana Grande, car cet album n'a pas de percée en termes de production, ni les paroles sur le sexe aussi bien qu'un enfant. Les enfants sexuellement avertis écrivent
  44. Dec 11, 2020
    ariana can do better than this. I like a few song but the rest are just forgettable
  45. Dec 15, 2020
    This album is absolutely terrible. She is supposed to be a role model and is singing about having sex? I can see her having a breakdown much like Britney Spears very soon
  46. Jan 2, 2021
    The album is overall bland, shallow and boring. When you reach the half of the album, you realize manybsongs actually sound pretty much the same and they are also about the same thing.There are a couple standouts, though.
  47. Dec 22, 2020
    Ariana has been doing the same mediocre "pop R&B" since 2012, there is no difference at all from her previous albums in this one, just mainstream music and sexually appealing music videos as always. Not surprised by this at all.
  48. Mar 19, 2021

    this album was a pain to listen to. same song x 10 times.
    favs: motive, love language
  49. Dec 29, 2020
    While having some notable album tracks, such as “pov” and “off the table”, Grande failed to deliver her usual pop perfection albums that she usually never has trouble doing.
  50. Jan 6, 2021
    I honestly tried to give this album a chance and listened to several songs from it but I just can't get past the really bad, juvenile lyrics and the monotone sound.
  51. Mar 5, 2021
    horrible album. should’ve stayed in the draft, USB key or in the dropbox files whatever.
  52. Mar 12, 2021
    Este es su peor álbum, ritmos repetitivos letras que van para el mismo lado, no. Definitivamente no.
  53. Mar 20, 2021
    ”Positions" is her worst album, she is staying in a comfort zone, it sounds like a discard from her previous albums...
  54. Mar 20, 2021
    Aburrido, sigue haciendo lo mismo, no se arriesga, lo único bueno es su voz y no la está usando.
  55. Mar 16, 2021
    AG needs to stop mixing business and friends .. all her producers are close friends and i’m tired of hearing her voice on the same beats . Lyrics weren’t everything especially all the aave abuse lmao but good effort ?
  56. Mar 20, 2021
    sigo escuchando pero solo me gusto motive y positions
    por cierto como se pone calificacion 7 o 8 bueno se cual sera mi calif. pero pues...
  57. Mar 17, 2021
    I feel like this Ariana job is lacking in cooking, it's really a shame that she released this album out of obligation.
  58. Mar 18, 2021
    Yet another skipless album by Miss Grande. Love the R&B sound. The vocals are magnificent as usual.
  59. Mar 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muy básico , espere mas ritmo literalmente un 0/10 como que no tiene la sensación ni el ritmo Expand
  60. Mar 19, 2021
    a complete snoozefest, boring and repetitive songs that look like normani rejects
  61. Mar 19, 2021
    Such an unnecessary album in her discography. She needs to take a break and get some new inspiration; apart from a few songs like My Hair, she is just so watered down and it's more of the same trap inspired pop. It's all just generic with some cringe and immature lyrics and songwriting. Hopefully her next one can sound like Sweetener.
  62. Mar 20, 2021
    I hate this album so much i used to be a fan of ariana but now when she started using the word **** and all that stuff its just inappropriate and im underage so i give it a 0
  63. Mar 20, 2021
    Writing reviews to her albums is really waste of time, because except Sweetener, it's literally the same thing. Style, genre, vocals, not talking about all that writers and producers she needs to create an album. The only good thing about Positions is that she didn't include any unnecessary featurings, like she always did before. Like, it's awesome that she has these high vocals, but whenWriting reviews to her albums is really waste of time, because except Sweetener, it's literally the same thing. Style, genre, vocals, not talking about all that writers and producers she needs to create an album. The only good thing about Positions is that she didn't include any unnecessary featurings, like she always did before. Like, it's awesome that she has these high vocals, but when you use it in same way for your whole career it's getting boring. Expand
  64. Mar 20, 2021
    Not stan a hypocrite woman. Ari always support other women but she still work with Scooter Brown, an **** man that always try to beat women up like what he did to Taylor and Selena. Embarrassed for you Ari!
  65. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum basura como toda la carrera de esta “artista", nada relevante y sin chiste. Lo mismo de siempre. Expand
  66. Mar 20, 2021
    The worst album ever. I feel like at this point ariana needs to stop making music because she seem to have passion and love for it. She sees music as a money source. Simple truth. Positions??this is about women adjusting herself for a man, this is about women sxx slavery. How is this about empowering women if Ariana is a feminist??. I'd rate this 0. Repitive bland lyrics and production isThe worst album ever. I feel like at this point ariana needs to stop making music because she seem to have passion and love for it. She sees music as a money source. Simple truth. Positions??this is about women adjusting herself for a man, this is about women sxx slavery. How is this about empowering women if Ariana is a feminist??. I'd rate this 0. Repitive bland lyrics and production is all same. Expand
  67. Mar 20, 2021
    I was expecting so much better this is so bad but the aesthetic is not bad as much as
  68. Mar 20, 2021
    It was a no from me. She has such a powerful voice but I wish she can find her true voice instead of still faking her Kat voice in all her music.
  69. Mar 20, 2021
    Too many similar melody since her last album. Repetitive. My favourite is Safety Net and Pov and even these are rather basic
  70. Mar 20, 2021
    Nothing new. Ariana pudo haber tomado riesgos y crear algo memorable, con este álbum ella pudo hacerlo mucho mejor.
  71. Mar 20, 2021
    Horrible album lsjxueo3o929292orkxmxmsmdkd ear rape kskskxkkxososkskskskskksk
  72. Mar 20, 2021
    The lyrics are like I imagined, pretty basic and nothing special. It’s not a secret that Ariana doesn’t put effort in her lyrics she cares more about the vocals and stuff. I’m not person that falls in love with a song because of the beats or voice, I fall in love for the lyrics, but this album is not her best. I only like like 3 songs from this album. I hope she works on lyrics moreThe lyrics are like I imagined, pretty basic and nothing special. It’s not a secret that Ariana doesn’t put effort in her lyrics she cares more about the vocals and stuff. I’m not person that falls in love with a song because of the beats or voice, I fall in love for the lyrics, but this album is not her best. I only like like 3 songs from this album. I hope she works on lyrics more instead of dropping basic songs like crazy. Expand
  73. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I took some time to listen to this album and I have to say it's waste of time. Every single song is about s*x. Songs are repetetive and boring u get the feeling that every song sounds the same. Full of robotic autotune and beside that all her songs needed 10+ songwriters to write them which is embarassing on this point. Lyrics are on a very very low level. This album is a downgrade compared to her other albums. Do not waste ur time on this one... Expand
  74. Mar 20, 2021
    worst album of 2020 when yal are going to stop supporting this chart hungry and boring artist
  75. Mar 20, 2021
    So so... sorry but this album is so bad. It is very bad. This album is not good.
  76. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Some skips, i didn’t really like most of the songs but it’s prolly because how experimental it is. Expand
  77. Mar 22, 2021
    I only know 2 songs so that's why it's a two for me sorry guysss.....maybe next album will be a 100 out of 10
  78. Mar 20, 2021
    The standalone song on this album for me is pov. The rest are basically the same. They didn't have much going on. Basically forgettable.
  79. Mar 20, 2021
    Este álbum es tan aburrido, y plano me dio sueño. Ojalá saqué uno mejor este es decepcionante.
  80. Mar 20, 2021
    The same ringtones as always, there’s no innovation just mediocrity. Terrible just like his other albums, his fans need to stop overhyping him.
  81. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jsjeiwjwjqjqjjqjw ekekwkwkkrjrn ejiwkkdkd kwiwiwididjr kiwiqiqieieje sjsjkakqkwne kdiei hbebwbw ksiejjrb be e Expand
  82. Mar 20, 2021
    All the world talking about she, there are more singer in the world and I don’t go to pass that Arianators hates SELENA
  83. Apr 10, 2021
    such a trash album dancing with the devil the art of starting over is so much better. this album is so boring redundant and basic.
  84. Mar 21, 2021
    I do not like it seems that I listen to the same song over and over again, she should put more creativity and use new sounds is always the same
  85. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I didn't think this album worked for me. There are so many inappropriate songs in this album . She really needs to work on her writing skills . We need good music instead of 34+35 . I mean seriously why are you spilling your private physical life in your music what kind of sense it makes . Expand
  86. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Se volvío vulgar, esperaba más de ella. Sus canciones son vacías sin inspiración Expand
  87. Mar 21, 2021
    It’s kind of the same music she always does. There’s nothing new, nothing really exciting. She’s also repeating the same words over and over again in every song.
  88. Apr 9, 2021
    So bland, repetitive and boring. I’ve been a fan of her past albums, but this I absolutely do not enjoy. On top of the generic production, the lyricism is atrocious (Can we stay up all night, f*ck me till the daylight) ?!!??? Just overall it’s incredibly weak. Very disappointing
  89. Mar 22, 2021
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
    My gym teachers whistle did a better job
  90. Mar 23, 2021
    Boring and basic af!!......................................................
  91. Apr 9, 2021
    Funniest pandemic record ever. Hands down. Ariana never failed us to disappoint us. A tiktok album indeed,
  92. Mar 4, 2022
    Horrible album zero song writing skills lazy songs bad title of both the album and it’s songs. Ariana you truly went downhill
  93. May 12, 2021
    The most forgettable album of Ariana, the songs were generic, a departure from her hits from the past albums, the songs wasn't even present in the curated playlists in the streaming services. Ariana is so talented to have this.
  94. May 28, 2021
    Talks about sex way to much and for some teens it’s gross and it feels like she has changed a lot after Sweetener and Thank U, Next. Hopefully next album can be a little better than this one she rushed it way to early she needs to do better and take her time with making a better album
  95. Aug 20, 2021
    By far Ariana's less commercial album for sure, but she nailed it perfectly! I think this is the genre that suits her the best.
  96. Aug 30, 2021
    Poor music production. everything feels all over the place and lazy. plus, even with 20+ songwriters and composers, the whole album is still unbearable to listen. Also, Ari should stop using trap as elements in her music. It feels so blackfishing and we are over with it. As a fan I'm disappointed
  97. Sep 3, 2021
    To be completely honest, this album is extremely normal, I was so excited to give it a listen when she announced It on Twitter back then, but after listening to It on repeat I feel I already heard this, at this point I think all her albums are the same thing, since her debut album "Yours Truly" to "Positions" she's barely showed versatility, and It's kinda disappointing, but It's stillTo be completely honest, this album is extremely normal, I was so excited to give it a listen when she announced It on Twitter back then, but after listening to It on repeat I feel I already heard this, at this point I think all her albums are the same thing, since her debut album "Yours Truly" to "Positions" she's barely showed versatility, and It's kinda disappointing, but It's still normal so I give It a 20/100 Expand
  98. Sep 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is probably the worst album ever... an album without nothing great, just trap beats and horrible lyrics Expand
  99. Oct 15, 2021
    One word to describe it: awful. Ariana Grande keeps proving that she can't write and she in fact, is one of the most overrated artists. Please go listen to Life Support by Madison Beer instead of this mess!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Dec 2, 2020
    Grande is making no effort to be discreet, instead explicitly owning her sexuality—the album is called Positions, after all. The juxtaposition of beautiful violin sounds and risqué lyrics has become one of Grande’s signature sounds, and it suits her well.
  2. 80
    Grande laid bare may well be seen as a stopgap in her canon, using taboo to checkmate her past trauma, but it does pull off the rare feat of at least sounding effortless.
  3. Nov 5, 2020
    With little conflict and few psychological insights, Positions zeroes in on the enviable confidence that only pop stars on top of the world and with nothing to lose can afford. It's easy to write it off as empty calories, but pop has always been described in such terms: cake, candy, chocolate, confection. Positions isn't a "sweetener" but pure sugar.