• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Oct 30, 2020
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  1. Oct 30, 2020
    Un album mas del montón, ella no sabe hacer nada diferente
    como Arianator me arrepiento de decir que se venía lo mejor, porque llegó lo mismo, la misma fórmula
    es mil veces mejor Sweetener que este álbum. One more album of the lot, she doesn't know how to do anything different as Arianator I regret saying that the best was coming, because the same thing came, the same formula Sweetener is
    Un album mas del montón, ella no sabe hacer nada diferente
    como Arianator me arrepiento de decir que se venía lo mejor, porque llegó lo mismo, la misma fórmula
    es mil veces mejor Sweetener que este álbum.
    One more album of the lot, she doesn't know how to do anything different
    as Arianator I regret saying that the best was coming, because the same thing came, the same formula
    Sweetener is a thousand times better than this al
  2. Oct 30, 2020
    El peor album del año, es un mal producto de otro mal producto títere de scooter. La 0diam0s ojala se 34+35 de una vez. Que chingve su madre fabri duarte.
  3. Oct 30, 2020
    Positions es un abort0 mal hecho y mal cagad0 de mariah carery

    Es un changes 2.0 y mas de lo mismo
    Urge reinvencion a ariana
  4. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It may have sticky sounds but it's not to my liking as it sounds the same old thing Expand
  5. Oct 30, 2020
    A huge downgrade for thank u, next. Extremely disappointed. Her career is over.
  6. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Yikes just yikes abels verse was the only thing enjoyable and it just seemed way to basic Expand
  7. Oct 30, 2020
    The album is so bad, all the songs sound similar I think the only good songs are POV and 34+35 ... this is probably Ariana worst album (so boring)
  8. Oct 30, 2020
    El disco parece que solo posee una canción que dura muchos minutos, porque son tan parecidas entre si que es complicado darse cuando cuando comienza otra. Ariana cada vez más nula.
  9. Oct 30, 2020
    Álbum medíocre com mesma batidas de sempre soa como se ela não sai da sua zona de conforto
  10. Oct 30, 2020
    Com toda certeza o pior dos álbuns dela, a artista novamente não inovou na tentativa falha de fazer algo diferente do pop bate-colher que está acostumada. Me pareceu um álbum desesperado, na falha e desesperada tentativa por imitar Taylor Swift com seu bem sucedido “folklore”, as poucas músicas que se salvam são graças as colaborações claramente bem escolhidas, o que não significa queCom toda certeza o pior dos álbuns dela, a artista novamente não inovou na tentativa falha de fazer algo diferente do pop bate-colher que está acostumada. Me pareceu um álbum desesperado, na falha e desesperada tentativa por imitar Taylor Swift com seu bem sucedido “folklore”, as poucas músicas que se salvam são graças as colaborações claramente bem escolhidas, o que não significa que serviu para salvar o álbum, que com toda certeza se tornou um dos piores grandes lançamentos do ano. Expand
  11. Oct 30, 2020
    Same repetitive hooks no artistic growth, seems like tun tracks that didn't make to the album. Literally her worst album.
  12. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum já flopou legal, não tem como dar uma nota maior do que 0, então só tenho uma coisa a dizer... PRÓXIMO Expand
  13. Oct 30, 2020
    Where is the artistic growth? sure the same melodies and harmonies placed on top of more melodies and harmonies are doable for the first couple of albums, but it is getting tiring. This album provides nothing fresh, nothing spectacular and I like Ari but she's just milking the same old beats and sounds, and for what? money-making? staying "relevant" there is no growth at all and I don'tWhere is the artistic growth? sure the same melodies and harmonies placed on top of more melodies and harmonies are doable for the first couple of albums, but it is getting tiring. This album provides nothing fresh, nothing spectacular and I like Ari but she's just milking the same old beats and sounds, and for what? money-making? staying "relevant" there is no growth at all and I don't mean to sound harsh but truly this is disappointing even for her. Expand
  14. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chocado, a Ariana entregou o pior album de 2020, gente como pode è a Ariana grande Expand
  15. Oct 30, 2020
    Muito chato sem nenhuma mensagem nenhum conceito parece exatamente as mesmas músicas ja lançados antes de outros álbuns, nada de novo, apenas músicas novas e chatas
  16. Oct 30, 2020
    I expected much more from the album, but I was very disappointed in the same, overwhelmed with the sounds, it is not its best moment, basic!
  17. Oct 30, 2020
    The most boring album of Ariana’s discography and 2020’s albums. Same R&B trash since “Yours truly”, all of the songs sound alike.
  18. Oct 30, 2020
    Same old same old. Empty lyrics, superficial, it feels like her all discography belongs to one album.
  19. Oct 30, 2020
    Sorry but I don’t like this album. It’s full of skips and it’s not for me.
  20. Oct 30, 2020
    As an old Ariana stan, I am deeply disappointed by this album. While I get that she's taking the R&B route now, that doesn't mean the music has to sound this incredibly dull and boring. There are plenty of other R&B albums out there that are true gems and don't play it this safe and sound this predictable. I'll be waiting for her next record.
  21. Oct 30, 2020
    Songwriting is absolutely lazy. Production is above average. Many songs in the album have same meaning -- "will you have sex with me?". Nothing special and mediocre at best.
  22. Oct 30, 2020
    I'm totally disappointed. This album is her worst album for sure. Every song sounds exactly the same as the previous one, I think she made this album because she needed to do it for make money, not because she liked the album.
  23. Oct 30, 2020
    the usual rubbish of a boring,overrated "artist"......literally nothing new under the song
  24. Oct 30, 2020
    An album that is just... forgettable. I used to love her music but I listened to this once and I would be perfectly fine if I never listened to it ever again.
  25. Oct 30, 2020
    this is example of great vocals but bad albums. ariana once again proved that her vocals are the only thing saving her career. where is the artistic development? she has been talking about sex all in of her previous albums and there’s nothing wrong with that but where is vulnerability, the storyline, the lyricism. we get it you love d!ck and u craving it but you’re whole career is aroundthis is example of great vocals but bad albums. ariana once again proved that her vocals are the only thing saving her career. where is the artistic development? she has been talking about sex all in of her previous albums and there’s nothing wrong with that but where is vulnerability, the storyline, the lyricism. we get it you love d!ck and u craving it but you’re whole career is around it. come up with something else Expand
  26. Oct 30, 2020
    14 songs that sound exactly the same way, this album is trash, she needs take a break and reinvent herself
  27. Oct 30, 2020
    Ariana Grande-Butera's new album is a massive MISS, unfortunately. The songs lack substance, the lyrics are kindergarden-esque and overall the album gives a strong filler vibe. The sister of LGBTQI+ icon Frankie Grande, simply failed to deliver this time.
    Is this the end of Butera's reign? 2021 will be the real test for Miss Butera, considering that there are several young girls, such as
    Ariana Grande-Butera's new album is a massive MISS, unfortunately. The songs lack substance, the lyrics are kindergarden-esque and overall the album gives a strong filler vibe. The sister of LGBTQI+ icon Frankie Grande, simply failed to deliver this time.
    Is this the end of Butera's reign? 2021 will be the real test for Miss Butera, considering that there are several young girls, such as Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, Dua Lipa, Amanda Ava Koci and Dixie Jane D'Amelio, that are ready to steal Miss Butera's pop princess crown.
  28. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is the downgrade of one of the biggest popstar. The pop girlie, Ariana Grande, became comfortable with her music that she has forgotten to elevate her style. Does the pandemic contribute to her "fatigue" to create a good music? Expand
  29. Oct 30, 2020
    That’s bad, really bad, I was expecting something good as she always does, but... NO
  30. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um album horrivel,mais do mesmo ,generico e datado ,miss spotify que so sobrevive por isso Expand
  31. Oct 30, 2020
    lmao wtf is this **** i can't handle it .... the lyrics are corny as **** lmao
  32. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ariana medíocre, album medíocre NOTA 0 kkkkkkkkajhzhdjsjskjsjdjjdirirdjdkdkdksjejsjjsjeejsjdjdjdjdjdjdjdidididididiidiri Expand
  33. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A good album, but mediocre in Miss Grande’s standards. The whole album feels like the sane song divided into 14 parts. Though there some stand outs: pov, nasty, off the table. Expand
  34. Oct 30, 2020
    Me gustaría poder darle un 10 a Ariana, pero desde 2016 no ha sacado nada bueno a excepción de canciones como; ‘No tears left to cry’ ‘breathin’ ‘in my head’ ‘everytime’ entre otras, solo ha demostrado que se conforma con ritmos básicos y planos. Si sigue así, que se vaya despidiendo de su carrera
  35. Oct 30, 2020
    no artistic growth whatsoever. u can put any song from this album on tun and people won't be able to tell a difference.
  36. Oct 30, 2020
    I don’t know but after listening to the whole album, I just can’t believe that there is still little to no growth in her whole catalogue sadly. She could’ve done better but this album is actually “okay” there’s no something great about it, it just sounds like a bunch of rejects.
  37. Oct 30, 2020
    Her worst album ever, I thought her collaboration with the weeknd was gonna be more outstanding. So disappointed.
  38. Oct 30, 2020
    This album is so boring, she is trying to make a R&B album, I'm really disappointed
  39. Oct 30, 2020
    Terrible album, lyrics are blank, melody is the same in every song, flop of a album. Mariah wanna be.. its a no from me
  40. Oct 30, 2020
    I loved Ariana's last two albums those are inmaculate, but Positions dissapointed me a lot and not because it wasn't as poppy as her other projects but because, it seemed to me that this album was rushed no big production moments, her worst album lyrically, and many of the songs sound the same, she didn't take a risk which is something all the other pop girls have done before at this stageI loved Ariana's last two albums those are inmaculate, but Positions dissapointed me a lot and not because it wasn't as poppy as her other projects but because, it seemed to me that this album was rushed no big production moments, her worst album lyrically, and many of the songs sound the same, she didn't take a risk which is something all the other pop girls have done before at this stage of their careers. She is not setting a trend with her music, she is not that influential like Gaga or Bey on their sixth albums just a streaming force which is great for singles, but the album fails horribly in every aspect. Expand
  41. Oct 30, 2020
    Jamás pensé que diría esto, pero este ha sido el peor álbum genérico de su carrera, después del impacto de thank u next, se esperaba algo igual de fuerte con sonidos acordé a su voz, pero ha sido una completa decepción.
  42. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Meu Deus, ariana vc prometeu... o q aconteceu com vc, vc lanca albuns maginifucos e agora ta assim Expand
  43. Oct 30, 2020
    Dangerous Woman will forever be her best album, and while I know it isn't necessarily fair to compare, there was something so new and exciting about DW that positions just doesn't have. positions is predictable, many of the songs sound similar and very few stand out. the lyrics are downright cringe-worthy at times. overall, very disappointed.
  44. Oct 30, 2020
    Genérico demais, tentou inovar mas entregou arranjos ruins cm apitos de cachorro
  45. Oct 30, 2020
    She wants to recreate what Rihanna did a few years ago, one album per year, only in a basic way, you can see the maturity in the sound but it seems to me that I listen to a song of almost 50 minutes because the whole album sounds like a RnB cliche from the beginning from 00's

    sorry ariana
  46. Oct 30, 2020
    o álbum me pareceu uma coletânea não finalizada de descartes do thank u next, só que desta vez soando ainda mais genérico e inconclusivo, me parecendo desesperada pela busca de novos hits fáceis e sem conteúdo. comecei e o achei ruim, terminei e achei que estava no começo. músicas repetitivas, narrando algo que mais parece uma fanfic mal escrita de After do que músicas que deveriamo álbum me pareceu uma coletânea não finalizada de descartes do thank u next, só que desta vez soando ainda mais genérico e inconclusivo, me parecendo desesperada pela busca de novos hits fáceis e sem conteúdo. comecei e o achei ruim, terminei e achei que estava no começo. músicas repetitivas, narrando algo que mais parece uma fanfic mal escrita de After do que músicas que deveriam contemplar o ato. péssimo. Expand
  47. Oct 30, 2020
    De nada sirve que contrate miles de escritores y productores cuando su musica sigue siendo Plana y aburrida
  48. Oct 30, 2020
    Muy aburrido, es lo mismo que viene haciendo desde sweetener, se esperaba mucho, no nos dio anda bueno.
  49. Oct 30, 2020
    ariana sis I really don't know what happened and i'm sorry your album is really bad
  50. Oct 30, 2020
    All the album sound the same. There is no good lyrics, no good sounds, not even good feats. Boring
  51. Oct 30, 2020
    I'm so glad Ariana Grande has found her way back to R&B music. Her vocal superpowers really show on this album as well as her lyrical and productive abilities.
  52. Oct 30, 2020
    worst album of the year she should take time and actually make a good album not releasing one every year to stay relevant
  53. Oct 30, 2020
    Her vocals are good but the writing is weak and she seems more interested in making a “sex” type album rather than a meaningful deep one. Having 10-15 producers doesn’t help
  54. Oct 30, 2020
    Bad and just uninspired because she doesnt know how to progress as an artist and only releases music to keep the lights on. sweetener had potential. this does not
  55. Oct 30, 2020
    Really disappointed. Soooooooo boring and such weak lyrics, positions is the only good song of this album
  56. Oct 30, 2020
    Her worst album yet. The lyrics sound like a teenager who’s never actually had sex before but is desperately trying to convince her friends she has so looks she cool.
  57. Oct 30, 2020
    Ariana Grande más manca que nunca, todo el álbum suena a más de lo mismo, mediocre y poco creativo de principio a fin.
  58. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her worst album... I’m so disappointed Expand
  59. Oct 30, 2020
    Concordo com o The Guardian, esse álbum é definitivamente "uma foda sem gozar"
  60. Oct 30, 2020
    The album is boring even when is about sex. Nothing new. It's lame. Disappointed.
  61. Oct 30, 2020
  62. Oct 30, 2020
    Nothing new nothing changed same old tired lyrics and trendy trap rnb beats
  63. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's by far the worst album she has released. It's boring, generic and sound just like her previous records. Expand
  64. Oct 30, 2020
    It’s not good why does it sound like the same song over and over and can she even Speak English? The last song is the best song POV queen saved the flop album
  65. Oct 30, 2020
    Incredibly disappointing for the huge demand and hype this album had! Not a single song stood out, she keeps recycling the same annoying trap beat songs! It's already about the be the most overrated album this year, her fans just don't know good music.
  66. Oct 30, 2020
    It’s not good, it has 1 or 2 good tracks, nasty and pov (those are excellent though), thank u, next is one of my favorite albums of all time, this ones not it, but it’s nothing against Ari, she has a lot of potential and she’s proven she’s one of the best artists right now, it hurts me to have to rate it that low.
  67. Oct 30, 2020
    the most boring thing i ever listen! any of these songs could be a discard from her previous albums, irritating and forgettable.
  68. Oct 30, 2020
    Worst album of 2020. Lyrics were so cheesy and the whole album was boring sounded like a ringtones album.
  69. Oct 30, 2020
    I can safely say this one is one of the worst albums released in 2020. Ariana we're TIRED of you if you bring us the same sound you've been doing for 3 albums now, you're boring, r&b is not for you. Only admirable track is pov and partly because the 40-minute-long songs seems to finally end.
  70. Oct 30, 2020
    I love ariana so much, but this album is disappointing - I loved her other albums ‘Dangerous Woman’ and ‘thank u, next’ so much, and they are one of my favorite albums of all time, but this album is really weak... the lyrics nor the production are good.
  71. Oct 30, 2020
    Honestly do disappointed as this was my most anticipated album this yr after the announcement. The songs are meant to sexy yet if like a kid trying to tell us they're having sex
  72. Oct 30, 2020
    This album deserves a 20, disappointed but not surprised, honestly a total waste of time.
    Terrible, it doesn't like me
  73. Oct 30, 2020
    Muito ruim, sem hit, e genérico igual aos outros últimos dois dela lançado
  74. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum de Ariana Grande é genérico e podre. Claramente é um dos piores álbuns que foram lançados no ano de 2020. Expand
  75. Oct 30, 2020
    Álbum Genérico e patético desesperada por charts, Ariana Grande em seu pior trabalho
  76. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não gostei gente, as letras péssimas bixo, sem condição alguma né. Pior álbum da carreira, vai ser amarelo sim tá!!!! Expand
  77. Oct 30, 2020
    Bodrio mal hecho, no se reinventa, urge retiro, siempre el mismo cerote básico
  78. Oct 30, 2020
    Everything sounds the same and the lyrics cannot be heard clear. The only song that was good was the one with Theweeknd
  79. Oct 30, 2020
    I like only one song. The other song is boring, no creative,Her other album is good. but it's not my type of album
  80. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What the actual **** is this album Expand
  81. Oct 30, 2020
    .All the songs look like each other. Short songs, same beats. Such a boring album. And I don't understand what she says (or sings). Sorry for bad English.
  82. Oct 30, 2020
    girl take a break.. your music is sounding the same , it’s soooo boring, the same generic trap vibe
  83. Oct 30, 2020
    worst album released of 2020. a disgrace to r&b genre. girly can’t even keep a man so her music is meaningless like her relationships therefore there’s nothing special about it even tho it’s about sex. trash and will be a forgettable record no one cares about
  84. Oct 30, 2020
    No musical growth at all if anything its a step backward from her previous work.
  85. Oct 30, 2020
    i have to admit that this is her worst album ever, she forgot that quality > quanity
  86. Oct 30, 2020
    The album is just ain’t it. It’s really bad I’m not a fan but i like her past albums are kind of good this album it’s just bad there is like 2 or 3 good songs only on the album.
  87. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its a trash. Her previous records were so much better. Thia is with no doubt is her downfall Expand
  88. Oct 30, 2020
    I didn't like it I thought it would be something like sweetener idk but i was expecting more I'm truly disappointed because i was really excited
  89. Oct 30, 2020
    As much as I loved her past albums, this seems like a forgettable album that has ruined her stream of important albums. Though I had problems with Thank u next and sweetener, you can’t deny the importance of those albums to her discography. Dangerous woman is pop perfection and my everything, though it is more like a collection of singles rather than an album, it has some of her songs thatAs much as I loved her past albums, this seems like a forgettable album that has ruined her stream of important albums. Though I had problems with Thank u next and sweetener, you can’t deny the importance of those albums to her discography. Dangerous woman is pop perfection and my everything, though it is more like a collection of singles rather than an album, it has some of her songs that will be remembered as Ariana grande classics. There was no need for this album to be released. She could’ve released athank u next platinum edition with 4-5 of the strongest songs. The lyrics are not Janet Jackson, Madonna, Beyoncé, or Britney Spears level of sex jams. It’s a shame as she has a beautiful voice and when she decides not to be a lazy singer and actually enunciate her words, she’s greats. with the 4 Expand
  90. Oct 30, 2020
    Went into this with an open mind, walked out halfway through turning it off and sighing with a quick "What has become of music?" to myself.
    This was one of the worst albums I've heard. Even some of the 80s one hit wonders did it better which is sad considering a lot of those were awful.
    The autotune was unnecessary and made it sound like a garageband disaster.
  91. Oct 30, 2020
    Album was so bad it needed a lot more time. Cheese lyrics and ringtones beat like wtf
  92. Oct 30, 2020
    Truly terrible, a mundane slog of songs slapped together under the label of r&b which it most definitely isn’t. The only redeeming quality is The Weeknd’s contribution which soars.
  93. Oct 30, 2020
    For my surprise it's worse than sweetener, I thought that nothing could be worse than that. I wish I could get back the time I wasted listening to it.
  94. Oct 30, 2020
    De lo peor que ha salido, enserio es un asco este álbum, mejor vayan a darle Stream a la poderosisima Gaga con Chromatica
  95. Oct 30, 2020
    Worst of what she has done so far. Lyrics are so cheap. She only stays in her comfort zone. No risks taken. It's like another pandemic during Covid-19.
  96. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. LITERALLY IS NOT THAT GOOD
    I was so excited to hear this album because I loved sweetener and Tun so much
    But this :( , em I don’t like it that all
    So yes , this is my review Xx
  97. Oct 30, 2020
    her previous albums remain her best work up date, even as an r&b album positions is boring and the only tracks that stand out are the collaborations. the album sounds like a bunch of sza rejects, it’s pretty evident ariana’s team is trying to hold on to the previous hype and success of her preceding albums because there is no cohesion here, no story, no message. ariana grande should’veher previous albums remain her best work up date, even as an r&b album positions is boring and the only tracks that stand out are the collaborations. the album sounds like a bunch of sza rejects, it’s pretty evident ariana’s team is trying to hold on to the previous hype and success of her preceding albums because there is no cohesion here, no story, no message. ariana grande should’ve taken a longer break to find new sounds, we’ve heard this songs before, we know what they’re about. almost the entirety of the album is overproduced, rushed, and repetitive. it follows the same r&b tropes we’ve heard before but soullessly and lacking any kind of substance. honestly you would’ve think after listening to an album by ariana grande i would be excited and anxious for more but with positions after listening i went straight to bed. Expand
  98. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este album demuestra la poca reinvencion de ariana, es una completa decepcion para el publico ya que es igual a sweetener y thank u next pero peor, la verdad todos esperabamos mas de su parte. Expand
  99. Oct 30, 2020
    ariana's worst album. pls ariana you will do better. i don't like because album is so boring.
  100. Oct 30, 2020
    Weak lyrically nor beat, this album a downgrade from the masterpiece Thank U,Next. It doesn't have any connection, feels like she made it randomly.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Dec 2, 2020
    Grande is making no effort to be discreet, instead explicitly owning her sexuality—the album is called Positions, after all. The juxtaposition of beautiful violin sounds and risqué lyrics has become one of Grande’s signature sounds, and it suits her well.
  2. 80
    Grande laid bare may well be seen as a stopgap in her canon, using taboo to checkmate her past trauma, but it does pull off the rare feat of at least sounding effortless.
  3. Nov 5, 2020
    With little conflict and few psychological insights, Positions zeroes in on the enviable confidence that only pop stars on top of the world and with nothing to lose can afford. It's easy to write it off as empty calories, but pop has always been described in such terms: cake, candy, chocolate, confection. Positions isn't a "sweetener" but pure sugar.