• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: May 18, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. May 24, 2018
    Stylish and yearning, Love Yourself: Tear is BTS at a polished and focused peak, cohesive enough to feel like it was conceived in one particular period rather than cobbled together like some of their previous releases.
  2. May 24, 2018
    Tear aims for cohesion and produces fun, prismatic songs in the process.
  3. May 24, 2018
    Throughout it all, the members of BTS affect melodic sincerity, singing with intensity and melisma, rapping in tones that show their effort and strain, as if caring never went out of style.
  4. May 24, 2018
    Their most relaxed to date. ... Whereas the first installment of the series seemed uneasy and disjointed in its span of styles, Love Yourself: Tear’s genre-hopping sounds like the group is simply having a good time.
  5. May 29, 2018
    Love Yourself: Tear shows off each individual member’s qualities fairly and acts as a well-structured introduction to a wider global audience that is all too eager to pick out negatives.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1209 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. May 24, 2018
    One of their most cohesive albums, Tear brings a message of reality between love just as we can find self-love after discovering it. WithOne of their most cohesive albums, Tear brings a message of reality between love just as we can find self-love after discovering it. With well-written lyrics and vocal and rap well-shown, the album showed a significant evolution of the group over time. No doubt, one of the best albums of the year so far. Full Review »
  2. May 25, 2018
    With LY: Tear, BTS has spread their wings musically. This albums shows how diverse and versatile BTS are musically. This album is a historicalWith LY: Tear, BTS has spread their wings musically. This albums shows how diverse and versatile BTS are musically. This album is a historical groundbreaking album as LY: Her was. Each songs melds beautifully onto the other. There are 11 tracks on this album and all 11 are masterfully sung. Everyone may like it, given if you come to it with an open mind and wander off into unknown territory with your senses will be pleased immensely. BTS has done it again. They've again delivered a masterpiece. Full Review »
  3. May 25, 2018
    Probably the best full album they ever made, has a lot of artistic references and a great concept