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Universal acclaim- based on 2281 Ratings

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  1. nathans
    Oct 12, 2007
  2. ZacharyM
    Oct 12, 2007
    Providing a vast prism of colors, tones, moods, and textures, Radiohead
  3. GaryD
    Oct 12, 2007
    No filler, less gloom, all Radiohead. Still lightyears ahead of the rest. Still Towering Above the Rest
  4. adamb.n
    Oct 12, 2007
    radiohead at their absolute best i dont recall having as many chills as that from an album since ok computer
  5. ReyadC
    Oct 12, 2007
    They've done it again. The album plays into itself so well. Album Of The Year. Hands down best band on the planet. Can't wait to hear the bonus material
  6. VinnyP
    Oct 12, 2007
    This album is stunning and achingly beautiful. There is absolutely no filler here, and the band sounds the most genuine that they've sounded in years. I keep changing my mind on what the best songs are, because they really are all that good. Listening to In Rainbows takes you ona journey that is a bit of a rollercoaster, a bit of sonic orgasm, all with an undercurrent infused with a This album is stunning and achingly beautiful. There is absolutely no filler here, and the band sounds the most genuine that they've sounded in years. I keep changing my mind on what the best songs are, because they really are all that good. Listening to In Rainbows takes you ona journey that is a bit of a rollercoaster, a bit of sonic orgasm, all with an undercurrent infused with a dark sense of love. I know I'm talking crazy here but the music has just captivated me that much. By the time the journey ends with "Videotape," you'll want to revisit it right away. As a fan I not only love the album but am happy for the band, for them to continue to reach new levels and to continue to put out music that matters. Hands down the best album of the year so far, possibly my favorite of the decade. Expand
  7. JesseJ
    Oct 12, 2007
    beautiful album all in all. thom's voice is ethereal, the arrangements are lush, and the band as a whole sounds tight as usual. it may be differnt from their previous work because it's more upbeat, etc. but i feel this is the album they were destined to make at this point in their career. nude and faust arp are so gorgeous and sweeping that they truly make me sick to my stomach. beautiful album all in all. thom's voice is ethereal, the arrangements are lush, and the band as a whole sounds tight as usual. it may be differnt from their previous work because it's more upbeat, etc. but i feel this is the album they were destined to make at this point in their career. nude and faust arp are so gorgeous and sweeping that they truly make me sick to my stomach. can't expect anything less from radiohead. Expand
  8. adolfog
    Oct 12, 2007
    Se siente que el miedo despues de OK Computer empieza a ceder. Tienen el toque para las grandes canciones y otra vez se animan.
  9. AndréP
    Oct 12, 2007
    in rainbows is the album of the year
  10. AlexB
    Oct 12, 2007
    All of the hoople over the unconventional release method may overshadow this album's true brilliance. Radiohead's songwriting has returned to Ok Computer-Kid A era strength, but their style continues to evolve. Given enough time, this album may rank amongst not only Radiohead's greatest, but the greatest of the decade.
  11. tonys
    Oct 12, 2007
    i really enjoyed it
  12. ScottH
    Oct 12, 2007
    Solid. Their best album in 10 years. A return to form. "In Rainbows" will be talked about for many years to come.
  13. kelly
    Oct 12, 2007
    Can't get this record off my headphones! Such a great album.
  14. GeoffB
    Oct 12, 2007
    I had listened to almost every song on the album from concerts and the album still blew my mind, a mellow acoutic dreamscape that I will have on over and over and over again. Bravo!
  15. RonS
    Oct 12, 2007
    This is definitely their most consistent album since KID A. Every track brings something new and unique to the table. Bravo! We've got another masterpiece!

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.