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  1. PaulM.
    Feb 18, 2008
    Marketing eccentricity aside this is a truly unique effort that not only satisfies high expectation but exceeds it.Delicatly and deftly balanced in it's delivery, expertly subtle in it's instrumentation.The arrangements and the duration are as close to perfection as possible and the melodies are endearing,enchanting and downright touching.This is a charming work of art that Marketing eccentricity aside this is a truly unique effort that not only satisfies high expectation but exceeds it.Delicatly and deftly balanced in it's delivery, expertly subtle in it's instrumentation.The arrangements and the duration are as close to perfection as possible and the melodies are endearing,enchanting and downright touching.This is a charming work of art that proves that despite their constant longing for evolution Radiohead haven't changed at heart.Brains meets beauty to make one of the most memorable albums of recent times, but more importantly to make sure we haven't forgotten about the genius that Radiohead are capable of producing. Expand
  2. GeoffreyG.
    Feb 16, 2008
    Ben W., I'm not a Radiohead fanboy. I don't like OK Computer that much, I didn't get into Radiohead before In Rainbows, but honestly, it is one of the finest albums I have ever listened to not just in the last year, but in my life.
  3. MikeC
    Feb 16, 2008
    Every song takes hold and sends you on an individually unique journey. Yet the songs also retain a real sense of unity and flow. It's quite unbelievable how they've pulled this off. This album means something different to me every time i hear it. They've equaled Ok Computer and Kid A in my book.
  4. SamS.
    Feb 15, 2008
    The band seems to have finally folded under the hysterical pressure of the music press and rigid rock fans that can't distinguish quality from familiarity to produce a generic rock album. It's well crafted, masterfull, and boring
  5. AlexW.
    Feb 15, 2008
    I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising I think its very very very well recorded / performed - I mean they are great at using their instruments and creating tension etc - i think this album is fun and some songs are naff and some a brilliant - reckoner is by far my favourite song ever - doesn't mean I like the album haha - i think radiohead aren't as good as everyone has dug themselves into a hole with over praising them - they were just lucky with the timing of their arrival onto the music scene - and everyone who think ok computer rocks - there is 2 good songs on it! what the hell are you on ... o_o ? Expand
  6. DaveP.
    Feb 9, 2008
    This is NEW, in the sense that Radiohead seems to consciously implode, then explodes again renewed. Great album, a graduate of their last.
  7. IuliaC.
    Feb 7, 2008
    Great album, special and new sound!!! I'm in love with this album.
  8. DanH
    Feb 5, 2008
    They always re-invent themselves and try new genre' electronic masterpiece
  9. Stangoni
    Feb 5, 2008
    "In Rainbows" is wonderful. I don't think Paul R. gets it or has listened to it enough. Fans of radiohead will be undone! "Videotape" just kills me. This record just woos you to explore it. Must be listened to over a really good sound system or high quality headphones.
  10. AlexR.R.
    Feb 5, 2008
    This album gives me the goose bumps on the same level as all the tool albums. Ignore the first listening! Thought this album was overrated in the beginning. About the 5th listening i started to love it. The only radiohead album i have besides In Rainbows is OK Computer, which also is a great album. In my opinion, this one is better.
  11. nikv.
    Feb 4, 2008
    A flawless album with lush and beautiful arrangements underpinned by Thom Yorke's exceptional voice. Stands up to OK Computer and The Bends. A masterful achievement.
  12. jw
    Feb 3, 2008
    (8.5) Esoteric as the subject matter may be, "House of Cards" is an incredible song.
  13. DaveB.
    Jan 30, 2008
    I love Radiohead. I can't say they've ever recorded a "bad" record. This one, however, is awesome. Just when I think they are going in a slower, more trippy musical direction, they change course again with something new.
  14. Fred
    Jan 29, 2008
    Priceless!!! Another masterpiece from Radiohead.
  15. RickyD.
    Jan 29, 2008
    Beautiful work!! It comes at no better time, because I was in desperate need of an album like this. Its refreshing to hear Radiohead take a different approach with "In Rainbows". Thank you Radiohead!
  16. TM.
    Jan 27, 2008
    It's Radiohead but not much else.
  17. FlorusG.
    Jan 26, 2008
    Just a good way to survive and concur the world. Radiohead did it again. Thanks.
  18. KevB.
    Jan 24, 2008
    This is their best album since OK Computer. There may not be some over-arching theme to it, like with OKC and KidA but this album represents a maturity in the band that we haven't heard before. There's a level of comfort to their songwriting now that is refreshing to hear and yet they manage to sound like a completely new band once again.
  19. JeremiahT.
    Jan 17, 2008
    The record is free; well if you want it for free. This is like the best free record ever! It has all of the trademark Radiohead tricks, plus a little more. It's worth a very good listen for any Radiohead fan and it's free!
  20. BenT
    Jan 17, 2008
    A beautiful, sprawling sound scape. They recall all their greatest moments. The good old britrock days (Bodysnatchers), to the haunting Ok Computer (Videotape), and the revolutionary Kid A (All I Need). Heck, they even through in some Hail to the Thief (15 Step). To quote krzysztof ziewacz, "Launched me into space". Exactly
  21. RobAlderson
    Jan 16, 2008
    Beautifull, love it, maybe a better climax would make it a 10
  22. IggyL.
    Jan 14, 2008
    Best album of the year, and Radiohead's 3rd best album. No doubt about that.
  23. GC
    Jan 13, 2008
    Amazing, top notch... took the standards to an all new level!
  24. ke
    Jan 12, 2008
    Best Radiohead album I've heard. Better than Ok Computer and Bends. All the songs are great. Love Nude and Weird Fishes. Best album of the year
  25. timmylittle
    Jan 11, 2008
    it's great...well im sure not all of u will love it cuz this album got a very weird taste....but if u like it u'll love it... but overall it's great...very pretty melody and great singing
  26. Nico
    Jan 11, 2008
    Like all great albums, it gets better every time you listen to it.
  27. JulienGross
    Jan 10, 2008
    Radiohead a bit more accessible than in the past work... beautiful album from the 1st track to the last one. Probably my favorite buy in the pas 2 years. I thought they were at the top, but I was amazed once more with this new release.
  28. TomP
    Jan 9, 2008
    This is, without a doubt, among Radioheads best work, if not their best work. Yet again, Radiohead has incorporated many of their past sounds and reinvented themselves into an amazing (though possibly difficult to truly get) sound. In my opinion this is their best work since OK computer, and mabye even better than that. But just alittle adivice, if you're new to this CD, listen to it This is, without a doubt, among Radioheads best work, if not their best work. Yet again, Radiohead has incorporated many of their past sounds and reinvented themselves into an amazing (though possibly difficult to truly get) sound. In my opinion this is their best work since OK computer, and mabye even better than that. But just alittle adivice, if you're new to this CD, listen to it several times before giving your input, because if you're sitting there and saying to yourself, what the hell? (As I was) After about the third listen things sort of fall into place and you won't be dissapointed. The only song that I felt fell short, and denies In Rainbows complete perfection was their closing track. Everything else is stunning. (Personal favorite: Jigsaw Falling Into Place) Expand
  29. HexS
    Jan 9, 2008
    Very good music. Weird and interesting. Makes you feel stuff.
  30. Aniruddha
    Jan 9, 2008
    well its RADIOHEAD... easily the best album of the year... one of the best albums ever.
  31. JyotirmayaD
    Jan 9, 2008
    After listening to Kid A, I thought Radiohead were the most self-indulgent band to listen to. Well, what ya know... the critics hailed it as very good so I gave "In Rainbows" a listen. It was user friendly as they said it was.... and yes, I like it....not Love it...
  32. EJJ
    Jan 8, 2008
    Haunting lyrics with a brilliant mix of synthesized and true to form sounds perpetuates the listener through a seamless integration of raw, undiscovered emotions. A true bi-polar experience that takes your mind effortlessly through a revolving door of highs and lows. I tried to ignore the hype and take a pass on this album but after a few listens, I'm glad I gave it a chance.
  33. Justin
    Jan 6, 2008
    As with OKC and Kid A, my inability to find words to describe their brilliance is countered by my inability to describe where In Rainbows lacks. The best I can do for our generation's Beatles: It's good enough.
  34. JulM.
    Jan 6, 2008
    They are back and reloaded.
  35. JohnS.
    Jan 5, 2008
    There's no doubt about the quality and genius of this album. Like all post-2000 Radiohead releases, it does take a few spins to begin appreciating, but the more you listen to it, the better it gets. Go ahead and treat yourself with Scotch_mist if you haven't already, it worth all your time. Best album of the year for me
  36. TBone
    Jan 3, 2008
    Umm, yes. Easily album of the year. I think you have to listen to it about 5 times. Watch the video for Nude on youtube. Mezmerizing and a pure work of art. Seriously there are about 7-8 songs on here that are beyond belief. I'm not just a fanboy spammer, I'm serious. I love "Weird Fishes". "All I need" has such incredible bass. They should put this album on voyager X and launch Umm, yes. Easily album of the year. I think you have to listen to it about 5 times. Watch the video for Nude on youtube. Mezmerizing and a pure work of art. Seriously there are about 7-8 songs on here that are beyond belief. I'm not just a fanboy spammer, I'm serious. I love "Weird Fishes". "All I need" has such incredible bass. They should put this album on voyager X and launch it into space so aliens can hear it. Expand
  37. MandyJ.
    Jan 2, 2008
    This is their best album since OK Computer. I was skeptical at first, but I am glad I listened. Simply beautiful.
  38. JonP.
    Jan 2, 2008
    I didn't like the album at first, because to me, it sounded the same as Kid A, which I consider Radiohead's worst album. Over time it has grown on me, and Disc 2 has some gems on it. Still not as good as Hail To The Thief though.
  39. krzysztofziewacz
    Jan 2, 2008
    Launched me into the space.
  40. TravisM.
    Dec 31, 2007
    Easily the best album of 2007. Perhaps of this decade.
  41. krismp
    Dec 31, 2007
    I just feel like i can listen to this album all day long and never get bored or tired. Its a simply album made with so much deep in it.
  42. AndreyK.
    Dec 29, 2007
  43. brunom.
    Dec 29, 2007
    It´s simple music made good. There´s no doubt about it. Radiohead gives you the chance to rediscover their music as it was meant to be listened, and with good timing too. Thom keeps singing with his soul, suffering less or not, it sure seems we're all much quieter.
  44. frankfurter
    Dec 27, 2007
    The best album of the year. Maybe the best album of the last five years. Certainly Radiohead's best since Kid A. Oh, and I need say more?
  45. DaveW.
    Dec 27, 2007
    i must be the only naive mofo on earth that feels that every single radiohead album has been an evolutionary improvement on the last. musically, technically. broke boundaries. this is no exception. my only gripe is that it took them so goddamn long. awesome.
  46. ChristofferV.
    Dec 26, 2007
    Excellent album. The best yet in my opinion.
  47. LukeG.
    Dec 26, 2007
    The proper follow-up to the songcraft and confident musicianship of "OK Computer." They've returned to their instruments and written excellent songs to boot. "Bodysnatchers" is perhaps the best Radiohead song yet.
  48. KyleL
    Dec 24, 2007
    Incredible CD! Reckoner is an amazing song, hard to stop listening to it!
  49. StevenN.
    Dec 24, 2007
    Bursting with emotional melodies, atmospheric hazy sounds scattered within off beat tempo's. Wierd Fishes standout track by miles of depths of oceans.
  50. carolR.A.
    Dec 24, 2007
    Thank you very much RaDioHead!!
  51. Francesco
    Dec 22, 2007
    Almost perfect.
  52. JaredG.
    Dec 22, 2007
    Best album of year!
  53. seans.
    Dec 22, 2007
    Beautiful, full, calm, captivating music. Radiohead return to a more synergistic approach to an albulm. More together than hail to the thief, more approachable than the brilliant Kid-A. Not for everyone but a must have for Radiohead fans and those who love beauty in music.
  54. BonoV.
    Dec 21, 2007
    Their best work since OKC in my opinion. They continue to evolve like no other band. At first listen I was tempted to be disappointed by 15 Steps and Bodysnatchers as I had heard them live but Nude just takes you to another place and it flows from their. Thom's voice is front and center and never sounded better. Album of the Year!
  55. chrisd
    Dec 21, 2007
    simply magnificent. from the second i heard "15 Step" to the end of "Videotape" i was floored. if you get the bonus disc, it is a continuation of the album. "Down is the New Up" might be the best song i've ever heard. everyone needs to listen to this album
  56. bart
    Dec 20, 2007
    anyone who is not falling in love with this album simply does not have a soul.
  57. CameronD.
    Dec 16, 2007
    They continue to keep my attention.
  58. AustinB.
    Dec 13, 2007
    Absolutely great album from start to finish.
  59. Vengeance
    Dec 13, 2007
    Listen to both cds back to back... pure genius. Not for the people who are stuck in the nineties and want to hear the limited sounds of the bends and ok computer, but above those two albums. I understand it, i for a long time thought that that was their best work but then i heard 'In Rainbows'. Listen to the lyrics, the vocal line is the best instrument in Radiohead. Without it, Listen to both cds back to back... pure genius. Not for the people who are stuck in the nineties and want to hear the limited sounds of the bends and ok computer, but above those two albums. I understand it, i for a long time thought that that was their best work but then i heard 'In Rainbows'. Listen to the lyrics, the vocal line is the best instrument in Radiohead. Without it, they'd be a totally different band. Expand
  60. dj=riv
    Dec 12, 2007
    5 out of 5 for the means, plus 4 out of 5 for my first few impressions, plus so very much respect and thanks from me equals 7/10?
  61. ShannonM
    Dec 12, 2007
    Finally! Balance! Not one note out of place, not one piece of gratuitous electronic noodling. Never does a song outstay its welcome (I'm looking at you Hail to the Theif), always leaving you satisfied yet still wanting more. It's phenomenal the a band, in this age of disposable celebrity, can still blow everyone else in popular music away. Name a more affecting, well rounded Finally! Balance! Not one note out of place, not one piece of gratuitous electronic noodling. Never does a song outstay its welcome (I'm looking at you Hail to the Theif), always leaving you satisfied yet still wanting more. It's phenomenal the a band, in this age of disposable celebrity, can still blow everyone else in popular music away. Name a more affecting, well rounded album made in the last half-decade. Thought so... Expand
  62. jeffort23
    Dec 10, 2007
    Granted, while it contains neither the estranged beauty found on OK Computer nor the exhilarating rush of reinvention that was Kid A, this album reminds you of the better qualities of both works. At times, both familiar and unsettling --- it's the sound of drowning in a warm bath, of being pleasantly out of place.
  63. JustinH.
    Dec 9, 2007
  64. ThomG.
    Dec 8, 2007
    On In Rainbows, Radiohead have eschewed the cluttered sound of the somewhat underwhelming Hail to the Thief in favor of a more organic sound. Electronics are still present, but here they are used to create space and ambience rather than drive the songs. The album carries a deep sense of loneliness, but has none of the angst of Pablo Honey or The Bends. It's easily their most mature On In Rainbows, Radiohead have eschewed the cluttered sound of the somewhat underwhelming Hail to the Thief in favor of a more organic sound. Electronics are still present, but here they are used to create space and ambience rather than drive the songs. The album carries a deep sense of loneliness, but has none of the angst of Pablo Honey or The Bends. It's easily their most mature album yet, as well as one of their strongest. Expand
  65. EdwardM.
    Dec 8, 2007
  66. JasonM.
    Dec 8, 2007
    Bought it at 10am and have been listening to it non-stop since then. It is now 9pm. No other album has had this effect on me since Disintegration by The Cure and that
  67. LuisJ
    Dec 7, 2007
    The new album is amazing just like its predecessors, every song is a doorway to a mystery, to an emotion you have felt it unlocks memories that you thought were dead. Radiohead have always been geniuses when it comes to music and this album proves it, to anyone who thought otherwise.
  68. LeahT.
    Dec 6, 2007
    Brilliant as usual. This double-album (arguably...), now extended to include scathingly beautiful bits such as "Last Flowers" and "Go Slowly," along with the mellow, inventive funk of of "Down is the New Up," is undoubtedly a masterpiece. This band continues to evolve while the rest of the world remains stagnant. Can't wait for LP8...hee hee.
  69. ChrisD.
    Dec 5, 2007
    This is what music is all about. The intensity and emotion on these tracks really sucks you in. This is my first Radiohead album, I've got a few of their popular songs from other albums, like "Creep" and "Karma Police", but I've never gotten a whole album before. There are few albums that I love every single song (Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Vertical Horizon's This is what music is all about. The intensity and emotion on these tracks really sucks you in. This is my first Radiohead album, I've got a few of their popular songs from other albums, like "Creep" and "Karma Police", but I've never gotten a whole album before. There are few albums that I love every single song (Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want" are the only two I can think of), but this is one of them. Bodysnatchers is just an awesome song, a great rock-out song. I fell in love with this album when it transitioned from that song to "Nude", a completely different song stylistically from Bodysnatchers. I paid $9 for the album, and it was more than worth it. Expand
  70. Austins
    Dec 3, 2007
    I think they finally found a happy medium between the electronic experimentation from their last couple of albums, and have revealed their true genius for great song writing, ala OK Computer and The Bends. They are miles beyond most bands in overall talent. I hope this is the beginning of the end for all these crummy emo and pop bands that dominate teeny boppers Ipods. That music (along I think they finally found a happy medium between the electronic experimentation from their last couple of albums, and have revealed their true genius for great song writing, ala OK Computer and The Bends. They are miles beyond most bands in overall talent. I hope this is the beginning of the end for all these crummy emo and pop bands that dominate teeny boppers Ipods. That music (along with modern country) has single handedly dumbed down our culture to primitve levels. Thank God for Radiohead!!!! Expand
  71. Laura
    Dec 2, 2007
    You know it always takes a little time for the utter genius behind their music to reveal itself. When it does, it's so scintillating! 'Nude' is probably one of the most sensual songs I've ever heard. The voice is velvet. '15 step' ...Jeez, who makes music in 5 time anyway? And doesn't make it sound academic. It's a rush. 'Arpeggio' is You know it always takes a little time for the utter genius behind their music to reveal itself. When it does, it's so scintillating! 'Nude' is probably one of the most sensual songs I've ever heard. The voice is velvet. '15 step' ...Jeez, who makes music in 5 time anyway? And doesn't make it sound academic. It's a rush. 'Arpeggio' is compelling and atmospheric. I am so in love with this CD. Thank god (or whatever you thank for good things) for Radiohead. Expand
  72. SoniaB.
    Nov 30, 2007
  73. TN
    Nov 18, 2007
    I thought that maybe I was jumping on the Radiohead bandwagon and just liking this because it is Radiohead as some have suggested. I love most of their work, but I do admit that some of their music sounds like crap to me. Especially most of Amnesiac. But this one is beautiful and extraordinary. I have a horrible commute and when I put this on while driving I get so absorbed by the music I I thought that maybe I was jumping on the Radiohead bandwagon and just liking this because it is Radiohead as some have suggested. I love most of their work, but I do admit that some of their music sounds like crap to me. Especially most of Amnesiac. But this one is beautiful and extraordinary. I have a horrible commute and when I put this on while driving I get so absorbed by the music I just want to stay in my car and drive around all day! This definitely the best album of the year, and you can get it for free! Expand
  74. DavidR.
    Nov 18, 2007
    Like all fans I was waiting, but never d expected that i found my old good bands but in a new skin that fits then perfectly.
  75. JarenF
    Nov 17, 2007
    Amazing. better than anything else out there. gets better with every single listen.
  76. TedR
    Nov 17, 2007
    The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the The more I listen to Radiohead, and it is no different with In Rainbows, the more I appreciate their classical and baroque approach to composition and song strucutre. Thom Yorke might as well be humming the phone book. His voice is the flute, floating above, the cello grounding below. Like classical music, RH can sound deceptively simple one moment, messy and noisy the next. Then the subtle melodies, and bonus quirks, beeps, and hums sink in. No other music is so layered, so discovered in waves. Expand
  77. MarkP.
    Nov 17, 2007
    Miles above everyone else.
  78. BrennanL.
    Nov 16, 2007
    Great marketing idea, but at the end of the day it is really just another Radiohead album. Thats okay though. I do like the more minimal approach here though. A solid listen and I approve.
  79. ErichF.
    Nov 15, 2007
    Radiohead's best album. A true master piece. What else can I say? Please guys, keep doing music. You're the best at it.
  80. MuSauce
    Nov 15, 2007
    I instantly fell in love with this cd. Its brilliantly simple, and relaxed. 10!
  81. PeterH
    Nov 12, 2007
    Brilliant and beautiful.
  82. JonathanC
    Nov 12, 2007
    Without a doubt the most amazing album i've ever heard.
  83. JavierR.
    Nov 11, 2007
    One masterpiece = rare (OK Computer) Two masterpieces = extremely rare (Kid A) Three masterpieces = impossible...but true. In Rainbows is it.
  84. BiancaH.
    Nov 11, 2007
    In Rainbows is another proof for the thesis that you have to listen - and I mean to REALLY listen - to Radiohead artwork. Maybe there has never been any other band except RH that builds a huge iron gate in front of its music and hides the key to it deeply in people's minds.
  85. StefanoP.
    Nov 11, 2007
    This album is wonderful! I am a great fan of "Kid A" and this sounds sooo different... (maybe someone could find it more related to "The Bends" or "OK Computer") I definitely love it and it keeps growing. It's so warm, so real, so full of energy and of emotions...
  86. TheRimRider
    Nov 9, 2007
    For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher For those very few musically backward people who just dont get them, you're really missing out on probably the best band since the Beatles. There have been other great albums by Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Led Zepplin, Nirvana etc. but In Rainbows has reaffirmed that they were not just a great band with a two year magical peak (96, 97). If your frustrated trying to decipher Yorke's lyrics youre missing the point. Be carried away by his vocals and the music instead. Far and beyond anything anyone else has done for decades. Expand
  87. DarenW
    Nov 9, 2007
    The first listen, it's OK. But after about the 10th listening, I realized this CD is still growing on me. I'm addicted, I have to now have a daily listen! It's one of Radiohead's best, right now 2nd to OK Computer!
  88. ChrisM.
    Nov 9, 2007
    Far and away the best album of 2007. RJ M. , if you hate Radiohead so much, stop fucking listening to them. That sounds like a personal problem, and one that I'm not sure why you keep handling by listening to music you can't stand. And yet you claim to have such an extensive knowledge of their catalogue! How odd. Anyway, Phil Selway's never sounded better (this is coming Far and away the best album of 2007. RJ M. , if you hate Radiohead so much, stop fucking listening to them. That sounds like a personal problem, and one that I'm not sure why you keep handling by listening to music you can't stand. And yet you claim to have such an extensive knowledge of their catalogue! How odd. Anyway, Phil Selway's never sounded better (this is coming from a drummer) and Thom Yorke's usually cryptic lyrics are surpisingly lucid. I am no minion--I resisted Radiohead for 10 years before I finally came around. I don't listen to music because everyone else tells me to; that's for people who listen to Nickelback...or any other completely insipid, uninspired, cookie-cutter band that is constantly played by MTV and on the radio. Radiohead challenges every facet of the mainstream rock audience by telling them it doesn't have to be similar to be popular. Thank God for bands like them. Otherwise I would be stuck listening to condescending pseudo-critics such as yourself who believe that by dismissing a critically-acclaimed band they are doing everyone else a favor. I appreciate it buddy. Oh, and yes, I do take this personally. Expand
  89. Vin
    Nov 8, 2007
    Beautiful record! Gives me a head rush for the first half then puts me in harmony for the last of it. This record is one of their best to date, worth it to pick it up. If your have been a Radiohead fan you won't be disappointed.
  90. joelC.
    Nov 8, 2007
    Something to enjoy for a long long time, Videotape is one going straight to the top 3 of radiohead
  91. renen.
    Nov 8, 2007
    first, RJM, shut up! second, this is by far their most confident piece of work since ok computer. a truly truly nice surpise.
  92. NemoM.
    Nov 8, 2007
    A great Album. Every track is quality.
  93. AlexF
    Nov 8, 2007
    It's a good album, but I expected more from Radiohead. It lacks that certain something that makes you realise that this is Radiohead.
  94. reckoner
    Nov 7, 2007
    ha ha ha ha... RJ M. what a wanker. This album rocks.
  95. Ha
    Nov 7, 2007
    RJ M, stop crying. I know its hard coming to grip with the fact that your taste in music blows. This album is pure genius!
  96. RR
    Nov 7, 2007
    Beautiful, haunting, moving, incredible, totally impressive musicianship, fantastic ideas, at home between the avantgarde and pop, multi-layered, peaceful, gorgeous, heart-breaking - did I cover it all? Radiohead do it again. Thank you for enriching our lives with this, your best record. @RJ M.: you obviously forgot that one needs to be able to FEEL in order to appreciate music. rest Beautiful, haunting, moving, incredible, totally impressive musicianship, fantastic ideas, at home between the avantgarde and pop, multi-layered, peaceful, gorgeous, heart-breaking - did I cover it all? Radiohead do it again. Thank you for enriching our lives with this, your best record. @RJ M.: you obviously forgot that one needs to be able to FEEL in order to appreciate music. rest assured: we all know why we love this band. we understand what they do, we know what they're about. sad for you if you don't. now crawl back into your spiteful little hole. Expand
  97. CharlesS.
    Nov 6, 2007
    When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who When I first listened to the record, it seemed to start well (tracks 1,2,4) but it finish kind of weak (7,8,9). However when I slowed down and actually listened.... I saw how well constructed the album is from music to verse. The craftmanship that Yorke and Greenwood display is uncanny. This is a very quiet and introspective record. It never ceases to amaze me that some of the people who now criticize this record are enamered with Fall out boy and Artic monkey .....and they were still in @#%$! diapers when Pablo Honey came out. Please go back to your cookie cutter pop Junior, and leave the real music to the adults. Expand
  98. Nick
    Nov 6, 2007
    By far the best Radiohead since OK Computer, and thats saying something. Like most Radiohead albums i wasnt that impressed by the first listens, but as i gave it time it grew on me. There are some not so great songs, but when it has its moments In Rainbows is up there with The Bends and OK Computer as Radioheads best.
  99. sethisawesome
    Nov 5, 2007
    Not only the best album I've heard all year, its one of the best albums I've heard ever. Even better than Kid A. And I loves me some Kid A. My heart rate actually quickened during parts.
  100. Grant
    Nov 5, 2007
    The first time I listened to this album, I admit I was slightly underwhelmed. But after repeated listening, this is may be their finest work to date

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.