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  1. emmap
    Oct 14, 2007
    I am in love, this is the most beautiful record of the year.
  2. LynM.
    Oct 14, 2007
    On my 8th or 9th listen, In Rainbows finally hit me over the head and heart and ears. Videotape must be what sounds like when you're taking the first steps toward that blinding light/tunnel moments after death. The way Radiohead captures the special feelings we have in universal daily occurrences just about makes me want to love everybody. When listening to a good Radiohead song, you On my 8th or 9th listen, In Rainbows finally hit me over the head and heart and ears. Videotape must be what sounds like when you're taking the first steps toward that blinding light/tunnel moments after death. The way Radiohead captures the special feelings we have in universal daily occurrences just about makes me want to love everybody. When listening to a good Radiohead song, you can't help but feel connected to others-- strangers, lovers. 15 steps is one for the road, windows down, watching passersby. Kids saying "Yahhh!" Probably my favorite "dance" song since Idioteque. Nude is undoubtedly a favorite and I'm glad the final version arrived without too much glaze. They kept it quiet and that's exactly how I loved it way back when. Too bad the rhodes is gone, though. I have to say, Reckoner was the pleasant surprise overall: Drums and guitar like the Bends & OK Computer--taking us on sentimental states of nostalgia. Thom's voice reaching for those states again, succeeding and then some. But then comes a break, sweeping soundtrack, looking for something more... It's ups and downs, the way his voice mixes in with the violins at the end... it's splendid. Nothing at all what I expected. I thank Radiohead for this music. I thank God for making Radiohead. Expand
  3. mh
    Oct 14, 2007
    so sweet is this
  4. ChrisS
    Oct 14, 2007
    In Rainbows is an amzing record filled with masterpieces. All the songs are great. We see Radiohead at their best here.
  5. jon
    Oct 14, 2007
  6. TaylorW
    Oct 14, 2007
    Enchanting, spellbinding, surprising. Radiohead's best yet.
  7. AndrewH
    Oct 14, 2007
    stupid dusted magazine needs to be removed. that hack doesn't know what he's talking about. I can accept other people's opinions when they're not so misinformed.
  8. Ronix
    Oct 14, 2007
    As OMH put it: their work is critic-proof. And this album, I think, leaves no doubt about that. It cannot be criticized. Or, at least, it makes it very difficult to. Or, given a third option, it has to be criticized in a much different way that any other album is. In my opinion, and having heard if not a lot, a large amount of music, Radiohead keeps: a) reinventing themselves, since each As OMH put it: their work is critic-proof. And this album, I think, leaves no doubt about that. It cannot be criticized. Or, at least, it makes it very difficult to. Or, given a third option, it has to be criticized in a much different way that any other album is. In my opinion, and having heard if not a lot, a large amount of music, Radiohead keeps: a) reinventing themselves, since each Radiohead album sounds trully different to their previous material. This can be discussed in many ways, but what it makes it remarkable is that no matter how much success they get, they will reinvent their sound in their next work (it would've been easier for them to make TheBends-ish or OkComputer-ish albums over and over again, but they have chosen not to) b) making music that sounds like nothing you've heard before. You can try to match any of these songs to any kind of music, but you won't be able to get it right: it's just different. They're the ones to be resembled by other bands. And that's that, either you like Radiohead or not. And 'In Rainbows' is no exception to these two statements. And I think this is an incredible thing to achieve (or "re-achieve"). From '15 step' to 'Videotape', each song sounds different from anything else (brain tries to match it with something you've heard before and fails) and, in my opinion, each song sounds amazing. And, not to be disregarded, the album sounds trully like a whole, which is something most bands fail to achieve. I've been waiting for it for four years now (since Hail to the Thief) and I am far form dissapointed by the wait. They deserved to be waited. They are different. And we need them. Expand
  9. isaacC
    Oct 14, 2007
    Distinctly Radiohead, everything they have worked towards. In Rainbows is a culmination of the bands exploration into electonic beats with Kid A, mornful guitars and up beat cymbols from the bends and the jarring, slurring, rolling lyrics of Hail to the Theif. All along their carear has been planned out. Each album a stepping stone to this moment in time. The only question is what lies Distinctly Radiohead, everything they have worked towards. In Rainbows is a culmination of the bands exploration into electonic beats with Kid A, mornful guitars and up beat cymbols from the bends and the jarring, slurring, rolling lyrics of Hail to the Theif. All along their carear has been planned out. Each album a stepping stone to this moment in time. The only question is what lies beyond the Rainbow? Expand
  10. NikkiIkki
    Oct 14, 2007
    Brilliant! Ive been waiting for a fifth of my life for this album... and it was well worth it!
  11. SophieB
    Oct 14, 2007
    Very very pleasantly surprised.. a beautiful album. Will check out more Radiohead in the future.
  12. justinz
    Oct 14, 2007
    Best Radiohead album since Kid A. Dare I say it even rivals OK Computer as Radiohead's best album...
  13. AndersW
    Oct 14, 2007
    Radiohead have done it again.
  14. JeffG
    Oct 14, 2007
    Radiohead's seventh album continues their pattern of growth which, arguably, took a step back with 2003's Hail To The Thief. The combination of the songwriting skills that they have always possessed with the studio skills of Kid A has resulted in what may be their most brilliant work yet. As with any Radiohead album, the initial impression is just a taste of the appreciation Radiohead's seventh album continues their pattern of growth which, arguably, took a step back with 2003's Hail To The Thief. The combination of the songwriting skills that they have always possessed with the studio skills of Kid A has resulted in what may be their most brilliant work yet. As with any Radiohead album, the initial impression is just a taste of the appreciation which develops from repeated listens. Already most fans rank this as close to OK Computer and Kid A. In time, this album is sure to be seen as a masterful work in Radiohead's impressive progression. Expand
  15. Gregor
    Oct 14, 2007
  16. OctavianI.
    Oct 14, 2007
    Great album !
  17. Michaelshutyourmouth
    Oct 14, 2007
    Next to Kid A. Pure genius.
  18. jazzusj.
    Oct 14, 2007
    Awesooome album, beautyfull songs, Tom's voice like wine, older -> better!
  19. johnb
    Oct 14, 2007
    Fantastic. Not a track that disapoints at all.
  20. SudipV
    Oct 13, 2007
    On Par with OK Computer
  21. ChristophM
    Oct 13, 2007
    For perhaps the first time ever, Radiohead has given us an album with a completely positive and uplifting message. Where past efforts have been nigh-apocalyptic in their take on the modern world, In Rainbows is a 42-minute love song. In that, Radiohead exceeds expectations and beautifully captures the emotion of the album.
  22. QQQQ
    Oct 13, 2007
  23. TheTruthAKAKeep-it-Simple
    Oct 13, 2007
    Radioead's Pet Sounds..not that its their best or even my favorite, but it communicates cohesion and beauty better than any of their previous albums.
  24. andyp
    Oct 13, 2007
    Of course it's not OK Computer, I hope nobody ever holds them up to that standard again. However I like it just as much as Kid A. Best Album of the Year hands down.
  25. Felix
    Oct 13, 2007
    Best album since Kid A, and OK Computer.
  26. md
    Oct 13, 2007
    can't stop playing this cd. all i need is one of their best songs ever.
  27. jamess
    Oct 13, 2007
    Their best since Kid A!!!
  28. BillH
    Oct 13, 2007
    a perfect title for a perfect collection of music absolutely luminous
  29. AgroR
    Oct 13, 2007
    Music for a movie..a good one
  30. DK
    Oct 13, 2007
    It's their masterpiece. OK Computer with heart. Takes the best of everything they've learned from their past three experiments and infuses them with the heart and emotionality of their earlier work. It will rank with Kid A and The Moon and Antarctica as the alternative-rock albums of this decade.
  31. RAyR
    Oct 13, 2007
    Very sweet. Nice, nice textures. I only wish the down loadable version had more clarity to it so that the listener could delve further into the more subtle tones and rhythms.
  32. ms
    Oct 13, 2007
    best sounding, best gtr/electro combination album yet. Still delcaring other bands useless.
  33. NicholasC
    Oct 13, 2007
    Really it probably deserves a 9.5 but that isn't an option. I mentioned that this new album was coming out to a friend the other day and he laughed and said "Radiohead - yeah, I listened to them in high school." I have a lot of stupid friends. Don't be like them.
  34. quixotic
    Oct 13, 2007
    the perfect soundtrack for this fall, and for the winter to come, after an incredible great musical year, 2007 we love you !
  35. dAVEJ
    Oct 13, 2007
    An excellent new album from Radiohead.
  36. sdjones
    Oct 13, 2007
    I knew from the first listen-through that this would be my favourite album of 2007. I haven't exactly been a huge fan of Radiohead's last two outings - this one is brilliant! There's shades of Jeff Buckley and even Keane (who is imitating whom?) and a million other subtlies. Complex Radiohead album-yes. Completely listenable, even accessible- also yes.
  37. mt
    Oct 13, 2007
  38. Jim
    Oct 13, 2007
    One of the few great albums of the year.
  39. CoreyP
    Oct 13, 2007
    I went into "In Rainbows" not thinking about Radiohead's previous work. With that in mind it is hand's down the best CD of the year.
  40. simong
    Oct 13, 2007
    there are no words.
  41. Tom
    Oct 13, 2007
    Makes me realize there are true artist still left in this world.
  42. TresJ
    Oct 13, 2007
    Awesome...Once again Radiohead does the unexpected and they hit it out the park
  43. Brendan
    Oct 13, 2007
    It's an instant classic. Radiohead truly is a bottomless pit of beautiful, creative music. The way that Radiohead manages to keep the music going at such a high quality after so many great songs astonishes me to no end. Definitely one of the best albums they've ever done, getting better with every listen.
  44. magnusmatstoms
    Oct 13, 2007
    Decent but far from the high points of Ok Computer and The Bends
  45. cdub
    Oct 13, 2007
    You never know quite what to expect from this band, but it always ends up being just really amazing.
  46. CarlosD
    Oct 13, 2007
    Has struck me in a manner I didn't expect. Gorgeous, addictive and even revolutionary. I'll be hard pressed to find a better album this year.
  47. Kirito
    Oct 13, 2007
    An amazing album!
  48. DHobs
    Oct 13, 2007
    This is a very good album from beginning to end. I don't think that there is a bad song on here. It isn't as revolutionary as OK Computer or Kid A, but even Beethoven only had a couple times in his career where he really reinvented himself. Overall, this sounds to me like the confident product of a mature band that is completely in control of the music. I liked Hail to the This is a very good album from beginning to end. I don't think that there is a bad song on here. It isn't as revolutionary as OK Computer or Kid A, but even Beethoven only had a couple times in his career where he really reinvented himself. Overall, this sounds to me like the confident product of a mature band that is completely in control of the music. I liked Hail to the Thief, but it sounded scattered to me--like the band wasn't sure about what they should be doing. In Rainbows improves upon this. After the first few listens. Jigsaw was my favorite song, but now that I've listened more, I think that Nude is. It is perhaps one of the most beautiful songs Radiohead has written, and it is a wonder that it didn't find itself on to one of their earlier albums. Other highlights for me include: 15 Step (love the bass part toward the end), Bodysnatchers, All I Need, and Reckoner. Expand
  49. HaroldN
    Oct 13, 2007
    every element they create in the past you can find on these beautiful piece.. the best album of 2007.
  50. HenryJR
    Oct 13, 2007
    It's exactly what it should be.
  51. morrism
    Oct 13, 2007
    Incredible...that is all i really have to say
  52. GaryG
    Oct 13, 2007
    I partied hard to this album last night, sniffing coke off of a stripper's inner thigh. Dat shit was bangin, dawgs!!! Yall ever sharted in someone's mouth? I have, and I did it while listening to In Rainbow, friends.
  53. JasonG
    Oct 13, 2007
    No words.
  54. ChrisA
    Oct 13, 2007
    I dig it baby.
  55. GroovySpirit
    Oct 13, 2007
    Their best since 'The Bends'! I'm a big fan but really didn't expect it to be this good! 'Reckoner' proves their superior originality - no other bands come close. 'Bodysnatchers' - love the way after the 2nd verse it turns from a standard catchy tune into a brilliant climax - all in 4 mins - love it! Best of all it sounds optimistic and happy - Their best since 'The Bends'! I'm a big fan but really didn't expect it to be this good! 'Reckoner' proves their superior originality - no other bands come close. 'Bodysnatchers' - love the way after the 2nd verse it turns from a standard catchy tune into a brilliant climax - all in 4 mins - love it! Best of all it sounds optimistic and happy - makes you wanna bop your head along to the multi-texture beats, grooves & guitar. Expand
  56. KristiJ
    Oct 13, 2007
    I had written Radiohead off... its true. After OK Computers brilliant soundtrack of my summer all those years ago I waited with baited breath for their next release and was so disappointed by Kid A that I quickly moved on and disregarded all other releases until In Rainbows. I was intruiged by their method of release and all the reviews I heard were favorable. I wasn't disappointed. I had written Radiohead off... its true. After OK Computers brilliant soundtrack of my summer all those years ago I waited with baited breath for their next release and was so disappointed by Kid A that I quickly moved on and disregarded all other releases until In Rainbows. I was intruiged by their method of release and all the reviews I heard were favorable. I wasn't disappointed. In short THIS is the album that should have followed up OK Computer. Haunting melodies wonderfully explored lyrics and a mood that sits with it from beginning to end. An A+ album! Expand
  57. broomhilda
    Oct 13, 2007
    There is no one that is even close to what Radiohed are putting out now. This is the most relaxed and pure disc they have put out. There seems to be a calm before utopia. This is excecptioal.
  58. EdwardM.
    Oct 13, 2007
  59. Sam
    Oct 13, 2007
  60. KevinE
    Oct 13, 2007
    Ghostly! RADIHEAD find's the peaceful median between KID A's shoegazing territory and Hail to the thief's Mournful guitar rock. IN RAINBOWS plays nothing like any of there previous efforts, but holds all there strenghts in it's pocket. In Rainbow's may very well go down in history as not only one of there greatest, but one of the greatest of our time. Standout Ghostly! RADIHEAD find's the peaceful median between KID A's shoegazing territory and Hail to the thief's Mournful guitar rock. IN RAINBOWS plays nothing like any of there previous efforts, but holds all there strenghts in it's pocket. In Rainbow's may very well go down in history as not only one of there greatest, but one of the greatest of our time. Standout track : ALL I NEED. What would this decade be without Radiohead. Sure we have some great bands. Arcade Fire, Beck, Joanna Newsom, Coldplay, Broken Social Scene, Sufjan Stevens, The white Stripes, and others ( Not gunna list them all) Point is 60's had THE BEATLES and STONES, 70's had LED ZEPPLIN, AND NEIL YOUNG, 80's had TALKING HEADS, REM, U2, 90's and 00's -JUST RADIOHEAD Expand
  61. walkerr
    Oct 13, 2007
    As close to perfect as any album in a long time. It gives you hope that there are still muscians who matter. Moody, haunting, perfect.
  62. BrandonS
    Oct 13, 2007
    Once I gave up all hope that Radiohead would ever reach the heights of OK Computer or even The Bends, I started enjoying them more. I like this album better than any since Kid A, but still the songs tend to blend into each other. The album is more spaced-out electronically tinged post-modern, post-apocalyptic, post-everything music, from a very reliable group. Is it earth shattering? No. Once I gave up all hope that Radiohead would ever reach the heights of OK Computer or even The Bends, I started enjoying them more. I like this album better than any since Kid A, but still the songs tend to blend into each other. The album is more spaced-out electronically tinged post-modern, post-apocalyptic, post-everything music, from a very reliable group. Is it earth shattering? No. Is the marketing brilliant? Absolutely. Another strong addition to a notable catalog. But OK Computer it ain't. Expand
  63. AG
    Oct 13, 2007
    This album blew me away, there is no other band out there at the moment that can deliver such a diversity of sound and yet with such cohesion. The cohesion of the overall album marks it apart from their last effort (hail to the thief) and is probably their greatest to date. A fusion of all of Radioheads influences over the years have combined to create an astonishing sound
  64. TimC
    Oct 13, 2007
    7/10 compared to their other albums. It is good, very good in places. But it isn't up the
    re with OK Computer, The Bends or even Kid A.
  65. GillesB
    Oct 13, 2007
    Nice album :P
  66. EpictetoK
    Oct 13, 2007
  67. BenS
    Oct 13, 2007
    Hardly a departure for the band, but after the fractured brilliance of Hail To The Thief and Amnesiac, they finally - musically at least - sound comfortable in their own unique genre. There were a few disappointments - Bodysnatcher's lo-fi rock and Nude's slow tempo - but both tracks, and many others, grow better in time, and after four listens I'm still surprised by the Hardly a departure for the band, but after the fractured brilliance of Hail To The Thief and Amnesiac, they finally - musically at least - sound comfortable in their own unique genre. There were a few disappointments - Bodysnatcher's lo-fi rock and Nude's slow tempo - but both tracks, and many others, grow better in time, and after four listens I'm still surprised by the intricacies of this album. A slight laps towards the end of the record is more than made up for by the beautiful closer, 'Videotape', and other highlights include the opener '15 Step' and the pairing of 'Arpeggi' and 'All I Need'. Expand
  68. BaldurH
    Oct 13, 2007
    Their best offering since Kid A. Just thrillingly beautiful!
  69. MatthewS
    Oct 13, 2007
    One of the most amazing albums to be composed. The fact that is scores one point higher than MIA and Arcade Fire is a joke, a really sad joke.
  70. PatriciaP
    Oct 13, 2007
    The most beautiful, honest, touching album I've ever heard.
  71. Marc
    Oct 13, 2007
    Sonorously, it sounds like a more confident Hail to the Theif, which is delicious in its own light.
  72. MikeS
    Oct 13, 2007
    One of the most beautiful records I've heard in a while. Yore's vocals sound better than ever, as they soar through lush string arrangements and ambient sounds. Some of the climatic moments on this record are so powerful that if you don't feel something you must have no nerve endings. Absolutely mesmerizing.
  73. robynl
    Oct 13, 2007
    flipping brilliant
  74. jasonwl
    Oct 13, 2007
    best since Kid-a.enjoy it much more than HTTT, Radiohead just never stop to amazed us
  75. GabrielV
    Oct 13, 2007
    it was a long wait since the last album, but it wast worth every second of it. In Rainbows sounds new, fresh, but it's still radiohead, it's still one of the greatest bands alive today, once again they reinvented themselves, without even having the ambition of doing so, and thus making a hange that sounds completely natural and logical. It get's a little mellow at times, it was a long wait since the last album, but it wast worth every second of it. In Rainbows sounds new, fresh, but it's still radiohead, it's still one of the greatest bands alive today, once again they reinvented themselves, without even having the ambition of doing so, and thus making a hange that sounds completely natural and logical. It get's a little mellow at times, but in a grat way, 10 perect tracks, no fillers, just pure radiohead!. Expand
  76. RichardF
    Oct 13, 2007
    It's like Kid A with guitars. Actually it's like Kid A with OK Computer. Since it's Radiohead you can also be pretty assured there is no filler.
  77. RaymondH
    Oct 13, 2007
    A masterpiece. Not as good as Graduation but still the second best album of the decade.
  78. Graham
    Oct 13, 2007
    Cmon....still the best songwritier's on the need to explain....just listen
  79. Masedogg
    Oct 13, 2007
    On the surface it's fun, creative, beautiful and strange. However, its secret brilliance lies in its sounds that anyone but the most careful listener will never hear. Yet they continue to present themselves after many listens. You are instantly subject to an emotional ride of hope and tragedy and many unsettling areas in between. Radiohead have not given their On the surface it's fun, creative, beautiful and strange. However, its secret brilliance lies in its sounds that anyone but the most careful listener will never hear. Yet they continue to present themselves after many listens. You are instantly subject to an emotional ride of hope and tragedy and many unsettling areas in between. Radiohead have not given their listeners this much to feel and think about ever before. Believe it or not, I think they're actually getting better Expand
  80. luke
    Oct 13, 2007
    best album of the year!
  81. GrandeF
    Oct 13, 2007
    Radiohead did it again!
  82. Tim
    Oct 13, 2007
    wow, radiohead with lush orchestral arrangements!!? I love the first five songs but i think the album starts to lull around the second half a bit. I'm still getting into the two new ones however-
  83. Ed
    Oct 13, 2007
    Once again Radiohead prove that they're a step ahead and a cut above pretty much everyone eslse out there. Stunning.
  84. CameronG.
    Oct 13, 2007
    The best music radiohead has pumped out for a long time! Brilliant!
  85. AaronW.
    Oct 13, 2007
    spellbinding...every song is good...shines a light on a beautiful human heart
  86. DavidR
    Oct 13, 2007
    Really great music. I am delighted that music like this is being made.
  87. Alex
    Oct 13, 2007
  88. georgeb
    Oct 13, 2007
    yes yes yes...this is radiohead
  89. JamieS
    Oct 13, 2007
    This will sound slightly fanboy-ish, but this is the best album Radiohead has released. With more emotional ups and downs than OK Computer, and a far better balance of experimental / rock music than Hail To The Thief. Somehow, and I would have never thought it possible, it seems more mature than Kid A or Amnesiac. Excellent job, Radiohead. Once again, you've raised the bar.
  90. Mike
    Oct 13, 2007
    Ranks right after The Bends and OK Computer for me. And umm...metacritic staff? aren't you guys being a bit too nice with that 70 ranking for the Dusted Magazine review?? I could understand why you guys would want the album to be a huge success though....
  91. KD
    Oct 13, 2007
    Honest, mature, so appreciated.
  92. AdrianB
    Oct 13, 2007
    Amazing album, Best album of the year.
  93. StacyH
    Oct 13, 2007
    Absolutely love this album. From the awesome 90's college rock type songs like Bodysnatchers to the tranquil harmonies like All I Need, I am really loving this album. I'm on about my 20th listen now and I don't see my self stopping anytime soon.
  94. StevenG
    Oct 12, 2007
    Revolutionary. Will survive the test of time.
  95. DomS
    Oct 12, 2007
    By far the absolute best album of 2007. Perfect in every way - not a dud track on the record. Each track takes you to a new world and emotion. Thank god for Radiohead - this is music to get excited about!!!!
  96. PhilC
    Oct 12, 2007
    absolutely heartwrenching.. what a beauty...
  97. [Anonymous]
    Oct 12, 2007
    Best album ever!
  98. LynnC
    Oct 12, 2007
    There has been some good music released lately, but, expectedly, this is years better than any of it. I am just loving Thom's voice since the Eraser; the best instrument in the band.
  99. OrvilleM.
    Oct 12, 2007
    I have no qualms with giving this album a '10' rating. It's simply amazing, start to finish. I can't bring myself to skip a single track - all 10 are essential. Just how often can you say that? People awaiting OK Computer Pt. 2 or The Bends 2.0 need to quit holding their collective breath. The band has moved should you. If I read one more comment regarding a I have no qualms with giving this album a '10' rating. It's simply amazing, start to finish. I can't bring myself to skip a single track - all 10 are essential. Just how often can you say that? People awaiting OK Computer Pt. 2 or The Bends 2.0 need to quit holding their collective breath. The band has moved should you. If I read one more comment regarding a particular live version being superior to one of these recorded tracks, I'll vomit. All over the place. Why? Because I don't give a rat's ass about some concert that I never went to. I'll take the recorded version, thank you very much. Oh, and one more thing. The only real "flaw" that has been levied against In Rainbows is that it lacks a climax. I've found that to be a strength - because I don't feel like any songs pale in comparison after said climax. It just flows from one great song to the next. 10/10. Expand
  100. IselStocks
    Oct 12, 2007
    It makes me wonder what music sounded like before I heard this album.

Universal acclaim - based on 42 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 42
  2. Negative: 0 out of 42
  1. In Rainbows really does present Radiohead at their most full-blooded and confident.
  2. Overall, the material feels more human, more honest, more assured.
  3. Happily, In Rainbows is pretty, pretty good.