• Record Label: Rhino
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 399 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 399
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  1. Nov 18, 2016
    Very disappointing album. Glad I listened to it on Spotify first, won't be wasting $ on buying this now. Hard Wired, Moth and Atlas are pretty good songs and got me interested in hearing the album before it came out but the rest is a turgid pile of ****
  2. Nov 18, 2016
    Guitar tone continues to get thinner (thanks to aging instrumentalists and studio engineers). Full of bloat and uninspired riffs. Doesn't do much more than provide evidence to why metal gods are better off when they die before they turn 30.

    Atlas is worth listening to once, though.
  3. Nov 19, 2016
    So I have heard the new Metallica album in its entirety. This album is just okay. There is about 4 big highlight songs that I enjoy. Not to say that the other songs are crap, but they lack the punch of Spit out the bone, hardwired, moth into flame, and atlas rise. The songs, with the exception of Hardwired are waaaaay to long. Less is more sometimes. The arrangements sound like parts ofSo I have heard the new Metallica album in its entirety. This album is just okay. There is about 4 big highlight songs that I enjoy. Not to say that the other songs are crap, but they lack the punch of Spit out the bone, hardwired, moth into flame, and atlas rise. The songs, with the exception of Hardwired are waaaaay to long. Less is more sometimes. The arrangements sound like parts of other songs that could have been put together for another album. Most of the songs sound Death Magnetic Ishmael. There are some shining moments where they take queues from some of thier thrashier days, but they are few. Kirk Hammett has no writing get credit on this album! and his solos are forgettable. Lars. Don't get me started. The drumming on this album is probably the worst part. It is juvenile. I would expect a little more for 8 years of waiting. They certainly used a hype train in the media towards thier fans by saying they took a look at thier roots all the way back to kill em all. Well, maybe on 2 songs. 12 tracks at 4 minutes on one disc would have been far better than 7 min songs on 2 discs. Anyways, that's my rant. Expand
  4. Nov 18, 2016
    There is only a few old metal bands who manage to live up to their own glory. Looking at this album, it is not very hard to understand that Metallica is not one of them.
  5. Nov 20, 2016
    Disclaimer - I think reviews are BS and critic’s opinions aren't worth more than anyone else's. Also I worshipped James Hetfield and would still probably list Metallica as my favorite band of all time and I can’t hold their jock. But I have to provide a countermeasure to some of these ludicrously positive reviews. Come on Kerrang! 10 out of 10? Best stuff since the Black Album? HowDisclaimer - I think reviews are BS and critic’s opinions aren't worth more than anyone else's. Also I worshipped James Hetfield and would still probably list Metallica as my favorite band of all time and I can’t hold their jock. But I have to provide a countermeasure to some of these ludicrously positive reviews. Come on Kerrang! 10 out of 10? Best stuff since the Black Album? How much did you get paid for that review? Not even remotely true. There are four very strong, not great, tracks on an album that otherwise was chore to listen through and should have been edited down to less than 45 minutes. Part of the problem with being stupendously great is that you are graded against yourself and this is another terrible Metallica album, better than Death Magnetic, not as good as St. Anger, definitely not as good as Load or Reload. I won’t go into the details of why it isn’t good or which player is weak here or there. The songs aren’t that good. I won’t relisten to most of them. Like a said a few are very strong and will go into my library. Final thoughts, James please pick up an acoustic guitar and write songs on it without feeling the need to prove you still have the angst you had when you were 20. Expand
  6. Dec 15, 2016
    This album is a step backwards from Death Magnetic. Death Magnetic had something to prove, and it worked; they could still rock and write some intricate songs. This new album is uninspired and plain boring.
  7. Oct 24, 2017
    complete pile of donkey buttocks! ignore the glowing reviews. there's nothing sadder than listening to this train wreck. there is no thrash metal here. its weak and limp wristed as that annoying turd of drummer that's running this band. Just listen to Slayer, Megadeth, Exodus etc newer albums. Hetfield's lyrics are still braindamaged as ever, Hammett is basically non-existent on thiscomplete pile of donkey buttocks! ignore the glowing reviews. there's nothing sadder than listening to this train wreck. there is no thrash metal here. its weak and limp wristed as that annoying turd of drummer that's running this band. Just listen to Slayer, Megadeth, Exodus etc newer albums. Hetfield's lyrics are still braindamaged as ever, Hammett is basically non-existent on this album. Newstead was right in leaving this used to be a band. Now its just Blackened inc, taking a page out of Gene SImmons manual. The remaining members are more into licensing and slapping their brand on crap like coffee makers, clothing lines and gawd knows what else. Expand
  8. Nov 20, 2016
    Otro disco con canciones de mas de 5 minutos obviavente con laaaaaaaargos "intros" y Riff de relleno, 4 canciones como la gente.

    Lo mejor que pueden hacer es "no hacer nada mas"...
  9. Nov 26, 2016
    This is what happens when few daddies try to play metal which itself is a music for young rebel youth.

    It is poor attempt to achieve what is not possible anymore - have the right energy and attitude to create honest music in this category. In place of honesty we have uninspirig, flat product created by few rich guys living in their own world,eating their own tail, trying to pretend
    This is what happens when few daddies try to play metal which itself is a music for young rebel youth.

    It is poor attempt to achieve what is not possible anymore - have the right energy and attitude to create honest music in this category. In place of honesty we have uninspirig, flat product created by few rich guys living in their own world,eating their own tail, trying to pretend anger and rebelion - pitiful. Songs full of riffs and words,slogans we've already heard before... It would be much better and honest for them to follow and develop the path of "Load" which is their last good album they created...
  10. Sep 16, 2020
    Aburrido es un álbum muy repetitivo carente de sonidos y melodías todo muy parecido no me gusto un álbum bastante pésimo.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Jan 26, 2017
    Hardwired is a slightly less gripping version of the same, as is Moth Into Flame. There’s some sweet doom in the form of Dream No More, an obvious Sabbath homage, and a nod to their late mentor Lemmy with Murder One. In between, we’re treated to a lot of mid-tempo plodding.
  2. The Wire
    Dec 21, 2016
    This is the adult Metallica at last, monolithic, grandiose and grizzled. Maturity suits the band, makes them a weightier proposition than the pursuit of former glories ever could. [Dec 2016, p.62]
  3. Nov 30, 2016
    It's too long, with too many tracks that go nowhere. But those songs that do work are some of their best in the last couple of decades.