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  1. Dec 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. all of the songs were wonderful. this album really shows his artistic and emotional growth throughout the writing process. songs like ‘cherry’ and ‘falling’ are so raw, open and vulnerable, he makes the listener feel like they’re reading a page from his personal diary. overall, it’s an amazing album! Expand
  2. Dec 24, 2019
    Best album of 2019, maybe longer. From start to finish it takes you on a journey. Soulful and authentic, music that is real art and leaves you feeling emotions as if you’ve lived something just by listening.
  3. Dec 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's honestly such a good album, an emotional ride from start to finish. Musically it's extremely varied, with hints to 70's rock, folk, blues and a mixture of other genres, lyrically it's raw and honest in a way that makes you fall in love and feel the heartbreak and the joy and every emotion Harry tried to portray. Even if some songs feel like a faux pas when listening to them singularly (Treat People With Kindness for example, with a "Sister Act" vibe to it, or Watermelon Sugar, more pop-oriented and with very simple lyrics) if you listen to the album from top to bottom they make complete sense, fitting into one another to form a creative piece of musical storytelling. Expand
  4. Dec 24, 2019
    amazing album, 10/10, love you harry! way better than lp1. i have to add more characters so i will say that she is superior to all the songs.
  5. Dec 24, 2019
    amazing! a “golden era of rock” vibe while utilizing modern music, would recommend to everyone
  6. Dec 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing album with different songs of different genre styles that excellently blend together to create an atmosphere of love and emotions 10/10 would recommend you can’t truly feel Harry’s emotions with each song Expand
  7. Dec 24, 2019
    This album is so different from anything I’ve listened too. He’s really expanded his music and every song tells a story.
  8. Dec 24, 2019
    Fine Line is easily one of the greatest new albums of the decade. Each song tells a story and yet anyone can relate to the feelings within them. His songwriting skills are excellently displayed while he pulls in vibes similar to that of Fleetwood Mac, Bon Iver, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles while remaining authentically himself. Incredible!!!!
  9. Dec 24, 2019
    amazing album. harry is one of the few artists that can still surprise their fans and the critics
  10. Dec 24, 2019
    such an amazing album. the legend has done it once again. she, to be so lonely, and cherry are such masterpieces; this album deserves a grammy!
  11. Dec 24, 2019
    Songs are personal and give an insight of how he felt while writing the album. The song styles are not what you usually hear on the radio but still upbeat and easy to vibe with on a summer day.
  12. Dec 24, 2019
    This album changed my life. It is a great album just to sit and admire the artist the Harry Styles truly is. It is a masterpiece from start to finish.
  13. Dec 24, 2019
    best album of 2019 hands down, amazing beats and beautiful lyrics. camille rowe, you really broke homeboys heart and i love u for it bc it made this masterpiece
  14. Dec 24, 2019
    100/10 best album of 2019. Loved it from the first to the last track. Nice lyrics and vocals. Every song is unique and amazing! Perfect album. Harry Styles just did it
  15. Dec 24, 2019
    An amazing album, Harry’s voice is the best thing you can ever listen to, it’s awesome
  16. Dec 24, 2019
    Harry Styles’ second album definitely sounds different than his first. There are few songs (from HS1) that sound lot alike his second album concept but they too took me few listens to start liking them. First listen was hard for me since it barely sounds like nowadays’ mainstream music, which is a good thing, considering many artists’ put out alike music. It definitely took me few listensHarry Styles’ second album definitely sounds different than his first. There are few songs (from HS1) that sound lot alike his second album concept but they too took me few listens to start liking them. First listen was hard for me since it barely sounds like nowadays’ mainstream music, which is a good thing, considering many artists’ put out alike music. It definitely took me few listens to start liking this album. When you compare Fine Line to the 70s, which apparently what inspired HS during the process of recording, it will never match to David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, and such. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because HS somehow still came out with original sounds

    GOLDEN’s opening has a One Direction feeling to it. It put me on nostalgic mood for a moment. Sounds a lot like most stuff he put during 1D’s days in Four era.

    WATERMELON SUGAR has ‘funny’ lyrics. Looking at how he has ‘Kiwi’ back on his first album, it seems like HS is keeping up with his fans’ inside joke of having him made an entire salad fruits as his songs title. However, it’s apparently a sexual song. This proves HS is a good songwriter with his metaphor-plays in this song. Some melodies have same feeling to “Olivia” in 1D’s old album

    ADORE YOU is the song with more “mainstream music” feeling to it. It’s catchy and easy to like. With a more upbeat melodies, it contradicts the sadness you can see through the lyrics. HS also managed to pull one of the most clever promo tactics with his music video and Eroda. It’s a good watch. Would be down to see him make a whole album visual, and continuing Adore You music video.

    LIGHTS UP is my favourite out of this album. I personally think the melodies along with lyrics, song’s art work, and music video match up really well. HS managed to represent this song greatly because of that. The only downside is it (sadly) repeats the same lyrics over and over. I think HS could’ve done better to it. All in all, it’s still a great song

    CHERRY has a sweet and heartbreaking feeling to it. I love that HS managed to show glimpses of his personality and personal memories through this song without having to tell us explicitly. The voicemail at the end proves it. A normal, simple snippet of conversation but yet seems more personal since it’s attached to HS’ memory, sorta heartbreaking to hear.

    FALLING is the expected slow song of an album. It paints a sad time during a break up perfectly. HS wrote quite numerous relatable lyrics on it. With a simple mellow melody of piano, he managed to speak his hurt to the listeners

    TO BE SO LONELY is yet another sad song with happier tone of melodies. If I had to rank all of the songs on Fine Line, this definitely will come out last. A song I’d skip on my playlists. Not my cup of tea, but would love to hear it again if HS ever made an acoustic / more mellow cover of this.

    SHE has old school rock feeling. It’s too bad that HS didn’t put more high notes on it. It seems like he’s reflecting on a one night stand memory, or a love at first sight nostalgia but was beautifully put

    SUNFLOWER VOL 6 is a very summer-y song. A little snippet of his memories going through Long Distance Relationship and unexpectedly, instead of cute or sweet lyrics, it has more sexy ones. It’s not Fine Line if it doesn’t include a good portion of sad lyrics too, a good balance to it

    CANYON MOON is a more nostalgic song. HS reminisce his memories here, with more country (?) sounds to it. An easy listen and it succeeded in making me feel nostalgic too

    TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS has the title that attracted me into buying both digital and physical albums. Felt disappointed that it doesn’t represent the title well. HS had a great opportunity of turning it to a hit, alongside Heal The World and Earth. I felt like it was a wasted opportunity. Though, it has more “feeling good” vibe that actually puts you in good mood

    FINE LINE is the closing song. Just like it’s role, it’s longer than the rest and has a closing melodies for the album. I personally think it’s way too long with the same over repeated line. However HS put a good end note through the lyrics that made it good
  17. Dec 24, 2019
    An amazing album that really express true emotional feelings that a lot of albums can’t do these day. It’s not generic pop music about money and or flexing that money,and it most definitely doesn’t **** bi sexual woman or judge anyone for the way they dress,talk, ect. It’s an amazing album and that’s on tpwk!
  18. Dec 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. my favorite track from the album is She. it's so sensual especially the minute long guitar solo. it's my most played song alongside Cherry. Expand
  19. Dec 24, 2019
    Definitely the best album of this year! Harry Styles amazed me with this one! I can't decide which track is my favorite because they are all incredibly amazing. This is what I was waiting for. Fine line deserves a Grammy
  20. Dec 24, 2019
    best mf album to exist all the songs are amazing and i’ve had this on repeat since it came out
  21. Dec 24, 2019
    Lovely! Harry is the best artist of our generation and we are blessed to be able to listen to him!
  22. Dec 24, 2019
    Es el mejor álbum del mundoooooo, se merece todo el reconocimiento. Harry dios
  23. Dec 24, 2019
    all the songs are so good lyrically and sonically. tells a story and the songs actually mean something
  24. Dec 24, 2019
    talented, brilliant, amazing, stupendous, magical makes me incredibly happy yas
  25. Dec 24, 2019
    Such a great album. There is so much you could say about the way Harry projects his emotions, both sad and happy and everything in between. But the most important thing to say is that it is a beautiful experience to look inside what Harry was feeling.
  26. Dec 24, 2019
    Es mi album favorito por excelencia! Tiene tanto canciones movidas y alegres como canciones que te dan ganas de llorar y ponerte melancolico. Las letras son perfectas y la voz del cantante también. A mi gusto,el mejor album del año! #StreamFineLine
  27. Dec 24, 2019
    wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow this is the best album of the decade.
  28. Dec 24, 2019
    this is one of the best records i’ve heard in a while. this album is truly a masterpiece.
  29. Dec 24, 2019
    The music here is absolutely beautiful. Each track is entirely enjoyable and they all stand out for varying reasons. Most notably, "Falling", "Cherry" and "To Be So Lonely" are emotive and melancholic, while showcasing gorgeous vocals and instrumentation. "Fine Line" is expressive and triumphant in its execution and is a fantastic way to cap off a sonic and lyrical journey through theThe music here is absolutely beautiful. Each track is entirely enjoyable and they all stand out for varying reasons. Most notably, "Falling", "Cherry" and "To Be So Lonely" are emotive and melancholic, while showcasing gorgeous vocals and instrumentation. "Fine Line" is expressive and triumphant in its execution and is a fantastic way to cap off a sonic and lyrical journey through the giddiness of new love, the tragedy of love lost and the path to self-acceptance that Mr. Styles has invited his listeners on. Well done! Expand
  30. Dec 24, 2019
    If you want to listen to amazing songs and an amazing singer, this is the right album for you!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 17, 2019
    Free of the shackles that hobbled his debut, Styles manages to show more of his personality here, especially on the Vampire Weekend-style Sunflower, Vol. 6. It's just a shame he can't quite keep up with his ambition. [Feb 2020, p.110]
  2. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line is entirely inoffensive, but it’s also open-ended, and maybe those questions are the reward. Maybe Harry Styles just wants to keep us guessing.
  3. Dec 17, 2019
    Fine Line proves that the musician has absorbed the best lesson passed down by California’s great musicians: Don’t be afraid to take chances within a folk- or pop-rock framework, as that’s how you create iconoclastic music that endures.