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Generally favorable reviews- based on 458 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 76 out of 458
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  1. Nov 8, 2015
    "Delirium" is the least-favourite of all my Ellie Goulding albums. Although the songs tend to be of a wispy and distant nature, which is rarely seen in pop culture, this song was already heard in Selena Gomez's "Revival". The songs also seemed to be in a jumble, without any strong chorus/verse/bridge arrangement which pleased my ears. Other than "Love Me Like You Do", there wasn't any"Delirium" is the least-favourite of all my Ellie Goulding albums. Although the songs tend to be of a wispy and distant nature, which is rarely seen in pop culture, this song was already heard in Selena Gomez's "Revival". The songs also seemed to be in a jumble, without any strong chorus/verse/bridge arrangement which pleased my ears. Other than "Love Me Like You Do", there wasn't any power present in Ellie's voice, which was a great disappointment as Ellie's vocal strength had began to become a icon.

    However, the music did sound okay, but as I mentioned, sounded a little too much of Selena Gomez's "Revival" album and Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" track, which can be found in her "1989" album. Emotions were present in the songs, which is a great improvement from Ellie's previous albums, which tended to lack emotion. However, the lyrics were not unique and some song lyrics were similar to those found in many other pop albums. This was also a disappointment as "Bright Lights" and "Halcyon Days" by Ellie Goulding featured many interesting and unique lyrics unlike those found in generic, mainstream pop music so commonly heard these days.

    "Delirium", the album title, means "hallucinations and illusions". The wispy, distant sound present in Ellie's third studio album sounded as if Ellie was having hallucinations and illusions, which avoided its score from dropping lower as badly-titled album names are nobody's favourite. This album seemed to be targeted at a more mature level, and thus featured dance songs as well as power ballads, which is an improvement from Ellie's earlier work, which seemed to be lacking of both. "Delirium" also seems to be more complete than "Halcyon Days" or "Lights", featuring many more songs that seemed to tell a story.

    If you enjoyed Selena Gomez's "Good For You", Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" and love songs that bring back a good late '80s feel, Ellie Goulding's "Delirium" is the right album for you.
  2. Nov 6, 2015
    Tem algumas músicas que eu não gostei, mas não dá pra agradar todo mundo, o álbum é bom, merece sucesso. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
  3. Nov 6, 2015
    Taking risks, well done Ellie. Halcyon is still better, but damn Delirium is really good for me

    My favourites Keep On Dancing, Don't Need Nobody, Army, Lost and Found, Devotion, Scream It Out, Winner & Heal
  4. Nov 6, 2015
    Fiquei meio sem vontade de ouvir o album todo, julguei pelo single On my mind, que nao gosto nem um pouquinho, mas gente que album MARAVILHOSO, ele é cheio de hinos, meu um hino atras do outro, amei Ellie, acho que as pessoas deveriam apenas ouvir a musica sem julgar pelo artista, as vezes nem ouviram o album e deram 0 por o unico motivo é ser fã de uma FROOTteira ai que (eu amo too), aiFiquei meio sem vontade de ouvir o album todo, julguei pelo single On my mind, que nao gosto nem um pouquinho, mas gente que album MARAVILHOSO, ele é cheio de hinos, meu um hino atras do outro, amei Ellie, acho que as pessoas deveriam apenas ouvir a musica sem julgar pelo artista, as vezes nem ouviram o album e deram 0 por o unico motivo é ser fã de uma FROOTteira ai que (eu amo too), ai gente parece Selenators x Lovatics, vamo pará né! o album ta otimo e é isso que importa Expand
  5. Nov 6, 2015
    Ellie realizó un maravilloso trabajo, evolucionando pero no dejando atrás los maravillosos sonidos de Halcyon y Lights, muchos critican pero no han visto la magnifica evolución en el estilo de Ellie. Este es el mejor album del año aunque muchos se opongan.
  6. Nov 6, 2015
    I couldn't expect less from the queen of united kingdom
    slaying us all with this risky and ambitious album
    marina diamandis is ellie goulding's ****
  7. Nov 6, 2015
    Ellie Goulding's "Delirium" just shows how much he grows emotionally and musically in recent years. By stripping the heavy and gloomy cover of Halcyon diving body and mind in a state of Delirium. Great music and perfect ambiance.
  8. Nov 8, 2015
    REALLY PROUD OF ELLIE!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Nov 8, 2015
    I see so much hate on musicians trying to be mainstream, saying that they're 'selling out' or 'being unoriginal'. Say whatever you want, but 'Delirium' is quite enjoyable. Yes, it's similar with a lot of pop songs nowadays, but what would you expect if most of the songs in 'Delirium' are produced by the same people who produced a lot of massive hits today?
  10. Nov 7, 2015
    British Goddess has one of the best discographies in pop music and this album is not the expection of the rule. She delivered a wonderful solid pop album once again. Her most commercial-oriented album but still great
  11. Nov 6, 2015
    PERFEITO... ESSE ÁLBUM TRANSMITE OS MAIS DIVERSOS SENTIMENTOS QUE UM SER HUMANO PODE SENTIR, músicas bem trabalhadas, vocais bem explorados e letras que vão além... PERFEITO, apenas
  12. Nov 7, 2015
    a perfect combination of beautiful lyrics and catchy melodies. her voice is so strong and diverse and the songs are just so beautiful and alluring. this album is game-changing
  13. Nov 6, 2015
    Eu simplesmente amei o album, a voz dela em sincronia com a voz, faixas como heal, winner, codes, keep on dancin, colocaram o album la pra cima. As musicas são perfeitas, até mesmo faixas com um estilo bem diferente como I do what i love são perfeitas. Ellie arrasou e merece sucesso, algumas pessoas vem aqui criticar pelo simples fato de nao gostarem, nem escutaram. Ela merece todoEu simplesmente amei o album, a voz dela em sincronia com a voz, faixas como heal, winner, codes, keep on dancin, colocaram o album la pra cima. As musicas são perfeitas, até mesmo faixas com um estilo bem diferente como I do what i love são perfeitas. Ellie arrasou e merece sucesso, algumas pessoas vem aqui criticar pelo simples fato de nao gostarem, nem escutaram. Ela merece todo reconhecimento do mundo. Expand
  14. Nov 7, 2015
    When I fist listened "On my mind" I felt like something was wrong with Ellie's new sound. Obviously the one who was wrong it was me. Although "On my mind" doesn't call my attention at the beginning I listened carefuly a pair of times more. That song is what I call "a grower". It makes higher each time you listen to it. "Army" and "Lost and found" were other two tracks we can listenedWhen I fist listened "On my mind" I felt like something was wrong with Ellie's new sound. Obviously the one who was wrong it was me. Although "On my mind" doesn't call my attention at the beginning I listened carefuly a pair of times more. That song is what I call "a grower". It makes higher each time you listen to it. "Army" and "Lost and found" were other two tracks we can listened before the album was released yesterday. Army is just work of art and Lost and Found is **** amazing.

    When I started to listen Delirium I instantly felt in love with the intro that ethnic, orchestral sound is one of the best I've ever heard. Maybe the only track that shouldn't be in the record is "Around U".

    What to say about "Devotion"? I can't stop listening over and over on repeat. This album breaks totally with Lights' style and follows in the perfect way the rhythm of Halcyon. One of the best recordings of 2015 is Delirium without a doubt
  15. Nov 7, 2015
    What I admire most about Miss Ellie is her tenacity. She is so brave. Brave enough to be herself in a world where everyone wants to be someone else. Delirium is just amazing!
  16. Nov 7, 2015
    This album is a masterpiece. Yes this sound is more commercial and poppy then Ellie's past albums... But that's the goal she was amazing for. Delirium takes you to Ellie's world of pop. The music is almost like another dimension since the production sounds so grand. Don't hate this album because it's "not ellie." It is Ellie and she sounds the most comfortable she's ever been. Songs likeThis album is a masterpiece. Yes this sound is more commercial and poppy then Ellie's past albums... But that's the goal she was amazing for. Delirium takes you to Ellie's world of pop. The music is almost like another dimension since the production sounds so grand. Don't hate this album because it's "not ellie." It is Ellie and she sounds the most comfortable she's ever been. Songs like lost and found, aftertaste, and don't panic are highlights. Buy this album. Expand
  17. Nov 6, 2015
    Realmente no se que pensar de las personas que esperaban un "Halcyon 2.0", quienes desde hace un tiempo seguimos la música de Ellie Goulding sabemos que ella cambia de estilo con cada álbum. En mi opinión no bajó la calidad de su música, solo cambió radicalmente su estilo, lo cual es bastante normal en los artistas pop de la actualidad. Me hubiese sentido un poco decepcionado si hubieseRealmente no se que pensar de las personas que esperaban un "Halcyon 2.0", quienes desde hace un tiempo seguimos la música de Ellie Goulding sabemos que ella cambia de estilo con cada álbum. En mi opinión no bajó la calidad de su música, solo cambió radicalmente su estilo, lo cual es bastante normal en los artistas pop de la actualidad. Me hubiese sentido un poco decepcionado si hubiese mantenido el mismo estilo de la era "Halcyon" durante un par de años más. Estoy sorprendido con varias criticas -bastante rudas- de algunas personas, pero estoy bastante orgulloso de ella por haberse arriesgado tanto, todo es cuestión de gustos y me alegra que mis gustos sean lo suficientemente amplios como para escuchar a la Ellie Goulding de "Lights" a la de "Halcyon" y a la de "Delirium" sin ningún tipo de problema. #Proud Expand
  18. Nov 8, 2015
    A perfect combination of beautiful lyrics and catchy melodies. Definitely on my favourites this year so far, deserves great success and recognition, for it is a spectacular artist.
  19. Nov 6, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As much as I love Ellie, I can't help but feel disappointed with Delirium. A lot of the songs lack emotion and are just basic and plane. But not everything is lost, there are some beautiful and polished gems on this album that could perfectly fit into one of her two previous records, like; "Lost and Found" or "Intro/Aftertaste". Some songs like "Don't Panic" or "I Do What I Love" could be amazing if it wasn't for the way she sings those songs :( Expand
  20. Nov 6, 2015
    While this album is the most commercially friendly that Ellie has put out, it certainly does not mean that it is a bad album. Now, from a personal stand-point, I do find it to be a bit monotonous, in the way that the melodies are all very upbeat and positive - it gets a bit tiring after a while, and especially with such a long album (25 tracks with all bonus tracks included). But thisWhile this album is the most commercially friendly that Ellie has put out, it certainly does not mean that it is a bad album. Now, from a personal stand-point, I do find it to be a bit monotonous, in the way that the melodies are all very upbeat and positive - it gets a bit tiring after a while, and especially with such a long album (25 tracks with all bonus tracks included). But this album is a good album, but especially so because it shows that Ellie is happy. Should we, her fans, only be happy if she is unhappy and writing songs that display emotions as such? I don't believe that we should limit her creativity in such a way - if she is happy and wants to write songs about being so, then that should be exactly what her focus is. And that is clear to see on this album. While, this album does lack a bit of the strange and uniqueness that her first two were abundant in, it still is a quality album. Sure, is there a whole lot of thinking that needs to happen in order to understand what is going on in the songs? Not really. Does it take a lot of effort to enjoy the music, lyrically that is? Not so much. But it's a fun, dance-pop album that is good for this time of year when people tend to be less happy. Overall, I would say that this album is one that shows Ellie is in a good place, and that's really what matters, isn't it?

    Tracks to pay attention to: Codes, Don't Need Nobody, Army, Lost And Found, Scream It Out, Heal, Two Years Ago
  21. Nov 6, 2015
    Geart album, Ellie is amazing, I love every song specially Don't need nobody. She change her style and that was great, her beat is sick and completely amzaing
  22. Nov 7, 2015
    Even though some songs that are not very good, but in all, the album is too good. Deserves great success and recognition, for it is a spectacular artist.
  23. Nov 6, 2015
    She change her style and that was great, definitely one of 2015's strongest pop albums! The album shows Ellie's growth as an artist, I've been a fan since Halcyon. I'm so proud of her
  24. Nov 6, 2015
    Me da tanta lastima ver comentarios de algunos "fans" de artistas que no voy a nombrar, poniendole un 0 al disco sin ni siquiera haberlo escuchado adivinen que, tratando de denigrar a Ellie no van a conseguir que sus "artistas" tengan ni más reconocimiento, ni más talento así que deberían preocuparse más de que sus artistas hagan buena música que andar insultando a otros.
    Hablando del
    Me da tanta lastima ver comentarios de algunos "fans" de artistas que no voy a nombrar, poniendole un 0 al disco sin ni siquiera haberlo escuchado adivinen que, tratando de denigrar a Ellie no van a conseguir que sus "artistas" tengan ni más reconocimiento, ni más talento así que deberían preocuparse más de que sus artistas hagan buena música que andar insultando a otros.
    Hablando del disco, tiene una calidad impresionante, una mezcla de ritmos característica de Ellie haciendo la misma música espectacular, si bien ella ha cambiado su ritmo aquí demuestra su capacidad para incursionar en cualquier ritmo, grán disco aparte de bailable tiene las clásicas canciones folk/indie que son netamente ritmos muy característicos de Goulding.
  25. Nov 6, 2015
    Delirium is just soooo perfect! I have no words to describe how good it is! It was totally worth the wait!! I've been listening to it over and over since it came out and every time I listen I'm more certain that it's beyond amazing
  26. Nov 6, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The DELIRIUM INTRO snatched me.This album is the best thing I've listened so far I freaking love it. Ellie did a very outstanding work with this record. The sounds are excellent combined with Ellie's holiest voice. Buy it!!! The deluxe version is also great. Expand
  27. Nov 6, 2015
    Omg I loved this album! It's not her best but I really liked her new style, it's a nice kind of pop, and please haters don't give this a negative review just because it's radio friendly. Stop being so stupid. Faves: Codes, I Do What I Love and Something In The Way You Move.
  28. Nov 6, 2015
    The album have more pop than her other works, but is still as good as they are. It's full of emotions, reactions and ouflows. Honestly, this is amazing! One of the best pop albums of the year, doubtless.
  29. Nov 7, 2015
    Ela, sendo cantora das musicas do Halcyon, a gente sempre espera mais. Porém o album não é ruim, é OTIMO! eu amei mesmo assim, tem uma ou outra musica que não presta, mas que album não é assim ne não? adorei ellie
  30. Nov 6, 2015
    Queria dedicar meu 10 à minha amiga Caiki, que me juntou com minha alma gêmea. Caiki além de ter bom gosto é casamenteiro. O que dizer do Delirium? Dizer que é top 5 dos melhores albuns do ano é pouco? Acho que não! Melhores músicas: Todas menos Something In The Way You move (faixa que pisa no album de uma cantora que vende frutas e não comparece em compromissos "hello lollapaloozaQueria dedicar meu 10 à minha amiga Caiki, que me juntou com minha alma gêmea. Caiki além de ter bom gosto é casamenteiro. O que dizer do Delirium? Dizer que é top 5 dos melhores albuns do ano é pouco? Acho que não! Melhores músicas: Todas menos Something In The Way You move (faixa que pisa no album de uma cantora que vende frutas e não comparece em compromissos "hello lollapalooza brasil". Enfim, album hinário e que tem os dois futuros hits aka "Don't Need Nobody" e Keep On Dancin'. Minha critica é essa, e quem não gostou deita na BR pra ver se passa. Expand
  31. Nov 6, 2015
    Me surpreendeu. Eu realmente não esperava muito desse álbum devido o que vinha sendo divulgado antes, e o fato de que claramente seria um álbum mais pop que os anteriores. Mas me enganei, está muito bom, divino, sim, as músicas estão bem no estilo popular, hit, mas mesmo assim estão sublimes, tem um equilíbrio nisso, tá bem divertido de se escutar, e como a própria Ellie disse, é pra genteMe surpreendeu. Eu realmente não esperava muito desse álbum devido o que vinha sendo divulgado antes, e o fato de que claramente seria um álbum mais pop que os anteriores. Mas me enganei, está muito bom, divino, sim, as músicas estão bem no estilo popular, hit, mas mesmo assim estão sublimes, tem um equilíbrio nisso, tá bem divertido de se escutar, e como a própria Ellie disse, é pra gente dançar. Enfim é um álbum alegre, leve, feito pra curtir mesmo... Recomendo!! Expand
  32. Nov 6, 2015
    OMG!!! This record is excellent. I was waiting for her release and it's finally out. Besides the deluxe edition is so great. I've been a fan since Lights and this is one of her best. Buy it!
  33. Nov 7, 2015
    Delirium is the third studio album by English powerhouse singer/songwriter Ellie Goulding. Here's a track by track review:

    1. Intro: The haunting production and Ellie's marvelous voice screaming at the end. The way it connects to Aftertaste. The way it perfectly sets the mood for the album. EVerything about this works. 2. Aftertaste: The loud production at the beginning and Ellie's
    Delirium is the third studio album by English powerhouse singer/songwriter Ellie Goulding. Here's a track by track review:

    1. Intro: The haunting production and Ellie's marvelous voice screaming at the end. The way it connects to Aftertaste. The way it perfectly sets the mood for the album. EVerything about this works.

    2. Aftertaste: The loud production at the beginning and Ellie's confidence in the lyrics make this cut a very enjoyable one. It feels like a blend of the Lights and Halcyon sounds. The chorus will be a killer singalong in concert. 9.

    3. Something in the Way you Move: Personally, i really love this cut. It's so different than anything Ellie's done before, yet it captures the soul of what she does perfectly. Its lyrics are particularly dark and nice, and the chorus is infectious. 9.

    4. Keep on Dancin': Perfect song for drivin around and singing along. The production from Ryan Tedder is the usual perfection. Goulding's delivery is sensual and fun. 8.

    5.On My Mind: the lead single off this delirium project, was a great introduction of what to be expected. Great song, that's instantly catchy and fun, especially with that amazing guitar riff. I dare you not to sing along to that hook! 8.5.

    6. Around U: "So tired of these roads going nowhere/ But I know your love takes me somewhere". A bubbly catchy song that I think is a bit forgettable. Not as strong as the first 5 tracks. Still good tho. 6.5.

    7. Codes: You know when you hear a song and you instantly know it's a great one? 'Codes' is like that. It's very beautiful and not-generic. Sounds a bit like Taylor Swift, but why should that be a bad thing? Her delivery is a killer. 9.

    8. Holding On For Life: A strongly beautifully performed song. The production is shiny and the piano is slick. Her vocals hit hard (as usual). This one is the type of song you keep in your playlist. 8.5.

    9. Love Me Like You Do: You haven't been living on earth if you haven't listened to this song at least 50 times over the passed year. Beautiful song (and you know it). 8.

    10. Don't Need Nobody: Another infectious track (made for commercial reasons). The auto-tune in the chorus sounds good. 7.5.


    12. We Can't Move This: a very catchy song on point with a super great production. The second verse is so freakin strong. 8.

    13. Army: is a song i can personally relate to and is where the album truly explodes. Reminds me so much of her Halcyon sound which was such a great thing to listen to. 10.

    14. Lost and Found: another throwback, but this time, it's from the Lights era. Everything about this song works. An obvious single choice. 10.

    15. Devotion: When the song first starts, you think "Oh wow, another Lights song". And then everything changes, and it sounds nothing like Lights. In a good way. A heartfelt letter from Ellie to possibly anyone whom she cares about. Beautiful one. 8.

    16. Scream it Out: Such a great closer to a commercial heavy-pop album. Closes the album on a likeable note in which vulnerable Ellie admits "I always had a thing for silence, but lately I need a voice I recognize". A stand-out. 9.

    All in all, we can say that Ellie really did come out of her comfort zone after all, headed for the big commercial sounds, enlisting the help of the biggers producers in the game, but the core of what she does didn't change. A change of sound is healthy (umm, Taylor Swift?) and it works perfectly for Ellie. Delirium is a win.
  34. Nov 6, 2015
    She said she has deliberately made a much more pop album, but the album sounds like a great exercise of commerciality and quality in the way a grown up would do it, without pretentions and delivering the best results. Great album.
  35. Nov 6, 2015
    Oh this holy record snatched me so bad. I knew I'd need a couple of wigs so I could go through listening to this masterpiece. When will the other girls gonna do it? Buy it!!! Definitely on my favourites this year so far, actually this is the best!!!
  36. Feb 5, 2016
    Eu particulamente prefiro a Ellie do alternativo, mas o Delirium me surpreendeu, "The Greatest" é minha favorita, nesse CD, a Goulding entrega composições e o mais importante, originalidade, assim como em "Halcyon Days", com certeza merece muito mais reconhecimento, é uma mistura da Ellie do alternativo com a Ellie do pop, e não é que deu certo? "On My Mind" foi uma ótima escolha deEu particulamente prefiro a Ellie do alternativo, mas o Delirium me surpreendeu, "The Greatest" é minha favorita, nesse CD, a Goulding entrega composições e o mais importante, originalidade, assim como em "Halcyon Days", com certeza merece muito mais reconhecimento, é uma mistura da Ellie do alternativo com a Ellie do pop, e não é que deu certo? "On My Mind" foi uma ótima escolha de single, mas "Love Me Like You Do" é o carro-chefe, como um todo, só existe uma palavra para definir esse álbum, MARAVILHOSO! Expand
  37. Nov 29, 2015
    Delirium is a mix of great songs. The production is good. The bad thing? Almost every song focuses on production rather than Ellie's beautiful and unique voice. I think the album is overproduced and lacks of instant hits like her previous albums. Almost every song is good, but not amazing nor unique. You can tell Max Martin produced a big bunch on the album and it sounds similar to 1989Delirium is a mix of great songs. The production is good. The bad thing? Almost every song focuses on production rather than Ellie's beautiful and unique voice. I think the album is overproduced and lacks of instant hits like her previous albums. Almost every song is good, but not amazing nor unique. You can tell Max Martin produced a big bunch on the album and it sounds similar to 1989 from Taylor Swift. There's not hits like "lights" "anything could happen" or "burn" here or something that memorable. I still enjoy listening to the album and i think this effort is cohesive but definitely not her best. Expand
  38. Jan 2, 2017
    Esse é sem dúvida o melhor álbum da Ellie! Ouvi tudo calmamente e busquei sentir o que a música passava. Me apaixonei perdidamente pela melodia e pela voz dessa incrível cantora. Músicas como Heal e Two Years Ago mereciam ser listadas como músicas do ano ou da vida. Elas músicas me fazem viver na minha mente tudo que não vivi de verdade. A Ellie é um sonho!
  39. Aug 11, 2019
    Such a great album, oh my goooooodness Ellie! You are so amazing, this album is pop perfection
  40. Nov 9, 2015
    Ellie Goulding is a massive talent, but people haven't seen it yet. Her voice is fully naked and this means to be a great singer, although her lives sound almost with the studio. Go Ellie! I can't wait to see you highly!
  41. Nov 9, 2015
    A great piece of work from Ellie Goulding. Very good album, I very much liked it. The lyrics were amazing, she has a great voice and is very talented!
  42. Nov 9, 2015
    "Delirium" is truly a beautiful album with many great songs. Her voice is un-human is a good way! All the songs are strong and fit with each other perfectly.
  43. Nov 10, 2015
    Far from a masterpiece but Delirium isn't bad, at all. On Delirium, Ellie does seem to experiment with a new sound of pop and figure out what songs work and which don't for her personality and voice. Though in some songs, you can hear some past dream-pop influences, that Ellie's been recognized (and praised!) for from her past albums, incorporated into them. Not the type of pop album IFar from a masterpiece but Delirium isn't bad, at all. On Delirium, Ellie does seem to experiment with a new sound of pop and figure out what songs work and which don't for her personality and voice. Though in some songs, you can hear some past dream-pop influences, that Ellie's been recognized (and praised!) for from her past albums, incorporated into them. Not the type of pop album I expected but it's decent and after a few more listens, it'll probably grow on me.

    Some highlights would be: "Aftertaste", "Something In The Way You Move", "Lost and Found", "Devotion"
  44. Nov 9, 2015
    It's rare finding an album where all the tracks are good and has no fillers. Good Album. It's full of catchy melodies, fun rhythms and beats, and Ellie often has an appealing voice in her songs.
  45. Nov 9, 2015
    The songs get slightly weaker as you go down the album, but still great for a repeat listen. The production is lush and wonderful, and the songwriting is generally quite good.
  46. Nov 9, 2015
    The album is incredible. Thank you Ellie. There are 22 tracks on Album and seriously all of them are amazing. But my favorite track is Paradise... it's not only one of the best albums of the year but it's also one of the best albums of all the time
  47. Nov 9, 2015
    REALLY PROUD OF HER! You could argue some of what made her unique has been ironed out, but there are too many singalong moments here to really notice.
  48. Nov 9, 2015
    I love completely 25 tracks that are in the album, is very different to her other albums, but is ok, is good and is an albums that sounds very happy :D
  49. Nov 17, 2015
    This album is literally perfection. If you think so otherwise, please take a minute to listen to these songs while reading the lyrics, and understanding the musical arrangement.
  50. Nov 9, 2015
    Ellie took a risk by fully embracing pop and synthpop, yet she did it well. The album is filled with potential hits with one catchy song after another. Even though the album is slightly more commercial than Ellie's previous offerings, her characteristic sound is still present in the songs, most notably "Lost and Found", which reminds of a mix of her "Lights" and "Halcyon" days. PotentialEllie took a risk by fully embracing pop and synthpop, yet she did it well. The album is filled with potential hits with one catchy song after another. Even though the album is slightly more commercial than Ellie's previous offerings, her characteristic sound is still present in the songs, most notably "Lost and Found", which reminds of a mix of her "Lights" and "Halcyon" days. Potential singles are "Aftertaste", "Something In the Way You Move", "Codes" and "Army", which are some of the highlights of the album, as are "Don't Need Nobody" and "Don't Panic". Overall, this is a great pop album that is as inviting to Ellie's fans as it is to the general public. Expand
  51. Nov 9, 2015
    For me this is her best album so far, is ful of songs that don't sound generic, each song have something special, and i know that it's her most pop album, but idc she is having fun!
  52. Nov 10, 2015
    the production is impeccable, "Clean Pop" Ellie has invented her own genre of music, along with her distinctive voice and clever lyrics, a triumph!!!
  53. Nov 9, 2015
    Ellie never fails. Definitely one of the best pop albums of the year. Great melodies; fresh and addictive in the best way without being pretentious. This is Ellie Goulding doing what she does best: great pop songs. A huge package for those who loves this genre. For everyone saying that Ellie sold herself to the mainstream, she was mainstream before, the diference is that now she is moreEllie never fails. Definitely one of the best pop albums of the year. Great melodies; fresh and addictive in the best way without being pretentious. This is Ellie Goulding doing what she does best: great pop songs. A huge package for those who loves this genre. For everyone saying that Ellie sold herself to the mainstream, she was mainstream before, the diference is that now she is more happy and confident. Expand
  54. Nov 10, 2015
    Great comeback! Not the type of pop album I expected but it's decent and after a few more listens, it'll probably grow on me. Happy for her! +++++++++++++++++++++
  55. Nov 10, 2015
    Love it! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++´++++++++++++++++++++++++
  56. Nov 11, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Se a proposta da Ellie era lançar um bom album dance pop, ela conseguiu! O grande erro foi lançar "On My Mind" como single, com tantas músicas ótimas no album ela lança essa música chata e repetitiva com primeiro single foi um grande erro... Enfim, o álbum está ótimo e não deixa em desejar em nada entre os seus anteriores! Expand
  57. Nov 11, 2015
    O álbum veio fazer o que a ellie prometeu: POP. Se as alices e marinetes queriam um indie ou alternativo certamente não acompanham as entrevistas dela. O cd não é o melhor dela mas não é um lixo sonoro como muitos estão achando. Um pop delicioso e bom. Tem faixas que nem mereciam tá ali mas é aquele ditado vamo fazer o que. No mais: THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  58. Nov 11, 2015
    With the deep and soulful tracks of Halcyon, Ellie Goulding goes in pop full force. With high expectations on her third studio album, Ellie Goulding once again takes the prize with Delirium. With her unique vocals and exceptionally catchy tracks, Ellie runs for top pop diva. She's taken quite the risk, and that risk has payed off well. She chants in 'Don't Panic' "I've got big dreams baby"With the deep and soulful tracks of Halcyon, Ellie Goulding goes in pop full force. With high expectations on her third studio album, Ellie Goulding once again takes the prize with Delirium. With her unique vocals and exceptionally catchy tracks, Ellie runs for top pop diva. She's taken quite the risk, and that risk has payed off well. She chants in 'Don't Panic' "I've got big dreams baby" and those big dreams for her are becoming a strong reality. With the deep and sultry track of "Keep On Dancin" to the upbeat tracks of "Holding On For Life", "Aftertaste" and "We Can't Move to This" Get ready to get on your feet dancing to her songs and to get them stuck in your head as she dominates the pop charts. Expand
  59. Nov 11, 2015
    Such a great pop album! I feel every track, it's simply wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People are saying she turned into a pop artist, but she was ALWAYS a pop artist. Good to see her growing.
  60. Nov 13, 2015
    The album war really good! I'ts verry different from others and I love it! Also the intro of the album (Delirium) was perfect. Another thing that I like about the album is that it has 22 tracks! I understand thats it's an long play album but other artists have only 10 tracks in a LP (Long Play)
  61. Nov 11, 2015
    I love the dancey and funny vibe from this album. I am in love with this. Every song has its own magic and the music is so catchy! Overall is a great album. Fun, pop... Almost perfect! I love Don't need nobody, Paradise, Keep on Dancing, Aftertaste, Codes!! Devotion... every song is enjoyable. The only thing I hate is... I Do What i Love and Around U
  62. Nov 15, 2015
    This album is not quite the things we're used to listen from Ellie Goulding, but she has been through folk, electronic and now pop and it's honestly flawless. Everyday "Delirium" grows and I suggest "Keep On Dancin" as the next single.
  63. Nov 17, 2015
    I don't understand why some people are giving a low score to this amazing album. The vocals of Ellie are absolutely spectacular and the songs in the album are great. An incredibly fantastic album from her.
  64. Nov 25, 2015
    Ellie Goulding has delivered one of the strongest pop albums of the year. Fueled by beat and rhythm, she makes herself a force to be reckoned with within the music industry. This is only the very beginning of Goulding's imperial era. Any number of these songs could be singles, which is what makes the album so strong. It is filled with pop hit after pop hit, each of them epitomizing theEllie Goulding has delivered one of the strongest pop albums of the year. Fueled by beat and rhythm, she makes herself a force to be reckoned with within the music industry. This is only the very beginning of Goulding's imperial era. Any number of these songs could be singles, which is what makes the album so strong. It is filled with pop hit after pop hit, each of them epitomizing the genre. Ellie's lyricaism is so clear, the listener can figure out exactly what she is feeling with each song. However, some of the songs are to similar, and blend into each other, especially the bonus tracks. Also, the album runs on far too long. The delux tracks are not strong enough to be included, and it can feel like a chore to sit down and listen to the whole thing. Nevertheless, Ellie Goulding delivers her best album yet.

    Highlights: Keep on Dancin,' Around U, Army, Scream it Out
  65. Nov 7, 2015
    I don't understand the negative reviews. This album is the first Ellie Goulding's album I actually like (I've heard Lights and Halcyon). Those two are indie pop albums and this is much more pop than indie, it's like Taylor Swift's 1989, and it actually worked well for me.

    Then you got the completely forgettable songs that you don't even mind about them.
  66. Nov 17, 2015
    Without a doubt "Delirum" is a masterpiece. Rarely does an artist spill their heart onto an album, and make it pleasurable for the listener, it includes up-beat meaningful tunes that pull on emotional cords, all combined with a magical voice. Congrants Ellie.
  67. Nov 20, 2015
    Delirium não é inovador, mas mesmo assim consegue unir sonoridades positivas e diversificadas, além de uma apresentação satisfatória para se causar uma boa primeira impressão.
  68. Nov 17, 2015
    This is the best album of this year so far. All of the songs here are well-written and full of emotion that the audience can easily relate themselves to. With an instant classic and Grammy-nominated potential album.
  69. Nov 23, 2015
    A great predecessor to her smash breaking album "Halcyon" Her voice has gained so much depth from the last album and able to transcend the lyrics further, it is so surreal. There really is nothing Ellie can't do.
  70. Nov 23, 2015
    My favourite artists are songwriters, storytellers who go on a journey in a piece of music and in the album's they create, allowing us to feel his/her sensuous road of human conviction. Ellie has given us a piece of herself, identifying her truth and connection from within.
  71. Nov 23, 2015
    I really really really like this album. It's definitely one of my favourite albums of 2015. I haven't always been the biggest Ellie fan; honestly, I thought her songs got boring quite after a while since they all sounded the same. It's not the case with this album. I really like most of the songs, and they're all pretty different, and each has a special element that distinguishes it fromI really really really like this album. It's definitely one of my favourite albums of 2015. I haven't always been the biggest Ellie fan; honestly, I thought her songs got boring quite after a while since they all sounded the same. It's not the case with this album. I really like most of the songs, and they're all pretty different, and each has a special element that distinguishes it from the other. Expand
  72. Dec 15, 2015
    One might say she went too mainstream since the beginning of her career. And that's correct. But she wanted to do so, so we can't blame her. Specially when she delivers pop bangers like On My Mind, Keep On Dancin' and Devotion.
  73. Nov 23, 2015
    It is an album worthy to be called a successor of a magnum opus. It can even be called a magnum opus 2. Some would bother with a cliche and would complain that Ellie Goulding hasn't changed her sound but the real thing is, she really did change.
  74. Nov 26, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Delirium" name of album make no sense, but all negative, fill you with strong lyrics, catchy pop, folk and electro music. My favorite song is Devotion, because I think most interesting, different and suprisingly unique UK Garage style. I love all album! Thank you Ellie so much! Expand
  75. Nov 23, 2015
    Ellie mais uma vez consegue nos surpreender com um albúm impecável repleto de composições maravilhosamente entrosadas com sentimentos, sofisticação e emoção.
  76. Nov 23, 2015
    As you hear it the first time you feel something is missing, but as hear it more and more it feels just the a gift keeps on giving, Delirium is an album for all-times.
  77. Nov 23, 2015
    Primeiramente, quero dizer que Ellie fez um disco fantástico e maravilhoso. Sou fã do trabalho dela e só tenho tido orgulho ultimamente. Esse é o seu melhor trabalho, vemos o quão as letras estão bem trabalhadas e as canções super bem produzidas. Parabéns pra Ellie que se superou!!!
    Delirium é o álbum do ano!!!
  78. Nov 14, 2015
    All in all, as a pop album, I think this one is okay. It shows her trying out different pop styles and sub-genres. Some efforts like "Codes" and "Don't Panic" work better than the others. It's all really heavy on the beats and I can sense that the album is trying to be as loud and as big as it can be. I'm grateful for this album for giving me some fresh and really catchy pop songs toAll in all, as a pop album, I think this one is okay. It shows her trying out different pop styles and sub-genres. Some efforts like "Codes" and "Don't Panic" work better than the others. It's all really heavy on the beats and I can sense that the album is trying to be as loud and as big as it can be. I'm grateful for this album for giving me some fresh and really catchy pop songs to listen to, but I'm just puzzled at the number of tracks. Listening to it from start to finish, I felt like filler songs were inserted in between the good ones and I couldn't help but wonder how much more awesome and hard-hitting this album would have been if there were fewer tracks in it. Expand
  79. Nov 30, 2015
    I'm lucky I went into "Delirium" skeptical about its ability to top its predecessor "Halcyon", because if I had expected otherwise I might be giving it a very different review. Halcyon was a flood of emotions everywhere, with the gorgeous orchestration and depressing yet deep lyrics that rivaled Goulding's fellow countrywoman Florence Welch.

    Delirium has none of that, save maybe album
    I'm lucky I went into "Delirium" skeptical about its ability to top its predecessor "Halcyon", because if I had expected otherwise I might be giving it a very different review. Halcyon was a flood of emotions everywhere, with the gorgeous orchestration and depressing yet deep lyrics that rivaled Goulding's fellow countrywoman Florence Welch.

    Delirium has none of that, save maybe album standouts "Holding on for Life", which could easily be seen as a little cousin to Halcyon's "My Blood", and similar production (but totally dissimilar themes) on the platonic love ballad "Army". But what it does have is a youthful energy and excitement for Ellie was too trapped in her depression to express on Halcyon. "Lost and Found", which wouldn't have sounded out of place on her debut record Lights, is a prime example of this.

    Yet on the contrary, it's also incredibly mature compared to recent pop releases. She's not "shaking off" haters or making up step-by-step processes to create the perfect happily ever after like Taylor Swift. She's not begging for attention like Ariana Grande, or engaging in childish relationships that only give her that "same old love" like Selena Gomez.

    With the standard edition having an intro and then 15 full tracks, I can understand why the deluxe might seem over the top. But the bonus tracks contain some of the highlights, like production from Kiwi indie pop god Joel Little (probably best known for Lorde's Pure Heroine album) on The Greatest and Paradise, and a fascinating, hypnotic job from Disclosure on Heal, easily one of my favorite songs to come out all year.

    As I said at the beginning of my review, don't go in expecting another Halcyon. But do go in expecting a solid pop album.

    Key tracks (standard): Keep on Dancin', Codes, Holding on for Life, Army, Lost and Found, Scream it Out
    Deluxe: The Greatest, Paradise, Heal
  80. Nov 27, 2015
    Reminiscent of Taylor Swift's 1989, yet distinct enough to push Goulding into the mainstream. She proves her dance pop capabilities with "Around U" to mid-tempo ballads like "Scream It Out" and "Army". Favorite tracks: "Aftertaste", "Lost and Found", and "Don't Panic".
  81. Dec 4, 2015


  82. Dec 17, 2015
    Delirium is absolutely perfect, although the first single is a letdown. The quality of each song is fabulous, but ppl just can't stop comparing it to her previous two albums -- she said this one was completely different, this was an experiment! Just stop comparing and listen to it carefully!
  83. Jul 9, 2018
    Good record at all. I am waiting for her fourth studio album and hope it comes out soon.
  84. Jul 27, 2016
    Okay, I'm changing my rating to an 8. The first time I heard Delirium, I was pretty disappointed. It sounded like Ellie was selling out and going as mainstream as she possibly could. After listening a few more times, this album has definitely grown on me, and I think that even though Ellie has lost some of her original indie appeal, I can't fault her that much when the music is this good.Okay, I'm changing my rating to an 8. The first time I heard Delirium, I was pretty disappointed. It sounded like Ellie was selling out and going as mainstream as she possibly could. After listening a few more times, this album has definitely grown on me, and I think that even though Ellie has lost some of her original indie appeal, I can't fault her that much when the music is this good. Honestly, these are great dance pop songs, and this album is full of banger after banger. Ellie said that she wanted to go for her big pop album, and it really seems like she nailed it. It's a long album (21 tracks on the deluxe edition), but it's surprisingly consistent, with great hooks and melodies all the way through. There are 6 or so tracks I'm not too thrilled with, but that still leaves 15 which are good, and about half of those are excellent. So overall, it's fun, catchy, makes you want to dance, and is pretty much exactly what you'd hope for in a pop album.

    Standout tracks: Codes, Don't Need Nobody, Paradise
  85. Feb 1, 2016
    There is no true Ellie on most songs on this album. It lacks this beautiful mood, which was before. So I am obliged to wait for her next album. I hope it will be cool.
  86. Feb 17, 2016
    Not her best album, but still pretty good. On My Mind and Army are good songs, that are catchy. I know I will listen to this album again and again. Nothing will ever come close to Lights or Halcyon though. Those were golden albums and I will remember them forever.
  87. Nov 2, 2018
    Despite having over 20 songs, Delirium is one of the most consistent pop albums I have ever heard in my life. With great vocals and upbeat production Ellie has made a great dance-pop album. Favourites include Love Me Like You Do, Codes, The Greatest, Keep on Dancin and Lost & Found
  88. Jun 16, 2017
    Love love love this album. It's even better live.

    Best Song(s):
    On My Mind
    Holding on for Life
    Keep On Dancin'

    Worst Song(s):
  89. Dec 19, 2016
    Delirium is a very strong album as a whole. I do not think that listening to the tracks once over does it justice. Listen to each song a few times for it to do its magic.

    Firstly, "Intro" is such a nice phase from Halcyon into Delirium, and it carry's into my favorite song on the album very well, "Aftertaste", which is vocally great, and the lyrics are pretty solid too. I really like
    Delirium is a very strong album as a whole. I do not think that listening to the tracks once over does it justice. Listen to each song a few times for it to do its magic.

    Firstly, "Intro" is such a nice phase from Halcyon into Delirium, and it carry's into my favorite song on the album very well, "Aftertaste", which is vocally great, and the lyrics are pretty solid too. I really like the chorus and the backing track to the song, its new for Ellie, and I have not heard any other song similar, which is quite hard to do for a pop artist. "Something in the way you move" is another strong song on the album, It fits well with the pop album. Its very strong, and different, which I think the pop charts does lack. On my mind, Codes, Holding on for life and We cant move to this are very catchy and they all would/have made great singles. Sadly, codes was not chosen. Keep on dancin is a stunning futuristic song too, it is very different from anything on the album, but is so well placed in the album. Devotion is also a beautiful song, however I really enjoy the live version far more, it shows the rawness and emotion put into the lyrics, and how cynical the song is, which I dont really feel is present from the pop based sped up version on the album. Overall, I really do think this is one of Ellies strongest albums. I still think i like Halcyon Days more, but every song on "Delirium" makes you feel really good, its such an amazing pop album.
  90. Jun 9, 2017
    Desde la intro hasta el final, este álbum es increíble, te transporta a diferentes recuerdos con cada canción, te inspira a ser mejor, y que no siempre se gana pero eso no significa que estas derrumbado por completo.
  91. Jun 18, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El hijo de Lights y Halcyon.
    Se nota que Ellie evolucionó emocionalmente y musicalmente y se hace notar en cada canción haciéndonos experimentar distintas sensaciones tales como tristes, superación, felicidad, etc...
    Simplemente arte musical.
  92. Jul 25, 2017
    Хороший альбом. Большинство песен "зашли". Правда оригинальное звучание Элли на этой записи закончилось - всё-таки решила идти по пути с коммерцией и поп-влиянием. Не скажу, что плохо, но и не так хорошо. Её индивидуальность всё равно проглядывается сквозь поп-биты Keep On Dancin` и Don`t Need Nobody. Каждый артист должен меняться и расти со временем. Изменения вижу, а рост нет)Хороший альбом. Большинство песен "зашли". Правда оригинальное звучание Элли на этой записи закончилось - всё-таки решила идти по пути с коммерцией и поп-влиянием. Не скажу, что плохо, но и не так хорошо. Её индивидуальность всё равно проглядывается сквозь поп-биты Keep On Dancin` и Don`t Need Nobody. Каждый артист должен меняться и расти со временем. Изменения вижу, а рост нет)
  93. Oct 13, 2017
    This album us actually the best pop album of 2015 sparing emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen. Every song is sick and fresh but a tad unoriginal. Best songs on the album: Lost and Found, Two Years Ago, On My Mind, Codes, Don't Need Nobody.
  94. Mar 3, 2018
    Ellie Goulding is so talented. The best song of the album are:
    Something In The Way You Move
    On My Mind
    Holding On For Life
    Love Me Like You Do
    Don´t Panic
    We Can´t Move To This
    Lost And Found
    The Greatest
  95. Jun 26, 2018
    In my opinion,this is album is a very good for a "experiment".This is album deserved much more investment and recognition. Again in my opinion, this album is absolutely better than "Bright Lights" for sure. For an "experiment" according to Ellie herself, it did very well.
  96. Feb 10, 2019
    Delirium de Ellie Goulding, en mi caso me compré la versión Deluxe que incluía más temas que en el original al mismo precio. He escuchado este disco en el coche, en el móvil y en el ordenador decenas de veces, y es fabuloso de verdad, no me canso de escucharlo. Temas fantásticos cómo; Codes, Holding on for life, Devotion... entre otros. Le doy un 10 sobre 10. Mi primera crítica u/o reviewDelirium de Ellie Goulding, en mi caso me compré la versión Deluxe que incluía más temas que en el original al mismo precio. He escuchado este disco en el coche, en el móvil y en el ordenador decenas de veces, y es fabuloso de verdad, no me canso de escucharlo. Temas fantásticos cómo; Codes, Holding on for life, Devotion... entre otros. Le doy un 10 sobre 10. Mi primera crítica u/o review de la sección de Music. Expand
  97. Aug 16, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el primer álbum de Ellie en llegar a los dos mil millones de streams en Spotify, recomiendo Lost and Found y Holding on for Life Expand
  98. Jul 18, 2020
    the transition from her past work to this it's unbelievable, Goulding could be a great pop star but keeping her essence as songwriter, something that the actual pop stars doesn't have.
  99. Jul 5, 2020
    omg amamos el mejor labum pop de ellie goulding dejo el alternativo para hacer pop y demostrar que puede ser versatil AMAMOSJ
  100. Jul 17, 2020
    Delirium delivers a cohesive and well-written album that even though isn't exactly like Halcyon or Lights, still keeps the essence of Ellie as a songwriter and Singer. The album is cohesive, it shows effort not only on the singles but all though out every song. Ellie's best album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 14, 2015
    It's only on lightweight tracks Army and Devotions that Delirium drags. [Jan 2016, p.107]
  2. Dec 2, 2015
    Listen to it once while you get ready to hit the town, and then dance along to it into the wee hours of the night, for Delirium is eminently qualified to get you moving.
  3. Dec 2, 2015
    Goulding’s sound has gained an even greater sheen and expectations have grown, and we’ll see, in the coming months, whether Delirium is the big album that Goulding is aiming for.