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  1. Apr 4, 2021
    this whole album is a masterpiece !! her best album ofc and has absolutely no skips. my fav album from 2021 :)
  2. Apr 4, 2021
    Es una obra de arte, y más aún tener a Demi de vuelta, la echaba de menos su música. Y la verdad es que este álbum a cada canción, es una melodia obviamente distinta desde por lo que ella ha pasado. Ha vuelto más fuerte y se nota su esencia, su música, es pura magia, puro esplendor. Gracias Demi por dejarnos disfrutar de tu música
  3. Apr 4, 2021
    Após anos sombrios, com muitos acontecimentos em sua vida particular e profissional, Demi Lovato transforma essas vivências em aprendizados para poder recomeçar. Dance 'With The Devil... The Art Of Starting Over' é o sétimo disco da cantora americana, seu primeiro após a overdose, em 2018.

    Apesar de narrar a história que marcou sua vida nos últimos anos, e seus momentos mais críticos, o
    Após anos sombrios, com muitos acontecimentos em sua vida particular e profissional, Demi Lovato transforma essas vivências em aprendizados para poder recomeçar. Dance 'With The Devil... The Art Of Starting Over' é o sétimo disco da cantora americana, seu primeiro após a overdose, em 2018.

    Apesar de narrar a história que marcou sua vida nos últimos anos, e seus momentos mais críticos, o album não gira em torno do sofrimento e a dor. Ela faz dos momentos mais árduos e sem perspectivas, uma forma de ressignificar sua existência. Lovato consegue expor seus problemas como um teatro da vida real, através de letras, melodias e sons que dão sentido à sua jornada atual.

    Best: The Art Of Starting Over, The Way You Don't Look At Me, Carefully.
  4. Apr 4, 2021
    Demi ‘No Skips’ Lovato. This project is everything.
    Demi has put her blood, sweat, tears, and soul into this album, and it SHOWS. It is cathartic, raw, intense, expository, gritty... but it’s also beautiful, glittery, colourful, bright, & pure. And it’s a perfect soundtrack to her life over the past few years. She deserves the world. And this album deserves immense recognition from all
    Demi ‘No Skips’ Lovato. This project is everything.
    Demi has put her blood, sweat, tears, and soul into this album, and it SHOWS. It is cathartic, raw, intense, expository, gritty... but it’s also beautiful, glittery, colourful, bright, & pure. And it’s a perfect soundtrack to her life over the past few years. She deserves the world. And this album deserves immense recognition from all sides of the music industry.
  5. Apr 4, 2021
    Serviu vocais, produção, conceito e coesão, outras sonham. Quem está dando reviews baixas tem inveja pq a Demi é artista.
  6. Apr 4, 2021
    This is new era. I love it. The sound is different and she is taking us on a new trip. She is so brave❤️
  7. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muito bom, o melhor álbum até agora desse ano, simplesmente perfeito, magnífico e com uma história de superação de tirar o chapéu. Demi Lovato mostrando que é a maior e que merece mais reconhecimento. Expand
  8. Apr 4, 2021
    Demi's work follows a vicious cycle. How can you sell an intimate and personal job with 13 producers doing her job?And none of the songs were written entirely by her. It is poor, desperate and disheartening to hear a scream
  9. Apr 4, 2021
    I wasn’t a big fan of Demi not gonna lie but after hearing this... Wow. Every song is so GOOD. This is really my fave album released in 2021 so far and i’m not even a big fan of pop or artists like Demi but i’m glad i gave it a try. Congratulations on this amazing album Demi!
  10. Apr 4, 2021
    a strong and powerful journey, Demi shows us her soul and her deepest thoughts, she turns her painful memories into art. I have to say: this album is pure art
  11. Apr 4, 2021
    the feeling i got listening to dancing with the devil is that demi doesn't need to scream to be noticed anymore. it's kinda like: "i'm about to tell my story, do you wanna sit and listen while we drink a cup of tea?". it's her best piece of work for sure. plus, she didn't put a high not in every sentence she sings, so the album is very pleasing to listen.
  12. Apr 4, 2021
    0’s just not it...too long and too boring, try again girlllllllllllll
  13. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I feel a breath in the tracks. Each melody seems to loosen the lump in her throat, but naturally Lovato does not forget his commitment to charging for another phonographic hit. Unpretentious and ambitious when flirting with your demons in public. Expand
  14. Apr 4, 2021
    Wow Arte este álbum es puro arte y el que diga lo contrario es Selenator. En serio valoren este tremendo álbum es una joyita
  15. Apr 4, 2021
    just flawless. it's an amazing album and it's refreshing. I think it could win AOTY.
  16. Apr 4, 2021
    The album is so horrible that I had to wash my ears with soap... she can be a good singer but she's a terrible artist
  17. Apr 4, 2021
    ÁLBUM DA CARREIRA E SEM CHORO. Tudo soa harmoniozamente bem e muito bem estruturado. É a história de cura de Demi Lovato.
  18. Apr 4, 2021
    Il suo migliore capolavoro di sempre! Sono davvero sorpreso, ha superato di gran lunga le mie aspettative! Grazie Demi per aver lanciato una bomba del genere! Un album che non riuscirò a smettere di ascoltare dall'inizio alla fine perché è un viaggio meraviglioso!! Il pop vintage e quel country/folk mi riporta all'infanzia..
  19. Apr 4, 2021
    her best project alongside with tell me you love me, amazing lyrics and sounds.
  20. Apr 4, 2021
    Demi transformou seus traumas e dores em um álbum que te leva a um jornada pop
  21. Apr 4, 2021
    O melhor trabalho da rainha. Coeso do começo ao fim, letras bem trabalhadas, sonoridade perfeita, incrível
  22. Apr 4, 2021
    I don’t lie when I say this is Demi’s best album. She really did that into 13 years of her career
  23. Apr 4, 2021
    An incredible album. Lyrics are raw and smart. Every track tells a story and Demi of course never failed to deliver.
  24. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Dancing with Devil The ART Of Starting Over mostra um amadurecimento tanto musical como pessoal da cantora Demi Lovato, com misturas como R&B, Pop Rock, Country Folk e outros, Demi mostra sua vida abertamente após a overdose que sofreu no ano de 2018, com letra sinceras, fortes e tocantes Lovato nos mostra nas 19 faixas sua história de superação antes e após overdose. Demi nós conta sua história de maneira honesta, sincera, agradando muito a crítica, os fãs.... Não esquecendo que o último álbum de Demi foi há 3 anos atrás . Esse é o 7 álbum de Demi e o mais aguardado, uma obra de arte aos olhos de quem ouve. Expand
  25. Apr 4, 2021
    An album that transports us to those remarkable moments of your life, thus making it one of the best albums ever made
  26. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este album es el mejor del 2021. Demi transformo su dolor en arte y las colaboraciones del disco son uff! De otro nivel con Ariana Grande, Noah Cyrus y la voz hermosa de Sam Fischer. Expand
  27. Apr 2, 2021
    album of the year ! stop playing with my sister ! she DEVOURED and y'all know it. so proud of her :)
  28. Apr 4, 2021
    I just love this album her most honest, powerful and meaningful to date, she is one of the best artist of this generation and i am really happy to be a part of a generation with artists like her because they're not afraid of being vulnerable and open with their issues and problems and on this album I think Demi is able to heal her heart and soul from her mistakes and she let us know thatI just love this album her most honest, powerful and meaningful to date, she is one of the best artist of this generation and i am really happy to be a part of a generation with artists like her because they're not afraid of being vulnerable and open with their issues and problems and on this album I think Demi is able to heal her heart and soul from her mistakes and she let us know that is ok to be vulnerable and broken sometimes because then we can pick up the pieces and just get up again no matter the circumstances, and I think she is one of the strongest people I ever met (not personally I wish) but from her music. WELL DONE. and I know the process is tough but she shows her strength and her ability to overcoming her demons to rise up again and keep fighting. :) I love this album. Expand
  29. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. te amo lenda jsjejejejeieejebebenekwkwjenebdbdusejbeebebejeheurbrbrfurnrjfirjrnrbrhrh Expand
  30. Apr 3, 2021
    I really love this album, it’s so real, emotional & strong. Proud of you Demi!
  31. Apr 3, 2021
    É ELA!!!! Incrível a força que essa mulher demonstra, aguardando ansioso para a parte visual!
  32. Apr 3, 2021
    Coesão, muita qualidade vocal e instrumental, vai do inferno ao paraíso. Tratando de estigmas sociais considerados tabu de forma nua e crua.
  33. Apr 3, 2021
    Belíssimo álbum. Tanto as letras, produção e arte estão uma verdadeira obra de arte.
    Demi mostrou finalmente seu amadurecimento como artista e senti até uma vibe que me lembrou de seus primeiros álbuns mas com com sua versão adulta
  34. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un exelente album siento que es el mejor de su carrera y siento orgullo por Demi, una artista completa Expand
  35. Apr 3, 2021
    The best album ever! A thrue history in a album with courage, soul and art! Thanks Demi Lovato, thanks for survivor
  36. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Demi’s best album yet. As simple as that. She’s in her best voice time and its reflected on this álbum. Expand
  37. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is soooo great, I teared up the entire album. I felt her pain and the joy of her new start and got goosebumps several times. I mean, if you are here for the ratings, stop right there!!! JUST GO LISTEN TO THIS MASTERPIECE. ICU touched my heart with all the story behind the track. This song with Ariana Grande got stuck in my mind like a gum. The art of starting over is ringing in my head since the first time I listened to it. If I say everything I wanted about all the songs, I will trespass the 5000 words in this review. Just go b****, listen to this, i mean, RN!!! xoxo Expand
  38. Apr 3, 2021
    The album of the year, simply his best work.
    The lyrics are master piece, she has everything in this album, so proud.
  39. Apr 3, 2021
    Este álbum es increíble, el sólo hecho de ver que nos mostró su dolor en forma de arte ya lo hace ver fascinante.
  40. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is incredible. It take you through a journey of emotion. The instrumentals, the vocals, harmonies, the lyrics are beautiful. I cried, vibe, and dance. The collab with ari was perfect, the voices together was out of this world. Sam and Noah collab was sooo good. I can’t stop hearing this album. The more I hear the better it gets... Expand
  41. Apr 3, 2021
    El mejor trabajo discográfico de Demi! La disposición de las canciones a lo largo del álbum te lleva de viaje.
  42. Apr 3, 2021
    Esse é o melhor álbum da carreira. Eu estou divinamente encantada. Está simplesmente esplêndido!
  43. Apr 3, 2021
    Inspiring, beautiful and his vocal quality to another level. One of Demi’s best album
  44. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album by Demi Lovato is very good. The songwriting is great, the production is very impressive as well. But what makes this album excellent is Demi's powerhouse vocals. She also has a very concise list of collaborations which are all very unique and they feel very necessary. Stylistically, the album is mostly filled with emotional or inspirational ballads and more uptempo pop rock groovy anthems. Though she does veer from this formula with some folk inspired and Hip Hop production here and there. With a voice like Demi's there really aren't any limits so she manages to pull off whatever she goes for. The album is also unique for Demi because it is conceptual with the some songs addressing her personal struggles coming first, then an intro comes as the 4th track and the songs after the intro sort of deal with her recovery and where she is now. This was a masterful way to tackle the themes in the album. I personally enjoyed the piano ballads and slow songs like ICU, Anyone, The Way You Don't Look at me, Easy, Butterfly & Good Place more than i enjoyed the groovy pop rock tracks like The Art of Starting Over, Melon Cake, Lonely People, Carefully & The Kind of Lover I Am. Her collaboration with Noah Cyrus is by far the best collaboration on the album and they harmonize so beautifully. The collaboration with Saweetie is also very good and it makes for a great bff anthem. All in all, what Demi has here is an album that is mostly cohesive and thematically consistent, though it ended up being a bit long. Expand
  45. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum está perfeito! O álbum evidencia claramente a evolução e qualidade sonora da artista! Expand
  46. Apr 3, 2021
    One of her very best albuns, imo. The sound is very different from her previous works which surprised me in the best way possible! So glad she's sharing her story with us once again!
  47. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simplesmente perfeito, tudo nesse album encanta, o conceito, as letras, a historia por tras do que é cantado. Expand
  48. Apr 3, 2021
    The album the year ❤❤ the best, demi i love u boo
    You are stronger, stay strong... you not be alone
  49. Apr 3, 2021
    So powerful! The best way to tell an history is music, and Demi did it perfectly.
  50. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing! Su voz, su historia y más el toque que todos conocemos de la Demi nos da como resultado el mejor álbum que pude realizar , queen Demi Expand
  51. Apr 3, 2021
    She took us throughout her journey with this album and still managed to deliver a chill-vibe sound that just makes you want to keep listening.
    Such a masterpiece.
    Easily my favorite album of 2021!
  52. Apr 3, 2021
    Demi’s most cohesive work, raw emotion & honesty! Starting with asking for help with the song Anyone and ending with Good Place! So good! 10/10
  53. Apr 3, 2021
    A mix of many genres, singing about so many topics, that together made a true work of art. Masterpiece, just that.
  54. Apr 3, 2021
    Just so good, It’s her best album since “Here we go again” era. There is not one song you might wanna skip
  55. Apr 3, 2021
    Literally such a healing, amazing album! This is her story, and it is so transparent. Love you demi!
  56. Apr 3, 2021
    ¡Simplemente hermoso! sin palabras. Uno de los mejores albumes de Demi, es invreible como su voz suena en cada una de las letras.
  57. Apr 2, 2021
    Superou muito as minhas expectativas, é com certeza, o maior da carreira. Sinto que o modo como a vêem mudará completamente depois desse álbum
  58. Apr 3, 2021
    One of the most cohesive and vulnerable body of works I've ever listened to
  59. Apr 3, 2021
    What an amazing album, it shows the whole process she went through, dancing with the devil is her best album.
  60. Apr 3, 2021
    It’s amazing, simply show-stopping. My favorite track is the title one Dancing with the Devil, the vocals on this album are on point as always with Demi we get amazing singing, she has such a range. But this album has something more: rawness, honesty and vulnerability. Recommend listening to it at evening or at night, it has totally different vibe.
  61. Apr 2, 2021
    Arte en cada detalle
    Simple y perfecto Sonido y profundidad en cada palabra de este álbum
  62. VHL
    Apr 3, 2021
    This album is an excellent album. It's so cohesive... the transition between the first 3 songs and the intro, then The art of starting over... It's so well prepared and well think, we can definitely feel that she put her heart, soul and time on it... I really fell in love with Demi Lovato, I heard a little from her in the past but never more than that. Thank you for giving this album and IThis album is an excellent album. It's so cohesive... the transition between the first 3 songs and the intro, then The art of starting over... It's so well prepared and well think, we can definitely feel that she put her heart, soul and time on it... I really fell in love with Demi Lovato, I heard a little from her in the past but never more than that. Thank you for giving this album and I truly feel so sorry for her issues... I hope you'll be ok. I just want to finish my comment by saying that she definitely is one of the voice of the generation or THE voice of the generation. I fell in love with the vocals. I hope this album will be nominated for the Grammys and not only nominated but win multiple awards !! This truly deserves, even though it's the beginning of 2021, there will be other albums too, but I don't think something will ever top that... I never heard a good album like this since years... Expand
  63. Apr 3, 2021
    Amazing album!!!!!!.The best of her career with incredible vocals and very meaningful lyrics, I loved
  64. Apr 3, 2021
    This album gave me a lyrical, being a masterpiece, the collaboration with Ariana grande, Noa Cyrus are the most beautiful and completely stems.
  65. Apr 3, 2021
    Is so good, is a good album.
    Incredible and wonderful. Demi really outdoes herself with this album, listening to it takes you into a magical world ... I really highly recommend this album.
  66. Apr 3, 2021
    Iconic. Stop sleeping on Demi and her amazing voice.. As for some SALTY twitter fans, get a job, you're not kids anymore, stop with the hate. Be happy for her that she's living her truth, this album proves that. It is so powerful and reinforces how powerful she really is. Best songs to listen too are Art of starting over, ICU, Met him last night, Lonely People, My girlfriends are myIconic. Stop sleeping on Demi and her amazing voice.. As for some SALTY twitter fans, get a job, you're not kids anymore, stop with the hate. Be happy for her that she's living her truth, this album proves that. It is so powerful and reinforces how powerful she really is. Best songs to listen too are Art of starting over, ICU, Met him last night, Lonely People, My girlfriends are my boyfriend. She's seriously out done herself with this album. 10/10. Expand
  67. Apr 3, 2021
    Um álbum maravilhoso, parabéns Demi !!hghjjbvvvghhbbvvhhhbvvghbbvvghhbvhhnb
  68. Apr 3, 2021
    The best album of the year i can say! It couldn’t been any better, i’m in love with it
  69. Apr 3, 2021
    Unfortunately, there's nothing new here. Even though the whole behind this album, Demi still releases the same songs.
  70. Apr 3, 2021
    this album is amazing. it explore different sounds, genres and emotions while sounding really cohesive. Demi is an amazing vocalist
  71. Apr 3, 2021
    visceral. pure honesty and inspiration! wasn’t expecting to hear all of this. her journey is hard to watch and listen but the way she turns it into art... speechless. a masterpiece. one of her best albums if not the best.
  72. Apr 3, 2021
    Impecável! Não consigo parar de escutar, as faixas que mais se destacam na minha opinião são Melon Cake, Met Him Last Night e Easy.
  73. Apr 3, 2021
    Raw, vulnerable & absolutely perfect in every way. You can tell Demi put everything she had into this project & it has definitely paid off. This album is healing & transformative. Regardless of if they are a fan or not, they will be after this listen to this beautiful work of art.
  74. Apr 3, 2021
    Flawless and sincere album, Demi knew how to bring her life experiences in strong songs with shocking lyrics from the heart, the bass and guitar chords and ballads on the piano make this album unique and currently the best of her career.
  75. Apr 3, 2021
    This is stupidly awful. I feel ashamed that she has enough courage now to throw this compilation of garbage in the form of "" music "".
  76. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album show us how powerful can be Demi's voice, experimenting different sounds, raw lyrics and being so honest Expand
  77. Apr 3, 2021
    Beautiful album! She is amazing!! She can do everything she wants. I love her sooo much
  78. Apr 3, 2021
    Demi veio como uma fênix nesse aqui. O mais coeso e bem estruturado de toda a sua carreira. Trazendo uma variedade de sons e explorando a versatilidade da sua voz em letras reais, consolidando mais uma vez como uma das maiores vozes dessa geração!
  79. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum perfeito, superou expectativas! Trouxe uma demi mais madura segura de si. Expand
  80. Apr 3, 2021
    Amazing. Demi é sensacional e sua história é incrível. Muita força pra ela!
  81. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. felizmente álbum do ano e se discordar chore na sua casa hater de merda, obcecados Expand
  82. Apr 3, 2021
    This is my third attempt at posting. Her 15 minutes I’ve been up for a long time, what she needs to do his retire now. I’m not impressed at all
  83. Apr 3, 2021
    Album da carreira,simplesmente maravilhoso e destaque pra Easy melhor do album. Nota 100
  84. Apr 2, 2021
    this album is a masterpiece and deserves universal recognition. this is demi lovato’s best body of work and the grammys better not snub her once again
  85. Apr 3, 2021
    prestando atenção nas letras e no conceito da construção do album, ela realmente fez uma narrativa foda nesse aqui, oq é estranho pq os albuns dela eu nunca vi muita conexão entre as faixas, aqui ela tá contando uma história, album da carreira e fim.
  86. Apr 3, 2021
    Es algo que no se habia visto en demi y la verdad me alegra que se alla abierto sincerandose con nosotros contandonos todo por lo que atravesado ya que gracias a eso se pudo crear y hacer este impactante album que asu vez es dificil no poder dejar de escucharlo cada canción es maravillosa que te llega al alma no seas duro dejate llevar es una mujer que trata de cambiar y ser mejor escuchala
  87. Apr 3, 2021
    This Álbum si Amazing Thanks Demi, DWTDAOSO si AOTY Merece mucho apoyo este álbum Una Joya completa❤️
  88. Apr 3, 2021
    I can't stop listening to it, the best of 2021. This is not just an album, it is a piece of Demi's soul.
  89. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fue un álbum aburrido y poco creativo, solo habla de su sobredosis para causar lástima y poder vender pobre acabada. Ni dando lastima sale del. Flop Expand
  90. Apr 3, 2021
    Demi Lovato lançou o melhor álbum de sua carreira. Totalmente bem feito e coeso.
  91. Apr 3, 2021
    I dont like the album, is ugly but i like the song con Ariana..............
  92. Apr 3, 2021
    It's one of DEMI's best jobs, The melodies, his voice and the collaborations that make up the album are very good
  93. Apr 3, 2021
    I liked the album is so diferent from everything she has done, she keeps inovating her art and being the most honest artist i've ever seen, putting her heart and feelings on hard work to share with the world, this is talent, this is art. Your fans are very proud of you Mrs. Demetria
  94. Apr 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best álbum of Demi Lovato, I loved it.

    Good lyrics and production

  95. Apr 3, 2021
    It’s Demi’s most adventurous, ambitious, liberated, experimental, and mature album to date - a moving and uplifting confessional with hints of Kacey Musgraves’ spiritual venture from 2018. While tackling heavy themes, the album maintains a light, sunbaked, retro breeziness (particularly notable in “The Art of Starting Over,” “California Sober,” “The Kind of Lover”).
  96. Apr 3, 2021
    This is good, but I only liked met him last night. A lot of skiped
    Miss old Demi xoxo
  97. Apr 3, 2021
    An album full of the energy of a new beginning. Very well punctuated in the beginning the dark and painful part left behind in each next song. The vocal technique more refined than ever and the musicality of Demi Lovato manages to inspire everyone. A long album that we hear as if it were short.
  98. Apr 3, 2021
    Her best album already done it. Her honesty, originality and sound made her something different. Iconic and legend.
  99. Apr 3, 2021
    I've always appreciated her incredible voice but felt like her previous work has leaned a little too heavily into the dramatic, to the point of being almost theatrical. This is not that. This is raw and honest. Her experiences are heartbreaking and some of the songs are devastating to hear because I've been through similar situations. It's a heavy listen, but it's worth it. I've gone fromI've always appreciated her incredible voice but felt like her previous work has leaned a little too heavily into the dramatic, to the point of being almost theatrical. This is not that. This is raw and honest. Her experiences are heartbreaking and some of the songs are devastating to hear because I've been through similar situations. It's a heavy listen, but it's worth it. I've gone from appreciating Demi Lovato at a distance to being a full on fan because of this album. Expand
  100. Apr 3, 2021
    La verdad lo siente muy básico, las sonidos aburren demasiado, ya es hora de reinventarse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 15, 2021
    Lovato's frankness is disarming, forcing a listener to reckon with the depths of the singer's distinction, yet the album works best when it veers toward lighter territory, letting the slick R&B rhythms and sugared hooks carry Lovato's emoting.
  2. Apr 8, 2021
    Dancing With the Devil… The Art of Starting Over is Demi Lovato like we have never heard before. She is sassy and carefree while serious about her identity and personhood in a way she has been itching to be for years.
  3. Apr 8, 2021
    The opening three tracks are almost an EP in their own right, before a quick reset. Semi title track ‘The Art Of Starting Over’ begins anew, a straight forward bop that gets to the root of Demi’s recovery – her natural talent, her ear for pop magic, affording room for personal renewal.