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  1. Apr 9, 2021
    That was awful I am sorry for her ,her voice isn’t good at all
  2. Apr 9, 2021
    comprido e cansativo uma completa bagunça e com um descarte péssimo da outra concubina do scooter.
  3. Apr 8, 2021
    Overall, a solid project from Demi Lovato. The album starts off strong, showing off Lovato's vocal power with piano ballads and stripped-back production. ICU (Madison's Lullaby) is a particularly high point on this record. However, as the album progresses, Lovato falls back on her pop laurels. While many of the songs of enjoyable and her emotionally raw songwriting elevates them beyondOverall, a solid project from Demi Lovato. The album starts off strong, showing off Lovato's vocal power with piano ballads and stripped-back production. ICU (Madison's Lullaby) is a particularly high point on this record. However, as the album progresses, Lovato falls back on her pop laurels. While many of the songs of enjoyable and her emotionally raw songwriting elevates them beyond previous releases, her vocal talents fall by the wayside (again). Listeners only get glimpses of her powerful voice, with soaring ad-libs over the final chorus. The features are well chosen, and the interjections of 80s synth pop here and there made for an interesting turn of events. When zooming out on the album, it clearly exceeds her previous releases, while still presenting many of the problems in them. Where her songwriting has significantly improved as she recounts the tales of her struggles with fame, abuse, and drugs, Lovato fails to accurately center her vocals. The production on this album improves from her basic pop brand of the past, but struggles to jump headfirst into the singer-songwriter vocal-centered record she ought to make. 8/10 Expand
  4. Apr 8, 2021
    Amazing! This is her best album by far and one of the best albums of the year! Love you demi
  5. Apr 8, 2021
    really generic lyrics over really tired and generic production, this kind of gives me a cringe feeling the lyrics are so poor.
  6. Apr 8, 2021
    AOTY!!!!! So proud of Demi! This album means rebirth, grow, she made her best album.
  7. Apr 8, 2021
    This new era is AWESOME!! is a real MASTERPIECE!!!!
    Demi deserves a Grammy!! I really love it!!!
  8. Apr 8, 2021
    Demi is amazing! This album is the **** awesome, the lyrics, the beats, the featuring! Oh damn!
  9. Apr 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me gusta que se haya arriesgado a explorar nuevos sonidos demostrando que su voz se adapta a cualquier genero si se lo propone, melon cake , y dancing with the devil las mejores canciones del album y met him last nght y girfriends are my boyfriend tienen potencial de ser hits . el mejor album de su carrera yo le doy 80/100 Expand
  10. Apr 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So amaziiing, she was perfect, coherent, great tones of voice, incredibly perfect, stepped on the crazy blonde who did several songs for ex Expand
  11. Apr 8, 2021
    It's an extraordinary album, full of her history and her feelings. She turned her pain into art.
  12. Apr 8, 2021
    perfect album she is so powerful and the best singer. this is everything for me.
  13. Apr 8, 2021
    Demi é uma artista brilhante, capaz de transformar acontecimentos ruins em novos recomeços... esse álbum é só uma amostra do quão forte e honesta ela consegue ser !
  14. Apr 8, 2021
    Demi dit it! The album is amazing. Very well written and produced. One of the best songs must be "Carefully", just reminded me of her second album "Here We Go Again". Really good sound!
  15. Apr 8, 2021
    Bad album. Boring as expected. Made no noise as deserved. She should focus on her music instead of shading other artists.
  16. Apr 8, 2021
    I love this album! The best Demi Lovato’s one. She deserves the #1 on Billboard Hot 100 even if I think she’s underestimated. At least I can say that she grew up musically.
  17. Apr 8, 2021
    her best album and probably the best album of the year cuz everything in this project is beautiful.
  18. Apr 7, 2021
    This is the perfect album for reinventing ourselves. This is her best project so far. Completely in love with every track. Deserve a good 10/10 for sure
  19. Apr 7, 2021
    How did she go from the excellence of TMYLM to... something so underwhelming? I really wanted to like this but I'm disappointed. Besides MHLN, which is a masterpiece, everything is lacklustre. TMYLM > HWGA > Unbroken > DWTD > Demi > Don't Forget
  20. Apr 7, 2021
    One of her best albums, which offers raw lyrics, great melodies and a notable ability of turning pain into art. Demi Lovato is truly one of a kind and we have so much luck to be able to listen to her songs.
  21. Apr 7, 2021
    Her strongest and most cohesive body of work, compelling and haunting from start to finish, brutally honest as she wears her heart on her sleeve and unloads her heavy baggage.
  22. Apr 7, 2021
    Always been a fan of Demi but this is the first time I loved every single track off an album. This was a no-skip album for me. She really did THAT!!
  23. Apr 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Su peor álbum, ni generando lástima pudo salir de flop da asco si álbum. Debería retirarse Expand
  24. Apr 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This has to be the best album she has ever released, so true and brave in every single song and her voice is outstanding. Expand
  25. Apr 7, 2021
    I don't know if this album is her best album but for sure it's in her top three best albums. except for lonely people and mad world, this album is a masterpiece. sunset deserved so bad to be in the standard version. the best of 2021
  26. Apr 7, 2021
    In my opinion, she showed other side of her emotions that she's hidden for a long time
  27. Apr 2, 2021
    It's like taking all of Demi Lovato's previous discography and putting it together in every song. Each song has a meaning, each song deserves attention. Demi's best work of her entire career.
  28. Apr 7, 2021
    I was expecting more from Demi after years of waiting for her new album this album is the same as the last ones , singing about the same issues and she still over-singing .. she has a powerful voice but her screams in the whole album make it hard to enjoy it ..
  29. Apr 7, 2021
    Demi Lovato tells her story while making an impeccable album, dancing with the devil.. the art of starting over shows that Lovato will show her truth no matter what you think!
  30. Apr 2, 2021
    A journey through the past three years of Demi’s life & a representation of who she is today. She mastered the art of starting over.
  31. Apr 7, 2021
    Hands down Demi Lovatos's best body of work. Her honesty never ceases to amaze me.
  32. Apr 7, 2021
    Horrível, não tem coerência sonora, muito menos lírica. Tão decepcionado. Ela não tem uma direção artística boa
  33. Apr 2, 2021
    Amazing album and such a growth from TMYLM. Cohesive, solid and super personal and such great songwriting too!
  34. Apr 6, 2021
  35. Apr 6, 2021
    The best album of 2021 so far. The emotions and storytelling of this album is truly amazing.
  36. Apr 6, 2021
    so damn good! This is her greatest record ever, she is honest, powerful and sweet at the same time. She did it!
  37. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is just incredible, I think the best of her career to date, it is very beautiful the way she expresses herself and tells of her pains and overcoming, a true warrior
  38. Apr 6, 2021
    This is her best album. Probably nominated for album of the year on the next Grammys. I hope so.
  39. Apr 6, 2021
    It’s perfect, emotional and leave a great message
    each song is unique, it has excellent lyrics, Demi's voice reaches the depths of your soul
    you understand its meaning in addition to enjoying the album with its melodies
  40. Apr 6, 2021
    This album is incredible, It shows how Demi has matured and has adapted to new rhythms
    His musical and vocal reinvention is incredible, it deserves universal acclaim
    Congratulations Demi you always give quality work
  41. Apr 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum está uma verdadeira carta aberta da Demi o mento que ela ficou quieta este álbum falar por si Expand
  42. Apr 6, 2021
    This album for me as a real concept of her true story. I had enjoyed by every single composition of the album. I would rate it like 80 points out 100 but here I can rate only 100 because I loved that release and I wish people could support her and maje it successful!
  43. Apr 6, 2021
    Este álbum es realmente muy bueno, completo, el amor propio es fundamental aquí, gracias Demi Lovato por esta joya de álbum.
  44. Apr 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. amazing album. i loved how vulnerable and honest she was. i loved it so much. Expand
  45. Apr 6, 2021
    boringggggggggggggggggggg as fcck but i like her though she is cute just borin'
  46. Apr 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album really shows her artistic growth! I hope she is doing good after everything. The rock suits her a lot!!! Expand
  47. Apr 6, 2021
    A voz dela atingiu um novo nível e suas letras estão cada vez mais tocantes e sensíveis! Melhor álbum de 2021.
  48. Apr 6, 2021
    Incrível, espetacular, maravilhoso, supimpa, tudo de bom!!!Incrível, espetacular, maravilhoso, supimpa, tudo de bom!!!Incrível, espetacular, maravilhoso, supimpa, tudo de bom!!!
  49. Apr 6, 2021
    E mais uma vez Demi Lovato se supera e mais uma vez trás um trabalho incrível, forte e coerente. Sucesso!!!
  50. Apr 6, 2021
    As a Taylor Stan I do not support scooter and I hate that I am giving him a penny by streaming and supporting Demi. However, I support Demi and her fight. This album is the best she has done and I really feel it. I support Demi and her whole journey.
  51. Apr 5, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece ! You can clearly notice how much Demi has grown and found her sound. She finally is showing us how much she is capable to do and I'm here for it. The album has everything from summer bops to sad ballads. Adding a special touch of guitar-sound like songs to make this record even more unique than it already is.
  52. Apr 5, 2021
    I dont like her music but ill give this one 7/10. She is a survivor, deserves it.
  53. Apr 5, 2021
    Not my thing I mean, it’s great but not enough
    Not what expected for Demi
    Btw I love u Demi ❤️
  54. Apr 5, 2021
    I loved this album. Her voice, the production, the lyrics, the sound. All about this album leads you to heaven,
  55. Apr 5, 2021
    This album is a very beautiful vibe after the hell Demi went through, which is to be admired.
  56. Apr 5, 2021
    Just when I thought TMYLM was Demi’s superior album... DANCING WITH THE DEVIL... THE ART OF STARTING OVER is God-tier!
    Gut punching lyrics, powerful vocals, and sonically her most cohesive album to date. It’s a story, an experience!
  57. Apr 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The whole album is a masterpiece. And Demi is gonna inspire so many people with this album. Me myself have been through similar stuff and i to started to share my story with the world through writing. Expand
  58. Apr 5, 2021
    It's an incredible album, the 3 first songs explain the mentallity she had in the time during her public overdose in 2018 and after those 3 songs she starts with a new chapter in her life
  59. Apr 5, 2021
    Es el mejor trabajo que demi ah hecho, es un álbum demasiado perfecto y es arte, me encanta
  60. Apr 5, 2021
    Nunca na sua carreira de empresário Scooter Braun teve tanto prejuízo como teve nesse álbum, um leesho! Se fosse pra ouvir berro eu ia numa montanha russa.
  61. Apr 5, 2021
    Love you Demi! Your best album! So proud of you and ariana! Love you both queens ❤️❤️❤️
  62. Apr 5, 2021
    Raw emotions, honesty and amazing lyrics and vocals in just one album! A huge diversity of sounds, with amazing collaborations
  63. Apr 5, 2021
    don't give a low score just because you dont like demi... this album is great and tells a story
  64. Apr 5, 2021
    álbum impecável e coeso, lovato mostou sua mais sincera verdade e arte!
  65. Apr 5, 2021
    The Best album of Lovato’s career! Without a doubt "Dancing With The Devil ... The Art Of Starting Over" is one of the best albums of 2021. Full of sound surprises, which the listener would not normally expect from a singer like Demi. The track Melon Cake, brings current experiments with an extravagant 80's feel, you can easily remember pop bands / artists of the time when listening toThe Best album of Lovato’s career! Without a doubt "Dancing With The Devil ... The Art Of Starting Over" is one of the best albums of 2021. Full of sound surprises, which the listener would not normally expect from a singer like Demi. The track Melon Cake, brings current experiments with an extravagant 80's feel, you can easily remember pop bands / artists of the time when listening to this song. In The Way You Don't look at me and Lonely People, Demi shows listeners on her seventh album that she is not only a great pop vocalist, but of all genres by being graced by Country Music and 90's alternative rock ( something very similar to the sound of Alanis Morissette) respectively. Also noteworthy are the featurings included in Met him last night, Easy and My Girlfriends Are My Boyfriends, which added even more to Lovato's sound and voice. Expand
  66. Apr 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Without a doubt this is Demi Lovato's biggest and best album. It is a strong, powerful and honest album. She explored different genres, which made the album extremely diverse and totally different from anything she has ever done. In some moments you can't even recognize your voice, showing that it came with different facets. A quality recording.That's how you make an album. Expand
  67. Apr 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. DANCING WITH THE DEVIL: The Art Of Starting Over PRELUDE

    •Anyone 7/10
    •DWTD 8/10
    •ICU 10/10 (voz muito fofa) vmf^

    •INTRO (interlude) 8/10 •Starting over 10/10 vmf
    •Lonely people 8/10 •The Way you dont 10/10 vmf
    •Melon cake 8/10
    •Met him 10/10
    •What other 10/10
    •Carefully 10/10 pop rock soft
    •The kind of lover 9/10 sing along (o final estragou)
    •Easy 10/10 pqp perfeita!!! Melhor balada do album
    •15 minutes 8,5/10
    •MGAreMyB 10/10. Melhor ft
    •California Sober 10/10 (grita pra ser single)
    * Mad World 7/10 * Butterfly 8/10 (as harmonizações no ponto)
    * Good place 9/10 fechou com tudo

    Bonus :
    Sunset 10/10 pop opera church!!! Que album maravilhoso, coeso, impecável. Muito bem produzido. Ao vivo vai ser lindo

    Destaques: ICU
    Starting over
    The way Met him
    What other
    The kind
    My girlfriend
    California sober (minha fav ) ⭐️
    Good place
  68. Apr 5, 2021
    Demi Lovato’s “Dancing with the Devil. The Art of Starting Over” is such a great reintroduction to who she is, where she’s at and the road she’s making for herself. She is one of this generation’s greatest vocalists. At 19 tracks, it can get overwhelming and there are a few songs that don’t quite standout. With that being said though, the majority of it does. It’s experimental, fresh andDemi Lovato’s “Dancing with the Devil. The Art of Starting Over” is such a great reintroduction to who she is, where she’s at and the road she’s making for herself. She is one of this generation’s greatest vocalists. At 19 tracks, it can get overwhelming and there are a few songs that don’t quite standout. With that being said though, the majority of it does. It’s experimental, fresh and she uses an array of her vocal range to great extremes - whether it’s belting out notes in “Anyone”, “Dancing with the Devil” to quiet & somber “Carefully” to funny autotune lines in “The Kind of Lover I Am.” Experiential pleasures such as “California Sober”, “The Art of Starting Over” are a joy to listen to (creating a sense of space, freedom and lightness) while “15 minutes” and “Lonely People” add dimension, it’s upbeat but accompanied with heavy percussions. There are handful of ballads that work, in particular “Easy” (with a gorgeous duet from Noah Cyrus) and album closer, “Good Place.” The BOPs are filled in “Met Him Last Night” (with two amazing vocalists; Demi and Ari, singing at a higher register), “What Other People Say” and “My Girlfriends are my Boyfriend”. The other tracks are not standouts in my opinion but they do have the ability to be a grower. There are peaks and valleys in this album - which mirrors the road of recovery and journey that Demi’s on. The message is clear; Demi’s flawed, emotional, broken and yet she is confident in her fragility, brave, forward thinking - human. She is here to stay. Expand
  69. Apr 4, 2021
    A beautiful telling of the rocky road of Lovato's past 3 years to a healthy recovery. Taking back her narrative and making her voice heard over beautiful production and gorgeous lyrics.
  70. Apr 4, 2021
    The sound of healing on her journey of starting over. Truly a Masterpiece 10/10!
  71. Apr 4, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece. I love the sounds and the lyrics. I love it. Demi Lovato's best work.
  72. Apr 4, 2021
    This is one of the most cathartic and honest albums I've ever heard of Demi without a doubt also one of the best and my favorites. And as I say demi is the unofficial sountrack of the youtube docuserie
  73. Apr 4, 2021
    coeso, natural e lindo! o mais novo trabalho de lovato a molda como uma artista surpreendente boa!
  74. Apr 4, 2021
    this album is GREAT, demi’s story is so heartbreaking but also very strong, she has come a long way and i’m so proud of her.
  75. Apr 4, 2021
    this is just amazing... it's so different but also a masterpiece. I almost don't have words to describe it.
  76. Apr 4, 2021
    BEST ALBUM EVER. Perfeito demais e olhe que nem sou da Demi, recomendo demais. Músicas perfeitas, vocais excelentes e as colaborações fantásticas. Com certeza estará no grammy
  77. Apr 2, 2021
    One of the best albums that I heard. This is so good, raw and emotional Demi Lovato is a **** artist
  78. Apr 4, 2021
    This album is perfection. If you're demi fan or not. I believe you should at least listen to the album once to fall in love with it
  79. Apr 4, 2021
    it's her best album!! it's a storyline about everything she's been through for the last years. it's real, honest and deep. and her voice is better than ever!
  80. Apr 4, 2021
    this is literally the album of the year, it really deserves an aoty.Demi Lovato turned all her pain into art, she is one of the best artists of the decade!
  81. Apr 4, 2021
    Amazing album from start to finish. Amazing vocals, production, and lyrics!
  82. Apr 4, 2021

    Es asombroso ver como se puede resurguir de los problemas y sacar fuerza de estos problemas.
  83. Apr 4, 2021
    this album is incredible as a whole. All the music connects and creates a beautiful story of acceptance and walking. I also highlight the production behind this album, making the album the wonder we hear.
  84. Apr 4, 2021
    Es una verdadera joyita, cohesivo y con tantos géneros musicales muestra la versatilidad y habilidad vocal de Demi.
    Simplemente shockeado.
  85. Apr 4, 2021
    O álbum da carreira.. Ela simplesmente entregou tudo, é inacreditável como cada faixa é perfeita e bem produzida, conseguiu fazer tudo isso sem mesmo sair da sua essência, melhor album de 2021
  86. Apr 4, 2021
    greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music greatest album of all time! demi queen of music
  87. Apr 4, 2021
    THIS IS SO **** GOOD. I'm in love! From beginning to end completely cohesive and historically well-told. out that Demi's vocals are perfect.
  88. Apr 2, 2021
    Her most cohesive record she has created in her discography. Demi truly shines in this album experimenting with different sounds. The feature guests blend so well with the story she is trying to convey throughout the album. Top tier!
  89. Apr 4, 2021
    Full of amazing lyrics and melodies!
    Demi's confession delivers to her own lemonade vibe, but seems like something is missing, however it's her best album.
  90. Apr 4, 2021
    Most beautiful album demi Lovato has ever done. So proud of what she has overcome
  91. Apr 4, 2021
    A nossa Demi mais uma vez mostrou ser extremamente talentosa, tanto na voz quanto na composição. Eu não poderia estar mais orgulhosa. Esse album é o melhor e mais incrível da carreira dela.
  92. Apr 4, 2021
    Very powerful and true. Demi seems to have accepted her mistakes and imperfections in order to live in peace. I cheer for her
  93. Apr 4, 2021
    Amazing album! I could listen to this album from start to finish. So many great songs!
  94. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Don't feel an innovative job, it seems like something that's been heard before apart it's like the beat of previous songs that have hit worldwide, from or this for more but didn't look like this time. Expand
  95. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. sick and tired of everything about this woman. i tried listening to the album but it's just the same sh!t over and over again... Expand
  96. Apr 4, 2021
    Her best work yet. She went back to basics and dropped the overly produced pop radio hits
  97. Apr 4, 2021
    Geart job demi!!! best álbum that i've heard. you've got me from the very first Second!
  98. Apr 2, 2021
    O melhor album da Demi Lovato sem dúvidas, letras maduras e sonoridade impecável, sem falar nos vocais perfeitos que só a lovato tem!
  99. Apr 2, 2021
    this album is very good and she delivered all the good and the best, her best work to date
  100. Apr 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The lyrics, the sounds, the voice, the art are unbelievable. The most incredible album. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 15, 2021
    Lovato's frankness is disarming, forcing a listener to reckon with the depths of the singer's distinction, yet the album works best when it veers toward lighter territory, letting the slick R&B rhythms and sugared hooks carry Lovato's emoting.
  2. Apr 8, 2021
    Dancing With the Devil… The Art of Starting Over is Demi Lovato like we have never heard before. She is sassy and carefree while serious about her identity and personhood in a way she has been itching to be for years.
  3. Apr 8, 2021
    The opening three tracks are almost an EP in their own right, before a quick reset. Semi title track ‘The Art Of Starting Over’ begins anew, a straight forward bop that gets to the root of Demi’s recovery – her natural talent, her ear for pop magic, affording room for personal renewal.