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  1. Apr 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Messy tracklisting but one of her best album so far. I really wish she pulled out Met Him Last Night, Carefully, Easy, Mad World, and Butterfly from the final tracklisting. Expand
  2. Apr 2, 2021
    Demi Lovato delivered the best work of her career. The sounds, lyrics, collabs are simply amazing. She turned pain into art beautifully, couldn’t be more proud. album of the year.
  3. Apr 2, 2021
    Best Demi Lovato’s álbum so FAR! She has changed a lot, the album is incredible so different from the others, she found her place and potential is something that does not lack in her! I'm really proud of her!!!!!
  4. Apr 2, 2021
    Her best album and the best album of the year. I love it. The songs are amazing.
  5. Apr 2, 2021
    Demi Lovato delivered the best work of her career. The sounds, lyrics, collabs are simply amazing. She turned pain into art beautifully, couldn’t be more proud. album of the year.
  6. Apr 2, 2021
    An incredible album from Demi Lovato! She describes it as ethereal dream pop and that is exactly what it is. The first 3 songs "Anyone" "Dancing With The Devil" and "ICU" are preludes, then we have the intro and "The Art of Starting Over" begins, which is phenomenal. Summer breezy, light, soft vocals, beautiful vibes, complex well-crafted intricate lyrics, this is ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!!An incredible album from Demi Lovato! She describes it as ethereal dream pop and that is exactly what it is. The first 3 songs "Anyone" "Dancing With The Devil" and "ICU" are preludes, then we have the intro and "The Art of Starting Over" begins, which is phenomenal. Summer breezy, light, soft vocals, beautiful vibes, complex well-crafted intricate lyrics, this is ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!! Highlights include the amazing "Lonely People" "Melon Cake" and "The Kind of Lover I Am" that are pop rock tinged and disco 90s vibed, they really show the artistry and personality Demi has on this album. Such a fun album with lots of artistic nuances. There's a lot of spoken word moments. RECOMMEND! GO LISTEN TO THIS!!!!! INCREDIBLE, one of the best albums ever. Demi really turned her tough journey into art and emerged finding herself more than ever.WOWW!!!!! Expand
  7. Apr 2, 2021
    taylegend11, dualipastan, sergio (with his multiple accounts), and angelievermore are losers. They're jealous of Demi's talent. I would be too if I stanned terrible singers like Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa. 5/5 album, Demi!
  8. Apr 2, 2021
    The album is a mixed bag, it certainly is not perfect and has its skips. However the good songs are very very good. Notably Anyone, Dancing with the Devil, Madison's Lullaby and Easy. Perhaps The Art of Staring Over portion should've been left out, as it drags down what could've in theory been a perfect album. The ending and beginning are its strongest elements.
  9. Apr 2, 2021
    Demi tiene el poder de hacer arte. Todos sus album's son WOW pero este es sin duda el mejor. Su voz es impresionante, las canciones hermosas, las colaboraciones son increíbles. Todo perfecto, por favor no hagan de las cekticas un lugar de odio y sean objetivos.
  10. Apr 2, 2021
    her best album to date!!!
  11. Apr 2, 2021
    Her best album, so proud of her artistic growth and very cohesive body of work.
  12. Apr 2, 2021
    THE BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR I’m so proud of you Demi, I love you come for those grammys girl
  13. Apr 2, 2021
    i think the best album she ever released, this is such a masterpiece, like wow i love all the songs she’s so powerful and her voice........... PURE ART
  14. Apr 2, 2021
    This album is so different, I really feel what She's feeling, Demi is so talented and the fts sound awesome
  15. Apr 2, 2021
    Her Best Album, she is a incredible woman, she is a warrior and she is a survivor.
    Melon Cake, Easy, My girlfriends are my boyfriends are my favourites
  16. Apr 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album can be perceived as a trip. It's really good, Demi's vocals are amazing, her high notes, the lyrics and i love the instrumental, it's like R&B with pop, but mixing many characteristics of folk, It's quite retro like 60's or 70's, but at the sime time it shows her evolution. Pretty good Expand
  17. Apr 2, 2021
    I think its time to stop the hate to Demi Lovato, this album is a masterpiece fron start to end, i love it
  18. Apr 1, 2021
    Honest and beautiful. This album is really cohesive and in the same time many tracks are different I love this album and maybe her best ! Her voice is so good. Some tracks remind me her debuts albums (Don’t Forget & Here We Go Again) and I love that !!! The track with Saweetie is new genre for Demi and shes killin it ! It’s 20/10 for Demi
  19. Apr 2, 2021
    Uma obra-prima! Com certeza ela deu seu coração e alma a isso. Neste álbum Demi mostra sua história, é um álbum real, divertido e agradável "Acho que é hora de parar com o ódio à Demi Lovato.
  20. Apr 2, 2021
    The album is a bop overall. Every tracks of the album would really make sure that you fall in love with everyone of them.
  21. Apr 1, 2021
    The album begins with Demi's struggles and it ends with "good place" that gives a good energy of peace which is what Demi is feeling now. It tells her story, it's really honest in the lyrics and the vocals are beautiful, shows she is one of the best artists and vocalists of this generation.
  22. Apr 2, 2021
    This album deserves a Grammy right now, and if you're reading this give her an 10 because she deserves. This album is truly a masterpiece
  23. Apr 1, 2021
    beautiful, demi lovato has reached its artistic peak. The post intro songs carry a lighter and more wonderful vibe.
  24. Apr 1, 2021
    This is truly a journey. Demi is finally herself. The sound. The story. Her most mature album ever. It truly gives you so many vibes. Her best work.
  25. Apr 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. memorável, álbum do ano, álbum da carreira. aclamadissimooooo pelas críticas Expand
  26. Apr 1, 2021
    o álbum do ano! entregou conceito, coesão e muita aclamação... perfeito pra ouvir em ordem, do início ao fim, conta a história dela do jeito mais incrível possível
  27. Apr 1, 2021
    DWTDTAOSO is an incredible album with very deep meanings such as addictions, violence and break ups. It’s a very cohesive album which tells a story, her story in a very powerful way
  28. Apr 1, 2021
    Coeso, perfeito, na medida, melhor album da carreira, Demi finalmente mostrou a grande artista que é.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Apr 15, 2021
    Lovato's frankness is disarming, forcing a listener to reckon with the depths of the singer's distinction, yet the album works best when it veers toward lighter territory, letting the slick R&B rhythms and sugared hooks carry Lovato's emoting.
  2. Apr 8, 2021
    Dancing With the Devil… The Art of Starting Over is Demi Lovato like we have never heard before. She is sassy and carefree while serious about her identity and personhood in a way she has been itching to be for years.
  3. Apr 8, 2021
    The opening three tracks are almost an EP in their own right, before a quick reset. Semi title track ‘The Art Of Starting Over’ begins anew, a straight forward bop that gets to the root of Demi’s recovery – her natural talent, her ear for pop magic, affording room for personal renewal.