• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: May 31, 2011
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 44
  2. Negative: 0 out of 44
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  1. May 31, 2011
    As a listener who straddles the fence between casual listener and MMJ fanatic I was genuinely impressed by this album. I was able to sit through the entire album without skipping any tracks, something rare these days, in my opinion. It created the same magic It Still Moves, Z, and Evil Urges did for me. Outta My System, Victory Dance, and Holdin' On To Black Metal are great songs forAs a listener who straddles the fence between casual listener and MMJ fanatic I was genuinely impressed by this album. I was able to sit through the entire album without skipping any tracks, something rare these days, in my opinion. It created the same magic It Still Moves, Z, and Evil Urges did for me. Outta My System, Victory Dance, and Holdin' On To Black Metal are great songs for anyone new to My Morning Jacket and existing fans. This album is definitely worth checking out. Expand
  2. Jun 6, 2011
    Amazing! Their greatest effort since the majestic "At Dawn". Victory Dance is one of the most exciting, moving intros to an album I've ever heard. Circuital and Outta My System are my other two favorites. Turn the lights low, put the head phones on and go for a wonderful 45 min. journey.
  3. Jun 1, 2011
    To my ears, this sounds more like the proper follow up to "Z" after the detour of Evil Urges. For all the varieties of sounds and styles, it certainly makes for a more cohesive listen than the previous release.
  4. Jun 2, 2011
    What begins as a very strong album fades out by the end leaving you with little to remember. Unlike Z or Evil Urges before it, this album's songs all have a very similar vibe, which doesn't leave a great first impression. Repeated listens do this album well. At first, it appears there are no real standouts like "I'm Amazed", "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pts. 1 and 2", or "WordlessWhat begins as a very strong album fades out by the end leaving you with little to remember. Unlike Z or Evil Urges before it, this album's songs all have a very similar vibe, which doesn't leave a great first impression. Repeated listens do this album well. At first, it appears there are no real standouts like "I'm Amazed", "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pts. 1 and 2", or "Wordless Chorus". However, one song sticks out for the wrong reasons. "Holdin' On to Black Metal" is an excruciating experience from start to finish. At one moment during the song I was relieved that it ended...then it starts up again. Memories of "Highly Suspicious" come to mind, although that song was far superior. In the end, what defines My Morning Jacket--in my opinion--is their willingness to experiment, and even though on Evil Urges (and with "Holdin' Onto Black Metal") these experiments sometimes fail, they at least gave the album life. Here's holding out hope the next album is a little more ambitious.

    Best tracks: Victory Dance, Circuital, The Day is Coming, Wonderful (The Way I Feel), You Wanna Freak Out
  5. Jun 1, 2011
    My Morning Jacket have come a long way. There masterpiece album "Z" still remains a milestone in music and The album after that, "Evil Urges" is a great album. Circuital is no "Z", but it is a very well produced record. They go back to there psychedelic roots from "Z" and it sounds better than ever. Jim Jame's voice has never sounded so hypnotic and absorbing. A lot of atmosphere in thisMy Morning Jacket have come a long way. There masterpiece album "Z" still remains a milestone in music and The album after that, "Evil Urges" is a great album. Circuital is no "Z", but it is a very well produced record. They go back to there psychedelic roots from "Z" and it sounds better than ever. Jim Jame's voice has never sounded so hypnotic and absorbing. A lot of atmosphere in this album that creates a good tone throughout the whole record. Victory Dance is the stand out track on this record. All In All, Circuital is a wonderful album and among the best that have come out this year. A- Expand
  6. Aug 6, 2013
    From the opening song to the end, this album continues My Morning Jacket's reign as one of the best bands of all time, albeit with what I consider three weak songs for them. I agree that the standard should be how many tracks one can listen to on any given album. And in this album, with most tracks very listenable and a number outstanding, it measures up to Z and exceeds some of itsFrom the opening song to the end, this album continues My Morning Jacket's reign as one of the best bands of all time, albeit with what I consider three weak songs for them. I agree that the standard should be how many tracks one can listen to on any given album. And in this album, with most tracks very listenable and a number outstanding, it measures up to Z and exceeds some of its predecessors.

    With maximum exposure of Jim James, the lead singer and songwriter whose work no doubt was the center of this Louisville born band this album continues the strong musical performances of the band. The Zune audience has seven of the top sixteen songs members listen to are from this album, one of twelve albums on My Morning Jacket's Zune page. I would only get five into this list.

    We have to wonder whether the band will survive the solo efforts of James, but so far this seems to have happened.

    Is My Morning Jacket worth the trip through their entire repertoire? You bet. And in my view, this album is better than the 7.8 average given by listeners.
  7. Jun 20, 2011
    I have yet to give an album a ten on Metacritic until now. Such a good album, and no complaints here. My Morning Jacket keeps their jam rock sound while mixing in new experimental and psychedelic sounds into it.
  8. Jun 9, 2011
    Good, a solid album but not as good as "Evil urges" (which wasn't even that great in the first place) and doesn;t come close to the ambitiousness of "Z" or the quality of "It still moves" It sounds great, but they could have made something better.
  9. Jun 19, 2011
    MMJ delivers again with a more focused album than their last time out. From the first second of this album I was hooked and it gets better and better up until 'Holding on the Black Metal' which is one of the weirdest/best songs I have heard recently. The album kind of peters out after that, but is still fantastic nevertheless. Great album by one of the best bands in the business. Respect.
  10. Jun 24, 2011
    Review on Circuital here from Examiner Online...
  11. Sep 23, 2011
    An phenomenal record from start to finish. Their best work since It Still Moves, with Jim James sounding more soulful than ever before. It gave me chills.
  12. j30
    Jul 20, 2011
    Solid album from an evolving solid band. This might be their most focused record to date. I love the feeling I get when I listen to it. It makes you wish it were the late 60's or early 70's. However I do miss the music experimentation. You know the constant guessing game you have with them on what the next track is going to sound like (Z and Evil Urges). Overall it's probably my favoriteSolid album from an evolving solid band. This might be their most focused record to date. I love the feeling I get when I listen to it. It makes you wish it were the late 60's or early 70's. However I do miss the music experimentation. You know the constant guessing game you have with them on what the next track is going to sound like (Z and Evil Urges). Overall it's probably my favorite album that I've heard from them. I look forward to seeing how the album translates into a live show. Key Tracks: Wonderful, Out of My System, and The Day is Coming. Expand
  13. May 7, 2015
    Well the good and the bad news is that MMJ are back in safe terrain - none of the tracks on 'Circuital' are as whacked out or as awful as anything on 'Evil Urges'. 'Circuital' is a pleasant and highly listenable record - the sound of a band recovering from the disaster that was 'Evil Urges'.
  14. Jul 10, 2013
    Another awesome album from an awesome band. It maintains the mellow vibe that My Morning Jacket does best and builds upon it. Most songs on this album are great, with the real jewel of this album being "The Day is Coming". While not their best, Circuital is definitely a stellar album, even by My Morning Jacket's high standards.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Dec 14, 2011
    My Morning Jacket no longer sound like a band of curious adventurers perpetually at odds with their former selves, and consequently deliver an album that plays like a sort of kid-in-a-candy-shop, take-a-little-of-everything thrill ride. Predictably, results vary.
  2. 80
    Allowing their music to be filled with the goodness they inevitably churn out, My Morning Jacket has embraced the electrical currents that connect their music.
  3. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2011
    Circuital sees them negotiating their place in the world with heartening vigour. [July 2011, p. 103]