• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: May 31, 2011
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 44
  2. Negative: 0 out of 44
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  1. Jun 22, 2011
    My Morning Jacket are a frustrating band - sometimes brilliant but more often that not ho-hum. Circuital is a hit and miss album with the title track essentially the only real stand-out track; you can literally hear the wafters lifting when it is played live. It does contain some vocal histrionics, Jim James works hard to get the lines "In some bloody battle, Over belief systems" to workMy Morning Jacket are a frustrating band - sometimes brilliant but more often that not ho-hum. Circuital is a hit and miss album with the title track essentially the only real stand-out track; you can literally hear the wafters lifting when it is played live. It does contain some vocal histrionics, Jim James works hard to get the lines "In some bloody battle, Over belief systems" to work and just about pulls it off.
    Aside from Circuital, Movin' Away is a decent track as well but the rest of the album is a disappointment. MMJ have failed in my opinion to deliver on their promise and are well behind their contemporaries like The National or Wilco in delivering a truly knock-out collection of songs. 6 out of 10 from me.
  2. Jul 13, 2011
    Years down the road, I'll probably kick myself for not fully getting into this record the way I did their others, but I just wasn't feeling this one off the bat. "Holdin' on to Black Metal", excluding. While the songs are good, there just wasn't that excitement that usually clings to the band's music. However, I'm sure I'll change my mind when the time comes. The title track is definitelyYears down the road, I'll probably kick myself for not fully getting into this record the way I did their others, but I just wasn't feeling this one off the bat. "Holdin' on to Black Metal", excluding. While the songs are good, there just wasn't that excitement that usually clings to the band's music. However, I'm sure I'll change my mind when the time comes. The title track is definitely making me think twice. Expand
  3. Jul 24, 2020
    I understand that Evil Urges gets a lot of flack, but I feel like the songs feel inspired and the lyrics are excellent. Circuital suffers from not as noteworthy lyrics and not enough flow. While still a pretty good listen, there are only a few standout tracks (Victory Dance, Holdin On to Black Metal, and Moving Away).

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Dec 14, 2011
    My Morning Jacket no longer sound like a band of curious adventurers perpetually at odds with their former selves, and consequently deliver an album that plays like a sort of kid-in-a-candy-shop, take-a-little-of-everything thrill ride. Predictably, results vary.
  2. 80
    Allowing their music to be filled with the goodness they inevitably churn out, My Morning Jacket has embraced the electrical currents that connect their music.
  3. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2011
    Circuital sees them negotiating their place in the world with heartening vigour. [July 2011, p. 103]