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Universal acclaim- based on 177 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 16 out of 177

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  1. Oct 12, 2010
    Awesome album, not sure why people dislike it but at the same time that would make sense do to the fact that most people don't like this sort of music. I liked this album, however we can't always be on pills like these sense we all need to get back to reality.
  2. MaxM.
    Sep 11, 2002
    I find Jared Leto's debut impressive. 30 seconds to Mars may be a bit rough around the edges but they sound as if they are on the verge of becoming a phenomenal and unforgettable band. They have "breathed life" back into the media circus that has forcefed us with trash like Britney Spears, Nelly and Linkin Park. Give 'em a shot Max
  3. ScottS
    Oct 6, 2005
    Despite being critically panned for Leto's sci-fi lyrics, which I happen to like, I think this is one of the best hard rock efforts in the last few years. All the songs are listenable, heavy, and thought-provoking. I've probably listened to it a 100 times and I don't exactly have time to waste on 'pretty good' CDs. Excellent work and highly recommended.
  4. marcoo
    Jun 2, 2005
    it's hard to categorize this album... it has a dark, dramatic and sometimes desperate feeling, progressive passages and great guitarwork... don't call this rock or, worse, grunge (!)... this is "almost" gothic metal at its best. simply one of my favourite albums of all times.
  5. IvozzR
    Sep 7, 2006
  6. TheDandroid
    Mar 9, 2008
    Just wanted to say to all the weak minded fools out there that jump on the 'we shouldn't like this album because it's made by an actor' bandwagon, that it does require brains to like this superior kind of music, and you should form your own opinions rather than be guided by the cynical press. adios.
  7. AngelaB.
    Oct 9, 2002
    Very satisfying, soothing medicine. My new very favorite.
  8. AmandaP.
    Sep 10, 2002
    Everybody knows it's not a good idea for actors to become rock stars (Keanu Reeves...Russell Crowe...Kevin Bacon), but in this case, Jared Leto proves he can do it - and well. His new band, 30 Seconds To Mars, is very promising, and they showcase a sound that is unique in a world of cookie cutter pop acts and yes, cookie cutter rock bands. Leto has the perfect voice for his anthemic Everybody knows it's not a good idea for actors to become rock stars (Keanu Reeves...Russell Crowe...Kevin Bacon), but in this case, Jared Leto proves he can do it - and well. His new band, 30 Seconds To Mars, is very promising, and they showcase a sound that is unique in a world of cookie cutter pop acts and yes, cookie cutter rock bands. Leto has the perfect voice for his anthemic space-y rock, which has a brooding and futuristic tone. The first time, many of the tracks on their disc may sound similar, but a closer listen unveils the complex thoughts and patterns in each song. 30 Seconds to Mars? sound has been compared to the Cure to Peter Gabriel to Pink Floyd to Rush; it?s something you won?t find in any other modern rock band. Crisp harmonies and driving guitars propel the album along with thought-provoking poetry. The lyrics may be a bit out there, but as Leto said in an interview, "there are enough guys out there singing about their girlfriends and fathers. And doing a good job of it." Would we really want to hear about his problems with Cameron Diaz? Leto is poignant and passionate, and listeners will be drawn to his music. One has to give Leto credit for not using his pretty face to sell the record - neither the band's website nor the album's liner notes has a single photo of Leto. He's trying to make it based on the music, and from the looks of it, he will. Expand
  9. DAveS
    Sep 1, 2002
    30STM has done what very few bands, let alone rock bands have been able to do. 30STM creates an album with music that is more composed than just the repitition of a few chords, very similarly to the band Tool. In an industry where most bands have little musical talent, or are just another linkin park, limp bizkit, rock/rap genre, it's refreshing to see a band with actual talent make it.
  10. SamH
    Mar 10, 2003
    This CD is awesome! Jared himself as well as his voice are beautiful!
  11. JustinP
    Mar 6, 2003
    This is one of the most amazing albums that I've personally ever heard. The fact that he does sing about soace and astronomy so much just adds their own touch. I'm glad they don't fit into the mainstream genre. Check this album out, and just sit back and enjoy this masterpiece.
  12. DavidK
    Jan 9, 2005
    I own the CD and I am now a HUGE fan of 30 seconds to mars, I love them, from the spine tingling notes Leto hits, to the rightous drumming, and though I'm not into the whole sci-fi lyrical form I love these guys!!!
  13. Kylie-annPine
    Mar 22, 2005
    So different, great sounds, great music, great people.
  14. sterlingxcore
    Jan 8, 2007
    It's not surprising that people who don't like the album lack good grammar skills. The album is too smart for you. While it's not flawless, it is an extremely well made album. You've got to have brains to "get it". If you're blindly going to insult a bands work, at least learn basic english skills.
  15. Blasikov
    Oct 1, 2002
    Sweet action. I keep listening to it, I can't STOP. HELP ME!!!!
  16. JesseW.
    Oct 3, 2002
    I bought this album after I saw the video for Capricorn. I am a huge fan of Incubus and I heard they were touring with them. I figured after that it was time to get it. It's a great album with cutting edge techno thrown into the mix. If there is anything wrong with this album it would be the repetitive lyrics. Otherwise, it's a must buy for 2002.
  17. MitchC.
    Oct 5, 2002
    I haven;t heard a cd this good since KMFDM's ATTAK. Completely Awesome!
  18. ShimazuF.
    Oct 7, 2002
    Tis a damn spanky effort. the boy's done good, really good!
  19. elevateCOERCION
    Aug 29, 2002
    Jared and Shannon Leto got the bum end of the deal when their production team decided to screw up the liner notes and the actual cd press (creating gaps instead of smooth crossovers between tracks). And that's too bad, because they have been successful in cloning Linkin Park, taking out any "nu-metal" influence (especially the whiny, woe-is-me lyrics), throwing in some twists, and Jared and Shannon Leto got the bum end of the deal when their production team decided to screw up the liner notes and the actual cd press (creating gaps instead of smooth crossovers between tracks). And that's too bad, because they have been successful in cloning Linkin Park, taking out any "nu-metal" influence (especially the whiny, woe-is-me lyrics), throwing in some twists, and creating an incredible, spatial tribute to the future and realization of it. Of course, 30STM can't fully escape a corporate rock label, considering most songs on the CD are done in a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus fashion, but i'm not complaining. With the hopeful "Capricorn," two-sided "Buddha For Mary," and driving "The Mission," 30STM have quitely secured a place in the graces of good, solid rock and roll. Expand
  20. LaurenH.
    Sep 28, 2002
    The songs on the album are great!, 30 seconds from mars is tha best!!!
  21. [Anonymous]
    Sep 4, 2002
    This cd sets a great atmosphere.
  22. LauraO
    Mar 29, 2005
    can't I give 11? This can't be a too bad album, because I have listened it a few weeks on a row, and it still sounds as good as when I got it! Jared is great, his voice matching the music perfectly. The lyrics... I have hears worse, and by now, I haven't noticed anything crappy in them! While waiting for the next demo... let's listen to this album! :)
  23. AndrewK
    Apr 8, 2006
    This is a great CD that strays away from the corporate machine that so many pontentialy good bands have lost themselves to. The lyrics and music takes you to another world that I could and have gotten lost in for hours. Highly recomended. Also this album is much much better than their second (a beautiful lie). PS, anyone living in calgary, alta. they are playing at the Whiskey April.11. Peace
  24. ng
    Aug 20, 2007
    Mmmmm... yummy... Care less about the critics.
  25. JohnnyR.
    Jan 21, 2008
    Great album, the musical complexity here is amazing. Not to mention that Jared Leto played almost all the instruments.
  26. ChristineW.
    Feb 26, 2008
    the band in my opinion sets a good example to us teenagers and their music is unbelieveable good.
  27. AnthonyG.
    Oct 11, 2002
    when i got my incubus tickets and 30 seconds to mars was the opener, i never heard of them so i went to the store and the cd was 6.88 you cant beat that, i trrew it in my cd player and was mesmerized by the way the heavy guitars, didnt overshadow the singers voice which caps of the amazing preformances on the album. after the listen i hoped on line to find out more only to be shocked that when i got my incubus tickets and 30 seconds to mars was the opener, i never heard of them so i went to the store and the cd was 6.88 you cant beat that, i trrew it in my cd player and was mesmerized by the way the heavy guitars, didnt overshadow the singers voice which caps of the amazing preformances on the album. after the listen i hoped on line to find out more only to be shocked that the voice i just heard was jared leto, jared deservse all the respect we give to other great singers as well as to his band kudos to 30 seconds to mars. i was even more impressed at the concert with how they treated there fans, they talked to me for about 10 minutes about the album and none of them includeing jared acted like they were better then you. class acts. these guys care about the music Expand
  28. ChrisB
    Nov 25, 2002
    This album is great. The sounds of the guitars and the synthesizer is overwhelmingly in sync with the lead singer. The only problem is that the lyrics are obssessive over space and astrology. Overall, if you're looking for something new 30 Seconds to Mars is a great start.
  29. CourtneyB.
    Oct 13, 2002
    Speechless! The unique reasons for this record is makes it that much more intersting to listen to! The lyrics the sounds make for really sexy songs, it takes you on a outta this world adventure!
  30. Chrissie
    Oct 13, 2002
    This is my new favorite album, I saw them in concert before it even came out and i knew i had to have it! They are an awesum band who kicks major ace!
  31. Tracie
    Nov 4, 2002
    kicks ass!
  32. Tiffany
    Nov 5, 2002
    Thank God,30STM, a band with musical depth and a fresh sound, have let us hear their talent. I quit listening to the radio b/c most of the crap out right now sounds the same. But from beginning to end this cd is a breath of fresh air. I am completely addicted to the cd; it's intoxicating and exhillerating. 2 enthusiastic thumbs up to Jared Leto and the boys!
  33. Deanna
    Oct 26, 2002
    I absolutely adore this album. I fell in love with the music because it was different from all the other junk. Because I liked 30stm so much, I decided to go digging around on the net to find out some more info on the band. I was completely shocked to find that Leto was the frontman for the band. I must admit, the guy can rock. Just for clarity's sake, the rest of the band rocks too!
  34. KimberleyH.
    Oct 30, 2002
    This is the best CD I've heard in a long time......I've been waiting for its release for a long time......but it was definitly worth the wait!!!!! Jared Leto is the BEST!!!!!
  35. TomD
    Oct 4, 2002
    I have to say this band kicks some serious azz.
  36. Kara
    Oct 6, 2002
    i saw 30 seconds to mars sep 18 with my all time fav ban incubus (awes show), and i had never heard of them or the lead singer, who had a rep as an actor. i guess i was looking for a type of rock that i liked and this was it. a cool blend of electronics and haunting guitar playing, i give them a 10. the only thing i regret is not going down to see them between shows!great music, great i saw 30 seconds to mars sep 18 with my all time fav ban incubus (awes show), and i had never heard of them or the lead singer, who had a rep as an actor. i guess i was looking for a type of rock that i liked and this was it. a cool blend of electronics and haunting guitar playing, i give them a 10. the only thing i regret is not going down to see them between shows!great music, great style, great lyrics. Expand
  37. JasonR.
    Aug 21, 2002
    Great stuff, friend mentioned them to me, been listening to them since. Comes with the highest recommendations.
  38. zachbeebee
    Aug 22, 2002
    this album rocks
  39. CW
    Sep 17, 2002
    see these guys live twice. If you don't like these guys there something wrong with your hearing
  40. JiLL
    Sep 27, 2002
    I saw these guys in concert with Incubus on sept. 19th also got the autographs and pictures of 30stm....they were very down to earth funny people...The album rocks and thats all I listen to from the time I wake up til the time I get home from school... All I hope for is that they dont end up becoming trendy like linkin park has...that would really set me off...and also I thought of the I saw these guys in concert with Incubus on sept. 19th also got the autographs and pictures of 30stm....they were very down to earth funny people...The album rocks and thats all I listen to from the time I wake up til the time I get home from school... All I hope for is that they dont end up becoming trendy like linkin park has...that would really set me off...and also I thought of the same thing as the other girl...I'm actually happy to see that Jared Leto's picture is not on the cd cover nor the website because I want people to like them for their talent and their music not just because of Jared's Gorgeous face...and to see its not all him the other band members are very talented too..Think about it, it wouldnt be 30 seconds to mars without the others... Thanks and Good Luck Guys! Keep Rockin' Expand
  41. ArleneS.
    Sep 6, 2002
    I love this Album. It's one of my favorits. And I hope that the fans that see them on tour with Incubus appreciate them cuz not only can Jared Leto act, but he can also perform. I hope that who ever seems them enjoy the show, cuz i know that i did. GOOD JOB u guys.
  42. LindaS
    Mar 7, 2004
    Great! It's completely different from the music that I usually listen, but... fantastic. The CD gives such an energy!... :)
  43. NickP
    Mar 20, 2005
    the cd is pretty good, but the lyrics are garbage
  44. SharreG
    Feb 15, 2006
    Justin you are the biggest idiot there is. This band is awesome and further more why dont you run back to seether and tell them the next album they make not to take every song from every cd they have ever made and put it on the d@mn cd. Tell seether to get some original material for once in their lives. 30 seconds rules leto is a better singer than I though he would be. At first I was Justin you are the biggest idiot there is. This band is awesome and further more why dont you run back to seether and tell them the next album they make not to take every song from every cd they have ever made and put it on the d@mn cd. Tell seether to get some original material for once in their lives. 30 seconds rules leto is a better singer than I though he would be. At first I was skeptical but then I actually gave them a chance and I love them. Expand
  45. MarkK
    Jan 2, 2009
    Doesn't set the music scene on fire, but still enjoyable.
  46. SheilaW.
    Nov 11, 2002
    I love you guys!!!!!!!!! 3 for 3 in mn!
  47. AnonymousMC
    Sep 11, 2002
    one word: awesome
  48. Hilary
    Sep 28, 2002
    I absolutely love this cd. The first time I heard 30STM was at a few Incubus shows last week, and I was thoroughly impressed. I wasn't really expecting much, since I've seen actors try to be musicians before. However, I think Jared Leto actually has a lot of musical talent, and a great voice. I love the style of music, as's great to hear an artist using I absolutely love this cd. The first time I heard 30STM was at a few Incubus shows last week, and I was thoroughly impressed. I wasn't really expecting much, since I've seen actors try to be musicians before. However, I think Jared Leto actually has a lot of musical talent, and a great voice. I love the style of music, as's great to hear an artist using electronics and programming, and not making it sound like a bunch of noise in the background. I think they've done a great job with this cd and I really hope they have success. One more thing...I think Jared Leto was smart not to try to gain popularity based on the fact that he's a movie star. At a show in NJ last week, I heard some guys talking about how pathetic Jared Leto is for 'trying to be a rock star' and then after they heard the band's set, they were saying things like 'They were pretty good,' and going and buying the cd. Kudos to Jared and his band for proving that they actually are good musicians. Expand
  49. sandrac
    Aug 28, 2004
    it rocks!!!!!!!!1
  50. MiguelC
    May 13, 2005
    the more you listen to it, the more you uncover. an underrated cliche killer!
  51. ethicalbob
    Nov 13, 2006
    It's interesting to see Rolling Stone demonize odd lyrics. It would be easy to categorize this album as corporate, emo, glam, prog, college, even hard rock "lite" or any number of labels that would be attributed to it by lovers (or detractors) of any of these genres. The strength of the album is that it takes good ingredients from each, and mixes it into a very accessable which is It's interesting to see Rolling Stone demonize odd lyrics. It would be easy to categorize this album as corporate, emo, glam, prog, college, even hard rock "lite" or any number of labels that would be attributed to it by lovers (or detractors) of any of these genres. The strength of the album is that it takes good ingredients from each, and mixes it into a very accessable which is unique enough to enjoy repeat listening. It's really just a good album - if Leto were not already famous, I think the detractors would give this a fairer review. But listen to it for yourself. It's worth the risk. Expand
  52. Luke
    Nov 13, 2007
    This album is by far a 10. Leto puts together an amazing sound, chilling vocals, awesome guitars, an awesome beat to each song, and deep lyrics that create a world to imagine. Their first album is so underrated just because Leto is an actor and people dont think he is legitimate in a band. You people make me sick. Open your eyes and behold the ECHELON!!!!
  53. LauraS.
    Nov 23, 2007
    if i could give them anything higher than 10 i so would. this band is amazing and nothing can top them. their lyrics are so different and creative that it just keeps you listening until you realize that CD's finished. people who don't like them can't get outside of the music that's poplular. you have to be more open-minded to music that might be out-of-the-box in order if i could give them anything higher than 10 i so would. this band is amazing and nothing can top them. their lyrics are so different and creative that it just keeps you listening until you realize that CD's finished. people who don't like them can't get outside of the music that's poplular. you have to be more open-minded to music that might be out-of-the-box in order to appreciate how amazing they are. i love them. they're the best band ever. Expand
  54. SharreL.
    Dec 20, 2007
    no one cares about you idiots who rated low cause they have sold millions of copies. so hahaha and they
  55. MissyS
    Dec 14, 2002
    This Cd Rocks!
  56. Candi
    Dec 11, 2003
    This album is amazing. It brings together so many styles of music and mixes them well. The problem with this album is, that in some places where bland music prevails, this will not be appreciated. I think that is a shame as this band can definetly kick pop-idol ass, in fact kick is probably not the word. I'm thinking KILL pop-idol ass!
  57. Jan 16, 2013
    very good album and much better then the album that came after it, that sounded just like most of the crap on the charts. and some people saying this is unoriginal???? what is so original today then??? there isnt one original and inventive band on the charts today, ok there is always 1 or 2 that manage to sneek in, bands like Deftones and Soundgarden for example. just listen to the albumvery good album and much better then the album that came after it, that sounded just like most of the crap on the charts. and some people saying this is unoriginal???? what is so original today then??? there isnt one original and inventive band on the charts today, ok there is always 1 or 2 that manage to sneek in, bands like Deftones and Soundgarden for example. just listen to the album and dont just think its Jared Leto, its the music that counts, that whats to many people have forgotten Expand
  58. Sep 24, 2015
    Unfortunately, due to the ugly bias of mixed reviews that Metacritic has counted and the positive ones it hasn't, 30 Seconds to Mars' debut eponymous album may put one off from giving it a go. Assured, this is the band's best album by far.
    Tinged with space rock mixed with prog that Mars seemed to ditch with their successors, 30 Seconds to Mars is a true rarity.
  59. Mar 2, 2014
    Awesome band, great albums...Overall amazing performance. Also, they're music videos are amazing, specially Hurricane. If you're into Rock/Electronica then this is for you.
  60. Mar 22, 2018
    Whoever criticize this album doesn't even know what rock music is or is it just a echelon-army-14-yo-edgy-teen retard. Is literally their best and only best album in their entire discography. Everything here fits perfectly, as there are a lot of interesting solutions and different sounds well mixed together. Far beyond the common alt-rock/metal and post-grunge halos, space and existentialWhoever criticize this album doesn't even know what rock music is or is it just a echelon-army-14-yo-edgy-teen retard. Is literally their best and only best album in their entire discography. Everything here fits perfectly, as there are a lot of interesting solutions and different sounds well mixed together. Far beyond the common alt-rock/metal and post-grunge halos, space and existential lyrics fuse perfectly with synths and electronics giving the album a unique spatial and atmospheric sounds. The Deftones/Staind/A Perfect Circle influence is very consistent: the song structure tend to be minimal with their classic verse-bridge-chorus with power-chorded and high distorted guitars making a good wall of sound on which painting good melodies (Capricorn, Oblivion, End of the beginning).
    They changed their sound into a **** teen-emo-pop style for money because no one likes this heavy sound anymore.
  61. Oct 5, 2018
    Thirty Seconds to Mars conseguiu produzir um álbum que voltou a dar vida ao rock que esteve apagado durante muitos anos. A estreia de Jared Leto é impressionante, bem como os seus vocais. Sim, há uma faixa ou outra que fracassaram, mas a banda até conseguiu fazer um ótimo
  62. Aug 30, 2019
    Some parts of this record never leave my playlist. Always in time, always hypnotic.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Nov 11, 2015
    30 Seconds to Mars has managed to record an album that breathes life into the empty shell that corporate rock has become, and in reanimating an avenue of musical expression that has for many years been on its deathbed, has quite possibly offered the single best rock experience of 2002.
  2. Blender
    30STM manage a high-minded space opera of epic scope befitting prog-rock prototypes Rush. [#9, p.142]
  3. Q Magazine
    The album has a polished sheen, but Leto's delivery of his earnest, sci-fi-tinged lyrics gets monotonous over the course of the album. [Dec 2002, p.96]