
Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Blender
    30STM manage a high-minded space opera of epic scope befitting prog-rock prototypes Rush. [#9, p.142]
  2. Q Magazine
    The album has a polished sheen, but Leto's delivery of his earnest, sci-fi-tinged lyrics gets monotonous over the course of the album. [Dec 2002, p.96]
  3. The album is undone by Leto's baffling, pretentious poetry and the sanitized quality of the heavy guitars.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 177 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 177
  1. Oct 12, 2010
    Awesome album, not sure why people dislike it but at the same time that would make sense do to the fact that most people don't like this sortAwesome album, not sure why people dislike it but at the same time that would make sense do to the fact that most people don't like this sort of music. I liked this album, however we can't always be on pills like these sense we all need to get back to reality. Full Review »
  2. MaxM.
    Sep 11, 2002
    I find Jared Leto's debut impressive. 30 seconds to Mars may be a bit rough around the edges but they sound as if they are on the verge I find Jared Leto's debut impressive. 30 seconds to Mars may be a bit rough around the edges but they sound as if they are on the verge of becoming a phenomenal and unforgettable band. They have "breathed life" back into the media circus that has forcefed us with trash like Britney Spears, Nelly and Linkin Park. Give 'em a shot Max Full Review »
  3. Aug 30, 2019
    Some parts of this record never leave my playlist. Always in time, always hypnotic.