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Generally favorable reviews- based on 311 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 38 out of 311
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  1. Nov 18, 2017
    The realness of this album can't be disputed. Simply cannot. These are the heart's echoes of a man who is devastated by loss. And in that regard, it is barely music. A Crow Looked at Me is more like a free form poem, with trace amounts of variation from track to track, verbatim of what he thinks, sees, and feels. It is sounds adrift in the breeze while the last strength of a broken manThe realness of this album can't be disputed. Simply cannot. These are the heart's echoes of a man who is devastated by loss. And in that regard, it is barely music. A Crow Looked at Me is more like a free form poem, with trace amounts of variation from track to track, verbatim of what he thinks, sees, and feels. It is sounds adrift in the breeze while the last strength of a broken man talks along with minimal utterance. People will feel the urge to heal him, feel this, feel something real for once because that's natural, especially with all the obnoxious assertiveness on the radio and the news. But for the sake of objectivity, it's hardly listenable. I have my own personal pain as many of us do. When I hear this album, it doesn't give me a sense of empathy nor does it offer perspective. I hope he finds some healing somewhere, in some way down the road as impossible as it seems at this point. Objectively, for the sake of art and music however, it's not creative. You'll hear it once, it'll touch you, and then you'll never want to listen to it again. It's like tasting salt. Salt is an important ingredient for food, but you wouldn't eat a bowl of it. Expand
  2. Apr 6, 2017
    The reality of this album can't be argued. This is someone's life they're talking about. However, the lyrics could not be more cliche. The first thing I hear is "death is real" and I'm already skeptical. It's too obvious and too predictable. This record does have some good moments like Forest Fire and Soria Moria. When the singing isn't uncomfortably shaky and the lyrics aren't boringlyThe reality of this album can't be argued. This is someone's life they're talking about. However, the lyrics could not be more cliche. The first thing I hear is "death is real" and I'm already skeptical. It's too obvious and too predictable. This record does have some good moments like Forest Fire and Soria Moria. When the singing isn't uncomfortably shaky and the lyrics aren't boringly cheesy, there's something to listen to. Expand
  3. Apr 5, 2017
    Rather than discuss the tragic death of Phil's wife or the path that has led his career to this album I would like to very plainly, talk about the music that is on this album, and it is simply terrible. Lazy compositions that are barely distinguishable from each other, almost comically disinterested vocal delivery, the same three chords over and over. What is most surprising is theRather than discuss the tragic death of Phil's wife or the path that has led his career to this album I would like to very plainly, talk about the music that is on this album, and it is simply terrible. Lazy compositions that are barely distinguishable from each other, almost comically disinterested vocal delivery, the same three chords over and over. What is most surprising is the complete lack of emotion here, the lack of anything to really feel, this is ostensibly a heart-breaking album dealing with the loss of a loved one, and yet there is no feeling, no passion, no effort to actually channel that pain into catharsis, into something worth listening to. Something worth listening to, this is the point, because music isn't just art, it is a specific form of art, where by using instruments one creates intriguing sounds that engage a listener, in one way or another. "A Crow Looked At Me" is not music in that way, it does not engage you at all, Phil seems anything but engaged or interested by his own compositions or words, in fact the only thing he seems to care about on this wreck of an album is making sure the listener realizes that he is so apathetic and devoid of energy that he can do no more than sadly pantomime the motions singing and songwriting. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mojo
    May 23, 2017
    Painfully literal in its detailing of grief. [Jul 2017, p.91]
  2. May 9, 2017
    This is a remarkably powerful and pure album.
  3. Mar 27, 2017
    A Crow Looked At Me is an unsettling, awkward listen and it might (probably will) make you cry. It’s also a tribute to an amazing 13-year love story (the penultimate song Soria Moria encompasses Elverum’s childhood longing, how he met Castrée and their instant connection) and may turn out to be one of the strongest albums of the year.