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Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 61
  2. Negative: 4 out of 61
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  1. May 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I am leaving this review after at least 10 listens so I have given Zeit the time it takes to digest.... yet I still don't like it that much. In a nutshell, Zeit is like premature ejaculation: not very unpleasant but something's missing there.
    Zeit is a decent Rammstein-effort in every way with, for me, only very few remarkable moments but, on the other hand, several moments of "i have heard this before" .. on other Rammstein albums, that is. Musically and maybe even lyrically speaking Rammstein may have nothing new to show and say, still, I so hope this isn't going to be their farewell album because that would be a shame. Speaking of farewell, Adieu, the closing song on Zeit, sounds like a farce to me, not a good one though. Had their finished the album off with Lügen (my favorite on Zeit), I'd have given this album a 7 or maybe even an 8, but alas I had to say adieu to these higher scores. The lyrics of Adieu are so commonplace that, I'd love to think, the guys intented the whole song, again, as a wink, a joke, something to cause the fandom to contemplate about Rammstein's The End, only to return with more albums in a few or several years. Here's hoping....
    On a sidenote: I used to be a drummer and Doom has always been an idol for me, yet on Zeit it feels like he decided to keep it simple and thus the drum parts are .. ehm.. not very innovative, at least not in my ears. He still rocks and thunders though, only I find the drums on Zeit a little too predictable and boring.

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jul 14, 2022
    Yes, it really does nod towards Sound of Music and backs this cleverly with an illuminating barrage of steely industrial noise. Of course, the album will only truly explode into life when it surges into the live arena. A lavish and unique operatic gothic party that promises, as ever, to be a scream.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    May 27, 2022
    Perhaps more than any other Rammstein album, it feels like a collection of songs deliberately built to soundtrack a future series of spectacular live set-pieces. [Jul 2022, p.81]
  3. May 9, 2022
    Just as grand as one would expect from the German rockers, ‘Zeit’ is a disorienting, glorious dose of Neue Deutsche Härte. Thick with charisma and a sharp sense of theatricality, this is another certified classic.