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Generally favorable reviews- based on 114 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 114
  2. Negative: 18 out of 114
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  1. Aug 26, 2022
    Combining different type of genres for an album is genius, you'll be in for a surprise!
  2. Aug 26, 2022
    Their best in years. Was thinking that the title track and compliance hinted at a bad album, but was pleasantly surprised at how good the album is. Best track is kill or be killed for me.
  3. Aug 28, 2022
    Interresting "best of" album , it's pretty ease to listen , and its maybe the best since The Resistance , the lyrics are bad but we know we don't listen Muse for this , still a solid album .
  4. Sep 1, 2022
    Brilliant album each song is different and amazing my favs are won't stand down, kobk and verona!!
  5. Aug 27, 2022
    Always surprised. You can never listen to a new album and know what to expect. This album is no different. I keep waiting for the possible decline... How could a band turn out great album after great album for decades? I'm here to tell you Muse delivers.
  6. Aug 26, 2022
    I must confess I haven't loved a Muse album all the way through since "Absolution" but this one absolutely smokes!! It sounds like a band who has re captured the youthful energy of their early stuff and cranked it up to 11. There is so much to like here from the Blistering riffs and titanic drum hits to the mellow ballads and soring vocals. Its all here. Muse is back in a place where itI must confess I haven't loved a Muse album all the way through since "Absolution" but this one absolutely smokes!! It sounds like a band who has re captured the youthful energy of their early stuff and cranked it up to 11. There is so much to like here from the Blistering riffs and titanic drum hits to the mellow ballads and soring vocals. Its all here. Muse is back in a place where it feels like they havent been in years and I love it Expand
  7. Aug 30, 2022
    Great album. Lots of diversity between the songs, which makes the album pretty fun to listen to.
  8. Aug 28, 2022
    easily their best album since BHR, standout tracks: KOBK, Verona, Euphoria, WAFF
  9. Aug 26, 2022
    Great album with high track diversity. Though this may feel to some like a lack of identity, I felt like a kid in an amusement park, experiencing a whole new ride with each track. It goes happy, it goes aggressive, it goes sad, it goes epic. I never got bored listening to the album, even if there are (only few) songs that didnt click.

    37 minutes are a bit short, as I like to sit down and
    Great album with high track diversity. Though this may feel to some like a lack of identity, I felt like a kid in an amusement park, experiencing a whole new ride with each track. It goes happy, it goes aggressive, it goes sad, it goes epic. I never got bored listening to the album, even if there are (only few) songs that didnt click.

    37 minutes are a bit short, as I like to sit down and make listening to an album a full activity. So as soon as I sat down, the record was almost over. But the replay value is great, I gave it multiple listens in one day.
  10. Aug 26, 2022
    Almost perfection. Glad to have gotten this as a “Greatest Hits” rather than an actual GH album. Something here for everyone, whether a Showbiz/OOS era fan or beyond. Liberation, WAFF, Verona, YMMFLIH the highlights in amongst the remaining, excellent, tracks. No doubt these will be spectacular live. Enjoy!
  11. Aug 31, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. How can I sum up Will of the People? Crazy? Stupid? Genius? I think that all of these words apply. This is one of the iconic band's best works to date, spanning synth-pop to alt-metal and everything in between. Matt Bellamy has always been divisive in both his political views and musical style (you either are mind blown and compelled by everything he touches or greatly repulsed). For me, Bellamy represents how far rock as a genre can stretch, a theme that is carried on in this album.

    Some of the tracks on this album brought me to tears. The soaring synths of Verona combine sounds of both Glorious and Madness, surpassing both of them. Kill or be Killed is a modern Stockholm Syndrome, crashing into existence with a guitar tone that would satisfy even the most hardcore of fans. Ghosts succeeded in its attempt to (finally) update the band's ballad formula, and manages to capture the hearts of those fans who are still missing a modern Unintended. The closing track is almost a copy of Knights of Cydonia, wrapping the listener up in a crashing guitar solo and intentionally hilarious lyrics that are sure to have you chanting 'STOCKPILE' for hours after.

    From the 80's synth-pop of 2018's Simulation Theory, to the blissful, dark indie of 1999's Showbiz, Muse's growth as a band has been at the forefront of rocks innovation. And, putting aside the politics and the hilarity, Will of the People truly is an encompassing, fun, and brilliantly stupid album.
  12. Aug 27, 2022
    A few listens in and it feels like the best album Muse have put out in years and I’ve loved all their work. Musically it has everything you’d expect from them, from heavy rock to beautiful synths and a haunting piano ballad and Bellamy’s vocals are as strong as ever. Muse send you on a rollercoaster of emotions, with fun tracks like Will of the people and You make me feel like it’sA few listens in and it feels like the best album Muse have put out in years and I’ve loved all their work. Musically it has everything you’d expect from them, from heavy rock to beautiful synths and a haunting piano ballad and Bellamy’s vocals are as strong as ever. Muse send you on a rollercoaster of emotions, with fun tracks like Will of the people and You make me feel like it’s Halloween, the hauntingly beautiful Verona and angst of Kill or be Killed! Looking forward to seeing some of these tracks live. Superb Album! Expand
  13. Aug 26, 2022
    Real MUSE masterpiece in years. After many experiments it is a perfect blend of early years hard rock and synthy pop melodics of last years. Driving and melodic at the same time. Summing up LP the same way it was for The Resistance.
  14. Aug 31, 2022
    Not much density content wise, but Muse never got very deep about anything in their lyrics to begin with. Every theme used is not fully explored, but at least this factor helps to keep the album's concept and narrative coeherent from begining to end. Otherwise, if the themes were deeply explored, it could have been easily ruined by some of Matt Bellamy's incoherent ideas and ideologies.Not much density content wise, but Muse never got very deep about anything in their lyrics to begin with. Every theme used is not fully explored, but at least this factor helps to keep the album's concept and narrative coeherent from begining to end. Otherwise, if the themes were deeply explored, it could have been easily ruined by some of Matt Bellamy's incoherent ideas and ideologies. Unlike most of the critiques, I do appreciate the inspirations and references that make this album, from the Queen style backing vocals to the controversial "The Beautiful People" melody rip-off.

    Favorite songs: We Are F***ing F****d; You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween; Kill Or Be Killed; Won't Stand Down, Will Of The People; Liberation

    Least Favorite songs: Euphoria, Ghosts (How Can I Move On)
  15. Aug 26, 2022
    The first album i've been waiting for, since 2020 i really follow Muse. This is a really great album
  16. Aug 26, 2022
    amazing album, probably their best since black holes.
    The different genres fits perfectly. My favorite song is kill or be killed
  17. Sep 7, 2022
    It's brief, but fun. Honestly, I like the two slower songs best. (ghost, verona) Most long-lasting Muse fans like me enjoy Kill or be Killed, it's a fun refresher to their harder days. Honestly, it's fun, while not 100% inspiring. I would enjoy hearing most of these shuffled into their live performances.
  18. Aug 26, 2022
    Granted, a die-hard Muse fan has trouble being objective. But “Will of the People”, as a whole ALBUM, delivers. Delivers what? A Muse album that may be as good if not better than “The Resistance”? Nothing against the last three albums, “Simulation Theory”, “Drones”, and the underrated “The 2nd Law”. The latter is subjectively a personal favorite, and yielded as big a hit single as theGranted, a die-hard Muse fan has trouble being objective. But “Will of the People”, as a whole ALBUM, delivers. Delivers what? A Muse album that may be as good if not better than “The Resistance”? Nothing against the last three albums, “Simulation Theory”, “Drones”, and the underrated “The 2nd Law”. The latter is subjectively a personal favorite, and yielded as big a hit single as the album-band could muster-up, “Madnes”, which at the time was heralded as Matt Bellamy’s “best composition” to date, by the likes of the bland Chris Martin of “Coldplay”, a dull band that has fared better commercially than Muse? It’s not a competition, and admittedly Coldplay is a respectable band with an artistic bent. They have commercial hit singles with mass appeal. Muse we’re never marketed as a “singles” band; although this confounds the average Muse FAN, it’s perhaps mos true in that country considered the harbinger of a band’s worldwide success: “America “. Except the divided states of middle-North America Expand
  19. Aug 26, 2022
    Best album since the 2nd Law (10 years ago). Honestly great album, nostalgia of the good old muse with new vibes.
  20. Aug 26, 2022
    Muse is one of the most popular bands in recent years, although in recent years the band will begin to weaken, which is quite a shame. You can see on review sites that the band whose albums have been released in America receive bad reviews, which is quite a shame. Today the band released an album called Will of the People that tries to go too far, but did the album go too far or is it justMuse is one of the most popular bands in recent years, although in recent years the band will begin to weaken, which is quite a shame. You can see on review sites that the band whose albums have been released in America receive bad reviews, which is quite a shame. Today the band released an album called Will of the People that tries to go too far, but did the album go too far or is it just trying to be a Queen band. You can tell from the first song that my band members are addicted to sixties rock, but the problem is that the song Will of the People feels weak and dull which will make me fall asleep. The second song isn't anything, it's supposed to be industrial rock with elements of synthpop, but it doesn't go well. The third song is one of my favorite songs, it's a song that tries to be Queen but it has inserted elements of progressive rock and the song is called Liberation. Won't Stand Down is a relatively amazing song, it is a song that brings together elements of NIN but again in the form of progressive rock. The next song is a song that is neither rock nor metal, it is simply a song that starts and ends with organ playing, this is one of the most reasonable songs on the album, unfortunately, but thanks to Matt's amazing vocals that give hope that the album will be good. You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween is not a good song, except for the solo, I enjoyed the song, only the solo was crazy, it's a shame that some of the songs don't feel neo-prog, which I expected from this band. Kill Or Be Killed is an advanced metal song, there's not much to say, it's a great song. Verona is a song like Ghosts (How Can I Move On), only it's more emotional that puts you in complete sadness, it's an excellent song, but with it at the end of the album, so my score would have gone up. Euphoria feels pretty good it's like the new wave songs of the late eighties which again doesn't suit the band. We Are **** **** is a cute song that has elements of alt rock. Yes, the album went too far, unfortunately, it's a rather disappointing thing, but the album wants to feel different. Matt put all the genres we like in one creative album. Matt wanted a creative album. Muse took credit from many bands and probably Muse wanted to surprise us with many things instead of Arhad. I will agree and say that no one likes change most genres have changed to become popular which is disappointing. But at the end of the day, the album is moving to the point of tears. There are moments that made me very sad. It's just a shame that the album is shorter than usual. Final score 80 Expand
  21. Aug 27, 2022
    As a muse fan i admit, that their past few albums haven't really been all that great, Simulation Theory for example really wasn't anything special, so when they announced they were working on a new album i was naturally worried, but then when they released the first single "Won't Stand Down" i was genuinely impressed, it rapidly became one of my favorite muse songs so after that i becameAs a muse fan i admit, that their past few albums haven't really been all that great, Simulation Theory for example really wasn't anything special, so when they announced they were working on a new album i was naturally worried, but then when they released the first single "Won't Stand Down" i was genuinely impressed, it rapidly became one of my favorite muse songs so after that i became excited for what was to come, and i was not disappointed.
    The WoTP is a very different album from everything they have ever released, i wont say its their magnum opus because i firmly believe that Absolution is their best and even though it didnt reach those heights its still up there.
    Its hard to narrow down what makes this album so good because there is genuinely a lot of different aspects that just work, its a bit of everything, it has some over the top songs which i know a lot of people are not into that type of stuff but i personally dont feel bothered by it since its just fun music, then we have some of the more heavy stuff that they have ever released like Kill or be Killed its my personal favorite song in the album the instrumental in general in this album is wild its main focus is to make you bang your head and it absolutely managed to do that.
    Now there kind of is a thing that is not great in this album that might bother a lot of people, it didnt really bother me but the thing is that in term of lyrics it really isnt anything that rich, its simplistic and just catchy, and i love that, i do enjoy songs with rich lyrics but i dont think its an essential thing especially for a band like muse.
    WoTP is not for everyone and i can understand why there has been quite a bit of backlash towards this album but in all honesty as a muse fan i am extremely satisfied, its not a deep album nor does it have very complex instrumentality but that doesn't make it bad, its simple its catchy and it makes me bang my head, and for me that is enough. I honestly havent had this much fun with an album in a long time, that is why i personally give Wotp a 10/10
  22. Aug 28, 2022
    Muse reignites it’s political themes and delivers on the metal and the bombast.
  23. Aug 28, 2022
    Huge improvement on their previous record. Heavy and dark but stacked with humour and exciting radio friendly tunes. A real rock pop whirlwind from start to finish.
  24. Aug 26, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well, 4 years without a Muse album was good. And its a great album. Its just awesome.
    Verona is maybe the best music of their! And in this album of course happens of everything. Its eletronic, psychodelic and the melodies are strongs, with a positive and love song lyric We are **** **** its hot too because is that uncooked sound of Muse that remember their best years
  25. Aug 26, 2022
    Will of the People is an album that gathers in 38 minutes almost all the musical influences that Muse had on all their albums. The result is an extremely heterogeneous album that sounds like a compilation. This album is soulless, even though it is made of pretty good songs. Liberation, Won't Stand Down, Ghosts, Halloween, Kill Or Be Killed, Verona and We Are **** **** make it worth aWill of the People is an album that gathers in 38 minutes almost all the musical influences that Muse had on all their albums. The result is an extremely heterogeneous album that sounds like a compilation. This album is soulless, even though it is made of pretty good songs. Liberation, Won't Stand Down, Ghosts, Halloween, Kill Or Be Killed, Verona and We Are **** **** make it worth a listen. It certainly won't stop the sterile and annoying complaints "OoS was better, what happened to Muse" but what a pleasure to see how much fun these guys have making music. Expand
  26. Aug 26, 2022
    OMG!! This album is amazing. Its raw power. I love the new direction. It reminds of at times of Marilyn Manson ,Rob Zombie and even Queen and some classical music. Infused with dub-step-ish banging beats amazing basslines, great melodies, amazing vocals, . I will be listening to this for a while!! its audio fireworks!! Some purist might feel left out but this makes me happy... Thank you.OMG!! This album is amazing. Its raw power. I love the new direction. It reminds of at times of Marilyn Manson ,Rob Zombie and even Queen and some classical music. Infused with dub-step-ish banging beats amazing basslines, great melodies, amazing vocals, . I will be listening to this for a while!! its audio fireworks!! Some purist might feel left out but this makes me happy... Thank you. Love em all! Expand
  27. Aug 27, 2022
    I've always loved all albums by muse. Got me through some tough times. I really love this album, the lyrics are really thought through. Great album, not everyone's cup of tea but just give it one listen even if your not a fan
  28. Aug 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfect mix of new and old styles, excuted in classic muse fashion. From the best, most diverse band in history (imo) you could pop KOBK, Verona, WSD and maybe a couple more in their top 10 songs. Really great job, we want more!!! Expand
  29. Aug 28, 2022
    A step up from the previous Simulation Theory, easily some of their best work for years with obnoxious guitar and unapologetic pomp, what more could you want from Muse?
  30. Sep 1, 2022
    A beautiful álbum, is everything I need, and has a really good production and lyrics
  31. Sep 2, 2022
    I truly love it. It's fun and nostalgical at the same time. Kill or be killed is my personal favourite.
  32. Sep 5, 2022
    This album is pretty awesome. A great mix of genres to create that sounds like no other. Two of them on the slower paced side but other than that it's a diverse album. Much better than Simulation Theory.
  33. Nov 11, 2022
    Un pedazo de señor álbum, sin dudas me gustó más que el ST, los temas brillan cada uno por su esencia, incluso los 2 primeros temas que son poperos son hermosos y los más metal mí hablar, la voz de Matt es bellísima y el piano en Liberation y Ghosts es genial y hermoso, canciones como Halloween y Verona son bellísimos por si solos, y we are **** focked ni les cuento,
  34. Aug 31, 2022
    This band is ok. The album is ok. The catalog about being their greatest hits kind of bug me in general. The only reason they got two Grammys because they have innovative songs called Exogenesis Symphony and the Globalist. After that, the band has hit and misses. At first I thought the band is ripoff to Radiohead or queen. Now, I think the band is too gimmicky since their formation(This band is ok. The album is ok. The catalog about being their greatest hits kind of bug me in general. The only reason they got two Grammys because they have innovative songs called Exogenesis Symphony and the Globalist. After that, the band has hit and misses. At first I thought the band is ripoff to Radiohead or queen. Now, I think the band is too gimmicky since their formation( singing about space, conspiracy theories, scientific facts and etc.). That is why metacritic so harsh on them. The only way now is either break up the band, break up with Warner music or change their style. Expand
  35. Sep 12, 2022
    I wasn't a huge fan in the beginning I think like a lot of us I've been waiting for them to go back to absolution style but they don't want to and are always progressing. After reflection and listening to the full array of muse albums I have come full circle. This album isn't as dark as Oos or absolution it's a mah up of everything they have done with new songs like Matt told us. It is allI wasn't a huge fan in the beginning I think like a lot of us I've been waiting for them to go back to absolution style but they don't want to and are always progressing. After reflection and listening to the full array of muse albums I have come full circle. This album isn't as dark as Oos or absolution it's a mah up of everything they have done with new songs like Matt told us. It is all over the place but if you don't take it as the end all albums it's pure bliss but definitely not as Lazer focused as the later work. I like a lot of the songs but not sure about the death screams. Still I highly recommend give it a chance if your a Muse fan. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Uncut
    Aug 31, 2022
    Muse are so bursting with energy and ideas, even their joke songs are stadium-sized barnstormers. [Oct 2022, p.33]
  2. Aug 31, 2022
    All of these moments lurch through time without any thought of build or denouement—no tension, no release, no narrative. Muse parade their influences while giving us all comical winks.
  3. Aug 29, 2022
    It’s all consistently inventive rather than dull, but also endearingly daft rather than chilling. Still, that makes for Muse’s most enjoyable album since the 00s.