
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Uncut
    Could very well be the best record of this restlessly self-critical career. [Jul 2006, p.90]
  2. The New York Times
    [His] best work in 20 years. [25 Jul 2006]
  3. With its laptop beats and closely mic’d intimacy, White Bread, Black Beer conforms to the dictates of a creator with endless time to play all the instruments and no one to please but himself, regrettably.
  4. Rarely have Pro Tools and a melancholy disposition fallen into such capable hands.
  5. I’m beginning to think it’s one of the smartest records-- musically and lyrically-- we’ll hear all year.
  6. Mojo
    Lyrically he's as pleasingly obtuse as ever. [Jul 2006, p.101]
  7. The songs, as far as the writing goes, are routinely terrific; however, the ones that rely most on convenient synthesized elements are a bit dainty and rudimentary and deserve to be made without the limitations of a home studio.
  8. Entertainment Weekly
    The pristine, synth-heavy result certainly sounds worried over, sometimes to its detriment. [28 Jul 2006, p.67]
  9. New Musical Express (NME)
    Even the ticking percussion and trilling synths can't hide the sheer melodic oddness of Gartside's songs. [3 Jun 2006, p.35]
  10. The chameleon has come home and still sounds like no one else.
  11. Blender
    Over girl-group incantations, reggae lilt and courageously dinky old-school hip-hop allusions, Gartside searches for his emotional car keys, each comely coo abstracting him further from the truth he seeks. [Aug 2006, p.117]
  12. Rolling Stone
    Features some of his most beautiful, introverted and delicate tunes yet. [24 Aug 2006, p.94]
  13. Most of White Bread Black Beer is almost unbearably lovely.
  14. Q Magazine
    Occasionally there's a little too much going on... Overall, though, Gartside remains intriguing. [Jul 2006, p.116]
  15. Despite White Bread Black Beer's undeniable beauty, it feels largely out of place as a product of the contemporary spectrum of music.
  16. Spin
    Wordy but somnambulant. [Sep 2006, p.112]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Oct 30, 2011
    Just discovered this album by chance about 2 months ago. I was a fan of the 80's scritti politti and this is definitely not cupid & psycheJust discovered this album by chance about 2 months ago. I was a fan of the 80's scritti politti and this is definitely not cupid & psyche or provision. The first few times I listened to this I did not really get it. But when I finally got onto the same wavelength as Gartside, I was able to appreciate the pure GENIUS of this album. It is actually some of the best music I've heard in years!! "Favorite" track - "Locked" although it's all good. Absolutely beautiful, soothing, intelligent music, great vocals...PURE GENIUS. Cannot stop listening to this. Full Review »
  2. Apr 24, 2011
    This is quite fantastic, amazing, I am with every breath of it all the way....... is my desert island disc, the one i'd run to save when theThis is quite fantastic, amazing, I am with every breath of it all the way....... is my desert island disc, the one i'd run to save when the waves come crashing in.... Full Review »
  3. MaxM
    Mar 11, 2007
    Am a huge Scritti fan and although this didn't grab me on first listen, it has worked its way into my brain and heavy rotation in my Am a huge Scritti fan and although this didn't grab me on first listen, it has worked its way into my brain and heavy rotation in my ipod. As always, Green surprises and satisfies. Still think Anomie was sorely underrated. Full Review »