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Universal acclaim- based on 107 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 91 out of 107
  2. Negative: 7 out of 107
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  1. Jul 30, 2014
    La Roux is back, stronger and with more sharper collections brought from 80's Synthpop music.
    While I did not care for the duo's debut mostly for it's robotic production, this new record from Ella Jackson feels classy and ageless with songwriting tackling the titel "Trouble In Paradise", which where she depicts the topics of trouble and paradise, vocally and sonically on her newest New
    La Roux is back, stronger and with more sharper collections brought from 80's Synthpop music.
    While I did not care for the duo's debut mostly for it's robotic production, this new record from Ella Jackson feels classy and ageless with songwriting tackling the titel "Trouble In Paradise", which where she depicts the topics of trouble and paradise, vocally and sonically on her newest New wave LP.

    The five year process is a result of a cohesive Pop record, catchy, yet driven on concepts of love reaching from special ones being their paradise to rockier storytelling about a guys way of finding pleasure through prostitutes.
    While lyrics has darker effects at times, as sex being manipulating and controlled, Ella's voice is the beauty on top of heavenly instrumentals. A nostalgic trip, more under influence than La Roux has ever been, still more inspiring than most music out that is trying to be.
    Songs themself are for the most part great at their own, others can stand-out more than others and the closer "The Feeling" may be the only really lacking the feeling compared and suffer from flaws the same as found on their debut. And it might not have the international hit as with the single "Bulletproof" but "Trouble In Paradise" on it's own, has the greatness- the work of a fantastic album.
    Overall, La Roux is out with one of the most enjoyable albums- sexier, warmer, luxurious and just more creative and fun than competitors. If it grows as it should, it will definitely end up being a favorite, and probably better in the category of Synthpop, if we even can count this record in as just that.
  2. Jul 22, 2014
    Euphoric, joyous, vulnerable, sparkling pop that you will never get tired of unless your mind isn't capable of dreaming. Consistent, sonically delicious and brilliantly thought out. La Roux is that rare pop artist who is writing great stuff and pushing forward, an artist whose career is well worth following, as she knows exactly where she is going.
  3. Jul 28, 2014
    A decent collection of 9 good pop songs. Comparable to No Doubt's 'Push And Shove' in it's updated take on 80s synth pop. It doesn't feel like it's only 9 tracks, but where it falls slightly flat for me is when she stretches out a feeble idea for 7 minutes. There's is moderate depth here, but she has tried to make it more than what it is. It's good. That's all.
  4. Oct 25, 2015
    10/10 - "At only nine tracks long, but with every one of them worthy of single status, it displays, as pop albums go, both rare economy and staggering consistency"
  5. Jul 23, 2014
    If there ever was a proper 80's sounding pop record since the millenium, La Roux's much anticipated second album just took that to a whole new level. Now crafting sounds in solo, Elly Jackson takes a trip on the record to the realms of Grace Jones and Tom Tom Club, and delivers a fine piece of synth heaven (may I say Paradise?) once again. The majority of songs ooze a sense of frustration,If there ever was a proper 80's sounding pop record since the millenium, La Roux's much anticipated second album just took that to a whole new level. Now crafting sounds in solo, Elly Jackson takes a trip on the record to the realms of Grace Jones and Tom Tom Club, and delivers a fine piece of synth heaven (may I say Paradise?) once again. The majority of songs ooze a sense of frustration, most notably Silent Partner and Let Me Down Gently, which might as well be the centrepieces of the album. With just 9 tracks, but not a single unnecessary moment, the phrase "quality over quantity" has never been more appropriate. Expand
  6. Jul 23, 2014
    This is one of the best albums I've heard in 2014. Uptight Downtown is a great lead single and I'm excited to see which songs follow it. It's definitely more tropical than her last album (On her first album, Quicksand and Cover My Eyes gave off a tropical atmosphere but on here all of the track do) and I really do hope Tropical Chancer is the next single. Kiss and Not Tell and SexotequeThis is one of the best albums I've heard in 2014. Uptight Downtown is a great lead single and I'm excited to see which songs follow it. It's definitely more tropical than her last album (On her first album, Quicksand and Cover My Eyes gave off a tropical atmosphere but on here all of the track do) and I really do hope Tropical Chancer is the next single. Kiss and Not Tell and Sexoteque sound like they were taken directly from the Carribean and Paradise is You sounds like Adore You by Miley Cyrus done in a tropical fashion (and a better fashion to be honest). The only real downer here is the final track The Feeling but I go easy on it because Elly Jackson wrote it all on her own and that's a tough thing to do especially for an artist on their sophomore album. This is altogether an awesome album and has motivated me to keep La Roux as one of my favorite artists Expand
  7. Jul 10, 2015
    This album was a surprise as it was such a departure to La Roux's original dance sound. The album is filled with island-themed musical numbers and lush beats. Its a wonder it didn't fair better on the charts.
  8. Jul 23, 2014
    "Trouble in Paradise" is the best synthie-pop record of the year so far. Ellie´s recent performance and songwriting are complementing the 80s-soundconsummately, thus creating a magical mixture.
  9. Jul 22, 2014
    9 tracks? I never thought something so well created could be put in such a small album (except Gaga's The Fame Monster, of course, which is only one track shorter.) This album is screaming summer at me and I am screaming right back at it in shock of how cohesive it is and how it shines. The first song I heard from the album was Tropical Chancer, and I was in shock. This wasn't the La Roux9 tracks? I never thought something so well created could be put in such a small album (except Gaga's The Fame Monster, of course, which is only one track shorter.) This album is screaming summer at me and I am screaming right back at it in shock of how cohesive it is and how it shines. The first song I heard from the album was Tropical Chancer, and I was in shock. This wasn't the La Roux I remembered, but I loved it! I heard Uptight Downtown and Let Me Down Gently and I knew I was ready for it. I realized I had already listened to a whole third of the album, but I wasn't let down. I was somewhat excited, but the final product blew me out of the water. The light, synth, summer pop hooks and verses just grab you. While La Roux may be a Elly Jackson's solo project now, it's clear that La Roux hasn't lost the touch. Trouble in Paradise is summertime sadness, fun, and mystery jam-packed in a beautiful record. A perfect album that'll definitely be on repeat for me for a while (along with LDR's Ultraviolence...)

    I definitely recommend Uptight Downtown, Kiss And Not Tell, Cruel Sexuality, Sexotheque, Paradise is You, Sexotheque.... actually, just listen to the whole album.
  10. Jul 22, 2014
    The best album in 2014, you better listen. She don't change nothing about your musical style, she is incredible. The beat it, the sound, the voice is amazing!
  11. Oct 10, 2014
    I love the vintage-sounding production, and the lyrics are catchy and cool. La Roux has created another solid release. Some tracks impress more than others, however, and a few aren't memorable. Favorite track: Sexotheque. (Moneymoneymoney I bet... he's at the sexotheque...)
  12. Sep 10, 2016
    This is an album I can listen on repeat and then repeat again. La Roux's second album is stronger, euphoric and with no restraints. Bringing back some 80's beats, this is a sparkling-shiny pop album. Ella left her robotic voice for something more human and touching, exploring pleasures and everything else.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Magnet
    Aug 6, 2014
    Trouble In Paradise proves her more than capable of putting together a solid pop album on her own. [No. 112, p.57]
  2. 80
    La Roux’s march may has slowed to a stroll, but she proves here that she can captivate at any pace.
  3. Jul 31, 2014
    Trouble in Paradise is at once sleek and solid, every track pulsing with a kind of confidence that invites closer listening but is equally pleasant as a collection of mood-heightening jams.