• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2004

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 4 out of 13
  1. Alternative Press
    A rewarding art-pop risk. [Dec 2004, p.148]
  2. Morrison's predictably intelligent solo debut puts personality where the Dismemberment Plan's synergy used to be.
  3. Spin
    A collection of enigmatic indie-rock tunes. [Nov 2004, p.119]
  4. Travistan is odd but oddly listenable, with a bright mood sparked by Morrison's spirit of discovery.
  5. Morrison is challenging expectations and listeners by stretching his musical boundaries and defying people to come along for the ride through close listening.
  6. After hearing the crap people have said about this album I’m bummed that people are so quick to reject what doesn’t fit their immediate logic. It’s ironic that folks would get off on shredding an album that’s about trying to be kind and honest at the same time.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Negative: 3 out of 10
  1. Oct 27, 2011
    A quite boring album, many of the tracks don't have much of a feel. The tracks 'Change' and 'Born in '72' are obvious highlights compared to the rest.
  2. MikeT
    Oct 14, 2004
    The problem with these reviews is that this is Travis Morrison, not The Dismemberment Plan. If you're expecting Dismemberment Plan, The problem with these reviews is that this is Travis Morrison, not The Dismemberment Plan. If you're expecting Dismemberment Plan, you've already ruined his album for yourself. However, it is true that this album isn't quite like anything he had done while with the Plan. It's never quite as energetic, and like mentioned, it has a lack of his frantic vocals. This by far is not a disaster of any sort. It's actually quite listenable. Don't let the bad reviews ruin it for you. Full Review »
  3. StevenM
    Oct 7, 2004
    It's not that the album is a disaster... It's just that when I listen to every single one of the albums The Dismemberment Plan It's not that the album is a disaster... It's just that when I listen to every single one of the albums The Dismemberment Plan released (aside from the remix traincrash), you can't believe that these songs were of a high enough quality to warrant Travis Morrison's first solo album where he obviously had a lot to prove. However, the album is not a complete disaster. If this was made by some unknown, I'd probably quite like this album, in a disposable way. The Word Cop and the bonus track are both great tracks that I enjoy listening to. The biggest thing that I find hard to swallow with this new, reflective Morrison is the lack of frantic vocals that go places you never thought they would. Change was the album Morrison introduced his new laid-back approach, but the album contained song after song of such high quality that you barely noticed it. After leaving Chisel, Ted Leo released his own traincrash "tej leo / Rx, pharmacists" that probably rattled the fanbase he had created with the band. Fast forward a few years and Ted has found his own sound that tips its hat to Chisel still whilst also having his identity stamped over it. tej was probably the catalyst that shook Ted up and made him the musician responsible for the trio of masterpieces "Tyranny Of Distance", "Hearts Of Oak" and "Shake The Sheets". I remain optimistic, that in its quirky, sugary way, Travistan is Travis's tej. Full Review »