• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 190 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 190

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  1. LachlanW
    Apr 5, 2006
    Although Transatlanticism isn't the best album of all time, it is definitely my favourite. The title track is easily the most heartbreaking song that I have ever heard. Death Cab For Cutie is without a doubt one of the best bands that the world has ever seen (or heard, as the case may be).
  2. andiev
    Jul 2, 2007
    This album is the definition of alternative. its beautifully sad and well thought out, they are the best band apart from coldplay.
  3. MarioG
    Oct 16, 2003
    It's brilliant.
  4. chris
    Oct 21, 2003
    Damn near flawless...my pick for album of the year.
  5. sillymofo
    Oct 4, 2003
    Very good. the fades in between tracks, especially from the last to first track, are a nice added touch. i wonder how the SACD version will sound.
  6. AnthonyF.
    Feb 2, 2005
    This is the most amazing album ever! It has wonderful lyrics, melodies, it is perfection! Mellow music, all the songs are awesome!
  7. SamW.
    Oct 3, 2008
    By far one of the most compelling albums ever to be released
  8. WhitneyH
    Mar 5, 2008
    I adore this CD, I listen to it at least once a day. All the lyrics are captivating, and you feel as if you're there with the band. When I listen to this CD, I am spun into this world where no one can touch me, it's the best CD in the world. If you have never listened to this CD, you haven't lived.
  9. yoface
    May 11, 2008
    If you like indie rock, you will love this album. It'll be all you can listen to for at least a week. I will admit that DCFC may be a bit of an acquired taste--but once you have it, or if you already do, you will swallow song after song after song. The music and Gibbard's voice are so perfectly juxtaposed in each song so that each song brings about a certain mood. The ideas in If you like indie rock, you will love this album. It'll be all you can listen to for at least a week. I will admit that DCFC may be a bit of an acquired taste--but once you have it, or if you already do, you will swallow song after song after song. The music and Gibbard's voice are so perfectly juxtaposed in each song so that each song brings about a certain mood. The ideas in each song are so beautifully said, making the lyrics something out of this world. I can't stop listening to this album; the beauty of these songs have yet to dry up for me. Expand
  10. milesm
    Jun 20, 2008
    Just one of those albums where every track is unique.
  11. MikeM
    Oct 11, 2003
    Simply their most beautiful album to date.
  12. JohnJ
    Oct 13, 2003
  13. wilsonk
    Oct 13, 2003
    Best cd ever.
  14. AnthonyP
    Oct 17, 2003
    Lyrics 10.... Music 10.... Production 10... Breathtaking.
  15. TristanH
    Dec 15, 2004
    This album is a highly addictive mix of emotions and lyrics, the music draws you in like nothing else. I can't get enough of it. I'm listening to it now, and I have been for the last two weeks nonstop. I've tried to find things I don't like about each track, but I end up simply finding more things that are unique and beautiful in each. If I say the music in one is This album is a highly addictive mix of emotions and lyrics, the music draws you in like nothing else. I can't get enough of it. I'm listening to it now, and I have been for the last two weeks nonstop. I've tried to find things I don't like about each track, but I end up simply finding more things that are unique and beautiful in each. If I say the music in one is boring, then the lyrics certainly make up for it. And I can't say any of these tracks have bad lyrics; each one is truly poetry, at times pure genius. The melodies get stuck in your head, and Ben Gibbard's voice is so pure and smooth. If you like The Postal Service then this is a no-brainer. Actually, it's a no-brainer anyway; it's just great music. As one last comment, I'll say I've never heard music match so appropriately to lyrics and emotions and ideas expressed in one song as well as every single track in Transatlanticism does. And on a final final note, I've heard it called a "sleeping pill" but I don't know how you could possibly fall asleep while listening to this... it just provokes too much thought and emotion, even if it is slower and softer than most of the thoughtless noisy rock so prevalent today. Expand
  16. Trigger
    Aug 12, 2004
    I really can't stop listening to this record. Don't agree that it tails off - I think the final track is one of the best on the record - or that they have "sold out". Some people don't want their favourite band to change or go hi-fi, but DCFC have hit jst about the right note. Production is utterly brilliant too, turns it from a very good record into a stunningly good one.
  17. GrayN
    Oct 21, 2005
    This being the best of the Death Cab cd's, I have to give it a 10. From start to finish, Transatlanticism is a masterpiece. Standout tracks include: Tiny Vessels, Title and Registration, New Year, and Lack of Color. By far the best album of 2003.
  18. Awhina
    Dec 29, 2005
    One damn consistently brilliant album from start to finish. Thoughtful lyrics combine with amazing musical compositions to make one hell of a masterpiece. Death Cab for Cutie's finest moment to date... and that's a real accomplishment! Magical moments include Title and Registration, Lightness and Tiny Vessels. Highly recommended.
  19. TonyF
    Feb 2, 2005
    Amazing CD! Highly recommended! You wont be disappointed at all you will love it!
  20. NeilP
    Jul 24, 2005
    An excellent album, the best work death cab for cutie has done, and the best work of 2003.
  21. KatlynW
    Sep 26, 2005
    I loooooove this album!!! Best album ever! yeah, it might be a little moody, but its beautiful, and so well written.
  22. CarlosC
    Dec 29, 2006
    Great Album, great lyris, great sound.
  23. LiviaH
    Mar 22, 2006
    Translucent and shimmering.
  24. IanB
    Jan 12, 2007
    Death Cab's most complete album - can't believe someone said there's some filler on it - there absolutely isn't and there are about 9 contenders for best track.
  25. KayD
    Feb 12, 2008
    If my heart could write songs, They'd sound like these.
  26. PaulM
    Jun 26, 2008
    Definitely the bands masterpiece. So many standout tracks.
  27. GuillaumeF
    Mar 25, 2009
    Best album ever, that's all I can say about Transatlanticism.
  28. JoyBethM
    Oct 24, 2003
    These guys just can't miss. They are incredible!
  29. nichs.
    Oct 28, 2003
    The secret to falling in love with this album is to find something or someone to attach it to. Once you do that, the beauty inherent in all the lyrics and melodies begins to make sense, in that daydreamy way. A truly gorgeous album.
  30. dcfcfan
    Dec 23, 2005
    I thought I should say that this album is the best album I have ever heard. It has changed so much for me. All the songs are great, they're delicate, mature, catchy, and I fell in love with death cab because of this album. you have to listen.
  31. anonymous
    Aug 13, 2005
    If indie rock is drugs, then everything else is cheap weed and this is premium blow. Period.
  32. ArmandoA
    Feb 19, 2006
    Definitely Death Cab's best album. A must-have for any indie fan.
  33. Zach
    Aug 29, 2006
    Absolutely brilliant. One listen from this album, and you are instantly amazed. Songs like"A Lack of Color" are so great, they are almost as amazing as any of what The Beatles did.
  34. alexf
    Jul 25, 2007
    I love every song on this album!
  35. ColinB
    Aug 28, 2008
    So far, the best album of the decade.
  36. KevinR.
    Nov 14, 2004
    They write about stuff that once you listen to it, you realize what a connection it has to you. it pulls you in, and you cant stop listening. i love every song on this album.
  37. Oct 20, 2010
    Brilliant album. It really is flawless, each song flows to the next so nicely. This album got me into death cab and they are now one of my favorites. I love driving at night to this album it takes you to another place
  38. May 3, 2011
    Transatlanticism is Death Cab For Cutie's best record to date. It's a joyous listen from start to finish. There are no weak points. Ben Gibbard's sorrowful vocals have never sounded better. He's an amazing lyricist and an even amazing singer. Every song is significant in there own ways and you won't stop singing them for awhile. All In All, Transatlanticism is a perfect record. A
  39. Feb 22, 2011
    Death Cab For Cutie delivers one of the most beautiful albums ever recorded. Each and every song on this album is great. The title track is long, but it is so beautiful you don't notice the length. Ben Gibbard's voice is so beautiful that on the vicious "Tiny Vessels" you barely realize he is breaking up with a girl he utterly despises. The album starts of strong with "The New Year" andDeath Cab For Cutie delivers one of the most beautiful albums ever recorded. Each and every song on this album is great. The title track is long, but it is so beautiful you don't notice the length. Ben Gibbard's voice is so beautiful that on the vicious "Tiny Vessels" you barely realize he is breaking up with a girl he utterly despises. The album starts of strong with "The New Year" and and ends with the tender acoustic ballad "A Lack of Color". Other highlights include "Title and Registration" and "Passenger Seat". This album perfectly show the spectrum that DCFC is able to cover with even the "rock" songs on the album sounding soft because of the bands excellent playing and Gibbard's heavenly voice. Expand
  40. Apr 22, 2011
    One of my favorite albums ever...this is the absolute perfect collection of angst, full of beautiful lyrics and corresponding instrumental. An instant classic in my opinion, and to this day this is my go to album for any kind of depressive mood.
  41. Oct 8, 2011
    Probably one of the greatest albums of all time, "Transatlanticism" covers so much ground it hurts. Tracks like "A Lack of Color" and "Tiny Vessels" explore the subtleties of the human connection, while others like "The New Year" and "Transatlanticism" (featuring the greatest lyrics the band has ever written) attempt to summarize entire personalities. It's an album that makes the wordProbably one of the greatest albums of all time, "Transatlanticism" covers so much ground it hurts. Tracks like "A Lack of Color" and "Tiny Vessels" explore the subtleties of the human connection, while others like "The New Year" and "Transatlanticism" (featuring the greatest lyrics the band has ever written) attempt to summarize entire personalities. It's an album that makes the word 'terrific' insufficient in describing its brilliance. Expand
  42. Apr 10, 2012
    Transatlanticism remains, not only as the pivotal work by DCFC, but also as one of the best alternative albums to-date. It was one of the most important and accomplished records of its decade and it is as relevant now as it ever was. The melodic, brooding tones, wistful lyrical expression and often desolate ambiance found throughout the album, makes it one of the most compelling pieces ofTransatlanticism remains, not only as the pivotal work by DCFC, but also as one of the best alternative albums to-date. It was one of the most important and accomplished records of its decade and it is as relevant now as it ever was. The melodic, brooding tones, wistful lyrical expression and often desolate ambiance found throughout the album, makes it one of the most compelling pieces of music you may ever hope to find. It epitomises great song-writing with an honest and emphatic feel that only Death Cab can deliver. Every song bleeds beautifully into the next, and there is a great sense of continuity in each song. Truly a remarkable album. Expand
  43. Dec 15, 2012
    This album is absolutely amazing! It's an album where you really get variety getting a more rock like feel from songs like "We Looked Like Giants" and "The New Year" and a classic Death Cab for Cutie somber feel from songs like "A Lack of Color". Simply a must buy!
  44. Sep 7, 2016
    Transatlanticism is more than an album. It's a collection of some of the best indie rock songs of all time. With perfect minimalist instrumentation backing outstanding songwriting and vocals, each track tells a compelling story you'll want to listen to. Transatlanticism plays as a journal of lost loves and emotional moments straight from the soul of lead singer Ben Gibbard. It exploresTransatlanticism is more than an album. It's a collection of some of the best indie rock songs of all time. With perfect minimalist instrumentation backing outstanding songwriting and vocals, each track tells a compelling story you'll want to listen to. Transatlanticism plays as a journal of lost loves and emotional moments straight from the soul of lead singer Ben Gibbard. It explores themes of distance and love in a way that no album since has been able to emulate. After 13 years, Transatlanticism remains the indie rock genre's greatest masterpiece. Expand
  45. philn
    Sep 23, 2006
    Transaltlanticism totally kicks the crap out of plans.
  46. MichielM
    Aug 30, 2009
    long time since an album cost me more than 10 times to discover and appreciate. That says enough for me. Drums are so creative and full of suspense. And oh, someone mentioned COLDPLAY as a reference, but i truly hate them, WORST and MOST BORING music ever, blegh.
  47. MaxM
    Nov 11, 2003
    Although every track is stunning in its own way, the title track is worth the cost alone. Gibbard has given music fans a great year between this and The Postal Service. Give thanks!
  48. CWilson
    Oct 24, 2003
    Amazing from the first listen. The textures and hooks off each song come around with great subtlety, wrapping themselves around you until you can't get away. All tracks are exceptional, although "Death of an Interior Decorator" and the closing track don't reach the same caliber as the other songs. Also, some songs tend to go on longer than necessary with different, multi-layered Amazing from the first listen. The textures and hooks off each song come around with great subtlety, wrapping themselves around you until you can't get away. All tracks are exceptional, although "Death of an Interior Decorator" and the closing track don't reach the same caliber as the other songs. Also, some songs tend to go on longer than necessary with different, multi-layered fade-outs, but this techique helps in transitioning between the unique tone of each song. Simply intoxicating. Expand
  49. PeterM
    Aug 19, 2005
    This album is awesome. Ben Gippard's songwriting is the star, and strange as some of the songs are lyricly are, they resonate in a way that is extremely personal. To sum it up- Transatlanticism is a genuine gem. A bittersweet, emotive look at different facets of human nature, pulling no punches, but not content with shoe-gazing. Inspired and inspiring poetic writing. Oh, and the This album is awesome. Ben Gippard's songwriting is the star, and strange as some of the songs are lyricly are, they resonate in a way that is extremely personal. To sum it up- Transatlanticism is a genuine gem. A bittersweet, emotive look at different facets of human nature, pulling no punches, but not content with shoe-gazing. Inspired and inspiring poetic writing. Oh, and the music's not bad either! Expand
  50. DanielH
    Jan 1, 2006
    I LIKE POOP!!! Now that I got your attention.. yeah its pretty good.
  51. Fuzzy
    Aug 2, 2006
    The genius lyrics in this album make all other bands' lyrics look like kindergarten poetry...the melodies in it could be a bit stronger though.
  52. MichaelHalse
    Aug 19, 2009
    By far Death Cab for Cutie's best album, Transatlanticism makes an emotional plee to our emotions, and in a world full of emotions it hits the spot, bringing out tears and whelming emotions of happiness and loneliness in it's lsiteners. By far one of the more moving albums by the band and those in this genre of music.
  53. Jul 7, 2013
    Transatlanticism is a great record, hands down. Pitchfork (I can't say surprisingly) gave it a slightly mixed review, and while I think it's not as varied than The Photo Album, it's definitely not their worst.
  54. ChrisR
    Oct 6, 2007
    Surprisingly enjoyable!
  55. Meat
    Nov 11, 2003
    Would have been a 10, but this LP is definitely divided into 2 parts. The first half are all unforgettable, brilliant tracks that play in your mind over and over again. The 2nd half is a little lazy and not as inspiring. You can't deny the Cab's strengths and this release trumpets them for sure. Get this CD for sure.
  56. Apr 25, 2012
    You can make a case for either Transatlanticism or Plans as the greatest Death Cab for Cutie album. Plans remains more consistent, but Transatlanticism has the highest peaks. "The Sound of Settling" is a perfect pop song and the title track is a precise treatise on bittersweet longing. Those tracks alone make this album worth a listen, but solid nature of the first two thirds of theYou can make a case for either Transatlanticism or Plans as the greatest Death Cab for Cutie album. Plans remains more consistent, but Transatlanticism has the highest peaks. "The Sound of Settling" is a perfect pop song and the title track is a precise treatise on bittersweet longing. Those tracks alone make this album worth a listen, but solid nature of the first two thirds of the album make it one worth buying. Expand
  57. Oct 10, 2019
    If you're looking for a complicated but luscious and beautifully emotional album, look no further. Awash in melody and dissonance, Transatlanticism strikes an inventive balance between straight-ahead pop songwriting and a more experimental & vulnerable edge. What's beguiling is that the low-level drama is so expertly executed, that the songs each have a way of burrowing into yourIf you're looking for a complicated but luscious and beautifully emotional album, look no further. Awash in melody and dissonance, Transatlanticism strikes an inventive balance between straight-ahead pop songwriting and a more experimental & vulnerable edge. What's beguiling is that the low-level drama is so expertly executed, that the songs each have a way of burrowing into your subconscious by being so rewarding with repeated exposure. This is an album best enjoyed in the crispness of autumn, while feeling the earth cool in anticipation of the winter chill. One of my favourite albums of all time. Expand
  58. jamals
    Apr 17, 2006
    Perfectly acceptable, with a few amazing stand outs and then some filler along the way. Why isn't the cokemusicglow review here?
  59. May 14, 2015
    For me, "Transatlanticism" marks the peak for this band, having gradually been building towards it over the 3 albums prior. This record sees the band retain their intricate spidery guitar style and delicate vocals but this time around there is a marked focus on the quality of the songwriting. "Transatlanticism" sees their brand of indie rock given a polish. It is a smooth and slickFor me, "Transatlanticism" marks the peak for this band, having gradually been building towards it over the 3 albums prior. This record sees the band retain their intricate spidery guitar style and delicate vocals but this time around there is a marked focus on the quality of the songwriting. "Transatlanticism" sees their brand of indie rock given a polish. It is a smooth and slick offering, laced with melodies. Those who dislike the band won't have their opinion changed by this record - the songs, specifically the vocals, often lack the emotion required to make a song truly connect with a listener. This is a flaw of the band as much as of this album. Ben Gibbards' vocals are an acquired taste and are not for everyone but looking past his vocals, you see some very finely put together indie rock. Expand
  60. Feb 11, 2022
    It's just comfortable and pleasant enough to convince yourself to stick around - never good enough to be satisfying, nor bad enough to be disappointing.
  61. BunifaJ.
    Oct 26, 2003
    Oh what! This aint no rap album. all I could hear wuz some bitches singing some shit about some fotoboofff. Damn dat is nasty ass shit right there.

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Retaining the naked simplicity of 2000's "We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes" while continuing to hone the more lush, hi-fi sound found on 2001's "The Photo Album," the fantastic "Transatlanticism" is full of the lovely melancholy for which Death Cab is known.
  2. 100
    Ben Gibbard has a knack for painting scenes of such intimate detail they come off as universal.
  3. Under The Radar
    It's their best yet, and that's saying something. [#5, p.100]