• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2003

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. For those devoted to this rock band's increasingly artistic gear, Gibbard's a bard spinning pop-song sonnets that cause such constituents of fandom to reel real deep in some crooning-along swooning induced by the lithe lyrics.
  2. It's just comfortable and pleasant enough to convince yourself to stick around - never good enough to be satisfying, nor bad enough to be disappointing.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 190 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 190
  1. Oct 8, 2011
    Probably one of the greatest albums of all time, "Transatlanticism" covers so much ground it hurts. Tracks like "A Lack of Color" and "TinyProbably one of the greatest albums of all time, "Transatlanticism" covers so much ground it hurts. Tracks like "A Lack of Color" and "Tiny Vessels" explore the subtleties of the human connection, while others like "The New Year" and "Transatlanticism" (featuring the greatest lyrics the band has ever written) attempt to summarize entire personalities. It's an album that makes the word 'terrific' insufficient in describing its brilliance. Full Review »
  2. BunifaJ.
    Oct 26, 2003
    Oh what! This aint no rap album. all I could hear wuz some bitches singing some shit about some fotoboofff. Damn dat is nasty ass shit right there.
  3. Feb 22, 2011
    Death Cab For Cutie delivers one of the most beautiful albums ever recorded. Each and every song on this album is great. The title track isDeath Cab For Cutie delivers one of the most beautiful albums ever recorded. Each and every song on this album is great. The title track is long, but it is so beautiful you don't notice the length. Ben Gibbard's voice is so beautiful that on the vicious "Tiny Vessels" you barely realize he is breaking up with a girl he utterly despises. The album starts of strong with "The New Year" and and ends with the tender acoustic ballad "A Lack of Color". Other highlights include "Title and Registration" and "Passenger Seat". This album perfectly show the spectrum that DCFC is able to cover with even the "rock" songs on the album sounding soft because of the bands excellent playing and Gibbard's heavenly voice. Full Review »