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Touching Down Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Breaking away from the Reprazent collective he headed, Bristol, England junglist Roni Size returns with his first true solo album, with no collaborators (or vocalists, for that matter) in sight on these 16 drum'n'bass tracks.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. Mixer
    One of the year's best drum 'n' bass albums. [Dec 2002, p.74]
  2. Urb
    Touching Down evokes the unique funk sensibilities that made his seminal V Records and Full Cycle tracks so damn fresh, while giving you the sense that England's Bristolian isn't returning to anything, since he never left it behind to begin with. [Dec 2002, p.87]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Basic yet exquisite, like perfectly cooked eggs. [Listen 2 This supplement, Nov 2002, p.14]
  4. Touching Down is a fluid set that moves from track to track with little or no delineation. As a result, the album is, at times, redundant.
  5. Spin
    Size's fuzzy, string-laden bass bombs seem a tad sober. [Dec 2002, p.141]
  6. The album simply powers its way through 16 tracks of seamlessly mixed high-velocity drum'n'bass.
  7. Roni Size's new album is vapid, boring and uniform.

See all 14 Critic Reviews