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Universal acclaim- based on 291 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 291
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  1. Jun 25, 2014
    For an album that's two hours long, you're bound to find some good music. This one has. The music is rich many layers of good instrumentation; sometimes even great. The problem is: the good and great doesn't comprise the majority of the album. I've read the music in this album being called "hypnotizing". It's not. In many, many parts: it's actually quite boring.

    The vocal performance
    For an album that's two hours long, you're bound to find some good music. This one has. The music is rich many layers of good instrumentation; sometimes even great. The problem is: the good and great doesn't comprise the majority of the album. I've read the music in this album being called "hypnotizing". It's not. In many, many parts: it's actually quite boring.

    The vocal performance is basically annoying. The lyrics, when there are some, are nothing monumental.

    There isn't a track that i can say i liked from start to finish; just segments here and there. It's an overrated album (as it's predecessor was). But at least "The Seer" had some segments with an emotional punch. This, on the other hand, has almost no emotion or soul.
  2. Jul 8, 2014
    The music is good but the lyrics are mostly nonsense. "Love love love". Is it progressive rock or mainstream nonsense? I doubt their sincerity.

Universal acclaim - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 18, 2014
    To Be Kind is evidence that they continue to grow and may not have reached their peak yet. It's superb for now, though. [Summer 2014, p.90]
  2. The Wire
    Jul 17, 2014
    To Be Kind is even moodier and more desolate than 2012's The Seer.... The more structured, traditional tracks don't cut quite as deep, largely because they echo other groups, at times overtly. [May 2014, p.68]
  3. Jun 27, 2014
    Well into their fourth decade, with the aughts years spent in hibernation, Swans are still making records of brilliance and majesty.