• Record Label: S-Curve
  • Release Date: Apr 21, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 3 out of 9
  1. It's all hook-riddled, fast, and ephemeral, and if you don't love it, your tie's too wide.
  2. Although the roster of the newly formed act Tinted Windows is a bit of a head-scratcher--middle Hanson brother Taylor Hanson, Fountains of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger, former Smashing Pumpkin James Iha and Cheap Trick drummer Bun E. Carlos--it all seems to make sense after one listen to the supergroup's self-titled debut.
  3. Tinted Windows’ self-titled debut is a buzzy, thumping, rousingly tuneful set of songs about broken hearts and adolescent need; it’s as wonderfully shallow and cleverly arranged as the classics of the genre.
  4. Bun E's very presence suggests that Tinted Windows might have a bit of Cheap Trick's feverish rock & roll, but the group errs on the side of caution, the product of a bunch of longtime veterans getting back to basics and playing their first love. While the former cancels out the latter ever so slightly--there's not much abandon here, only precision--the pleasure of the popcraft outweighs much of the caution in the construction, especially when the insistent hooks are delivered with such puppy-dog earnestness by Taylor Hanson.
  5. Though the songs recall the Fountains' smart, well-crafted material, they lack that band's detailed lyrics (typical line: "All I really want to say/Is I need you every day"). But these likable tunes usually hit their modest marks.
  6. 60
    Tinted Windows' debut is even less left-field; these hook-crammed power-pop jams are safe and bouncy enough for Jo Bros fans and Stacy's mom alike.
  7. Ultimately, the whole of Tinted Windows is so much less than the sum of its considerable parts that it's almost tragic.
  8. Listeners are subjected to nothing more than a glorified boy band trying desperately to recapture a second wind.
  9. Everyone plays it safe, no one takes a risk, and the end result is the most forgettable pop album to be released so far this year.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 2 out of 15
  1. Mar 29, 2020
    Powerpop masterpiece. The only people who hate it already hate powerpop. If you like Cheap Trick and Fountains Of Wayne, you will love it.
  2. Feb 28, 2011
    Pleasant enough yet not remarkable. Some songs are better than others, my favorite is Can't Get a Read on You, but overall it's just OK. It'sPleasant enough yet not remarkable. Some songs are better than others, my favorite is Can't Get a Read on You, but overall it's just OK. It's a good mind clearing record when you don't feel like thinking. Full Review »
  3. justinm.
    Jan 18, 2010
    So fresh and so clean clean.