
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. Jun 9, 2017
    It’s hard to overstate how exceptional Ti Amo is: every song is complete in its own way, and while there’s perhaps the slightest softening of focus near the end, it never starts to coast on its sultry aesthetic.
  2. Jun 15, 2017
    Written during tumultuous times, Ti Amo is the soundtrack to a future as hopefully bright as the record itself.
  3. 83
    A perfect pop soundtrack for the summer search for perfect love.
  4. Jun 9, 2017
    Ti Amo isn’t a perfect record; things sag slightly when the tempos drop, and the tracklist doesn’t quite have a year-defining hit in the caliber of “Lisztomania” or “1901”. However, while it may not be an instant classic, it also feels like required listening for a summer that seems destined to be sun-drenched and scary at the same time.
  5. Jun 14, 2017
    They cast a loving spell over the listener with their optimistic, almost carefree attitude, providing a cosmic, upbeat antidote to chaotic times.
  6. Jun 8, 2017
    All ten of the album's songs overflow with sparkling synths, sighing pop hooks and made-for-summer beats. The lyrics are often difficult to parse, particularly since Mars frequently dips in and out of Italian and French, but the overall impression is one of sweet, big-hearted sincerity.
  7. Jun 7, 2017
    Ti Amo feels like the kind of escapism Phoenix and their compatriots could use right about now. And the fact that it’s the most summery music they’ve ever made is like a big, red cherry on top.
  8. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    As the sound of a band revelling in what they do best, it makes for an album that's up there with their most purely enjoyable. [Aug 2017, p.105]
  9. 75
    The album works best when you bear in mind the turbulent times that inspired it. Ti Amo has a romantic heart, and Phoenix use it to find the bright spots in a tragic world, without losing sight of the tragedy itself.
  10. Jun 19, 2017
    It would be apt as the soundtrack of a credit scene in The Inbetweeners, or to accompany an advert taking place on a summery day full of good times and beer. That is the image evoked by the album, which blends effectively into a complete piece instead of a compilation of singles.
  11. Jun 9, 2017
    Ti Amo's first half is one of the band's most consistent stretches of songs since Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, but the wispiness of its second half delivers mixed results.
  12. Jun 8, 2017
    For all their complexities, Phoenix have typically sounded effortless. And from a stage or streaming playlist, these songs will gel with the music of their last two albums. But the work that went into them, apparently on a 9-to-5 schedule, is palpable.
  13. Jun 8, 2017
    Even when you can't tell what Mars is singing about (which is a lot), the music radiates a suave majesty that feels universal.
  14. Jun 7, 2017
    There's an interchangeability to most of the tracks that is a weakness in some ways and a strength in others. The record might end up sounding similar, but that's kind of the point.
  15. Jun 13, 2017
    Ultimately, Ti Amo is a quality Phoenix record with catchy songs, an uplifting mood, and a breezy running time that will invite easy repeats sitting on a beach or imagining you were. It sits nicely within the band’s discography and will no doubt be remixed with ease and contribute to summer playlists.
  16. Jun 12, 2017
    While Ti Amo is slow to reveal its charms, there are moments when the cheesy concept--a romanticised version of Italy--is made to seem like a brilliant idea.
  17. Jun 8, 2017
    When things click, as on the album’s standout track Tuttifrutti, and the melancholic tang of the band’s best songwriting peeks out behind the silly stuff, it works gloriously. But occasionally, as on the gelato-worshipping Fior Di Latte or the sub-Moroder Fleur De Lys, the mix seesaws into preposterousness.
  18. Mojo
    Jun 6, 2017
    With everyone now doing '80s-dance-pop, these Parisians seem more veteran than hipster on this set of Italo-disco and sophisticated pop. [Jul 2017, p.96]
  19. Uncut
    Jun 6, 2017
    A light summer picnic, not a full meal. [Jul 2017, p.36]
  20. Jun 13, 2017
    Unlike past efforts, however, Ti Amo is jarring for how glossy and smooth everything sounds.
  21. Jun 9, 2017
    It’s gorgeously produced and does a bang-up job of updating the sounds that it’s clearly so enamored of. It’s just not the kind of album—unlike Wolfgang Amadeus or 2006’s It’s Never Been Like That—that feels particularly urgent. Maybe it’s a pleasant diversion for band and audience, which is fine—it’s just never much more than that.
  22. Jun 6, 2017
    The first two singles released of the album, ‘J-Boy’ and ‘Ti Amo’, are enjoyable enough, setting the scene with shimmery ripples as you’re engulfed by the clubby rhythm, disco-balls swirling through every riff. But they also reveal the main flaws in the album: both build promisingly into grand reveals only to stall and go nowhere, like revving a car in neutral.
  23. Jun 16, 2017
    The band took all the wrong lessons from the success of their last album, and doubled down on the syrup. Turns out too much sugar really can make you sick.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 74
  2. Negative: 1 out of 74
  1. Jul 11, 2017
    In many ways, Phoenix validates that four years has finally allowed them to move past the glory of Wolfgang that marred much of Bankrupt! TheIn many ways, Phoenix validates that four years has finally allowed them to move past the glory of Wolfgang that marred much of Bankrupt! The result of 'Ti Amo' is a wonderfully crafted, concise and relaxed set of pop songs -- creating a modern day 'Yacht Rock' feel with a carefree, summery vibe. Notably tracks "J-Boy", "Goodbye Soleil" and ""Fleur de Lys" are very well executed, pushing the band into different directions and reminding the listener that they're well past such comparisons. A few moments are modestly derivative -- "Tuttifrutti" is essentially a remake of "Trying to be Cool" (someone already mashed it up on YouTube) but it's still a really fun listen nonetheless.

    While the songwriting notably improved, the production weakens the overall impact and at times gets a little too clever for its own good. Too much synth, not enough guitar/drums/any other instrumentation + Phoenix-trademarked compression leaves the songs rather sonically flat. A god example is "Lovelife" would've been right at home on 1979's "Man Machine" but the version on Ti Amo conjures muzak and undermines how good of a song this really is which is a shame.

    If you get the chance to see Phoenix live on this tour this summer, perhaps you'll notice the difference. Some of the best songs in this collection including the aforementioned "Lovelife" "Fior di Latte" and "Role Model" lose something on the recording but are vastly improved in the live performance. At the very least this gives you a reason to see Phoenix live and enjoy them with a bit more punch. Still glad to have these guys back!!!
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  2. Jun 10, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. I have given it a good few listens through so far and I can say that it is possibly one of their best and hopefully a comeback for them into the spotlight. Here is my track by track review.

    1. J-boy: (Just Because Of You)The lead single as mentioned before. It somehow grows even more on me even after over a dozen listens. Everything is dreamy and classy such as the synths and the guitars topped off by Mars' sensual verses and infectious chorus. As I said the song was still impacting as I type this review, so hopefully it becomes a big hit as it sounds like one! 10/10
    2. Ti Amo: The second song released and title track. This one received mixed reviews from fans upon release as its lyrics are questionable. But it is still a dancefloor pumping catchy track with a chorus that will linger in your head. I like it a lot even if the lyrics are extra silly and inappropriate for some. Though I do hope its not the official second single as there are other far more worthy songs on the album. Still worthy of adding to your workout playlist. 8.5/10
    3. Tuttifrutti: Now this is a candidate for a single. The production is very nice on this with its disco beat and "Empire Of The Sun" style synths. Perfect summer playlist track. The style of the vocals brings back memories of previous album song Drakkar Noir which is extra nice for me. If this isn't released as a single then someone needs to use it in a movie scene montage. Its such a classy jam. 10/10
    4. Fior Di Latte: This one sounds like a spiritual successor to another mentioned previous album favorite "Chloroform". The vibe is a slow jam as well and the lyrics continue the theme of love and sex delivered with romantic corniness in the best way only Mars' could do. Its obviously a baby making track. 9.5/10
    5. Lovelife: At first I didn't love this song as the main synth riff kinda annoyed me. You'll know what I mean when you hear it. But the joyfulness and catchiness just wouldn't let me off that easy as it grew on me after much repetition. Though still not one of my favorites, the album would sound off if it wasn't included. 8/10
    6. Goodbye Soleil: You'll recognize the main synth as sounding almost like an exact replica of "J-boy" but a bit slower. The title means Goodbye Sun, but I cant help but to feel like going out into sunlight while listening to this beach worthy disco slow jam. There is a nice guitar section during the bridge and ending as well. Really nice track. 9/10
    7. Fleur De Lys: Things pick up pace with this urgent dancefloor track again. As always the chorus will beat into your head till you cant get it out. Not bad at all but not spectacular. Good song to run to though. 8/10
    8. Role Model: This one if a new favorite. It builds and builds upon itself in the best way that Phoenix does so well. The final 90 seconds are pure musical bliss. It contains some of the bands best combinations of synths, guitars and layered vocals. Its heartbreaking in its sound but it shows a light at the end of the darkness as well. I wish this would be heard by more people, but I could understand why it wouldn't be released as a single. Still another beautiful masterpiece for me though. 10/10
    9. Via Veneto: This is one of the strangest ballads I've heard along with being one of the most beautiful honestly. Very sensual synths and beat worthy of sitting and listening to while watching the sun set over the ocean. The singing is almost distant but delicate and welcoming. Its a short track which means its even easier to find yourself repeating it. Perfect background track to relax to and reminisce to. 9.5/10
    10: Telefono: They saved the best for last in my opinion. Not only is this my favorite song on the album, it might be in my top ten favorite songs of all time. Though many have tried to emulate the 70s/80s in recent memory, many have failed. This not only succeeds, but it transcends time at the same time. The synths are heartbreakingly gorgeous. The guitar and synth riffs sneak in the background like a ex lover only visible in your peripherals. But the vocals top things off with the catchiest and most tragic beauty I've heard from Mars since "If I Ever Feel Better". But this track steals the show each time. I cant get enough of it. It should be a single! 11/10

    So this album honestly stepped things up from "Bankrupt" in my opinion. It is probably one of their most consistent as a whole as well. Though there are a few songs not as good as the best ones, none of the tracks are filler at all. Many have said it, and I will as well. T
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