
Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
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  1. Apr 21, 2011
    For the flagrant pop thrill-seeker--judging by this incredible, irrepressible, ecstatic, brilliant record--neither will they ever disappoint. Don't believe the anti-hype: pop album of the year, by at least a dozen choruses.
  2. 80
    his Modern Glitch encapsulates true maturity, both musically and emotionally.
  3. Apr 27, 2011
    He pushes the notion further on the brilliantly melodic, ennui-ridden baroque pop ballad "Anti-D," in which Blur's "karaoke songs" from "The Universal" have been replaced by the Wombats' own songs, which are better than "citalopram" and "to be prescribed as freely as any decongestants." The song, like the rest This Modern Glitch, makes the case for the Wombats as both rock stars and fools in their own pop star sitcom.
  4. Apr 26, 2011
    The majority of This Modern Glitch is an enjoyable--but not terribly memorable--collection of songs.
  5. May 3, 2011
    It's certainly not Joy Division, but there's a bittersweet, melancholy and intelligent edge here that's worth investigating.
  6. Apr 21, 2011
    The effort's as sweet as any candy and just as jarring as inhaling 11 inches of the stuff in one sitting.
  7. Aside from a thin outer veil, This Modern Glitch is a disappointment from a band who most listeners were probably only hoping to get a few catchy singles from.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Aug 24, 2013
    What a transformation! A move to a more electro indie sound I believe has been well done by The Wombats. A modern catchy change for theWhat a transformation! A move to a more electro indie sound I believe has been well done by The Wombats. A modern catchy change for the genre I believe is a good thing!

    Top Songs
    Jump Into the Fog
    Our Perfect Disease
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 30, 2012
    This Is a brilliant album with great songs, although the electronic parts may put some people off I loved those songs as they were differentThis Is a brilliant album with great songs, although the electronic parts may put some people off I loved those songs as they were different compared to their previous album and were something new, those who wanted an album simmerlar to the previous one will be dissapointed though as the band has gone for a more unique sound. It is also obvious that the band has matured a lot since their previous album and this is shown in their songs, as they are very different form their previous album.
    Standout songs being : Tokyo(Vampires And Wolves), Jump Into The Fog, Anti-D, Techno Fan and 1996.
    Overall a great album. 8/10
    Full Review »
  3. May 17, 2011
    Despite some negative reviews, this is a brilliant album. Although perhaps lacking some of the schoolgirl sing-along's of "Love, Loss..." itDespite some negative reviews, this is a brilliant album. Although perhaps lacking some of the schoolgirl sing-along's of "Love, Loss..." it still packs some cracking choruses and is perhaps a tad more musical and grown up than the previous album. People expecting a duplicate of the first album may be disappointed, but this new album makes for a much better listen. Definitely worth a go. Full Review »