• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 22, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 156 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 156
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  1. Sep 23, 2014
    Unlike An Awesome Wave, This Is All Yours does not have strong stand alone songs. But as a full album listened through the in entirety it is amazing and atmospheric.
  2. Sep 27, 2014
    When the reviews are jumping from 0's and 3's to 9's and 10's, you know that there must be something unique in alt-J's album. You can't expect this to be another "An awesome wave", they wanted to evolve, and they did. This a compilation of really different songs with a common denominator, except for "Left Hand Free" (which is a really fun song), soul. You can endlessly dig in their musicWhen the reviews are jumping from 0's and 3's to 9's and 10's, you know that there must be something unique in alt-J's album. You can't expect this to be another "An awesome wave", they wanted to evolve, and they did. This a compilation of really different songs with a common denominator, except for "Left Hand Free" (which is a really fun song), soul. You can endlessly dig in their music just to know them, or you, better, just to know how can you feel. And after all, "This is all yours" warns you about this variety.
    I think "An awesome wave" is considered better for being a more compact and solid album, which is true, but that doesn't mean the new one should be considered unthinked, unworked or unloved by them.
  3. Feb 11, 2016
    One of the most creative bands on the planet right now. This is not a hit machine but much more ethereal than Awesome Wave. If they had made another Awesome Wave I would have been more disappointed than I am with this.
  4. Oct 15, 2014
    This is a great record but...

    It takes some effort to get into. I agree with some of the criticism of the intros, interludes and outros being to lengthy which is the main reason most people who dont like this record didnt get into it. The first two songs are essentially intros but contrary to the first record which also had two intros (Intro + Ripe&Ruin) the first two songs on this
    This is a great record but...

    It takes some effort to get into. I agree with some of the criticism of the intros, interludes and outros being to lengthy which is the main reason most people who dont like this record didnt get into it. The first two songs are essentially intros but contrary to the first record which also had two intros (Intro + Ripe&Ruin) the first two songs on this record are more than twice as long as on An Awesome Wave. By the time you get to the first actual song (Nara) you've lost the majority of casual listeners. I suggest to those people to skip those first two songs and listen to the record at least 3 times starting with the third song.

    Nara, the third song, is in my opinion one of the great highlights of the record. Musically and lyrically something really great. Besides the singles everyone heard before the release (hunger of the Pine, Left Hand Free and Every other Freckle) this record offers some great alt-j songs. Choice Kingdom and Warm Foothills are two beautiful songs and the second part to Bloodflood is a great continuation of the first part from the first record.

    Pusher is an amazing love ballad that on the surface level seems simple and has gotten some not so favorable reviews from the likes of pitchfork, etc. But if you actually read the lyrics and understand them its an amazing song with a beautiful message.

    The obligatory hidden track at the end of the record is definitely a highlight as well. A cover of Bill Withers "Lovely Day". Alt-J did a fantastic job with this cover, putting their own spin on it but staying true to the original song.

    All in all this one of my favorite records of the year and I've easily listened to it 30 times by now. I agree its not the most accessible record but the people who say they loved An Awesome Wave and feel let down by this record are just not giving this record a chance to grow on them. Seriously, its so rewarding once you actually let it grow on you...."Love is the warmest color"
  5. Sep 27, 2014
    I thought the album was great. Very chill music. Nara, Choice, Warm, and Gospel are beautiful. I thought Hunger of The PIne was really cool how he mixed Miley Cyrus' "I'm A Female Rebel" into the music. Loved this album.
  6. Oct 6, 2014
    I've loved Alt-J from the first time i ever heard their music. I was extremely nervous that their second album wouldn't be as good as An Awesome Wave, but it exceeded my expectations. This album contains slower songs but they are still amazing. Many of those out there who gave bad scores just don't like Alt-J's style.On my Itunes account, 13 Alt-J songs are in my top 25 most played list,I've loved Alt-J from the first time i ever heard their music. I was extremely nervous that their second album wouldn't be as good as An Awesome Wave, but it exceeded my expectations. This album contains slower songs but they are still amazing. Many of those out there who gave bad scores just don't like Alt-J's style.On my Itunes account, 13 Alt-J songs are in my top 25 most played list, half of them being from this new album. Alt-j is and will continue to be my favorite band. Expand
  7. Sep 23, 2014
    Complex, creative and building on their awesome debut Alt-J define their place in the current music scene with their distinctive style. Highlights include "Left Hand Free", "Hunger In The Pine", "The Gospel of John Hurt" and "Warm Foothills".
  8. Sep 23, 2014
    This album is stellar. 72 seems criminally low for the artistic beauty and varying shades of brilliance that Alt-J has pulled off here. They clearly are studied musicians that have carved out a sound and niche that is unmistakable. There are 5 or 6 tracks here that constitute instant classics, and everything else present lends to a distinct sonic vision from opener to finish
  9. Sep 22, 2014
    This album is really great though it has some weak spots. What you can say about the first Alt-J's albums is that it's building it's climate really well. This Is All yours does it even better than it's predecessor. It starts slowly with the intro, and Arrival in Nara. Then there is a huge hit within Nara. Every Other Freckle (which is one of my favs on the album) continues the happier partThis album is really great though it has some weak spots. What you can say about the first Alt-J's albums is that it's building it's climate really well. This Is All yours does it even better than it's predecessor. It starts slowly with the intro, and Arrival in Nara. Then there is a huge hit within Nara. Every Other Freckle (which is one of my favs on the album) continues the happier part and then comes the Left Hand Free that is one of the earlier mentioned weak spots. Not that the song is bad. It's good as a song and gives fun, but it doesn't fit into the album, or the Alt-J's style generally. It's too typical, and feels not solid with the rest. The Interlude with it's flute theme is... just strange... Then again comes the slower part from Choice Kingdom untill the Pusher. Those songs can be less memorable at first, but really stuck in your head after couple of listens. Hunger of the Pine is however standing out a bit. Despite Miley Cyrus it is still pretty chilly. Another hit comes with the BloodFlood pt II, my second favourite. It somehow reconstructs the first BloodFlood and does it really well.9 out of 10 for this album. Expand
  10. Sep 22, 2014
    Once again alt-J has packed its musical genius and uniqueness into the new album 'This Is All Yours'. The album features some of the band's finest works such as The Gospel of John Hurt, Nara and Bloodflood pt II, each with unforgettable melodies and vocals. However This Is All Yours does briefly and mildly feel like it lacks direction for example 'left hand free' - a generic sounding rockOnce again alt-J has packed its musical genius and uniqueness into the new album 'This Is All Yours'. The album features some of the band's finest works such as The Gospel of John Hurt, Nara and Bloodflood pt II, each with unforgettable melodies and vocals. However This Is All Yours does briefly and mildly feel like it lacks direction for example 'left hand free' - a generic sounding rock song is proceeded by the flute assemble 'Garden of England-Interlude'. These differences in sounds can throw the album off a bit but in no way does it detract from the amazing experience of the album.

    It is important to remember that the album was produced after the departure of Gwil Sainsbury, and yet
    alt-J still mange to deliver their typical mellifluous sound and that truly shows their passion and the amount of hard work they put in this album. Absolutely astonishing!
  11. Sep 25, 2014
    Like the last record and amazing musical achievement by this new band. This band is the future's Radiohead. People who don't like this record are simply too stupid to understand it. 11/10!
  12. Mar 20, 2015
    This album struggles to reach the highs of An Awesome Wave, it feels somehow disjointed and a little repetitious. I'd love to add a solid thunking baseline here and there. Still and all its an enjoyable collection of tunes and The gospel of John Hurt has evocative imagery as good as anything on An Awesome Wave. Solid
  13. Oct 25, 2014
    An extraordinary sequel made by an extraordinary band. 'This is all yours' its the sound of the future and the proof they evolved as a band. One of the best 2014 albums
  14. Aug 6, 2015
    Another solid album from alt-J. The songs on this album just work, and support each other. When I first heard Left Hand Free on the radio, I knew I needed to buy their full album, and it didn't disappoint. "Arrival in Nara" is a journey, with a quiet but most certainly epic intro. "Every Other Freckle" is a happy tune that can make anyone feel great no matter what their mood, which "LeftAnother solid album from alt-J. The songs on this album just work, and support each other. When I first heard Left Hand Free on the radio, I knew I needed to buy their full album, and it didn't disappoint. "Arrival in Nara" is a journey, with a quiet but most certainly epic intro. "Every Other Freckle" is a happy tune that can make anyone feel great no matter what their mood, which "Left Hand Free" is a good song to play driving down the highway. "Hunger of the Pine", my favourite on the album has a certain feeling to it that just brings you in. "Warm Foothills", although starting off with a dark feeling, turns into a nice little cheery mood song, that is quite enjoyable. Another favourite of mine, "Pusher" is a great addition. "Blood flood, Pt. II", although a very weird and unique sounding song, they somehow make that a good thing. The last two songs on the album seem a bit weaker to me, even after listening multiple times, but all the others make up for it. Overall a great album, would defiantly recommend if you're thinking about picking it up.
    Stand-out Tracks: Arrival in Nara, Every Other Freckle, Hunger of the Pine, Pusher
  15. Oct 22, 2014
    They've won the Mercury Prize and lost a band member since their debut album. But even so, they haven't suffered from "second album syndrome" like many other bands in recent years have done.

    There's nothing at all too bad about this album, despite some fans expressing dislike of it. I'm sure there's a few people expressing their dislike of the Miley Cyrus sample in "Hunger of the Pine",
    They've won the Mercury Prize and lost a band member since their debut album. But even so, they haven't suffered from "second album syndrome" like many other bands in recent years have done.

    There's nothing at all too bad about this album, despite some fans expressing dislike of it. I'm sure there's a few people expressing their dislike of the Miley Cyrus sample in "Hunger of the Pine", but personally, as much as I dislike Cyrus, I think the sample adds to the song.

    In short, the album isn't a massive triumph, but it's far from a disaster.
  16. Nov 16, 2014
    I like Alt-J they float my boat and produce credible and quality music in a simplistic way The cd is a gem one of my fave cd of 2014. I not into protensive yak and more yak.
  17. Jun 7, 2015
    First of all, "Left hand free" is NOT the best this album has to offer...this is a solid album all around, although it seems to take itself just a bit too seriously, with the three "Nara" tracks nobody actually understands what they are about. 8/10—"Hunger of the Pine", "Intro", "Bloodflood Pt. 2"
  18. Apr 5, 2016
    83/100. Really good album by a band that is usually overlooked by people. Alt-J can really put together an album that transports you to a different place, and listening to this did just that. Great album, however there were some songs that felt as if they dragged on and repeated themselves too much. Other than that, more than worth a listen.
  19. Jul 4, 2016
    Although not quite as good as their first album, "This Is All Yours" is a great album as a whole. Once again Alt-J delivers their very unique sound in a way only they can. Songs like "Left Hand Free", "Hunger of the Pine", "Pusher" and "Every Other Freckle" are great hits that can stand alone, but when you listen to this album as a whole that's when you can appreciate how awesome it actually is.
  20. Oct 17, 2018
    This is All Yours is a bit hard to describe; it's like An Awesome Wave, but also very different. The key differences between this one and the debut are the length and the tone. This album is nearly an hour, while AAW was just over 40 minutes. For the most part, the music on this album is more subtle and quiet than the music on An Awesome Wave. Good examples of the more subtle, quiet musicThis is All Yours is a bit hard to describe; it's like An Awesome Wave, but also very different. The key differences between this one and the debut are the length and the tone. This album is nearly an hour, while AAW was just over 40 minutes. For the most part, the music on this album is more subtle and quiet than the music on An Awesome Wave. Good examples of the more subtle, quiet music on this sophomore album would be "Arrival in Nara," "Nara," "Choice Kingdom," the bonus track, and a few others. For the most part, it's a calm, mellow, easy-going record that would please people who like that kind of music. As is the norm for Alt-J, the lyrics are abstract, but less abstract than the ones on their debut. A few songs on this record are clearly built around sexual attraction, like "Left Hand Free" and the female-singer-assisted "Warm Foothills." The former is the most traditional song Alt-J has ever made; the most radio-ready and similar to other Alt-rock. It lacks the original Alt-J flair that nearly every all of their other songs boast. The vocals on this album are just as intriguing as they are on the debut, and make this album stand out among other Alt albums. This is All Yours doesn't have much wrong with it; most of the music is interesting, original, and pleasant. It's only shortcomings are it's lack of big, majestic moments - like on the debut - and unoriginal, unimpressive "Left Hand Free." TiAY is a pretty solid album. While it's true that I don't like it as much as Alt-J's debut, I couldn't call it a slump. It's a 7.5. Expand
  21. Jul 28, 2018
    A beautiful sophomore effort; Alt-J outdo themselves on This is All Yours. The gently rising textures of Nara, the soft undertones of Warm Foothills...the album feels as cohesive as its predecessor, with a greater emphasis on melody and tone. The subtlety that characterized An Awesome Wave expresses itself here in drifting currents that elevates you to new planes of emotional complexity.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Nov 6, 2014
    Alt-J could come off as pretentiously obfuscating but for the overt playfulness within the experimental.
  2. 70
    They’ve created the rare sort of album that manages to be both familiar and disorienting at the same time, an expansively cinematic experience that remains unpretentiously grounded.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Sep 29, 2014
    The plethora of headphones-friendly tones frequently overshadow melodies that feel less than fully developed. [3 Oct 2014, p.69]