• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Sep 16, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Alternative Press
    Once again, A Perfect Circle have quietly produced a masterpiece that challenges the very nature of testosterone-fueled angst. [Nov 2003, p.110]
  2. Thirteenth Step is the sound of a musical and lyrical maturity that normally doesn't occur until a band's third or fourth albums.
  3. Granted, Step doesn't have anything as effortlessly flawless as the classic single "Judith" from the band's last album, but it does have a number of songs ("Blue," "The Outsider") that are almost as bombastically beautiful.
  4. By muting Tool's over-the-top attack, Keenan has more time to devote to deepening the textures throughout.
  5. Thanks to the calibre of the line-up’s musicianship, and Keenan’s ability to write lyrics that don’t insult the intelligence of his audience, the gems on Thirteenth Step outnumber the filler.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    [The] band's winding, off-kilter rhythms and contrapuntal guitar riffs create an ominous atmosphere. [19 Sep 2003, p.86]
  7. Sounds more like the dusky thrum of Disintegration-era Cure than it does any of the members' previous bands.
  8. Mojo
    With greater degrees of deliberate construction than Mers De Noms, Thirteenth Step is more cohesive band effort, less ad hoc side project. [Nov 2003, p.132]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 158 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 158
  1. Oct 5, 2014
    This album is amazing. Every song has so much meaning and depth to it and they all sound and feel amazing. A Perfect Circle's best album completely...
  2. Jan 18, 2022
    A Perfect record!
    MJK on his peak, beautiful riffs and an amazing basssound!
    This Album creates a beautiful but also melancholical vibe.
  3. Jan 13, 2022
    Some of the music on this album is really outstanding. As in some of the best heavy rock music ever produced (Vanishing, Gravity). OtherSome of the music on this album is really outstanding. As in some of the best heavy rock music ever produced (Vanishing, Gravity). Other tracks are very, very good (The Package, Weak and Powerless, The Noose, Pet). The problem is the rest are either filler (Blue, Crimes), kind of irritating to listen to because they don't fit with the style of the other tracks (The Nurse Who Loved Me, Lullaby), or reminiscent of other tracks (A Stranger is very nice but the melody is very similar to The Package). The Outsider and A Stranger are tracks I would say are good but not great.

    Putting aside the individual tracks for a moment to look at how the album works as a whole, I would say well but not perfectly. The songs are tied together by the theme of addiction and many of them explore this theme very poignantly. The mood of the music fits the meaning of Maynard's words eerily well. Musically, though, not all of the tracks fit with the overall mood of the album. The greatest offender here is The Nurse, but also Lullaby which seems to be a rather naive attempt at Trip Hop.

    Objectively, Thirteenth Step probably deserves an 8 but because some of the songs on here are just so damn amazing, I give it 9.
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